Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB22KH

Parts / Accessories / Shop Supplies

List Grid Name ID Date Lot

12 Photos 22KH05003-032

Drayton Valley, AB

29 72 Compartment Bolt Bin with Hardware

Bolts, nuts, screws, washers, assorted fittings

8 Photos 22KH05003-035

Drayton Valley, AB

24 (4) Shop Racks with Assorted Hoses, Welding Cable and Extension Hoses

9 Photos 22KH05003-074

Drayton Valley, AB

86 Qty of Shop Items

300v wire, reusable bags, mop bucket, new and used gloves

9 Photos 22KH05003-008

Drayton Valley, AB

51 (30) Boxes of Miscellaneous Pipe Fittings, Screws, PVC Pipe and Plastic Fittings

9 Photos 22KH05003-016

Drayton Valley, AB

49 Qty of Parts Bins with Parts

Screws, air compressor fittings, vinyl electrical tape, pad locks, hose/pipe fittings, shop tools & accessories, (2) blue totes

3 Photos 22KH05003-117

Drayton Valley, AB

221 (2) Tarps

3 Photos 22KH05003-059

Drayton Valley, AB

90 Qty of Shop Fluids

11 Photos 22KH05003-062

Drayton Valley, AB

134 Qty of Shop Items

Grease guns, (4) tubes of grease, lantern, flashlight, welding rod case, Stihl dremel

12 Photos 22KH05003-029

Drayton Valley, AB

19 Qty of Metal Parts Bins with Parts

Hydraulic fittings, copper fittings, muffler clamps, screws, washers

4 Photos 22KH05003-034

Drayton Valley, AB

53 Qty of Chains and Boomers

16 Photos 22KH05003-064

Drayton Valley, AB

89 Qty of Shop Items

Space heaters, extension cord, jack, rope, electrical connectors, electrical boxes, Bosch impact drill, Pro Point air impact, heat lamp

10 Photos 22KH05003-090

Drayton Valley, AB

87 Miscellaneous Shop Items

Oil and miscellaneous filters, shop stool, chain saw safety chaps, extension cords, (2) rolls of packing tape, Oster clippers, booster cables

12 Photos 22KH05003-022

Drayton Valley, AB

16 Qty of Shop Fluids

Oils, grease, citronella

7 Photos 22KH05003-045

Drayton Valley, AB

28 Qty of Shop Items

(2) portable lights, paint mixer, face shield, (2) 14 inch chop saw blades, (9) 4 inch flap discs, qty of 5 inch zip discs, 5 inch fibre discs, 4-1/2 inch grinder discs, assorted tools, 36 inch shelf

5 Photos 22KH05003-060

Drayton Valley, AB

136 Qty of Shop Fluids, Zip Ties and Snap-On Flashlight

3 Photos 22KH05003-149

Drayton Valley, AB

13 Qty of Brooms, Rakes, Shovels, Tree Loppers, Zohan Ear Muffs with Radio

4 Photos 22KH05003-150

Drayton Valley, AB

14 Qty of Brooms, Shovels, Axe, Pick Axe, Potato Fork

6 Photos 22KH05003-112

Drayton Valley, AB

75 (8) Wire Mesh Screens, (3) Tomato Cages, (1) Roller Stand, Golf Bag Cart

17 Photos 22KH05003-021

Drayton Valley, AB

38 Qty of Parts Bins with Parts

Rivets, hose clamps, muffler clamps, screws, cotter pins, nuts and washers

7 Photos 22KH05003-038

Drayton Valley, AB

35 Qty of Shop Supplies

Trowels, plywood clips, steel wool, sand paper

6 Photos 22KH05003-040

Drayton Valley, AB

18 Qty of Shop Supplies

3 inch nails, 1-1/4 inch roofing nails, rags, blue bags, floor absorbent, (2) 12-5 inch x 4 inch tires, welding rods, assorted tools

4 Photos 22KH05003-048

Drayton Valley, AB

21 Qty of Shop Items

Squares, axe and hammer handles, broom head, trouble light, zip ties, hardware

6 Photos 22KH05003-142

Drayton Valley, AB

220 Qty of Garden Hoses and Poly Pipe

5 Photos 22KH05003-098

Drayton Valley, AB

122 John Deere Fender Part # M153764 & (2) Belts, (2) Bearings

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB - Nov 11, 2022
