Unreserved Online Timed Equipment Consignment Auction23GA
Tractor Attachments
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23GA31005-005
Fairview, AB
725 Woods 9320 20 Ft Batwing Mower

4 Photos 23GA07032-005
Fairview, AB
657 John Deere 400CX Front End Loader w/ 6 Ft Bucket

4 Photos 23GA07044-010
Rycroft, AB
666 Towable Hydraulic Excavator
Go north of Rycroft on HWY 2 for 16 km to Volin RD, turn east onto Volin RD for 4 km to RGE RD 43 and go 1 mile south
11 inch dig bucket, Honda GC 160 gas engine

4 Photos 23GA03001-033
Fairview, AB
643 TMG Industrial TMG-RT175 70 Inch 3 PT Hitch Rotary Tiller (Unused)
35-55 HP Tractor, 6 inch tilling depth, PTO shaft included, category 1 & 2 hookup

4 Photos 23GA03001-039
Fairview, AB
644 TMG Industrial TMG-TFMS60 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Side Shift Offset Flail Mower (Unused)
30-60 HP tractor, PTO drive shaft

4 Photos 23GA07032-013
Fairview, AB
662 Frontier Hay Grapple

4 Photos 23GA07032-014
Fairview, AB
663 Frontier 13 Ft Dozer Blade

4 Photos 23GA07032-030
Fairview, AB
664 84 Inch 3 Point Hitch Roto Tiller
Missing PTO

4 Photos 23GA07063-002
Fairview, AB
668 Farm King 510 3 Point Hitch Mower
5 Ft Wide

4 Photos 23GA07003-002
Fairview, AB
648 Cancade 96 Inch Hydraulic Dozer Blade w/ Mount

4 Photos 23GA07032-003
Fairview, AB
656 Frontier 4 Ft Pallet Forks

4 Photos 23GA07061-002
Fairview, AB
667 Field General 23560 5 Ft 3 Point Hitch Mower

4 Photos 23GA07032-007
Fairview, AB
658 Buhler Farm King 7 Ft 3 PT Hitch Blade

4 Photos 23GA07004-002
Fairview, AB
651 10 Ft Dozer Blade

4 Photos 23GA07032-008
Fairview, AB
659 Gearmore 60 Inch 3 PT Hitch Box Blade

4 Photos 23GA07003-001
Fairview, AB
647 Douglas MFG 0772BG 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Box Scraper
Teeth, Weights included

4 Photos 23GA07003-003
Fairview, AB
649 3 PT Hitch Post Hole Auger w/ 12 Inch Auger
540 PTO

4 Photos 23GA31005-006
Fairview, AB
634 Bale Forks
Fits Allis Chalmers AC7040 tractor

4 Photos 23GA06003-018
Fairview, AB
646 84 Inch - Tractor Attachment

4 Photos 23GA07032-011
Fairview, AB
660 84 Inch 3 PT Hitch Landscape Rake

4 Photos 23GA07032-012
Fairview, AB
661 Frontier 72 Inch 3 PT Hitch Landscape Rake

4 Photos 23GA07015-008
Fairview, AB
655 Swisher 44 Inch Bucket w/ Front Receiver Mount

4 Photos 23GA07015-007
Fairview, AB
654 Brinly BS-381 38 Inch Box Scraper

4 Photos 23GA07004-010
Fairview, AB
652 Bale Forks

3 Photos 23GA07015-004
Fairview, AB
653 Universal One Point Lift For Ground Engaging Products

4 Photos 23GA10005-004
Fairview, AB
669 Hood Guards and Loader Mounts
For compact Utility tractor loaders

4 Photos 23GA07003-008
Fairview, AB
650 Tractor Weights

4 Photos 23GA06001-004
1000 PTO