Unreserved Timed Real Estate & Farm Auction for Greg Iwasuik21FE
Shop / Tools / Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
3 Photos 21FE0500-018
166 Westeel Tidy Tank
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-021
173 Atlas Copco Industrial Air Compressor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
4 cylinder Ford gas engine, hose with reel, skid mounted

3 Photos 21FE0500-019
167 L Shape Tidy Tank
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
GPI 12 volt pump, hose & nozzle

3 Photos 21FE0500-088
96 Power Fist Engine Overhaul Stand
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-089
97 2" Water Pump
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Briggs 3 HP engine

4 Photos 21FE0500-090
98 16" Metal Cut Off Saw with Bench
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
5 HP, 230V electric motor

3 Photos 21FE0500-091
99 Falcon HV20 Metal Cutting Bandsaw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
110V, spare saw blades

4 Photos 21FE0500-092
100 Floor Model Drill Press
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1 HP electric motor, 5/8" chuck

4 Photos 21FE0500-093
101 Pallet of Straps and Weld on Winches
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-094
95 Varsol Parts Washing Cabinet
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-099
75 Qty of Jerry Cans
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-132
77 Husqvarna 380 Chain Saw & Stihl 034 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
both non-runners

3 Photos 21FE0500-133
78 Husqvarna 266 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
16" bar

3 Photos 21FE0500-134
79 Stihl MS 250 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
16" bar

3 Photos 21FE0500-135
80 Stihl 036 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
20" bar

2 Photos 21FE0500-136
81 Husqvarna 181SE Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
18" bar

4 Photos 21FE0500-137
82 Husqvarna 14" Chop Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-139
69 Hydraulic Lift Table
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-195
14 Lincoln G8000 Gas Welder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Briggs 16 HP Twin cylinder engine, cables with reels, electrical cord and reel, Oxy/Acet torch with gauges and hose reel, mounts for bottles, no hour meter

4 Photos 21FE0500-196
13 Antique International Single Cylinder Water Cooled Gas Engine
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
3 to 5 HP

4 Photos 21FE0500-197
11 (3) Fans
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) belt drive, (1) with motor

4 Photos 21FE0500-198
171 Shop Built Hydraulic Drive Log Splitter
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
on skid

4 Photos 21FE0500-202
86 100 Ton Air jack
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Fill Rite 20 GPM 12 volt pump, hose & nozzle