Unreserved Timed Equipment Auction for The Estate of Joe Wyshynski22FA
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22FA0801-188
Evansburg, AB
597 2019 Polaris 570EFi 4X4 Side X Side
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
1,060 mi showing
Hour Meter:
275 hours showing

4 Photos 22FA0801-186
Evansburg, AB
596 2017 Honda Foreman 4X4 Quad
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
1,179 km showing
Hour Meter:
110 hours showing
25 x 8-12 front & 25 x 10-12 rear tires

4 Photos 22FA0801-143
Evansburg, AB
589 2001 Tahoe Lite 21 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
Awning, micro wave, stove, fridge, spare tire

4 Photos 22FA0801-190
Evansburg, AB
598 1995 Ski-Doo 380 Touring Snowmobile
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
5,716 km showing

4 Photos 22FA0801-166
Evansburg, AB
595 1984 Honda 200M Trike
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-388
Evansburg, AB
349 Qty of Weights and Small Cart
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-471
Evansburg, AB
372 (2) Guitars, Marilyn Monroe Picture, Exercise Equipment
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-492
Evansburg, AB
381 Recreational Items
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
Guitar, (2) curling brooms, (2) baseball bats, football, scocer ball, punching ball, 12V Air cvompressor

4 Photos 22FA0801-317
Evansburg, AB
136 Exercise Equipment
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
Health trainer, stepper, exercise bike

4 Photos 22FA0801-360
Evansburg, AB
38 Schwinn Mountain Bike
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
2 speed, reverse, tilt box, receiver hitch, 25 x 8-12 front & 25 x 10-12 rear tires