Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction22BC
Livestock Equipment / Feed
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22BC1107-001
Tofield, AB
219 New Holland 358 Mix Mill
Near Tofield, AB

4 Photos 22BC1105-006
Bonnyville, AB
226 New Holland 358 Mix Mill
Near Bonnyville, AB
1000 PTO, power bale feeder, intake auger, (4) screens

4 Photos 22BC1103-001
Hanna, AB
214 2016 Haybuster 2650 Bale Processor
Hanna, AB
1000 PTO

4 Photos 22BC5511-001
Darwell, AB
220 Hay Buster C9 Tub Grinder
3 Miles west of Darwell, AB. Municipal Address 54318-Rge Rd 53
1000 PTO, removable rear conveyor, good belt

4 Photos 22BC1104-001
Hanna, AB
221 Case IH 8610 Bale Processor
Hanna, AB
1000 PTO, self loading bale forks, hydraulic tub tilt

4 Photos 22BC1106-001
Vegreville, AB
222 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-002
Vegreville, AB
223 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-003
Vegreville, AB
224 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-004
Vegreville, AB
225 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-005
Vegreville, AB
239 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-006
Vegreville, AB
240 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-007
Vegreville, AB
241 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC1106-008
Vegreville, AB
242 (5) 24 Ft Free Standing Panels
Near Vegreville, AB
5 ft high, 1-1/2 inch coil tube frame, (6) sucker rod rails, (2) chrome chains on one end

4 Photos 22BC0507-009
Cherhill, AB
228 7 Ft X 31.5 Ft Custom Built Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

4 Photos 22BC0507-007
Cherhill, AB
230 7 Ft X 14 Ft Shop Built Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

3 Photos 22BC0507-006
Cherhill, AB
229 Shop Built Salt Feeder and Cattle Scatching Post
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC0507-001
Cherhill, AB
234 7-1/2 Ft Round Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC0507-002
Cherhill, AB
231 7-1/2 Ft Round Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC0507-003
Cherhill, AB
235 7-1/2 Ft Round Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC0507-004
Cherhill, AB
236 7-1/2 Ft Round Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC0507-005
Cherhill, AB
237 7-1/2 Ft Round Bale Feeder
Head straight west of Cherhill, AB through town to the end of the road then turn left.

2 Photos 22BC1018-001
Alder Flats, AB
237A 8 Ft X 30 Ft Windbreak
454030A Rge Rd 74. Directions: West through Alder Flats, south at the car wash for 2.8 km (1.75 miles), located on the right.
Rough cut lumber, double chains and hooks, built with 2-3/8 inch pipe

2 Photos 22BC1018-002
Alder Flats, AB
242A 8 Ft X 30 Ft Windbreak
454030A Rge Rd 74. Directions: West through Alder Flats, south at the car wash for 2.8 km (1.75 miles), located on the right.
Rough cut lumber, double chains and hooks, built with 2-3/8 inch pipe

1 Photos 22BC0301-012
Drayton Valley, AB
232 TMG Industrial 23 Inch Plucking Machine (Unused)

1 Photos 22BC0301-035
1000 PTO, Forster load auger, power bale feeder, 20 ft unloading auger, mineral supplement hopper, 3 screens, grain hopper magnet, fully loaded machine