Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction21FB
All Items
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 21FB1111-001
179 2007 New Holland TJ430 4WD Tractor
North of Lougheed, AB

4 Photos 21FB0301-001
260 2005 Atco 6 Unit 28 Man Skid Mounted Camp
Beauval, SK
14 bedrooms, 28 single beds, 1 private bathroom w/ shower, 3 main bathrooms w/ showers, 2 urinals, 4 sinks, 1 lounge/sitting area, 1 kitchen, 1 walk-in-fridge, 1 walk-in-freezer, 2 storage rooms, 2 washer/dryer units, 1 mechanical room w/ water storage, hot water tank, pressure tank, 6 furnaces, 120/208 V, 1 ph, 60 hz, 90amp per unit, 25405-0832, 25405-0833, 25405-0834, 25405-0835, 25405-0836

4 Photos 21FB0568-001
706 2008 Newmar Dutchstar 43 FT Motorhome
85,181 mi showing
Hour Meter:
2090 hours showing
Cummins ISL 425 hp engine, Allison auto transmission, two-stage engine compression brake, 22.5" on aluminum rims, back up camera w/alarm, (4) slide outs, king bed w/new mattress, wardrobe w/sliding mirrored doors, storage, dresser, large shower w/separate washroom, washer and dryer, double door fridge, large pantry, double sink, (3) burner stove, dishwasher, dinette, leather chair and sofa, TV above cab, plus more

4 Photos 21FB0545-001
183 2004 John Deere 9320 Tractor
24 speed partial powershift transmission, Michelin 800x70R38 factory duals, deluxe cab package, HID light package, front and rear diff lock, 5 hydraulic outlets, 4900 hrs

4 Photos 21FB5503-001
122 2014 Kenworth W900 T/A Highway Truck
729,069 km showing
Hour Meter:
16861 hours showing
Cummins ISX 550 Hp engine, 18 speed transmission, 13,200 lb front axle, Super 40 rears (D40-170P), full lockers, 8 bag air ride suspension, 4.10 ratio, 244" wheel base, 72" mid rise sleeper, 2 beds, fridge, Roto Shutdown, leather interior, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum wheels

4 Photos 21FB1110-001
172 2009 John Deere 4830 4WD High Clearance Sprayer
South of Lougheed, AB
100 ft booms, 1000 gal stainless steel tank, auto track, auto spray activation, hydraulic tread adjustment, new rear planetaries, air ride, new tires, rear duals, Norac 5 sensor boom height control, 5 nozzle body, JD Starfire iTc receiver and auto guide, 80 gal foam marker, 4002 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1113-001
180 2009 Case Puma 165 CVT-FWA Tractor
Near Heinsburg, AB
Hour Meter:
4502 hours showing
165 hp engine, CVT transmission, 3 pt hitch, (3) wheel weights on each rear wheel, 540/1000 pto, (4) remotes, Case L770 FEL, GPL, silage screen, grill guard, 60-R42 rears

4 Photos 21FB1114-002
176 2013 Versatile SX275 120 FT High Clearance Sprayer
Near Lougheed, AB
Hour Meter:
2089 hours showing
Raven Viper Pro w/Switch Pro 7 section shutoff, auto height, auto Accu boom, auto guide, front crop dividers

4 Photos 21FB1106-012
404 2016 Massey Ferguson WR9740 Swather
North of Smoky Lake, AB
14' 9125 header, steel rollers, A/C, radio, buddy seat, only 300 hrs

4 Photos 21FB5503-002
119 2017 Kenworth T680 T/A Day Cab Highway Tractor
842,583 km showing
Hour Meter:
13465 hours showing
Paccar MX-13 500 HP engine, Eaton 18 speed Ultra Shift transmission,13,200 lb frt axle, 46,000 rears with full locks, KW 8 bag air ride suspension, 3:91 ratio, Ex Guard bumper, 11R22.5 tires with aluminum rims, rear of cab to center of boggies 158", rear of cab to end of frame 214"

4 Photos 21FB1114-001
408 2013 Challenger WR9760 36 FT Swather
Near Lougheed, AB
Hour Meter:
1054 hours showing
(2) roto shears, auto guide, Shoemacher knife, 620/75R26 tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-069
261 2019 John Deere 314G Skid Steer
Q/A 60" bucket, enclosed cab, heat

4 Photos 21FB0532-043
187 1988 John Deere 4250 2WD Loader Tractor
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
John Deere 260 loader, Q/A bucket, grapple, cab, heater, radio, hydraulic ride seat, front grill guard, 15 speed power shift transmission, 3 PTH & top link, dual rear hydraulic outlets, inside rear wheel weights, 18.4X38 tires only 2 years old, only 4604 hours

4 Photos 21FB0566-001
265 2019 John Deere 314G Skid Steer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Hour Meter:
19 hours showing
Q/A 60" bucket, enclosed cab, heat

4 Photos 21FB0544-001
262 2004 John Deere 544H Wheel Loader
10 mins from Crossfield, AB
cab, a/c, heater, WBM quick attach 3 yard bucket, fully serviced Apr 2021, 11,694 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1113-004
184 1998 Agco White 8410 FWA Tractor
Near Heinsburg, AB
Hour Meter:
5905 hours showing
5.9 Cummins 161 hp, PS transmission, 1000 pto, c/w Quicke Q980 FEL, GPL, bucket teeth, silage screen, (3) remotes

4 Photos 21FB0527-001
124 2012 Peterbilt 388 T/A Highway Truck
Cummins ISX15 450 HP deleted engine, 18 speed transmission, air ride 12,000 lb front axle, 40,000 lb rears with lockers, air ride suspension, 22.5" tires on aluminum rims, 82" sleeper, (1) boot box, 1,756,647 kms

4 Photos 21FB0557-003
127 2007 Peterbilt 379 Long Nose T/A Highway Truck
1,462,772 km showing
Caterpillar C15 engine, 18 speed transmission, 46,000 rears with full lockers, air ride suspension, front rue bar, 24.5" tires on aluminum rims

4 Photos 21FB0509-010
182 John Deere 3520 MFWD Loader Tractor
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
JD 300CX loader, Q/A bucket, grill guard, joystick, hydro transmission, cab, A/C, heat, radio, 3 pt hitch, rear hydraulic coupler, 540 pto, c/w 3 pt quick attach hitch, only 596 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0513-002
263 2005 Tigercat 860C Feller Buncher
Cummins engine, new batteries, felling saw unit

4 Photos 21FB5507-001
125 2006 Kenworth T-300 T/A Day Cab & Chassis
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
122,877 km showing
Hour Meter:
8311 hours showing
Caterpillar C7 engine, engine brake, 10-speed transmission, A/C, Henderson air ride suspension, double frame, full rear locking diff, 315/80R22.5 front & 24.5" rear tires all on aluminum rims

4 Photos 21FB0557-002
130 2005 Peterbilt 378 T/A Highway Truck
934,749 km showing
Cat C15 engine, 18 speed transmission, 46,000 rears, full lockers, air ride suspension, 36" removable sleeper front Rue bar, beacon lights, 25.5" tires on aluminum rims

4 Photos 21FB0564-003
264 2015 Case 586H 4X4 Forklift
Acheson Industrial Park just west of Edmonton.
Hour Meter:
3106 hours showing
diesel engine, shuttle shift, 22 ft mast, 6000 lb lift up to 15',

4 Photos 21FB0543-001
266 2007 New Holland W-190B Wheel Loader
Near Yorkton, Sask
209 hp engine, 6 cylinder turbo 415 cu in, 3rd hydraulic valve, ride control, cab, A/C, radio, 23.5x25 tires plus a set of brand new tires, 4 yard bucket, 37,800 lb machine, 14,451 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0516-003
186 1997 John Deere 6400 MFWD Tractor
From Airdrie, AB to east 8.2 km on HWY 567, then 2 km south on RGE RD 283 to white steel gates, yard #270168, Contact: Charlie 403-850-9277
cab, A/C, heat, radio, 2 cab doors, dual rear hydraulic couplers, 3 pt hitch, 540/1000 PTO, front weights, 16-Speed power Quad transmission, 14.9 x 24 front and 18.4 x 38 rear tires, 4637 hours

4 Photos 21FB0509-007
190 Ford 6640 Powerstar SLE MFWD Loader Tractor
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
Quicke 650 loader, Q/A bucket, 3rd valve to bucket for grapple, cab, A/C heat, radio, 540/1000 PTO, 4 rear hydraulics, 3 pt hitch, front weights, rear double draw bar, 9,135 hours

4 Photos 21FB0571-001
543 2016 Nissan Titan XD 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup
97,276 km showing
Cummins turbo diesel, automatic transmission, leather interior, heated front seats, A/C, LT 265/60R20

4 Photos 21FB0400-002
267 Takeuchi TL140 Tracked Skid Steer
78" bucket, hydraulic Q/A, 2 speed, door slides up into cab, 3rd valve, 5294 hours

4 Photos 21FB5506-002
132 2004 Kenworth T-800 T/A Highway Truck
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
1,170,713 km showing
Caterpillar C15 engine 475HP, 18 speed trans, low rise sleeper, 46,000 rears, lockers, air ride supension, 24" tires on aluminum rims l

4 Photos 21FB0537-001
123 2007 GMC 5500 4X4 Mechanics Service Truck
169,150 km showing
Duramax diesel, Allison auto transmission, under hood V-Max air compressor, Cobra 4400W crane, Milron mechanics body, 19.5" tires like new

4 Photos 21FB1107-001
344 2019 Tubeline TL5000AX2 Bale Wrapper
c/w approx 28 & 3 partal rolls of 1500 m siloflex wrap, This wrapper was used to wrap approx 850 bales, always shedded

4 Photos 21FB0508-001
347 Case IH DCX131 13 ft Hydro Swing Discbine
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
1000 PTO, rubber conditioning rolls

4 Photos 21FB0508-007
185 1998 Hurlimann 6135-XB Elite MFWD Tractor
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
front mount 3 pt hitch and front mount PTO, rear 540/1000 PTO plus 3 pt hitch, triple rear hydraulics, 20.8x38 rear tires, 16.9x30 front tires, 6 cyl 132 HP engine, 36 speed transmission, cab, A/C, heat, radio, only 1,786 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0508-008
192 1984 Allis Chambers 8030 MFWD Loader Tractor
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
Ezee-On 115 loader Q/A bucket, 12-speed powershift transmission, cab, A/C, heater, rear triple hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO, 16.9x26 front tires, 20.8x38 rear tires, only 6,686 hrs

4 Photos 21FB6006-001
269 Caterpillar TH103 Telehandler
Hour Meter:
6820 hours showing
CAT engine, open operator station, 48" forks, out riggers, 14.00-24 Tires

