Complete Dispersal Auction For Roland & Fay Cailliau o/a Moovers Inc24DL
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24DL30001-010
Valleyview, AB
50 2014 John Deere 6140D MFWD Loader Tractor
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
Hour Meter:
7278 hours showing

4 Photos 24DL30001-015
Valleyview, AB
48 1984 John Deere 4650 2WD Tractor
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
Hour Meter:
7742 hours showing
John Deere 183 HP, diesel engine, 16 speed Quad Range manual transmission, cab, A/C, radio, Big 1000 PTO, 3 rear hydraulic outlets, 16.5L-16.1 front tires, 20.8-38 dual rear tires

4 Photos 24DL30001-011
Valleyview, AB
49 International Harvester 1086 2WD Loader Tractor
From Valleyview: North on Hwy 49 to TWP 725. East on 725 for 10Km to the stop sign. Head South for 1Km on Old High Prairie Rd. 72506 Old High Prairie Rd.
John Deere H310 loader, Q/A, 84 inch bucket, grapple, 9 speed manual transmission, cab, left hand reverser, joystick, A/C, radio, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point hitch, 3 rear hydraulic outlets, rear wheel weights, Fluid in Tires, Diff Lock