Complete Dispersal Auction For Roland & Fay Cailliau o/a Moovers Inc24DL
Sprayers / Spreader Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24DL30001-024
Valleyview, AB
83 Hardi 56 Ft S/A High Clearance Sprayer
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.

4 Photos 24DL30001-090
Valleyview, AB
113 Smoke Glyphosate Herbicide
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
± 240 L

2 Photos 24DL30001-157
Valleyview, AB
84 Sprayer Filters
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.

2 Photos 24DL30001-158
Valleyview, AB
85 Weed Wipers
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
4 Ft x 6 Ft
3028 L poly tank, tires