Unreserved Timed Real Estate & Farm Auction for Greg Iwasuik21FE
All Items
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 21FE0500-002
188 2004 Agco RT95 MFWD Loader Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-082
161 2015 Highline Bale Pro CFR650 Bale Processor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1000 pto, right hand discharge, light package, fine cut option

4 Photos 21FE0500-004
185 1975 John Deere 7020 4WD Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Degelman 6way dozer blade, cab, A/C, heat, 1000 pto, factory axle mount duals, 18.4X34 tires were replaced 400 hours ago, 5520 hours

4 Photos 21FE0500-008
186 Caterpillar D7 17A Crawler Dozer
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
canopy, hydraulic blade, rear drawbar, converted to electric start (no pup motor)

4 Photos 21FE0500-014
177 1994 White GMC T/A Day Cab Picker Truck
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Cummins Engine, 8LL transmission, spring ride suspension, 5th wheel, rear pintle hitch, electric brake controller, Fassi F190 picker, 365 front & 11R24.5 rear tires, 192,017 original kms (owner verified), Alberta registered and have copy of registration

4 Photos 21FE0500-005
182 1975 Allis Chalmers 7080 2WD Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
210 HP diesel engine, (20) speed transmission (10) speed with (2) speed power direct shift on the go, cab, A/C, heat, big 1000 PTO, (3) rear hydraulic outlets, front & rear wheel weights, 20.8 x 38 tires with factory cast duals, hours are not visible

4 Photos 21FE0500-013
178 2001 SWS 30' T/A Goose Neck Deck Trailer
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
beaver tails, flip over ramps, 10,000 lb axles with duals, Alberta registered

4 Photos 21FE0500-012
187 Caterpillar 12E Motor Grader
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
cab, roll bar, converted to electric start (no pup motor)

4 Photos 21FE0500-036
157 Case IH RBX562 Round Baler
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 pto, gathering wheels, pickup gauge wheels, bale kicker

4 Photos 21FE0500-038
159 New Holland 116 14' Hydro Swing Haybine
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 pto, (2) sets of knives

4 Photos 21FE0500-015
179 1972 Chevrolet C60 T/A Grain Truck
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
427 V8 gas engine, 5X3 transmission, power steering, 18' steel box and hoist, 97,637 miles showing, Alberta registered and have copy of registration

4 Photos 21FE0500-035
156 2014 New Holland Pro Ted 3417 Hay Tedder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 pto drive

4 Photos 21FE0500-037
158 Kuhn SR112 12 Wheel V Rake
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-001
184 Cockshutt 1850 2WD Loader Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
loader, bucket, forks, diesel engine, only 540 PTO stub, (2) rear hydraulic outlets, 11.00 x 16 front &20.8 x 38 rear tires

4 Photos 21FE0500-033
152 White 271 25' Tandem Field Disc
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
rock flex bearing hangers, duals on main frame

4 Photos 21FE0500-006
183 International 756 2WD Row Crop Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
diesel engine, 3 Pt hitch, 540 pto, (2) rear hydraulic outlets, 14.9X38 rear tires

4 Photos 21FE0500-003
181 Minneapolis Moline U 2WD Tractor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
diesel engine, front mount wood saw, belt pulley, 540 pto, single rear hydraulic outlet, real good 14.9X38 rear tires

4 Photos 21FE0500-011
175 John Deere 2320 Swather
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
18' header, pickup reels, gas engine

4 Photos 21FE0500-034
151 Harmond 40' Spring Tooth Harrow Bar
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
hydraulic lift

3 Photos 21FE0500-039
150 Melroe 903 8 Bottom Plow
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
auto , coulters

4 Photos 21FE0500-010
176 Massey Ferguson 760 Combine
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
diesel engine, rubber belt pickup

4 Photos 21FE0500-028
155 T/A Log Jeep & Pole Trailer
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
11R24.5 tires, spring suspension

4 Photos 21FE0500-032
153 Allis Chalmers 2500 5 Bottom Plow
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
hydraulic steer on back wheel

3 Photos 21FE0500-018
166 Westeel Tidy Tank
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Fill Rite 20 GPM 12 volt pump, hose & nozzle

4 Photos 21FE0500-021
173 Atlas Copco Industrial Air Compressor
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
4 cylinder Ford gas engine, hose with reel, skid mounted

3 Photos 21FE0500-019
167 L Shape Tidy Tank
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
GPI 12 volt pump, hose & nozzle

