Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for the Estate of Gerald McGinnis23EE


List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price

4 Photos 23EE18001-073


Athabasca, AB

95 Qty of Misc Items


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

(2) animal cages, 5 inch chimney sweep, ice auger, meat hooks, propane burner, tarp 20X24 tarp (unused)


4 Photos 23EE18001-075


Athabasca, AB

93 Qty of Yard and Shop Items


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

(5) saw horses, wind gauge, part jug of Round up, Wire stretcher, (2) dandelion bars, 8L of ATV, heated dog mat, ornamental plant stand, ice fishing tip up, power steering pump pulley set


4 Photos 23EE18001-077


Athabasca, AB

91 Qty of Yard Items & Misc Items


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Gas BBQ, flower pot, roll baler twine, part box of screws, assorted party lights, booster cables, miscellaneous


4 Photos 23EE18001-193


Athabasca, AB

48 Fish Food, First Aid Kit, Folding Table, Gloves, Fishing Gear


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side


4 Photos 23EE18001-207


Athabasca, AB

58 Misc Fencing Supplies & Tools


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Solar fencer, electric fence supplies, miscellaneous screws, garden supplies, BBQ kit, tool box, John Deere mulch kit


4 Photos 23EE18001-116


Athabasca, AB

130 Misc Items


From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

Insulated tarp, hay fork, 6 inch ice auger, Homelite leaf blower (inoperable)

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for the Estate of Gerald McGinnis - May 22, 2023
