Unreserved Online Timed Shop Tools & Acreage Equipment for Myrielle Shwets of Ross Haven, AB22KH
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
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5 Photos 22KH05003-007
Ross Haven, AB
152 Qty of 20 Ft - 40 Ft Birch Logs
Myrielle 780-399-9432
Near Ross Haven, just off Hwy 43 and RR34.

3 Photos 22KH05003-155
Drayton Valley, AB
198 (2) Gray Tarps & (1) 18 Ft X 28 Ft Mesh Tarp

16 Photos 22KH05003-063
Drayton Valley, AB
91 Qty of Misc Items
Bale twine, straps, lights, bird houses, lawn chairs, air impacts, space heater, tripod, lamp, knee pads, spray jug, extension cord

5 Photos 22KH05003-133
Drayton Valley, AB
114 (1) 10 Liter & (1) Part Jug of Trillion Turf Herbicide & 4 Liter Bleach

12 Photos 22KH05003-039
Drayton Valley, AB
130 Qty of Misc Items
Flare kit, face shield, airbrush set, wax bars, (3) John Deere 20-1/2 inch mower blades, c-clamp, steel wool, vet kit with syringes, ear punch, ear tags, horse shoes

4 Photos 22KH05003-182
Drayton Valley, AB
83 ViVitar E34 Negative Enlarging Viewer

4 Photos 22KH05003-114