Equipment Auction23JC

Building / Building Materials

List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price

4 Photos 23JC18010-059


Edmonton, AB

37 Qty of 5/8 Inch and 1/2 Inch Rebar

Bundle of ± 84 - 5/8 inch, 12 - 1/2 inch


4 Photos 23JC18010-055


Edmonton, AB

35 Galvanized Support Post

Post 10 inch x 10 inch, top plate 11 inch x 11 inch x 3/8 inch, base plate 19-3/4 inch x 19-3/4 inch x 1 inch thick with corner holes, overall length 20 ft 8 inch


4 Photos 23JC18010-050


Edmonton, AB

40 Qty of 3.5 Inch Square Posts

Actual measurement 3.5 inch X 3.5 inch x 8 ft, approximately 90 total


4 Photos 23JC18026-044


Edmonton, AB

43 Qty of Granite Slabs


Located at 21220-107 Ave SW Edmonton (Winterburn Industrial Park)

3 pieces 1-3/16 inch thick, 3 ft x 4 ft, 3 ft x 66 inch, and 27 inch x 90 inch, 7 pieces 3/4 inch thick, average 58 inch x 7 ft, 44 inch x 68 inch, and other various lengths.


4 Photos 23JC18026-045


Edmonton, AB

44 Qty of Granite Slabs


Located at 21220-107 Ave SW Edmonton (Winterburn Industrial Park)

1.25 inch & 0.75 inch thick, various lengths 42 inch to 9 ft, approximately. 22 pieces in this lot.


4 Photos 23JC18010-083


Edmonton, AB

39 Pallet of Plywood

3/4 inch utility grade, 12 sheets new, 9 sheets used, 4 part sheets


4 Photos 23JC18026-043


Edmonton, AB

42 Granite Slabs


Located at 21220-107 Ave SW Edmonton (Winterburn Industrial Park)

4 ft to 8 ft in lengths, 50 inches to 55 inches wide, 3/4 inch, 7/8 inch, and 1-1/8 inch thicknesses


4 Photos 23JC18010-037


Edmonton, AB

32 Qty of Assorted Geo Span Panels


Located at Teams Edmonton yard, 11735-231st Nw

4 - 2 ft x 8 ft x 2 inch panels, 4 - 4 ft x 8 ft x 4 inch, compressible fill material.


4 Photos 23JC18010-056


Edmonton, AB

36 8 Inch X 8 Inch X 20 Ft H-Beam

3/8 inch thick


4 Photos 23JC18010-049


Edmonton, AB

33 Construction Sidewalk Matting

3 - 4 ft x 8 ft sidewalk mattings made from plywood and 2 inch x 6 inch boards, assorted 4 inch x 4 inch posts, miscellaneous wood.


4 Photos 23JC18010-054


Edmonton, AB

34 8 Inch X 161 Inch X 3/8 Inch H-Beam

Lifting hooks, end holes


4 Photos 23JC18010-048


Edmonton, AB

31 Qty of Misc Lumber

6 - 2 inch x 7 inch x 10 ft, 2 - 2 inch x 7 inch x 8 ft, 2 - 6 inch x 6 inch x 8 ft


4 Photos 23JC06001-001


Taber, AB

46 8 Ft X 12 Ft Barn Style Shed (Unused)


6002 60 Ave Taber, AB

5 ft double door, on a 4X4 pressure treated skid


4 Photos 23JC06001-002


Taber, AB

47 8 Ft X 12 Ft Barn Style Shed (Unused)


6002 60 Ave Taber, AB

5 ft double door, on a 4X4 pressure treated skid


4 Photos 23JC06001-003


Taber, AB

48 10 Ft X 12 Ft A-Frame Shed (Unused)


6002 60 Ave Taber, AB

7 ft walls, 5 ft double door, on a 4X4 pressure treated skid


4 Photos 23JC18010-070


Edmonton, AB

38 (4) Galvanized Window Wells

1 - 66 inch x 30 inch x 21 inch, 2 - 66 inch x 30 inch x 30 inch, 1 - 66 inch x 24 inch x 21 inch


4 Photos 23JC05008-021


Drayton Valley, AB

29 (2) Treated 16 Ft Long 6 X 4 Timbers


15 min Northwest of Drayton Valley, AB


4 Photos 23JC05013-013


Gainford, AB

30 (13±) Power Poles


From Hwy 16 at Gainford go north on 1st Street for 0.5 km to Lake Ave turn left and go 1 km to sale site.


4 Photos 23JC10006-001


Drayton Valley, AB

49 10 Ft X 12 Ft Shed

4 ft porch, 123 inch high, tin roof, (2) sliding windows


4 Photos 23JC10023-001


Drayton Valley, AB

50 A-Frame Bunk House

12 ft w x 18 ft l, tin roof, wired, built-in bed frame


2 Photos 23JC08006-002


Drayton Valley, AB

45 18 Ft W X 16 Ft H Shop Door (Unused)

Complete with electric motor


4 Photos 23JC08006-003


Drayton Valley, AB

51 Future Steel 45 Ft W X 80 Ft L Steel Building (Unused)

commercial grade, ready to be assembled


4 Photos 23JC18010-053


Edmonton, AB

41 Qty of Cinder Blocks

39 regular mid wall blocks, 15 corner blocks, 15-1/2 inch x 7-1/2 inch each block

Categories: Equipment Auction - Oct 21, 2023