4 Photos 21FB0601-001
345 2017 Kubota DMC8540T Center Pivot 12 FT Disc Mower
1000 pto, 3 Pt swivel hitch, impeller conditioning

4 Photos 21FB0510-008
268 2004 John Deere ZTS 27C Excavator
Drayton Valley, AB
Hour Meter:
1438 hours showing
aux hydraulics

4 Photos 21FB5508-001
544 2012 GMC Yukon Denali 4 Door SUV
107,915 km showing
V-8 engine, automitic transmission, sun roof, leather interior, power/heated front seats, 2 row heated seating, removable 3rd row seating, 3rd row seats were never used, 20" tires on aluminum Mizzi rims, navigation system, backup camera and alarm, running boards, undercoated 3-M on the hood, only 107,915 original kms

4 Photos 21FB0564-004
270 2014 John Deere 318E Skid Steer
Acheson Industrial Park just west of Edmonton.
Hour Meter:
1622 hours showing
66" Q/A bucket, cab, AC, heat, radio, auxiliary hydraulics, back up alarm, beacon light, real good tires

4 Photos 21FB1092-001
120 2007 Western Star Conventional T/A Highway Truck
81,664 km showing
Hour Meter:
3274 hours showing
CAT 15, 625 hp engine, 18 spd Eaton Fuller transmission, 23,000 lb rears, diff locks, air ride, Wabasto heater, aluminum rims, 24" tires rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0508-002
348 Case IH RB564 Round Baler
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, gauge wheels, twine and net wrap, kicker

4 Photos 21FB0566-026
273 Carelift ZB10044-44 4X4 Zoom Boom
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Hour Meter:
2327 hours showing
4 cylinder diesel engine, 44' reach,10,000 lift capacity

4 Photos 21FB0557-001
121 2005 Western Star 4900SA T/A Water Truck
572,324 km showing
Detroit 515 HP engine, 18 speed transmission, 16,000 lb frt axle, 46,000 rears, full lockers, air ride suspension,4.30 gear ratio, 24.5" tires on aluminum rims, 100 barrel steel tank, hydraulic pump, last used to haul water

4 Photos 21FB0564-001
126 2015 Ford F550 XLT 4X4 Reg Cab Dually Deck Truck
Acheson Industrial Park just west of Edmonton.
136,769 km showing
V10 gas engine, auto transmission, AC, PW. PL, radio, nice rear deck, trailer tow package

4 Photos 21FB0520-001
346 2018 Case IH SB531 Square Baler
6.4 km south of Mayerthorpe on HWY 22, yard on west side.
540 PTO, hydraulic bale tension, quarter turn chute, pickup gauge wheel, super sweep pickup

4 Photos 21FB1115-001
419A 1997 Case IH 2188 Axial Flow Combine
Near Millet Alberta.
Hour Meter:
3794 hours showing
Super 8 pickup, Case IH 1015 header, BIG Top hopper extension, rear beater, chaff spreader, long uload auger, 30.5L-32 drive tires, 2987 separator hours

4 Photos 21FB1113-002
428 2018 Highline Bale Pro CFR 651 Bale Shredder
Near Heinsburg, AB

4 Photos 21FB0507-001
405 J & M 750 Grain Wagon
750 bushel, Model 2494 running gear, 425/65R22.5 tires, 10 bolt rims, front ladder, left/center unload

4 Photos 21FB0566-036
489 2019 Brandt UGD1116 Tri/A 16 FT Gooseneck Dump Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
8000 lb axles, tarp, electric over hydraulic hand held controller

4 Photos 21FB0541-001
Drayton Valley, AB
712 2009 Sportsman Sportster 37 Ft TRI/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
(3) slides, Onan 5500 generator w/407 hrs, 11 Ft garage, oversized water and sewer tanks, fueling station, outdoor shower, new double electric jacks, new back fold down door for bigger side x side, fridge, stove, microwave, TV's, stereo, dinette, couch, queen bed, bed above garage, sliding patio door

4 Photos 21FB1030-002
709 2015 Kubota RTV 500 Tracked Side By Side
gas engine, 3 speed auto transmission, reverse, Camoplast tracks, dump box w/cargo net, 4,000 lb winch, hitch receiver, 1,136 hrs

4 Photos 21FB5506-003
134 2005 Freightliner FLD 120 T/A Highway Truck
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
1,092,694 km showing
Detroit 60 series 500 HP engine, 13 speed transmission low rise sleeper, 46,000 lb rears with lockers, air ride suspension, 22" tires on aluminum rims,

4 Photos 21FB0508-011
274 1998 JCB 185 Series 3 Skid Steer
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
Perkins diesel engine, cab, heat, 3rd hydraulic valve c/w quick attach bucket, 2,677 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0566-023
272 2020 Black Creek 1250 Wood Processor (demo unit)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
21 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, roller table and stacker sell with unit

4 Photos 21FB0513-001
271 2004 John Deere 748G Rubber-Tire Grapple Skidder
JD 6 cylinder engine, front blade, rear grapple, tires are worn down

4 Photos 21FB0514-001
349 1998 Hesston 4910 Big Square Baler
1000 PTO, has in cab control box, baled 32,370 bales

4 Photos 21FB0504-001
128 2015 International Durastar 4300 S/A Reefer Truck
Maxxforce engine, Allison auto transmission, hydraulic brakes, air ride, Wabasto heater, multi temp reefer, 25 ft van, 22.5 tires, 9701 hrs, 177,855 kms<br/>

4 Photos 21FB0566-062
188 1980 International 3788 4WD Tractor
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Hour Meter:
3402 hours showing
cab, AC, heat, radio, 1000 pto, (2) sets of rear hydraulics

4 Photos 21FB0570-001
711 2020 16'x36' Cabin (Unused)
upgraded windows (new), lofts on both ends, spray insulated floor, 8"x8" skids on 8'x40' mat

4 Photos 21FB5506-001
135 2000 Freightliner FLD120 T/A Sleeper Cab Highway Tractor
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
720,586 km showing
Cat-C15 engine, single turbo 6NZ, 550HP, 18 speed transmission, 46,000 LB rears, air ride suspension, full locking rear diffs, 24" tires on aluminum rims

4 Photos 21FB5506-004
137 1996 Kenworth T-800 T/A Highway Truck
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
1,377,565 km showing
Cummins N14 engine, 460HP, 13 speed transmission, flat top sleeper, 40,000 rears with lockers, air ride suspension 24" tires on aluminum rims

4 Photos 21FB0557-005
493 2007 Stephen's Tri/A Aluminum Tanker
code 407, air ride suspension, aluminum rims, air shut off valves, 37,855 litre capacity

4 Photos 21FB0511-001
406 Meridian 1620-40 Grain Bin
3749-30th St, Whitecourt, AB

4 Photos 21FB0511-002
409 Meridian 1620-40 Grain Bin
3749-30th St, Whitecourt, AB

4 Photos 21FB0511-003
411 Meridian 1620-40 Grain Bin
3749-30th St, Whitecourt, AB

4 Photos 21FB0514-002
352 1998 Case IH 8590 Big Square Baler
1000 PTO, has in cab control box, baled 26,098 bales

4 Photos 21FB0504-002
131 2015 International Durastar 4300 S/A Reefer Truck
Maxxforce engine, Allison auto transmission, hydraulic brakes, air ride, Wabasto heater, multi temp reefer, 25 ft van, 22.5 tires, 166,276 kms <br/>

4 Photos 21FB0537-011
546 2011 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck
218,742 km showing
Cummins 6.7 turbo diesel, automatic transmission, bench seat, cloth interior, A/C, head rack, slip tank, tool box,

4 Photos 21FB0559-001
492 2005 MW-All 50 FT Tri/A Machinery Equipment Trailer
air ride, hydraulic rear ramps, aluminum 28" pull outs for wide loads, 8'4" wide, 8 ft top deck, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB1038-001
708 2012 Arctic Fox 27 ft Travel Trailer
(1) slide, fridge, stove, microwave, fold out couch, recliner, queen bed, lots of storage, large shower, tv, gas monitor not working, 225/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0519-001
480 2004 4-Star T/A Aluminum 23 FT Horse Trailer
Will be located in Team Auctions Yard in Drayton Valley
8 ft wide, 7 1/2 FT high, 7000 lb axles, padded horse dividers, feed bags, dome lights, side door, walk thru door, (2) drop down windows with bars, rubber floor mats, front living quarters with propane furnace, no furniture you but you can finish it like you want, torsion suspension, 2-5/16 ball hitch, 235/85R16 tires with spare

4 Photos 21FB0537-008
549 2010 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck
292,867 km showing
Cummins 6.7 turbo diesel, automatic transmission, bucket seats, leather interior, 400L tidy tank, head rack, 5th wheel rails, LT 265/70R17

4 Photos 21FB1046-001
710 1997 Ford Embassy 29 ft S/A Motorhome
fridge, stove, microwave, dining table, (2) rocking chairs, Onan generator, queen bed, TV, cruise control, 100,921 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB0537-010
552 2010 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck
313,935 km showing
Cummins 6.7 turbo diesel, automatic transmission, bench seats, cloth interior, A/C, head rack, slip tank, tool box, LT 265/70R17

4 Photos 21FB0524-001
Drayton Valley, AB
716 2006 Citation 31CKDS 31 Ft Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
50 amp service, 2" receiver on back, newer tires, (2) slide outs, 1 owner, insulated c/w skirting, A/C, fridge, stove, microwave, lots of storage

4 Photos 21FB0804-040
553 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4X4 SUV
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
138,097 km showing
3.7 V6 engine, auto transmission, leather with full load, sun roof, 245/60R18 tires

4 Photos 21FB0563-002
486 2004 Lazer Inox LA44-3CR Stainless Steel Tri/A Tank Trailer
44 cu, 407 code, air ride suspension, center belly mount hydraulic drive Bowie 4 1/2" product pump, 24.5" tires on aluminum rims, rear mounted scrubber mounted on tank

4 Photos 21FB0566-060
280 Ingersoll-Rand DD-65 Double Smooth Drum Vibratory Packer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Deutz diesel engine, roll over protection

4 Photos 21FB0537-009
555 2009 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck
290,293 km showing
Cummins 6.7 turbo diesel, automatic transmission, leather interior, bench seats, A/C, headache rack & side rails, tidy tank, LT265/70R17

4 Photos 21FB1081-001
193 Schulte XH1500 Rotary Cutter w/Flex Arm
1000 pto, 15 ft mower, tandem walking axles

4 Photos 21FB0401-001
150 1991 GMC Topkick S/A Bucket Truck
10 Minutes west of Stony Plain Alberta.
427 V8 gas engine, auto transmission, A/C, air brakes, Versalift VST4000 single bucket lift, 40' lift, deck with tool boxes on both sides, 11R22.5 tires

