Unreserved Timed Equipment Auction for The Estate of Joe Wyshynski22FA
Livestock Equipment / Feed
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
2 Photos 22FA0801-032
Evansburg, AB
514 Custombuilt Steel Hopper Feed Bin
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-412
Evansburg, AB
259 8 Inch Champion Roller Mill
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544
1-1/2 HP electric motor

3 Photos 22FA0801-287
Evansburg, AB
173 Wood Feed Bunk with Metal Frame
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-575
Evansburg, AB
295 2 Ft X 16 Ft Feed Bunk & Metal Brackets
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544

4 Photos 22FA0801-577
Evansburg, AB
293 (3) 20 Ft Sucker Rod Free Standing Panels
From Hwy 16 at Evansburg turn off go 10 km north to Twp 544, go east 3.6 km to MA 7225-Twp 544