4 Photos 21FE0500-104
89 HLA Bale Forks
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Global mounts

4 Photos 21FE0500-029
174 John Deere 6601 Pull Type Combine (for parts)
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-107
71 4" x 10' Utility Auger
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-084
172 Shop Built Yard Drag
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-085
180 1986 GMC Cab & Chassis
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
366 V8 gas engine, 5&2 transmission, hoist,10.00-20 duals

2 Photos 21FE0500-086
84 Used Power Poles
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
various lengths

3 Photos 21FE0500-087
85 (50+/-) 6-7' Fence Posts (used)
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-088
96 Power Fist Engine Overhaul Stand
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-089
97 2" Water Pump
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Briggs 3 HP engine

4 Photos 21FE0500-090
98 16" Metal Cut Off Saw with Bench
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
5 HP, 230V electric motor

3 Photos 21FE0500-091
99 Falcon HV20 Metal Cutting Bandsaw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
110V, spare saw blades

4 Photos 21FE0500-092
100 Floor Model Drill Press
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1 HP electric motor, 5/8" chuck

4 Photos 21FE0500-093
101 Pallet of Straps and Weld on Winches
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-094
95 Varsol Parts Washing Cabinet
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-095
94 Pallet of Metal & Poly Sprockets
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-096
42 Pallet of Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-097
43 Pallet of Hydraulic Hoses (used)
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-098
76 Gould 4" Submersible Pump
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1/2 HP

4 Photos 21FE0500-099
75 Qty of Jerry Cans
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-100
93 Pallet of Pulleys
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-101
92 Pallet of Pillow Block Bearings
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-102
90 Grain Auger Hopper & Flexible Spout
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0001-001
Wildwood, AB
190 NW34-53-10-W5 88.99 ± acres
Wildwood, AB
53526B Range Road 102A<br/>Acres subject to property boundary realignment<br/>Located on south shore of Chip Lake

2 Photos 21FE0500-103
91 Heated Water Trough
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-105
88 14.9-28 Rear Tractor Tire
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-106
72 Pallet of Hydraulic Parts & Miscellaneous
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
hydraulic control, hydraulic pump, (2) hydraulic cylinders, hand winch, driveline yolks, (30+/-) hydraulic motors

4 Photos 21FE0500-108
74 Pallet of Pillow Blocks, Bearings, Hubs and Couplings
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-109
73 Pallet of Pulleys & Sprockets
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-110
53 24" X 20' I Beam (used)
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-111
52 (2) 10" x 38' H Beams
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
ends rounded

3 Photos 21FE0500-112
51 (4) 12" X 38' +/- Beams (used)
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-113
49 (2) 6" X 20' & (1) 8" X 20' (bent) I Beams
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-114
50 Various Short Pieces of I Beam
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
various length & size

3 Photos 21FE0500-115
48 Qty of Pipe & Structual Steel
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
3 1/2" yellow jacket pipe, (3) 4"X20' square tube, angle iron, 3/8" cold roll & miscellaneous steel

4 Photos 21FE0500-116
163 International 7 Ft 3 Pt Hitch Rough Cut Mower
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 pto

4 Photos 21FE0500-117
148 John Deere 9350 30" Double Disc Press Drill
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
factory transport, grass and fertilizer attachments

4 Photos 21FE0500-118
143 Older 8 FT Cultivator
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
with diamond harrows, 14.00-18 tires

4 Photos 21FE0500-119
144 Bradley 18 Ft Cultivator
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
mounted 3 bar spring tooth harrows

4 Photos 21FE0500-120
145 Morris L-160 19 FT Cultivator
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
mounted 3 bar spring tooth harrows

4 Photos 21FE0500-121
147 Shop Built 12' Land Roller
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-122
142 Wooden Wheel Front Wagon Axle
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-123
146 Massey Ferguson 880 6 Bottom Plow
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
16" bottoms

4 Photos 21FE0500-124
141 Older 12 Ft Steel End Wheel Drill
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6" spacing

3 Photos 21FE0500-125
140 Shop Built Water Trailer
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(2) tanks

4 Photos 21FE0500-126
165 2015 Farm King CX1051 Self Propelled Grain Auger
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
hydraulic drive, Kohler 35 Hp Twin cylinder electric start engine

4 Photos 21FE0500-127
164 Brandt 1060 Mechanical Swing Grain Auger
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 pto

4 Photos 21FE0500-128
139 6" X 30" Grain Auger
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Briggs engine ( no pull cord)

