Complete Dispersal Auction For Roland & Fay Cailliau o/a Moovers Inc24DL
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24DL30001-017
Valleyview, AB
43 1975 Chaimberlain 45 Ft T/A Aluminum Cattle Liner Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.

4 Photos 24DL30001-009
Valleyview, AB
42 1995 Castleton 45 Ft Tri/Axle Grain Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
Roll tarp, 2 hoppers, Spring Suspension, 11R24.5

4 Photos 24DL30001-029
Valleyview, AB
36 1992 Bergen 12 Ft T/A Stock Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
torsion suspension, ST205/75R15 tires

4 Photos 24DL30001-016
Valleyview, AB
38 Custombuilt 16 Ft S/A Dump Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
Grain endgate, self-trip sileage Gate

4 Photos 24DL30001-020
Valleyview, AB
39 Hamms 15898 Litre T/A Pup Tank Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
steel tank

4 Photos 24DL30001-007
Valleyview, AB
37 Trailmobile 26 Ft S/A Van Trailer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
air brakes, shelving
Spring suspension, nose decking, 275-70R22.5 Tires