Unreserved Timed Real Estate & Farm Auction for Greg Iwasuik21FE
Tires / Tracks
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
3 Photos 21FE0500-105
88 14.9-28 Rear Tractor Tire
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-050
46 (2) B.F Goodrich 23.1-30 Tractor Tires with Rims
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-051
47 (2) Rear 14.9-38/13-38 Tractor Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
14.9-38/13-38 w/ rim

2 Photos 21FE0500-199
168 (3) 11R24.5 Truck Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) with rim

3 Photos 21FE0500-200
169 (5) Agriculture Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(2) 10.00-16 front tractor tires, (1) 31X13.50-15 implement tire, (2) 11L-14 implement tires

2 Photos 21FE0500-201
170 (3) Miscellaneous Tires and (2) Rims
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side