4 Photos 21FB0528-001
138 2001 International 9200i T/A Vacuum Truck
CAT C-12 engine, 18 speed standard transmission, engine brake, 46,000 lb rears, Henderson air air suspension, 20,000 lb front axle, twin steering boxes, 11R24.5" rear tires, 385x22 front tires, Bomega TC350 tank unit, Hibon model VTB-820 blower, 2 heated boxes, Wabasto heater, 232,797 kms showing (are not true)

4 Photos 21FB0400-003
189 John Deere 2520 MFWD Loader Tractor
JD 200CX loader, bucket, joystick, Yanmar diesel engine, 2 speed hydro transmission, Q/A 3 pt hitch, 540 PTO, 2404 hours

4 Photos 21FB0400-005
432 Wheatheart Renegade Post Pounder
13 HP Honda engine, post hugger

4 Photos 21FB5506-005
139 1994 Kenworth T-600 T/A Highway Truck
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
Detroit 60 series engine, 13 speed transmission, flat top sleeper, air ride, 40,000 lb rears with lockers, 22" tires on steel rims, hydraulic wet kit

4 Photos 21FB1019-005
501 2012 SWS 35 ft Tri/A Flat Deck Trailer
(3) 10,000 lb axles, air brakes, pintle hitch, fold down ramps, 235/80R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB1043-001
133 2004 Freightliner T/A Water Truck
Mercedes 460 engine, 13 speed transmission, 16m3 water tank (2013), 3" hydraulic drive pump, plumbing in heated cabinet, heated stack into tank, rear spray bar, engine oil & and coolant recently changed, 22.5" tires, 314,435 kms

4 Photos 21FB0538-001
707 12 ft X 22 ft Log Cabin
7 Ft ceiling, heavy duty skid frame, 8 Ft x 23 Ft skid, sud/plywood built, well insulated, pine board covering, tin roof, approx 20 yrs old, inside dimensions 15'6" long, 11'6" wide, 6'6" walls, 7'4" ceiling

4 Photos 21FB1019-008
275 Hamm DV84K Roller

4 Photos 21FB0503-002
129 2009 International 7400 Work Star T/A Right Hand Drive Garbage Truck
International diesel engine, Allison auto transmission, 16,000 lb front axle, 40,000 rears with Henderson HN suspension, air brakes, 11R22.5 tires, Labrie CLSFRH-25 garbage unit, side bin unloader, front mount live hydraulic pump, 24,492 hrs, 338,179 kms

4 Photos 21FB0546-001
713 1995 Damon Intruder 34.5 FT Motorhome
460 Ford gas engine, air ride, hitch, rear camera, built-in generator w/1642 hrs, hydraulic leveling jacks, new awning and windshield, fridge, stove, microwave, dinette, T.V, strip lighting outside, queen bed, large shower, lots of storage space, 66,958 kms

4 Photos 21FB0558-001
Martinsville, SK
718 2010 Heartland Sundance 33 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
Ken's transmission on Hwy 12, just north of Martinsville, SK
3-slides, rear bedroom with a private toilet in the bedroom, the other toilet is up by the shower, front living room has a full front closet for more storage, microwave with an oven, can sleep 7, 1500W Eliminator Inverter.<br/><br/>

4 Photos 21FB0508-003
351 Sitrex 12 Wheel V Hay Rake
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
hydraulic fold and lift

4 Photos 21FB1097-001
191 2008 Kubota BX 2350D Tractor
Hour Meter:
38 hours showing
3pt hitch, runs good, no attachments

4 Photos 21FB0201-003
479 2021 ED Mfg. 14 ft T/A Galvanized Dump Trailer
ball hitch, 7000 lb axles, external charge port, electric over hydraulic hoist, electric controller, 2 door hatch, roll tarp, spring suspension, 205/75R15

4 Photos 21FB1005-001
721 2016 John Deere RSS 860i Gator 4X4 XUV
Pitbull growler tires, 27.5x9R14 fronts, 27.5x11R14 rears, 4500lb winch, snorkel kit, cab w/heater, sliding rear window, 70/30 split windshield, 2" lift, Fox shocks, Proformance clutch kit, locking doors, overhead console w/speakers, Bluetooth AM/FM radio stereo, 226 hrs, 2381 miles

4 Photos 21FB1025-001
556 2009 Mercedes Benz R320 Blue Tech Sport SUV
3.0 L V6 engine,, A/T, A/C, P/L, P/W, heated seats, 3rd row seating, 255/50R19, 155,541 km

4 Photos 21FB0506-042
195 Case 1175 2WD Loader Tractor
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
Allied 790 loader, 8 speed standard transmission, cab, AC, heat, 540/1000 pto, 11.00-16 front & 18.4X38 rear tires, shows 7177 hours

4 Photos 21FB5501-001
658 Dika 12 Ft Industrial Heavy Duty Root Rake
pto drive, transfer case can be set for different drum rotation speeds

4 Photos 21FB1071-002
148 2001 Ford F450 Flat Deck Dually Truck
214,137 km showing
Triton V10 engine w/Vmac underhood air compressor, auto transmission, cloth interior, 19.5" tires, c/w Hiab 2500 knuckle picker w/ winch & two extra manual boom extensions

4 Photos 21FB1033-001
558 2008 Dodge 2500 Ram 4X4 Mega Cab Truck
6.7L Cummins diesel engine, leather, sunroof, A/C, heated seats, PW, PL, bed liner, 275/70R18 tires, 432,331 kms

4 Photos 21FB0511-004
567 1990 Chevrolet 1500 454 SS Truck
130,132 km showing
454 engine, auto transmission, (2) sub woofers, Kenwood cd player, P/W, P/L, cloth interior, Boss rims w/275/40R20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0552-004
659 John Deere 3710 Plow
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
8 bottom, auto reset, colters

4 Photos 21FB1077-005
565 2003 Ford F350 Lariat 4X4 Crew Cab Truck
387,435 km showing
Powerstroke diesel engine, auto transmission, leather interior, heated power seats, P/L, P/W, A/C, 35x12.50R20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0557-004
490 2002 Advance Tri/A Aluminum Tank Trailer
Code 406, air ride suspension, aluminum rims, air shut off valves

4 Photos 21FB1094-001
Drayton Valley, AB
714 2008 Rockwood Signature Ultra-Lite 30 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
(2) slides, power awning, (2) propane tanks, power jacks, fridge, stove, microwave, sofa, (2) rocking chairs, dinette, shower, queen bed, T/V, fireplace, 2" lift, 205/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1061-001
554 2009 Ford F150 Platinum Crew Cab 4X4 Truck
264,192 km showing
Triton 5.4L 3V gas engine, auto transmission, leather, fully loaded, backup camera, sunroof, auto running boards, tonneau cover, 275/55R20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-005
276 2020 Lumbermate 2000 Woodland Saw Mill (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
23 HP Vanguard twin cylinder engine, mounted on custom 20' rig mat skid, can cut logs 31" in diameter, 20' long, boards up to 24" wide, new box of saw blades

4 Photos 21FB0566-006
153 1999 International 4900 T/A Gravel Truck (non runner)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
221,300 km showing
DT International engine, 10 speed transmission, spring ride suspension, steel box and hoist, electric tarp, rear pintle hitch, good 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0554-001
194 Massey GC2600 MFWD Loader Tractor
Hour Meter:
1175 hours showing
DL 100 loader, MF2325 mower, 4 ft bucket, 540 pto, hydrostatic transmission, 3 pt hitch, 18x8.5-10 front tires, 26x12.00-12 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0516-004
181 1983 Case 4690 Tractor
From Airdrie, AB to east 8.2 km on HWY 567, then 2 km south on RGE RD 283 to white steel gates, yard #270168, Contact: Charlie 403-850-9277
cab, A/C, heat, radio, 30.5X32 tires, 1000 PTO, 4 rear hydraulic couplers, 4,619 original hours

4 Photos 21FB1071-001
277 Sellick 247T Teleporter 4X4 Telehandler
Hour Meter:
5326 hours showing
c/w forks, 16.9-28 front tires, 12.5/80-18 rear tires, new CAT seat, c/w (2) extra tires

4 Photos 21FB1019-007
313 Ingersoll-Rand 780T Asphalt Paving Machine
poly pad tracks, 2101 hrs

4 Photos 21FB6015-002
715 2012 ODES Dominator 4x4 Side by Side
705 km showing
low/high/reverse, diff lock, four wheel independent suspension dump box, Can-Am 800 V Twin Motor & Transmission.

4 Photos 21FB0566-007
140 1999 International 4900 T/A Gravel Truck (non runner)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
243,944 km showing
DT International engine, 10 speed transmission, spring ride suspension, air brakes, steel box and hoist, electric tarp, rear hitch plate, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-008
144 1999 International 4900 T/A Gravel Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
237,333 km showing
DT International engine, 10 speed transmission, spring ride suspension, steel box and hoist, electric tarp, rear hitch plate, new 22.5" front tires, rear 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0521-001
481 2008 Forest River WHA8526TA3 T/A 26 ft Enclosed V-Nose Trailer
(2) 5200 lb axles, front fold down door, side man door, fold down rear door, 325/75R15 tires with spare

4 Photos 21FB0201-002
482 2021 ED Mfg. 12 ft T/A Galvanized Dump Trailer
ball hitch, 7000 lb axles, external charge port, electric over hydraulic hoist, electric controller, 2 door hatch, roll tarp, spring suspension, 205/75R15

4 Photos 21FB1035-001
557 2012 GMC Canyon SLE 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
Vortec gas engine, auto transmission, A/C, P/L, P/W, cloth interior, 235/70R16 tires, 205,969 kms

4 Photos 21FB0571-003
488 2011 C Jay 32' Enclosed T/A Gooseneck Trailer
double swing back doors, side man door, ST235/80R16

4 Photos 21FB0804-032
197 Foton 404 MFWD Loader Tractor
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
Frey ML280 loader, 5.5' bucket with skid steer Q/A, joystick, diesel engine, 8 speed transmission, dual entry cab, heat, 8.3-20 front & 14.9-24 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB1062-001
Drayton Valley, AB
720 2004 Travelaire TW264 26 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
(1) manual slide, fridge, stove, microwave, dinette, sofa, bunk beds, shower w/tub, outdoor shower, sleeps 9, electric jacks, 225/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1103-001
660 Rite Way WR200 20 ft Rock Rake
Near Strome, AB

