Equipment Auction23JC
Irrigation Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23JC18010-018
Edmonton, AB
53 Multiflow Professional Drainage Weeping Tile
Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw

4 Photos 23JC18010-092
Edmonton, AB
58 19.5 Ft X 24 Inch Culvert

4 Photos 23JC18010-093
Edmonton, AB
59 20 Inch X 20 Ft Culvert

4 Photos 23JC18010-028
Edmonton, AB
56 Honda 3 Inch Trash Pump
Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw
Honda GX 160 gas motor

4 Photos 23JC18010-014
Edmonton, AB
52 Qty of Poly Water Hoses and Fittings
Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw
20 ft x 2 inch poly water hose equipped with camlock fittings, 3.5 inch suction hose approximately 20 ft long with camlock fittings and suction screen, 20 ft x 2 inch poly water hose with camlock fittings and suction screen, 20 ft x 2 inch Poly water hose with camlock fittings and suction screen, 3.5 inch poly water hose with camlock fittings and suction screen, 2 wheel chocks, 2 canvas heater ducts, 1 4 ft x 2 inch poly water hose with camlock fittings.

4 Photos 23JC18010-096
Edmonton, AB
62 Sdr Ring Tite PVC Sewer Pipe 13 Ft Sections
5 pieces 12 inch x 13 ft long, 300 mm, 46 PSI, 2 pieces SDR 4 inch x 13 ft

4 Photos 23JC18010-021
Edmonton, AB
54 Qty of Lay Flat Water Hose
Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw
Various sizes and lengths, cam lock fittings, suction screens, and miscellaneous water pumping accessories

4 Photos 23JC18010-023
Edmonton, AB
55 Honda Gx 160 Trash Pump
Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw
2 inch fittings

4 Photos 23JC18010-094
Edmonton, AB
60 (3) Pieces of Culvert
1 - 12 inch x 22 ft, 1 - 20 inch x 78 inch cut off, 1 - 8 inch x 15 ft, 1 - 6 inch x 12 ft white PVC pipe

4 Photos 23JC18010-089
Edmonton, AB
57 6 Inch Drainage Pipe
Approximately 55 ft

4 Photos 23JC18010-097
Edmonton, AB
63 Culvert Connector Clamps
2 - 12 inch, 1 - 20 inch, 1 half piece of 24 inch

4 Photos 23JC18010-095
Edmonton, AB
61 Section of Storm Sewage Drainage Pipe
Some damage, 19 ft x 18.28 inch, Big "O" Boss 2000 450 mm
1 roll 19 inch wide x 125 ft, 1 roll 12 inch wide x 150 ft