Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB22KH
Industrial Support
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
8 Photos 22KH05003-002
Drayton Valley, AB
203 Scaffold Platform On Wheels

Off Site
6 Photos 22KH05003-003
Ross Haven, AB
151 Qty of Aluminum Square Tubing
Myreille 780-399-9432
Near Ross Haven, just off Hwy 43 on RR34
(15) 30 ft x 2 inch x 2 inch and (1) 14 ft x 2 inch x 2 inch

12 Photos 22KH05003-036
Drayton Valley, AB
78 Cabelas Commercial Grade Meat Grinder
Assorted accessories

5 Photos 22KH05003-001
Drayton Valley, AB
196 Qty of End Scaffolding Panels
(12) 5 ft x 5 ft and (1) 2-1/2 ft x 2-1/2 ft sections

3 Photos 22KH05003-175
Drayton Valley, AB
214 Tidy Fuel Tank

4 Photos 22KH05003-006
Drayton Valley, AB
224 Portable Cement Mixer
Drum opening 18 inch, drum depth 20 inch

Off Site
5 Photos 22KH05003-120
Ross Haven, AB
234 (4) Pipe Stands
Myielle 780-399-9432
Near Ross Haven, just off Hwy 43 and RR34.
(2) 12 ft long, (2) 8 ft long

5 Photos 22KH05003-049
10-1/2 ft H x 10 ft L x 5 ft W, (3) Metaltech platforms