Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB22KH
Tractor Attachments
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
9 Photos 22KH05003-170
Drayton Valley, AB
171 Schulte 7400 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Snow Blower

7 Photos 22KH05003-180
Drayton Valley, AB
168 John Deere MX5 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Rotary Mower
540 PTO, font and rear debris safety chains, no flat gauge wheel

10 Photos 22KH05003-166
Drayton Valley, AB
169 John Deere 28Ft 3 PT Hitch Sprayer
150 gallon poly tank, 540 PTO drive pump

7 Photos 22KH05003-169
Drayton Valley, AB
172 Cambio Brevettato 58 Inch 3 PT Hitch Rotovator
540 PTO, 3 speed

5 Photos 22KH05003-172
Drayton Valley, AB
173 Custombuilt 24 Inch 3 PT Hitch Hydraulic Log Splitter

7 Photos 22KH05003-177
Drayton Valley, AB
170 7 Ft 3 PT Hitch Disc
7.5 inch spacing, 16 inch serrated front discs, 18 inch smooth rear discs, adjustable gang angle

4 Photos 22KH05003-101
Drayton Valley, AB
191 3 PT Hitch Post Pounder

3 Photos 22KH05003-173
Drayton Valley, AB
167 Custombuilt Front End Loader Bale Fork

4 Photos 22KH05003-174
Drayton Valley, AB
174 101 Inch 3 PT Hitch Blade
Manual angle, manual tilt

3 Photos 22KH05003-005
Drayton Valley, AB
197 3 PT Hitch Bale Fork
(1) 2-1/2 ft spike, (2) 1 ft spikes
540 PTO, manual chute control