4 Photos 21FB1106-001
407 Case IH 8830 18 Ft Swather
North of Smoky Lake, AB
pickup reels and gauge wheels, 6 cylinder Chrysler gas engine, A/C, cab, only 1,638 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1074-001
560 2007 Chevrolet Denali 1500 4X4 Crew Cab Truck
219,543 km showing
Vortec engine, auto transmission, fully loaded, leather heated seats, sunroof, A/C, box liner, TV w/headsets, 275/55R20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0553-002
491 2003 Loadking Hopper Bottom 3 Axle Quad Wagon
NW of Neerlandia, AB
spring ride, new tarp a year ago, good tires, brakes good and lights work

4 Photos 21FB1051-001
568 2000 Ford F350 XLT Super Duty 4X4 Dually Crew Cab Truck
280,408 km showing
V10 gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, aluminum tool box, 5th wheel plate in box, spare tire, cruise, 235/85R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0535-001
141 2004 Ford F550 4X4 Dually Truck
90,684 km showing
Power Stroke V8 diesel engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, hydraulic dump box, 19.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0805-001
316A Fab-Tech 10 FT X 20 FT Building
on metal skids, wired

4 Photos 21FB1115-002
420A Case IH 1010 25 Ft Rigid Header
Near Millet Alberta.
Hart Carter pickup reels, hydraulic fore & aft, header mover

4 Photos 21FB0566-027
142 1987 Freightliner Tandem Tandem Cement Mixer Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
998,243 km showing
Cummins 400 engine, 8LL transmission, air ride assist on number 2 axle

4 Photos 21FB0566-028
484 2020 Brandt UBT822 22 Ft T/A Galvanized Deck Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
8000 lb axles, split tilting deck, spare tire, heavy duty hitch jack

4 Photos 21FB1014-001
149 2003 Ford F450 4X4 Dually Flat Deck Truck
Powerstroke V8 diesel engine, auto transmission, p/w, p/l, really good 19.5" tires, 454,803 kms<br/>

4 Photos 21FB1102-001
357 New Holland 114 Hydro Swing Haybine
44112 RGE RD 152, near Strome AB
540 PTO, double knife drive

4 Photos 21FB1025-002
355 Inland 4000 Big Square Baler Stacker
12.5Lx15FI tires on walking axle, 8 axles in total, stacker operates off tractor hydraulics, stacks 8 big 4x4x8 bales, 31 ft main frame, heavy built unit that was built in Winnipeg, Manitoba

4 Photos 21FB0510-001
146 2011 International Durastar 4300 S/A Curtain Side Cube Van
Maxxforce engine, 6+ transmission, hydraulic brakes, air ride, 26 ft van, 22.5 tires, 7691 hrs, 274,446 kms <br/>

4 Photos 21FB5501-002
661 Dika 3 Bottom Heavy Duty Breaking Plow

4 Photos 21FB0566-063
278 Barber Greene BG225 Paving Unit
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
diesel engine

4 Photos 21FB1040-001
Drayton Valley, AB
724 2001 Kit Road Ranger 28 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
furnace, A/C, stove, oven, microwave, 3 way fridge, couch, dinette, rocker, TV/DVD, radio, queen bed

4 Photos 21FB1081-002
196 Degelman Rev1000 Rotary Cutter
10 ft wide, single fold wing, 1000 pto, walking axles

4 Photos 21FB0510-009
143 2011 International 7400 T/A Cab & Chassis
Whitecourt, AB
279,437 km showing
Maxxforce 9 engine, 315hp, Allison automatic transmission, Groeneveld automatic greaser, 18 ft frame, 206" wheel base, 22.5" tires, CVIP expires June 2022

4 Photos 21FB1080-001
315B 2014 TUI Shuttle 24 FT T/A Office Trailer
front tool box, fridge, microwave, T/V, DVD player, heaters, A/C, lots of drawers, 235/80R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB5506-006
502 1981 Arnes T/A 28 Ft End Dump Trailer
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
spring suspension, plywood lined, top extensions, 24" tires, hoist works good

4 Photos 21FB5505-001
920 (4) Rotary Manufacturing HHP415-100 Heavy Truck Lift Hoist
Viking AB.
15,000 lb each, hook up in series and are portable

4 Photos 21FB1106-011
151 1988 Ford 700 S./A Grain Truck
North of Smoky Lake, AB
diesel engine, 6 speed transmission, 10-20 tires, spare tire, new rear brakes and lines, 18 Ft Renn Cupid box and hoist, 60,245 kms

4 Photos 21FB0566-004
279 4X4 Forklift
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
4 cylinder diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, built in air compressor, rear tow hitch, 15X19 tires

4 Photos 21FB0510-006
145 2007 Ford F550 Lariat 4X4 Dually Crew Cab Truck
322,280 km showing
2011 Big Max TC-130.2 Picker, side tool boxes, winch, v8 diesel engine, leather interior, heated seats, P/W, P/L, A/C, 245/70R19.5 tires

4 Photos 21FB1098-001
Drayton Valley, AB
722 2003 Scout 27 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
one slide out, bunk beds, queen size bed, D/A, couch and table fold in to beds, full bath, fridge, stove, microwave, ST225/70R15

4 Photos 21FB0510-003
152 2002 International 2574 S/A Snow Plow
Cummins ISM 370 engine, Eaton Fuller 13 speed transmission, air brakes, diff lock, sander box, bottom 10 Ft mow board, 12 Ft front blade, 22.5" tires, 19,997 hrs, 607,645 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB0534-001
353 John Deere 535 Round Baler
1000 PTO, net wrap, pickup gauge wheel, rolls well, monitor, manual, 31x13.50-15

4 Photos 21FB1105-001
436 2007 Highline 8000 Bale Processor
Drayton Valley, AB
1000 pto, hydraulic drape, RH discharge, big rubber

4 Photos 21FB5506-007
505 1981 Arnes T/A 28 Ft End Dump Trailer
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
Spring suspension, plywood lined, top extensions, 24" tires hoist works good

4 Photos 21FB0201-001
485 2021 ED Mfg. 10 ft T/A Powder Coated Dump Trailer
ball hitch, 3500 lb axles, external charge port, electric over hydraulic hoist, electric controller, 2 door hatch, roll tarp, spring suspension, 205/75R15

4 Photos 21FB1084-001
719 1979 Triple E Motorhome
54,722 km showing
gas engine, auto transmission, couch, dinette, fold down bed above cab, bathroom, stove, Onan generator, 215/75R17.5 tires

4 Photos 21FB0559-002
147 2005 Freightliner Argosy T/A Cab Over Truck
465,450 mi showing
Hour Meter:
442 hours showing
13 speed transmission, air ride, diff locks, Webasto heater, 24.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0803-001
816 2013 20 FT Office Seacan
2 windows, man door, cabinets, A/C

4 Photos 21FB0566-033
155 2003 Ford F450 Super duty 4X4 Deck Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
400,000 km showing
diesel engine, 5 speed standard transmission, AC, radio, real nice deck with power tail gate, tool box, hidden hitch in deck, 19.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-050
520 2012 Lite Manufacturing T/A Dually Deck Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
heavy duty tandem axle with duals and electric brakes, spring ride suspension, , 235/85R16 tires, new floor, new paint, rear beavertail with flip loading ramps, set up to be pulled by a regular highway truck

4 Photos 21FB0566-032
171 2000 Ford F550 Super Duty 2WD Picker Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
294,200 km showing
diesel engine, auto transmission, rear deck, tool cabinets, Hiab 0177 crane, excellent 19.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB1023-001
717 2010 Shamrock Bumper Pull Trailer
(1) rear slide (works manually only), bunks, queen bed, fridge, stove, microwave, c/w hitch and sway bars, 205/75R14 tires

4 Photos 21FB1088-001
723 1996 Sea Ray 17.5 FT Inboard Boat
c/w trailer, spare tire, life jackets, spare propeller, anchor, docking bouys, knee board, skis, ski rope, knee board rope, tow bars

4 Photos 21FB0571-002
301 2013 Wacker Neuson G25 Generator & Trailer
Hour Meter:
7030 hours showing
diesel engine, 20KW generator

4 Photos 21FB1078-001
569 1997 Ford F250 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
392,023 km showing
Power Stroke diesel engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, power seats, P/W, P/L, A/C, Sony CD player, cruise control, 265/75R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB1106-010
410 1983 John Deere 7720 Combine
North of Smoky Lake, AB
variable 3 speed transmission, JD belt pickup, replaced belts, chains and chopper knives w/10 hrs on them, airfoil sieve-top, 2515 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0804-003
725 2007 John Deere XUV 620i 4X4 Side X Side
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
Hour Meter:
424 hours showing
front winch, high & low range with reverse, hydraulic dump box, 25X10-12 frt & 25X11-12 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-039
281 Massey Ferguson 2500 2WD Forklift
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
4 cylinder gas engine, shuttle shift transmission, rear tow hitch, fork extensions, real good tires

4 Photos 21FB1001-001
731 2000 Yamaha Grizzley 600 4X4 Quad
1,293 km showing
1 up seat, racks, Warn winch, 25x8-12 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB1061-002
547 2012 Dodge Journey R/T AWD SUV
244,047 km showing
3.6 L gas engine, auto transmission, leather interior, push button start, P/L, P/W, A/C, 225/55R19 tires

4 Photos 21FB1086-001
519 2006 Doepker 48 FT Tri/Axle Highboy Trailer
air ride, 24.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB1113-003
363 New Holland 116 16 FT Hydro Swing Haybine
Near Heinsburg, AB
rubber rollers, field ready

4 Photos 21FB0509-001
201 Edge F-3000 3 PT Hitch Round Bale Forks
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB

4 Photos 21FB6005-001
Drayton Valley, AB
729 1996 Jayco Eagle 24 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
(1) slide out, fridge, stove, microwave, couch, dinette, queen bed, 225/75R15

4 Photos 21FB0532-019
499 M-R Manufacturing 25 FT Tri/A Gooseneck Deck Trailer
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
7000 lb axles, torflex suspension, beaver tail flip up ramps, center load deck leveler, rub rail, stake pockets, real good 245/75R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB1015-001
735 2008 Kawasaki Teryx 750 4X4 XUV
Warn winch, 28x10-12 front tires, 28x12-12 rear tires, diff lock, rear hitch, 450 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0566-038
284 Clark Forklift
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
8000 lb capacity, on propane

4 Photos 21FB0566-040
733 2008 Argo 650 Six Wheel Argo on Tracks
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Vanguard 23 HP engine, front mount electric winch, rear hitch,

4 Photos 21FB0506-041
354 New Holland 499 12 FT Hydro Swing Haybine
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 pto pump, rubber conditioning rolls

4 Photos 21FB1019-001
282 1998 Johnson 4000 Street Sweeper
Cummins diesel engine, dual gutter brooms, 60" main broom, water spray system, hydraulic dump, 22.5 tires, 1852 hrs, 40,995 miles

