Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction22BC


List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price

4 Photos 22BC5500-001


Drayton Valley, AB

245 2013 Kubota M126GX MFWD Tractor

Hour Meter:

834 hours showing

126 HP, 24 speed transmission, cab, heat, AC, radio, 2 door entrance, 3 PT hitch, 540/1000 PTO, (2) rear hydraulic outlets, rear wheel weights, 14.9 x 24 front, 18.4 x 38 rear tires


4 Photos 22BC0801-001


Drayton Valley, AB

253 2019 John Deere 3046R MFWD Loader Tractor & Attachments


100 hours showing

John Deere 320R Loader, 6 ft Q/A bucket, joystick, John Deere 59 inch front mount snow blower, John Deere 366 66 inch front mount blade, Yanmar 1.6 L 3 cylinder diesel engine, power steering, 3 speed hydrostatic transmission, two-post foldable ROPS, 540 PTO, 3 PT with I Match Q/A connector, 7.00-14 front, 11.2-24 rear tires


4 Photos 22BC1105-001


Bonnyville, AB

246 1992 Ford 876 4WD Tractor


Near Bonnyville, AB

Hour Meter:

7483 hours showing

Cummins 10 L engine, 12 speed standard transmission, 18.4-42 duals


4 Photos 22BC1105-008


Lamont, AB

249 1979 Steiger Bearcat PT225 4WD Tractor


Near Lamont, AB

Hour Meter:

5473 hours showing

20 speed transmission, (4) hydraulic remotes, new 18.4-38 tires


4 Photos 22BC5504-001


Boyle, AB

244 1980 Steiger Tiger Series III ST470 4WD Tractor


1/2 hrs east of Boyle, AB.

Hour Meter:

10420 hours showing

Cummins KTA-1150 470 HP engine, 6 speed Allison automatic transmission with locking torque convertor, Safari cab, AC, heat, radio, (5) hydraulic outlets, dual hydraulic pumps with large lines to run air cart, 30.5 x 32 factory duals


4 Photos 22BC1105-010


Lamont, AB

252 1979 Grouser 14 Ft 6 Way Dozer Blade


Near Lamont, AB


4 Photos 22BC1101-001


Thorhild, AB

248 1966 John Deere 4020 2WD Loader Tractor


Near Thorhild, AB

Hour Meter:

8000 hours showing

John Deere 148 loader, bucket, bale fork, 6 cylinder diesel engine, 8 speed standard transmission, after market cab, 540/1000 PTO, 1 rear hydraulic outlet, 18.4-34 tires


4 Photos 22BC0507-010


Cherhill, AB

250 3 PT Hitch Bale Unroller


Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.


4 Photos 22BC0801-007


Drayton Valley, AB

256 Frontier RC20X 62 Inch Rough Cut Mower

540 PTO


4 Photos 22BC0513-011


Edmonton, AB

247 Allied 784 Front End Loader


East side of Edmonton.

No bucket, mounts just removed off John Deere 5020 and come with loader


4 Photos 22BC0507-011


Cherhill, AB

265 John Deere 45 3 PT Hitch 7 Ft Manual Angle Blade


Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.


4 Photos 22BC0801-002


Drayton Valley, AB

262 Frontier Pallet Forks


4 Photos 22BC0801-003


Drayton Valley, AB

264 Frontier RB5060 5 Ft 3 PT Hitch Manual Angle Blade


4 Photos 22BC0801-004


Drayton Valley, AB

266 Frontier SS2036B 3 PT Hitch Broadcast Spreader

540 pto

Categories: Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction - Feb 26, 2022
