Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for the Estate of Gerald McGinnis23EE


List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price

4 Photos 23EE18001-046


Athabasca, AB

210 2010 John Deere 2320 MFWD Loader Utility Tractor


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Hour Meter:

337 hours showing

John Deere CX200 loader, Q/A, 54 inch bucket, Yanmar 1.1 L 3 cylinder 24 HP, diesel engine, 18 PTO HP, hydro 2 range transmission, 540 PTO, Mid pto, 23X8.50-12 front tires, 31X13.50-15 rear tires


4 Photos 23EE18001-032


Athabasca, AB

202 1979 International 3388 4WD Tractor


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Hour Meter:

6338 hours showing

International DT436B 7.1 L 6 cylinder engine, 16 speed partial power shift transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3 rear hydraulic outlets, 20.8-38 tires


4 Photos 23EE18001-035


Athabasca, AB

186 1967 Ford 5000 2WD Utility Tractor


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Ford 4 cylinder engine, 8 speed manual transmission, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 2 rear hydraulic outlets, rear wheel weights, 18.4-30 rear tires


4 Photos 23EE18001-043


Athabasca, AB

187 Ford 8N 2WD Tractor


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Caterpillar 4 cylinder gas engine, 27 PTO HP, 4 speed manual transmission, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 6.70-15 front tires, 12.4-28 rear tires


4 Photos 23EE18001-026


Athabasca, AB

203 1975 Massey Ferguson 1805 4WD Tractor


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Hour Meter:

3222 hours showing

Caterpillar 3208 10.4 L V8 210 HP, diesel engine, 193 PTO HP, 12 speed manual transmission, 1000 PTO, 3 rear hydraulic outlets, 18.4-34 tires, duals

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for the Estate of Gerald McGinnis - May 22, 2023