4 Photos 21FB1104-001
114 Aluminum Headache Rack
Smoky Lake, AB

4 Photos 21FB0566-065
157 1998 GMC 7500 Cab Over S/A Deck Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
379,869 km showing
Cat 3116 diesel engine, Allison auto transmission, hydraulic brakes, spring ride suspension, nice deck, 11R22.5 tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-066
159 Heavy Duty Custom Built Deck with Amco Vera 705/3S Picker
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
deck has tool box's hidden hitch in floor,

4 Photos 21FB0566-067
285 Toro TRX20 Walk Behind Trencher
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Hour Meter:
150 hours showing
Kawasaki gas engine

4 Photos 21FB1066-003
728 2004 Kawasaki Mule 4X4 Quad
Hour Meter:
830 hours showing
gas engine, reverse, dump box, roof, windshield, 23x11-10 tires

4 Photos 21FB6009-001
548 2011 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup
383,551 km showing
6.2L engine, automatic transmission, leather interior, fully loaded, LT275/70r18,

4 Photos 21FB1019-009
283 M-B-W SDT 30 Packer
Kubota D600 engine, 509 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1112-001
202 LandPride AFM4016 15 FT Bat Wing Mower
Close To Lougheed, AB

4 Photos 21FB0529-004
662 John Deere 750 15 FT No Till Disc Drill
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
grass attachment, front fertilizer box rear grain & fertilizer box

4 Photos 21FB1106-008
360 Enrossi 12 Wheel Y Hay Rake
North of Smoky Lake, AB
56" wheels

4 Photos 21FB0510-002
158 1999 Superior Fire Pumper Truck
diesel engine, Allison auto transmission, Cyclone II pump, 22.5 tires, 20,785 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB0557-006
497 1991 Wabash Tri/A Steel Tank Trailer
air ride suspension, has good tires

4 Photos 21FB0557-007
494 2006 Wabash T/A Stiff Pole Tank Trailer
C & D Tank Truck Service on Hwy 43 near Cherhill AB.
pintle hitch, Code 406, air ride suspension

4 Photos 21FB6001-001
726 1992 Dutchmen Classic 22 FT T/A Travel Trailer
dinette, fridge, stove, microwave, bedroom, bathroom, 205/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0564-002
551 2011 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado 2WD Regular Cab Pickup
Acheson Industrial Park just west of Edmonton.
99,602 km showing
V6 engine, auto transmission, long box, head rack, AC, PW, PL

4 Photos 21FB1057-001
570 2004 Ford F150 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
240,814 km showing
Triton 5.4L gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, 275/65R18 tirES

4 Photos 21FB1006-003
730 2005 Tahoe T/A Bumper Pull Travel Trailer
(1) slide, fridge, stove, microwave, fold out couch, recliner, queen bed, lots of storage

4 Photos 21FB1065-001
559 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4 SUV
221,349 km showing
2.4L gas engine, auto transmission, leather interior, sunroof, heated seats, 215/60R17 tires

4 Photos 21FB1011-002
734 2001 Yamaha LS 2000 Boat
twin engines, 7 seater, c/w Yamaha trailer, 205/75R14 tires

4 Photos 21FB0516-002
350 2005 New Holland 499 12 ft Hydro Swing Haybine
From Airdrie, AB to east 8.2 km on HWY 567, then 2 km south on RGE RD 283 to white steel gates, yard #270168, Contact: Charlie 403-850-9277
1000 PTO, 9 ft rubber conditioning rolls

4 Photos 21FB1067-001
359 1988 Case 8370 14 FT Hydro Swing Haybine
540 pto, steel rollers

4 Photos 21FB0516-005
702 Morris 731 35 ft Chisel Plow
From Airdrie, AB to east 8.2 km on HWY 567, then 2 km south on RGE RD 283 to white steel gates, yard #270168, Contact: Charlie 403-850-9277
like new 16-inch sweeps, set of spikes, rear mounted Renn 3 bar harrows, has a Valmar granular applicator mounted on the unit

4 Photos 21FB6013-001
Drayton Valley, AB
732 2006 Prowler T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
bunk room, super slide, solar panels, a/c, gas electric hot water heater, lot of storage

3 Photos 21FB1014-003
910 Pallet of Misc Welding Supplies
beveler, saw, misc tools

4 Photos 21FB0542-001
361 John Deere 530 Round Baler
1000 PTO, pickup gauge wheel, 31x13.50-15 tires

4 Photos 21FB6017-001
Drayton Valley, AB
727 1991 Dutchman 26 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
fridge, stove, dinette, queen bed, lots of storage, bathroom, 205/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-001
550 2011 Dodge Journey R/T AWD SUV
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
3.6L engine, auto transmission, sunroof, excellent tires, rear storage cover, roof racks, trailer tow hitch, Alpine sound system, only 132,035 kms

4 Photos 21FB0506-007
358 Hesston 565T Round Baler
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, hydraulic twine wrapping arm, bale kicker, excellent belts, cab control box

4 Photos 21FB0804-033
198 1973 Ford 3000 2WD Tractor
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
3 cylinder gas engine, 8 speed transmission, 3 Pt hitch, 540 pto, (2) sets of aftermarket rear hydraulics, 6.00-16 front & 13.9-28 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-011
356 Sitrex HM-300 3 Pt Hitch Hay Tedder
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, covers 119"

4 Photos 21FB0506-013
664 Big Meadow 3 PT Hitch Harrow
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
hydraulic wing fold

4 Photos 21FB0563-001
136 2006 Kenworth T800 T/A Highway Truck
814,425 km showing
Hour Meter:
6858 hours showing
CAT C-15 475hp Acert engine, 18 spd transmission, 13,200 front axle, 46,000 lb rears w/full lockers, headache rack, front mount rue bar, sliding fifth wheel, walking deck, PTO for pump along w/hydraulic connection, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 24.5" rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0509-008
362 New Holland 499 Hydro Swing 12 FT Haybine
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
1000 pto

4 Photos 21FB0532-024
433 Farm King 2180 Roller Mill
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
540 PTO, mounted on custom built T/A trailer with hopper where rolled grain is fed into, hydraulic drive side discharge auger with speed control is used to auger feed into bunks as you drive along, also a hydraulic ram can open the bottom of the hopper for ground feeding

4 Photos 21FB1044-001
303 2006 Frontier Bruiser 36 ft Tri/A Office Trailer
pintle hitch, (2) bedroom, bathroom, fridge, stove, microwave

4 Photos 21FB0523-001
156 1997 GMC C7500 S/A Van Truck
CAT 3116 engine, Allison auto transmission, air brakes, 9350 lb front axle, 17,640 rear, Grainmaster 16 ft van, 22.5" tires with aluminum rims, 212,958 kms

4 Photos 21FB0552-001
665 Case IH 4700 32 FT Field Cultivator
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
rear tine harrows, all walking axles, c/w Valmar applicator with a set of rollers for Canola, grass seed, chemical and a set of rollers for cereal grains

4 Photos 21FB0555-002
302 2005 Northgate 30 FT X 10 FT Portable Storage Building
3 minutes east of Westlock, AB
on triple steel skids, gas furnace, all wired, new roll up garage door, come with one propane bottle

4 Photos 21FB1085-001
561 2006 GMC Yukon 4X4 SUV
378,124 km showing
Vortec 6000 engine, auto transmission, leather interior, 3rd row seats, P/W, P/L, A/C, 275/55R20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0542-005
364 Case 8360 Haybine

4 Photos 21FB0573-001
365 New Holland 166 Hay Invertor
hydraulic drive

4 Photos 21FB0515-015
609 Cougar Full Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
this large male cougar was harvested near Niton Junction with archery gear in 2008, the skull scored 14 10/16 P&Y missing the minimum B&C score of 15.

4 Photos 21FB1011-001
738 1975 Reinell B-2471 T/A Fishing Boat
225 V8 OEM gas engine, fridge, stove, sink, kitchen table, cuddy, c/w trailer, 205/75R14 tires

4 Photos 21FB0516-001
362A John Deere 702 10 Wheel V Hay Rake
From Airdrie, AB to east 8.2 km on HWY 567, then 2 km south on RGE RD 283 to white steel gates, yard #270168, Contact: Charlie 403-850-9277
hydraulic folding rake

4 Photos 21FB6011-001
740 Yamaha Wolverine 350 4x4 Quad
electric start, also pull start, reverse, automatic transmission, quad box

4 Photos 21FB0517-001
737 2012 Yamaha Grizzly 350 4x4 Quad
electric start, reverse, new front brakes, new carbs, winch, 25x8-12 front tires, 25x10.00-12 rear tires, 5523 kms

4 Photos 21FB0518-001
203 Massey Ferguson 65 Loader Tractor
30 minutes southwest of Mayerthorpe, AB
diesel engine, 3 Pt hitch, 540 PTO, loader is a industrial loader with a front mount live hydraulic pump, 16.9-24 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0523-010
804 24.6 FT Flat Bed Truck Deck w/Dove Tail and Hook Lift
Whitecourt, AB

4 Photos 21FB1050-001
736 1997 Seadoo Challenger 1800 Boat
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley
twin 110 engines, runs but needs to be serviced, has newer battery, new axle bearings and spindles on trailer

4 Photos 21FB0803-002
304 2012 20 FT Seacan
wired, lights

4 Photos 21FB0508-004
666 Ezee-On 5200 20 FT Heavy Duty Cultivator
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
Renn rear mounted harrows, all walking axles

3 Photos 21FB0508-005
205 New Holland 80 3 PT Hitch Round Bale Carrier
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)

4 Photos 21FB0531-001
200 Case 730 2WD Loader Tractor
10 minutes from Evansburg, AB
Dual-All loader, cab, 540 PTO, (2) sets rear hydraulic outlets, new front tires, good rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0532-012
430 Ezee-ON 2200 Trail Type Post Pounder
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
540 hydraulic pump

4 Photos 21FB0801-002
177 John Deere T/A Manure Spreader
1000 pto, double beater

4 Photos 21FB0532-026
465 Bale King Vortex 880 Bale Processor
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
1000 PTO, left hand discharge, rear self loading

4 Photos 21FB1014-002
83 30 ft X 54 ft Future Steel Quonset
Model X30-16, c/w hardware

4 Photos 21FB0532-041
199 2020 VBM 250D 3PTH Flail Mower
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
540 PTO, horizontal extending distance 7'8", cutting width 8'2", 20 flail blades, weight 1896 lbs, rear roller

4 Photos 21FB1047-002
418 1982 Versatile 4400 Swather
Ford engine, cab, hydrostatic drive system, 8.4-16.1 tires, 21 ft header