4 Photos 21FE0500-129
138 30 Ft Harrow Bar
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(6) 5' diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FE0500-130
137 Older Breaking Plow
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
13.00-24 tires

4 Photos 21FE0500-131
83 Gandy Baler Applicator
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-132
77 Husqvarna 380 Chain Saw & Stihl 034 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
both non-runners

3 Photos 21FE0500-133
78 Husqvarna 266 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
16" bar

3 Photos 21FE0500-134
79 Stihl MS 250 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
16" bar

3 Photos 21FE0500-135
80 Stihl 036 Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
20" bar

2 Photos 21FE0500-136
81 Husqvarna 181SE Chain Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
18" bar

4 Photos 21FE0500-137
82 Husqvarna 14" Chop Saw
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-139
69 Hydraulic Lift Table
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-140
70 Platform Scale
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-150
68 Qty of Steel Plate & Grating
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-151
67 Qty of Plate Steel and Flat Bar
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-152
66 Qty of Square & Rectangular Metal Pieces
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-153
65 Qty of Angle Iron and Square Tubing Frames
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-154
64 Qty of I Beam, (2) Pieces of Pipe & (2) Pieces of Metal Grating
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-155
63 Qty of 8X8" Square Tube, 3.5" Pipe and Misc Steel
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-156
62 Qty of Channel Iron & Pipe
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-157
61 Qty of Various Sizes Shafts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-158
60 Pile of Scrap Metal
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
mostly pipe

3 Photos 21FE0500-159
103 28" X 16' Wooden Bunk Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-160
122 28" X 14' Wooden Bunk Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-161
106 Shop Built Alleyway 3" X 32'
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
pipe frame, (5) sucker rod rails, gate at one end

4 Photos 21FE0500-162
105 Morand Cattle Squeeze with Palpation Cage
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
auto catch headgate

4 Photos 21FE0500-163
104 (4) 24' Free Standing Panels
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
5' high, pipe frame, (5) sucker rod rails

4 Photos 21FE0500-164
112 (5) 24' Free Standing Panels
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6' high, pipe frame, (6) sucker rod rails

4 Photos 21FE0500-165
111 (3) 16' Free Standing Panels with 8' Gate
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6' high, pipe frame, (6) sucker rod frame

1 Photos 21FE0500-166
110 (1) 24' Free Standing Panel with 6' Gate
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6' high, pipe frame, (6) sucker rod rails

1 Photos 21FE0500-167
107 (1) 24' Free Standing Panel with 6' Gate
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6' high, pipe frame, (6) sucker rod rails

1 Photos 21FE0500-044
26 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-168
108 8' (6) Bar Gate
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-045
41 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-169
109 (2) 16' Free Standing Panels with 8' Gate
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
6' high, pipe frame, (6) sucker rod frame

2 Photos 21FE0500-046
44 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-170
115 (6) 24' Free Standing Panels
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
5' high, pipe frame, (5) sucker rod rails

2 Photos 21FE0500-047
45 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-171
114 (3) 24' Free Standing Panels with Gates
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) with 12' gate on end, (1) 3' pass thru gate in panel at one end, (1) 3' pass thru gate in middle of panel

2 Photos 21FE0500-048
31 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-172
116 (2) 10' (5) Bar Gates
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-049
39 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-173
117 (2) Gates
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) 8' (5) bar gate, (1) 3' (7) rod gate with weld on hinges

3 Photos 21FE0500-050
46 (2) B.F Goodrich 23.1-30 Tractor Tires with Rims
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-174
118 (2) 12' (5) Sucker Rod Gates
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-051
47 (2) Rear 14.9-38/13-38 Tractor Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
14.9-38/13-38 w/ rim

4 Photos 21FE0500-175
113 Older Cattle Squeeze
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
auto catch headgate, wood floor

1 Photos 21FE0500-052
37 (8) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-176
120 (6) Wood Bunk & Mineral Feeders
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1)16" X 78" mineral bunk, (1) 16" X 84" mineral bunk, (1) 24" X 12' bunk feeder, (2) 24" X 16' bunk feeders, all in some need of repair

2 Photos 21FE0500-053
34 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-177
123 10' Poly Bunk Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-054
25 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-178
124 4' X 30' Silage feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
pipe frame and belting sides

1 Photos 21FE0500-055
58 Qty of Black Poly Water Line
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1" & 1 1/2" sizes

3 Photos 21FE0500-179
121 4' X 30' Silage feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
pipe frame and belting sides

