Unreserved Online Timed Farm Equipment Auction for the Estate of Gerald McGinnis23EE
Building / Building Materials
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23EE18001-213
Athabasca, AB
155 (55±) 12 Inch X 14 Ft 0 Inch Metal Panels
From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side

4 Photos 23EE18001-212
Athabasca, AB
154 (30±) of Various Size Plywood
From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side
Various thickness, some OSB

4 Photos 23EE18001-119
Athabasca, AB
157 Qty of 5/4 Deck Boards
From Athabasca go 30 kms north on Hwy 813 to MA 692033 Hwy 813 on east side
(18) 16 ft (18) 10 ft (20) 14 ft