4 Photos 21FB0523-002
514 Pronovost P-516/3S Dump Trailer
177" x 97", 11L-15SL tires, sides fold down

4 Photos 21FB1034-001
310 Westeel 1000 Gallon Diesel Tank
c/w Fill-Rite Model 702B 110Vpump, hose and nozzle

4 Photos 21FB0552-005
667 International 5500 22 FT Chisel Plow
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
mounted harrows, real good sweeps, all new tires

4 Photos 21FB1080-002
531 2013 PJ 16 FT Flat Deck Trailer
(2) 7000lb axles, 235/85R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0557-009
498 2003 Jasper T/A Stiff Pole Tank Trailer
C & D Tank Truck Service on Hwy 43 near Cherhill AB.
Code 406, air ride suspension

4 Photos 21FB0515-014
608 Standing Black Bear Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
This black bear is a brown/cinnamon colour phase, standing 7'4" high and 4'6" wide, skull green scored 21 1/4", this mount won an award and was recreated to it's massive posture by World famous taxidermist/artist Ken Walker, was harvested near Wandering River in 2000 <br/>

4 Photos 21FB1006-004
571 2004 Buick Rendezvous 4 Door SUV
3400 SFI gas engine, auto transmission, 7 seater, p/w, p/l, A/C, 215/70R16 tires, 153,480 km

4 Photos 21FB6010-001
259 40 FT Shipping Container

4 Photos 21FB1070-001
562 2008 Ford F150 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
5.4L Triton gas engine, auto transmission, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, tonneau cover, command start, 275/65R18

4 Photos 21FB0506-012
367 Sitrex H-90 Hay Rake
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
8 wheel, trailer hitch, hydraulic fold

4 Photos 21FB0506-014
371 New Holland 166 Hay Inverter
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
hydraulic drive

4 Photos 21FB6004-001
154 2011 Ford F450 4X4 Flat Deck Dually Truck (Non Runner)
186,591 km showing
Power Stroke 6.7L diesel engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, Kenwood CD player, 5th wheel hitch, P/W, P/L, A/C, 19.5" tires

1 Photos 21FB0509-013
207 Frontier SB1174 Rear Mount 3 PT Hitch 74" Snowblower
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
hydraulic chute

4 Photos 21FB0566-022
286 Blustar Twin Portable Toilet (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
wood frame, flush toilets, sink, heavy duty framing for forklift loading and tie down

4 Photos 21FB0566-041
904 Miller Big 40 Welder
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Hour Meter:
4325 hours showing
generator, cables, steel platform with forklift pockets

4 Photos 21FB0566-049
521 2003 WTA T/A Flat Deck Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
flip up ramps, 5000 lb axles, 2 5/16" ball hitch

4 Photos 21FB0552-003
206 Cockshutt 30 Tractor
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
gas engine, new tires, 540 pto

4 Photos 21FB1056-001
208 International WD-400 Tractor
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
diesel engine, torque amplifier, 540 pto, rear hydraulic couplers

4 Photos 21FB1018-003
563 2010 Dodge Caravan 4 Door Van
164,033 km showing
3.3L gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, 225/65R17 tires

4 Photos 21FB1028-001
516 2018 Big Tex 60CH 16 ft T/A Flat Deck Trailer
3500 lb axles, spare tire, ramps, 205/75R15

4 Photos 21FB0506-002
566 2001 GMC Sonoma 2WD Extended Cab Truck
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
V6 engine, auto transmission, A/C, real good rubber, only 132,032 kms

4 Photos 21FB6022-001
735A 1986 Ford Econoline 350 XL S/A 26' Motorhome
127,869 km showing
Gas engine, automatic transmission, 2 beds, full bath

4 Photos 21FB0526-004
515 1995 Mond T/A Highboy Trailer
air ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-006
369 New Holland 311 Square Baler
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, quarter turn chute

4 Photos 21FB0506-022
375 New Holland 1033 Square Bale Stack Wagon
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, 104 bale capacity, auto tier tie, tandem axle

4 Photos 21FB0532-006
669 Custom Built 12 ft Heavy Duty Land Roller
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
1/2" wall on pipe, can be filled with water

4 Photos 21FB0509-011
209 John Deere 665 Rear 3 PT Hitch Rototiller
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
66" wide, 540 pto, in excellent shape

4 Photos 21FB1069-001
642 Gravely 991083 Zero Turn Mower
Hour Meter:
162 hours showing
Kawasaki 24hp engine, 52" mower deck

4 Photos 21FB1007-001
849 2011 Hamms 50BBL Body Job Tank

4 Photos 21FB1007-002
335 John Deere BA84 84" Street Sweeper Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB0566-030
574 2001 Daewoo Leganza SX 4 Door Sedan
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
57,197 km showing
2.2 Litre engine, auto transmission, AC

4 Photos 21FB1018-002
575 2005 Dodge 1500 4x4 Quad Cab Truck
5.7L Hemi, auto transmission, cloth interior, p/w, p/l, A/C, spray in box liner, 275/60R20 tires, 207,646 kms

4 Photos 21FB1010-001
739 1975 Dodge Jamboree 20 ft Motorhome
engine on propane, all appliances work, 8.75R16.5 tires, 159,961 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB0566-056
487 2015 Cargo Pro Eco Light Enclosed S/A Trailer (unused)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
4' wide x 8' long, side entry door, double rear doors, aluminum ATV ramps, sink, fold down table, fold down bunks, checker plate floor

4 Photos 21FB1079-001
342 Heavy Duty Grass Cutter Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 21FB6002-002
576 2006 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup
327,917 km showing
Vortec gas engine, automatic transmission, newer tires

4 Photos 21FB1096-001
854 Magnum 4000 Series Diesel Fired Hot Water Pressure Washer (Unused)
4000 psi, 15 hp electric start gas engine, 30' hose wand, nozzles

4 Photos 21FB1041-001
577 2007 GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
Vortec 6.0L gas engine, auto transmission, ball hitch in box, cloth interior, A/C, P/L, 265/75R16 tires, 395,898 kms

4 Photos 21FB0505-003
522 1997 Trailmobile 53 FT Tri/A Dry Van
spring ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0510-010
318 NPK E201 Jack Hammer Attachment
Whitecourt, AB
fits John Deere mini excavators

4 Photos 21FB0526-002
510 1994 Lode King T/A Highboy Trailer
air ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0510-004
287 1999 JLG Industries 2646E Scissor Lift - NOT RUNNING
26 ft height, 24 V

4 Photos 21FB5504-001
537 Shop Built 20 Ft Tri/A Gooseneck Deck Trailer
5000 lb axles, flip down rear ramps with beaver tail, dual landing gear

4 Photos 21FB0553-001
900 1995 Lincoln SA200-TM27 Welder on Trailer
NW of Neerlandia, AB
200 amp, copper wound, new style Continental gas engine, 300 ft of remote comes with it, no welding cables, mounted on trailer that was built for a welder, all lights and SR# are on the trailer

4 Photos 21FB1106-009
204 1950 John Deere AR Tractor
North of Smoky Lake, AB
runs but needs a carb kit

4 Photos 21FB0555-001
307 2003 Argo Sale Insulated Heated Water Storage Tank on Metal Skids
3 minutes east of Westlock, AB
heated by Cata-Dyne flameless gas heater, walk in side inspection door on the tank

4 Photos 21FB1093-001
533 2007 Snake River 18 FT T/A Trailer
(2) 3500 lb axles, 205/75D15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0572-001
573 1998 GMC Seirra 2500 4x4 Extended Cab Pickup Truck
456,744 km showing
Vortex V8 gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth interior, power locks, hand crank windows, color match canopy, LT245/75R16

4 Photos 21FB1006-001
572 1945 Dodge Power Wagon Truck
flat head 6 cylinder engine, 5 speed transmission pintle hitch and ball hitch, 9.00-16 tires

4 Photos 21FB1049-012
668 Coop Implements 279 40 FT Cultivator
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
3 bar spring mounted harrows, 7.60-15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0505-001
518 1999 Trailmobile 53 ft T/A Dry Van
air ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0505-002
161 2005 International 9200i T/A Parts Truck
24.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB1075-001
741 2007 Suzuki VZR 1800 Cruiser Motorcycle
19,594 km showing
1783cc engine, electric start, Cobra exhaust pipes, custom paint, 130/70R18 front tire, 240/40VR18 rear tire

4 Photos 21FB0523-009
803 Curbtender Truck Mount Refuse Box
Whitecourt, AB
c/w controls and hydraulic pump

4 Photos 21FB0522-001
160 1980 International 4070B T/A Cab Over Truck
Drayton Valley, AB
Cummins 350 engine, 15 speed Eaton Fuller transmission, 40,000lb rears c/w power divider, 22.5" tires on steel rims, no batteries, shows 7,233 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0801-004
587A 1990 Chevy Serria Flat Deck 1 Ton Dually
171,333 km showing
5.7 Diesel engine, manual transmission, leather bench seat, T235/85R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-005
366 New Holland 320 Square Baler
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, hydraulic bale tension, quarter turn chute

4 Photos 21FB1096-002
855 Magnum 4000 Series Diesel Fired Hot Water Pressure Washer
4000 psi, 15 hp electric start gas engine, 30' hose wand, nozzles

4 Photos 21FB1096-003
856 Magnum 4000 Series Diesel Fired Hot Water Pressure Washer
4000 psi, 15 hp electric start gas engine, 30' hose wand, nozzles

4 Photos 21FB1096-004
857 Magnum 4000 Series Diesel Fired Hot Water Pressure Washer
4000 psi, 15 hp electric start gas engine, 30' hose wand, nozzles

4 Photos 21FB6007-001
578 2005 Mazda Tribute AWD SUV
303,731 km showing
gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, 235/70R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB1042-002
742 2003 Yamaha Grizzley 4X4 Quad
auto transmission, reverse, electric start (does not work), runs and drives, 26x9R12 front tires, 26x10R12 rear tires, 4,654 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB1054-001
579 2000 GMC Yukon SLT 4X4 SUV
290,330 km showing
Vortec gas engine, auto transmission, leather interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, heated seats, 265/70R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-016
673 Schafer 12 ft Tandem Disc
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
hydraulic cylinder

4 Photos 21FB0506-020
370 New Holland 499 12 ft Hydro Swing Haybine
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 PTO, unit is in working order, rollers have poor rubber but could still cut some hay

4 Photos 21FB1052-001
373 Case 8465 Round Baler
1000 pto, gathering wheels, kicker, control box, manual

4 Photos 21FB0566-034
162 1989 GMC 2500 2WD Service Body Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
304,298 km showing
V8 engine, auto transmission, fibreglass mechanic's body made in Saskatchewan

4 Photos 21FB0566-037
164 1978 Ford F350 Dually Deck Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
3,763 mi showing
V8 engine, 4 speed standard transmission,

