Unreserved Online Timed Retirement Farm Auction for Fritz & Ryan Sonnenberg23FM
Tillage / Seeding Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23FM05001-013
Alberta Beach, AB
19 3 PT Hitch 8 Ft Cultivator
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB

4 Photos 23FM05001-016
Alberta Beach, AB
27 International Harvester 10 End Wheel Double Disc
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
24 run drill, fertilizer attachment, (2) grass seed boxes

4 Photos 23FM05001-017
Alberta Beach, AB
23 International Harvester 14 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
Mounted harrows

4 Photos 23FM05001-018
Alberta Beach, AB
20 CCIL 14 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB

4 Photos 23FM05001-020
Alberta Beach, AB
24 John Deere Tandem Disc
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
With bar and harrows

4 Photos 23FM05001-027
Alberta Beach, AB
22 Flexi-Coil 60 Ft Diamond Harrow Drawbar
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
Auto-fold, 5 ft diamond heavy harrows

4 Photos 23FM05001-031
Alberta Beach, AB
21 Fork Type Rock Picker
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB

4 Photos 23FM05001-032
Alberta Beach, AB
25 White 271 18 Ft Tandem Disc
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
Wide stone flex bearing hangers, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic wing fold, gang wrench, 17 inch front and 19 inch rear blades

4 Photos 23FM05001-034
Alberta Beach, AB
26 International Harverster 4700 Vibra Culitvator
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
34 ft wide, 9 inch spacing, real good sweeps, all 4 walking axles, Morris 4 bar dual arm rear mounted harrows

4 Photos 23FM05001-040
Alberta Beach, AB
18 (8) 3 Ft Diamond Harrows
53514 RGE RD 32, Alberta Beach, AB
Gauge wheels