1 Photos 21FE0500-056
57 Qty of Black Poly Water Line
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1" & 1 1/2" sizes

3 Photos 21FE0500-180
119 4' X 30' Silage feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
pipe frame and belting sides

1 Photos 21FE0500-057
56 Qty of Black Poly Water Line
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
1" size

4 Photos 21FE0500-181
125 8" X 16" Calf Shelter
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
metal roof, plywood sides

1 Photos 21FE0500-058
55 Qty of Black Poly Water Line
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
3/4" & 1/2" sizes

4 Photos 21FE0500-182
126 8" X 16" Calf Shelter
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
metal roof, plywood sides

1 Photos 21FE0500-059
54 Phillips 2C# 2 AWG Electrical Wire
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-183
127 (4) 24' Free Standing Panels
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(3) 5" high, (5) sucker rod rails, , (1) 6' high, (7) sucker rod rails

2 Photos 21FE0500-060
32 (3) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-184
128 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
pipe and sucker rod material

2 Photos 21FE0500-061
19 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-185
129 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-062
20 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-186
130 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-063
18 (3) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-187
131 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-064
21 (4) Belt And Rubber Matting
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-188
132 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-065
24A (6) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-189
133 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-066
24 (6) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-190
134 Shop Built 7' Square Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-067
27 (3) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-191
135 Single Slant Bar Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-068
30 (5) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-192
136 Single Slant Bar Round Bale Feeder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-069
17 (4) Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-193
10 80 Gal Propane Tank
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
with hose

1 Photos 21FE0500-070
15 (3) Rubber Matting
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-194
12 High Capacity Grain Crusher
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
flat belt drive

1 Photos 21FE0500-071
16 (7) Rubber Matting
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-195
14 Lincoln G8000 Gas Welder
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Briggs 16 HP Twin cylinder engine, cables with reels, electrical cord and reel, Oxy/Acet torch with gauges and hose reel, mounts for bottles, no hour meter

1 Photos 21FE0500-072
59 Qty of Fiber Glass Sucker Rod
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-196
13 Antique International Single Cylinder Water Cooled Gas Engine
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
3 to 5 HP

4 Photos 21FE0500-197
11 (3) Fans
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) belt drive, (1) with motor

1 Photos 21FE0500-074
22 Qty of Hydraulic Hoses
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-198
171 Shop Built Hydraulic Drive Log Splitter
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
on skid

2 Photos 21FE0500-075
29 Qty of Hydraulic Hoses
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-199
168 (3) 11R24.5 Truck Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(1) with rim

1 Photos 21FE0500-076
33 Qty of Electrical Tech Cable
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-200
169 (5) Agriculture Tires
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(2) 10.00-16 front tractor tires, (1) 31X13.50-15 implement tire, (2) 11L-14 implement tires

2 Photos 21FE0500-077
23 Qty of Hydraulic Lines
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

2 Photos 21FE0500-201
170 (3) Miscellaneous Tires and (2) Rims
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-078
35 Qty of V Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-073
28 Qty of Hydraulic Hoses
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

1 Photos 21FE0500-079
154 25' Culvert
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-080
162 Farmhand 860 Feedmaster Mixmill
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
540 PTO, T/A, 11L-15,

4 Photos 21FE0500-081
160 Wetmore Mixmill with Renn Roller mill
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
auger discharge, 540 PTO, S/A, 12.5-16

4 Photos 21FE0500-083
149 Cockshutt 16 ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
(5) 3' diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FE0500-202
86 100 Ton Air jack
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-203
36 Pallet of V Belts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-204
38 Sure Flame Propane Heater, 110 Volt Fan & Rad Heater with Fan
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-205
40 Pallet of Brown 3 Tab Asphalt Shingles
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-206
87 Pallet of Sprockets , Hubs & Shafts
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

3 Photos 21FE0500-207
102 Pallet of Ratchet Straps
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side

4 Photos 21FE0500-208
189 HLA Bale Fork
Go west of Widwood Alberta on Hwy 16 to RR 102A turn north for 1 Km sale on west side
Global mounts, fits Agco tractor
Quicke Q970 Loader, Q/A bucket with grapple, Cummins 5.9 L engine, 32 speed partial power shift transmission, Cab, A/C, heat, radio, 3 Pt hitch, (4) rear hydraulic outlets, 540/1000 pto, 380/85R28 frt & 18.4R38 rear tires, 5023 hours