4 Photos 21FB0566-048
508 48 Ft T/A Highboy Deck Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Spring ride, rear live roll, Holland landing gear, 3 bar winch's. pin pockets, side tie down rails

4 Photos 21FB1022-001
581 2006 Volkswagen Jetta TDI 4 Door Car
diesel engine, manual transmission, leather interior, heated seats, P/W, P/L, A/C, 205/55R16, 387,479 km

4 Photos 21FB0566-064
290 Mobil Self Propelled Sweeper
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
front engine GM 40877100 diesel , Allison auto shift transmission, left and right hand drive, good inside cab, brushes were all changed recently, rear engine is a 4 cylinder diesel that will not start

4 Photos 21FB0540-003
374 John Deere 510 Baler
540 Pto, Twine Wrap, tires 11L - 14

4 Photos 21FB1048-001
292 Terex Amida Light Tower
pintle hitch, (4) lights, 30 ft extended height tower, 1000 watt

4 Photos 21FB1019-006
288 Heated Tar Tank on Trailer
pintle hitch, Honda GX 390 engine, 235/85R16 tires, fold down sprayer booms

4 Photos 21FB1045-001
744 2001 Polaris 400 Explorer 4X4 Quad
auto transmission, reverse, electric start, winch, runs and drives, 25x8.00-12 front tires, 25x12.00-10 rear tires, 3,354 kms showing

4 Photos 21FB0526-003
517 1984 Wilson T/A Highboy Trailer
spring ride, 24.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0530-002
289 Hydraulic Scraper
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
approx 4 yard capacity

4 Photos 21FB0552-002
671 Blanchard 32 FT Packer Bar
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
1-3/4 inch packer coils

4 Photos 21FB1106-003
672 Case 14 ft Double Disc
North of Smoky Lake, AB
c/w spring mounted harrows

4 Photos 21FB5506-008
504 1981 Manac T/A 45 Ft Highboy Trailer
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
spring ride suspension, outside rail, winches, pin pockets, good floor

4 Photos 21FB0567-002
538 2013 Bravo S/A 10 FT Enclosed Trailer
side door, rear barn doors

4 Photos 21FB1024-001
306 2008 20 ft Sea Can Container
8 ft 6" high

4 Photos 21FB0551-003
377 1976 Heston SF-30 Self Loading Windrow Feed Unit
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB

4 Photos 21FB0557-008
496 1993 Wabash T/A Stiff Pole tank Trailer
C & D Tank Truck Service on Hwy 43 near Cherhill AB.
with 2004 Code 406 tank, air ride suspension

4 Photos 21FB6003-001
745 Glaspar Fibreglass Boat
165 OMC engine, c/w trailer, 215/75R14 tires

4 Photos 21FB0515-013
607 Alberta Black Bear Half Wall/Shoulder Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
skull green scored 20 1/4", harvested north of Ft McMurray near the Firebag River in 2005 <br/>

4 Photos 21FB0550-008
743 1989 Yamaha Wave Runner LX Seadoo
Ez Loader Trailer

4 Photos 21FB1049-016
247A Sherritt 5200/ S-500 S/A Fertilizer Spreader
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
540 pto, 11L-15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1049-019
670 18 FT Field Disc
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
19" front blades, 8" spacing, 21" rear blades9" spacing, scrapers, 9.5L-15 duals

4 Photos 21FB0560-001
580 2001 Chevrolet 2500 4X4 Extended Cab Truck
488,024 km showing
Vortec engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, box liner, P/W, P/L, A/C, 265/75R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB6011-004
748 Yamaha Big Bear 250
electric start, also has pull start, manual transmission, reverse

4 Photos 21FB1109-001
511 1997 Wabash 53 ft Tri/A Step Deck Trailer
Killam, AB
air ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0535-002
582 2007 GMC Sierra 1500 2WD Pickup Truck
142,805 km showing
Vortec gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth seats, A/C, 265/70R17 tires

4 Photos 21FB0536-005
746 Baja Wilderness Trail 400 Quad
31 km showing
4x4, automatic transmission, reverse, electric start, winch, front and rear racks, 25x10.00-12 rear tires, 25x8.00-12 front tires,

4 Photos 21FB0523-011
805 20 FT Truck Deck w/Mounted Water Pump
Whitecourt, AB

4 Photos 21FB0804-022
368 1981 John Deere 410 Round Baler
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
makes 4' wide bale, 540 pto, hydraulic twine tie, 9.5-14 tires

4 Photos 21FB0537-004
327 WBM 86" Chuck Blade

4 Photos 21FB0537-005
314 Brandt 86" Chuck Blade

4 Photos 21FB1031-001
527 Certified FD1218 18 FT Tandem Axle Deck Trailer
8 bolt rims, 235/85R16 tires, spare

4 Photos 21FB5506-009
506 1981 Manac T/A 45 FT Highboy Trailer
10 Minutes north of Vegreville AB.
outside rail, winches, pin pockets, floor needs some wood replaced

4 Photos 21FB1109-003
513 1994 Mond 53 ft Tri/A Hiboy Trailer
Killam, AB
spring suspension, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0526-001
509 1994 Trailmobile 48 ft Tri/A Dry Van
spring ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB1109-004
535 1994 Mond 53 ft Tri/A Hiboy Trailer
Killam, AB
spring suspension, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-024
291 Blustar Single Portable Toilet (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
wood framed, no sink, heavy wood frame makes it able to load with forklift and easy to tie down

4 Photos 21FB0566-031
583 1995 GMC Jimmy 4X4 SUV
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
V6 engine, 5 speed standard transmission, 2 door with rear hatch

4 Photos 21FB0566-020
294 Bluestar Portable Toilet (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
wood framed, set up to a pallet lift Porta-A-Potty

4 Photos 21FB1095-001
585 2007 Toyota Yaris 4 Door Car
449,425 km showing
VVT-i gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, 185/65R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0536-017
628 GT17 Lawn Tractor
Kohler 17 engine, hydrostatic transmission, forward and reverse gears, mid mount mower deck

4 Photos 21FB0532-001
431 Miami Welding Portable Creep Feeder
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
has penning

4 Photos 21FB0566-015
903 Sullair 12BS-50L Rotary vertical Air Compressor
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
50 HP, 575 volt motor,1770 RPM

4 Photos 21FB1068-001
413 1994 Honey Bee SP21 22 FT 3 PT Hitch Header
hydraulic driven, newer hoses, double swath attachment

4 Photos 21FB0801-001
372 New Holland 1411 Discbine
1000 pto, rubber roll conditioning

4 Photos 21FB0566-021
295 Caterpillar D1850110 Towable Air Compressor
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
2551 hours showing
diesel engine

4 Photos 21FB0532-015
212 12 FT Snow Blade
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
hydraulic angle, fits JD 260 Q/A loader

4 Photos 21FB0566-035
584 2007 Ford F250 4X4 Crewcab Pickup (non runner)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
diesel engine, auto transmission, leather interior, power seats, kms unknown, ignition switch is broken, no battery, engine will not fire

4 Photos 21FB0566-042
905 Lincoln SA200 Gas Welder
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
4 cylinder new style gas engine, no cables, mounted on metal forklift plate

4 Photos 21FB1033-002
86 10 FT X 12 FT Shed
on skids, aluminum siding and facia

4 Photos 21FB0569-001
213 Belarus 610 2WD Tractor
Hour Meter:
1105 hours showing

4 Photos 21FB0530-001
619 John Deere 62D Mower Deck
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
came off John Deere 2520 Tractor

4 Photos 21FB0529-010
890 Western Mysore Kirloskan 300 Metal Lathe
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB

4 Photos 21FB0529-012
412 Butler 5000+/- Bu Bin
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
on concrete with aeration floor, bin sweep & unload auger with Kohler engine<br/>

4 Photos 21FB0555-003
309 2005 Custom Built 19 FT X 8 FT Water Storage Tank
3 minutes east of Westlock, AB
6'6" high

4 Photos 21FB0551-002
376 1976 Heston SF-30 Self Loader Stack Retriever
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
c/w a Heston Model 3060 stack fork

4 Photos 21FB1047-005
392 1993 Hesston Stakhand 30B
1000 pto, 16.5L-16.1

4 Photos 21FB1004-001
747 Goshin Sunbird 14 ft Boat & Trailer
40 HP Johnson motor, electric start, newer swivel seats, CD player, carb overhaul, new tires, new bearings, new LED trailer lights, paddles, dip net, deep cycle 1 yr old battery, c/w 1971 EX-Loader trailer

4 Photos 21FB0566-003
300 2021 Blue Star Portable Toilet (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
trailer lights, stabilizer jacks,

4 Photos 21FB1006-002
586 Dodge 300 Step Side Truck
V8 gas engine, 4 speed transmission,7.50-17 tires 58,221 km showing

4 Photos 21FB1057-002
852 ZCL Composites Above Ground Steel Fuel Tank
2273L capacity, c/w Fill-Rite Pump

4 Photos 21FB0547-002
500 1973 Hale 12 FT T/A Horse Trailer

3 Photos 21FB6015-001
434A Linden Post Pounder
540 pto, new pump & tires

4 Photos 21FB0402-001
616 DR 450E 4.5" Wood Chipper
Briggs & Stratton electric start engine, on transport

4 Photos 21FB1109-002
512 1990 Utility 48 ft Tri/A Hiboy Trailer
Killam, AB
air ride

4 Photos 21FB0526-007
889 Steel Rollers

4 Photos 21FB0803-049
293 2011 10 FT Seacan Workshop
wired, A/C, heater, shelving

2 Photos 21FB0534-003
458A 30 ft X 7 ft Cattle Guard

4 Photos 21FB6020-001
750 VIP 20 FT Inboard Open Bow Boat & Trailer
OMC 240 engine (seized)

4 Photos 21FB0539-001
495 2000 Great Dane T/A 53 FT Dry Van
air ride, 22.5" tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-010
674 Kello-Bilt 75-2224B Heavy Duty 3 PT 6 FT Offset Disc
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
heavy duty oil bath bearings, all tools are with it

4 Photos 21FB6033-003
433A All Weather Solar Watering System
c/w solar panels, winterized water tub, downhole pump with cable and control box

4 Photos 21FB0536-018
629 Ariens S-18H Lawn Tractor
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
c/w blade, rototiller, hydrostatic transmission, mower deck

2 Photos 21FB0534-004
460A 30 ft X 6 ft Cattle Guard

4 Photos 21FB1082-001
749 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 Motorcycle
4,080 km showing
100/90-19M/C front tire, 140/90-15M/C rear tire

4 Photos 21FB1099-003
643 Craftsman Lawn Tractor
Kohler 18.5 hp engine, 46" cutting deck, 20x10.00-8 rear tires, 15x6.00-6 front tires

4 Photos 21FB0804-036
166 1970 GMC 3500 Dually Dump Truck
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
63,500 km showing
V8 gas engine, 4 speed transmission, spare tire, 10' wood box and hoist, 7.00-18 tires

4 Photos 21FB0508-009
316 Tebben 6 FT Rotary Mower
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
converted to skid steer mount and hydraulic drive

4 Photos 21FB0562-001
311 (2) 20 FT Rig Mats

4 Photos 21FB0562-002
312 (2) 20 FT Rig Mats

4 Photos 21FB1066-001
756 Motivational Junior Dragster
Blossom Raptor engine, full Hoiser slicks, custom machined billet front wheels, full custom air brushed paint, 5-point harness, full point harness

4 Photos 21FB0532-021
51 Horse Drawn Wagon
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0506-024
757 Split Master Towable log Splitter
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
Briggs & Stratton gas 190cc engine

4 Photos 21FB0566-043
168 1991 Ford F350 2WD Dually Deck Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
V8 gas engine, 5 speed standard transmission, deck

4 Photos 21FB0512-001
797 Galaxy SL300T9X Hydraulic System
hydraulic drive crude oil pump

4 Photos 21FB0506-039
618 Buhler Y750R 3 Pt Hitch Finishing Mower
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
540 pto

4 Photos 21FB0506-040
173 Spraytec 3 PT Hitch 20 FT Sprayer
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
150 gal poly tank, 540 pump, custom built stand with castors to move in shop

4 Photos 21FB5502-005
677 Morris 725 Deep Tillage Cultivator
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
3 bar mounted harrows

4 Photos 21FB5502-009
536 Home Built T/A Deck Trailer
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
(2) spares, poor deck floor

4 Photos 21FB1047-001
214 Kodiak 3 Pt Hitch 6 ft Mower

4 Photos 21FB1017-002
752 14 ft Aluminum Boat

4 Photos 21FB1091-001
389 Massey Ferguson 124 Square Baler
540 pto

4 Photos 21FB1042-001
639 Husqvarna YTH18542 Lawn Tractor
Briggs & Stratton 540 cc engine, 42" mower deck, reverse, 6 cutting lengths, 15x6.00-6 front tires, 20x8.00-8 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB1017-003
754 1984 Honda Big Red Trike
200 cc engine, reverse, manual transmission, 25x12.00-9 tires

4 Photos 21FB0561-001
753 EZ-Go 4 Seater Golf Cart (Non Running)
gas engine, 18.5x8.5-8 tires

4 Photos 21FB6008-002
477 Portable Livestock Loading Chute

4 Photos 21FB1106-005
675 Farm King 40 ft Diamond Harrows
North of Smoky Lake, AB
new teeth approx 800 acres ago

4 Photos 21FB0529-009
296 Caterpillar 20 Crawler (non runner)
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
blade comes with unit

2 Photos 21FB0803-009
823 Industrial Pressure Washer
c/w CAT pump

4 Photos 21FB5509-001
215 Massey Harris 22 Vintage Tractor
gas engine, belt pulley, hydraulic pump with rear hydraulic hitch

4 Photos 21FB6000-001
542 1970 Homebuilt 16 FT T/A Utility Trailer
4 ft fold down ramps, 15" tires

4 Photos 21FB0551-004
375A 1976 Heston S30 Stack Wagon
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
in working order and has been shedded

4 Photos 21FB6006-003
400 New Holland 489 9 Ft Haybine
haybine is complete and was working when last used

4 Photos 21FB0515-001
595 Greater Kudu Woodland Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
large males can weigh up to 600 lbs.

4 Photos 21FB0551-006
676 Farm King 13 Section Diamond Harrow Drawbar
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
hydraulic fold

4 Photos 21FB0551-007
633 Case 446 Garden Tractor
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
c/w hydraulic drive rototiller, Onan twin cylinder electric start engine, starts and runs well

4 Photos 21FB0567-003
530 Transport S/A 10 FT Enclosed Trailer
S/A, ST205/75R15

4 Photos 21FB1056-003
210 John Deere Model D Tractor
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
on steel wheels, electric start engine, is not seized

4 Photos 21FB0574-002
649 White Outdoor Riding Mower W/ Bagger System
18hp V-twin gas engine, Bagger system, 42" cutting deck,

4 Photos 21FB0556-001
175 Kuelker's JMS 900 20 FT Truck Mount Manure Spreader
10 mins from Sundre, AB
there is no rear beater

4 Photos 21FB0547-001
587 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4X4 SUV
189,424 km showing
gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, cruise, new radiator, new battery, new shocks, control arm and steering knuckle, 225/75R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-002
330 6 Ft Skid Steer Brush Grapple
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB1021-001
755 1986 Canaventure Boat
Evinrude 120 motor, 4 seats, bilge pump, ski pole, c/w 1984 Ez-Loader trailer, 185/80R13 tires

4 Photos 21FB0534-006
387 Tonutti RCS 8 8 Wheel Hay Rake
in transport

4 Photos 21FB1057-005
914 5 Ton Overhead Hoist
3 phase

4 Photos 21FB0536-002
751 1980 Honda Atc 185 Trike
c/w spare, tire size 25x12.0-9

4 Photos 21FB0536-003
622 John Deere STX 38 Lawn Tractor
38" deck, spare tire 18x9.5-8

3 Photos 21FB0533-001
447 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

3 Photos 21FB0544-002
265A Weldco Beales Pallet Forks
10 mins from Crossfield, AB
fit the JD 544H wheel

4 Photos 21FB0804-020
437 Schultz 22B S/A Manure Spreader
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto, wood floor, double beaters, 9.00-20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0537-002
315 2006 SMH 3-17 68" Screen Crusher Attachment

4 Photos 21FB0804-025
216 Sovema 5 Ft 3 Pt Hitch Rototiller
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto

4 Photos 21FB0537-003
326 2006 SMH 3-17 68" Screen Crusher Attachment

4 Photos 21FB1030-001
588 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe 4 Door SUV
V6 gas engine, 5 speed manual transmission, A/C, roof rack, P/W, P/L, hitch, 235//70R16 tires, 175,896 kms

4 Photos 21FB6023-001
630A 1997 John Deere STX 38 Lawn Tractor
Kohler gas engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 38" cutting deck, mulcher compatible, 15x6.5-6 NHS front tires, 20x8.00-8 NHS rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0549-002
249 20.8X38 Goodyear Snap on Duals

4 Photos 21FB0542-004
758 1983 Honda 125M Trike
125cc engine, manual transmission, 22x11.00-8 front tire, 22x10-8

4 Photos 21FB0561-002
759 EZ-GO Shuttle Electric 4 Seater Golf Cart (Non Running)
18x8.5-8 tires

3 Photos 21FB0533-002
449 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

4 Photos 21FB0561-003
762 EZ-GO Electric 4 Seater Golf Cart (Non Running)

3 Photos 21FB0533-003
451 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

4 Photos 21FB0561-004
770 EZ-GO Electric 6 Seater Golf Cart (non Running)
no batteries

3 Photos 21FB0533-005
455 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

3 Photos 21FB0533-006
457 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

4 Photos 21FB0566-044
170 1969 Chevrolet C30 2WD Deck Truck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
V8 engine, 5 speed standard transmission, deck with hoist

4 Photos 21FB0515-009
603 Central Barren Ground Caribou Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
generally found in NWT and Nunavut, harvested in 2000 at Desteffany Lake NWT, included DVD of Caribou hunt " Hunting the Barren Ground Caribou", harvesting one now would be a rare opportunity

4 Photos 21FB0515-010
604 Central Barren Ground Caribou Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
generally found in NWT and Nunavut, harvested in 1993 at Desteffany Lake NWT, included DVD of Caribou hunt " Hunting the Barren Ground Caribou", harvesting one now would be a rare opportunity

4 Photos 21FB0804-024
637 Farm King 6 Ft 3 Pt Hitch Finishing Mower
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto

4 Photos 21FB5502-019
415 Westfield 7 X 51 Ft Grain Auger
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
Kohler 18 HP twin cylinder motor, battery, good tires

4 Photos 21FB0400-001
525 1990 Shop Built S/A Tilt Deck Trailer
5' X 9'6" deck, 225/75R15 tires, 6 bolt axles

4 Photos 21FB1106-006
423 Sakundiak HD7-45 45 ft Auger
North of Smoky Lake, AB
7", Power Fist 14 HP engine (new) w/approx 10 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1091-002
218 Maletti LN 180-S 3 PT Rototiller
540 pto, 4 ft

4 Photos 21FB0574-001
761 2004 Polaris Predator 50cc Kids Quad
50 CC gas engine, electric and kick start, serial number is rubbed off buyer if choices will get new serial number at their cost.

4 Photos 21FB0804-015
760 11 Ft Aluminum Boat on Trailer
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
Mercury 4.5 Hp outboard, paddles, (2) bags of life jackets, trailer

4 Photos 21FB1029-001
589 2003 Hyundai Tiburon 2 Door Car
gas engine, auto transmission, leather interior, sunroof, heated seats, A/C, 205/55R16 tires, 179,819 kms

4 Photos 21FB1059-001
528 Homemade 16 FT T/A Trailer
6 ft wide, 5 ft beaver tails, 235/85R16 tires

4 Photos 21FB0509-006
381 1980 Hesston 5800 Round Baler
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
540 PTO with electric twin controller, c/w switch

4 Photos 21FB0532-005
461 20 ft Portable Shed
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
metal roof, on towable metal skids

4 Photos 21FB1009-001
250 (2) Goodyear 18.4-38 Tires on Duals & (2) Firestone 18.4-38 Tires

4 Photos 21FB1077-001
915 ESAB Mig Welder on Wheels

4 Photos 21FB1087-001
113 2011 Dodge Dually 3500 Truck Box
has backup camera

4 Photos 21FB1106-007
417 Farm King 41 ft Auger
North of Smoky Lake, AB
7", Power Ease 14 HP engine (new) w/approx 50 hrs

4 Photos 21FB0534-009
621 John Deere LA175 Lawn Tractor
26 hp engine, 54 in mower deck, 269 hrs

4 Photos 21FB1049-014
678 International 5100 12 Ft End Wheel Seed Drill
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
7.50-20 tires

3 Photos 21FB1057-004
913 2 Ton Overhead Hoist
3 phase

4 Photos 21FB1019-003
337 Sweepster 84" Sweeper Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB0509-005
378 1979 Hesston 5800 Round Baler
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
540 PTO

4 Photos 21FB0566-059
169 Heavy Duty Welder's Truck Deck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
for dual wheel truck, front cabinets in good condition

4 Photos 21FB0506-018
679 Aer Way 12 ft Aerator
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
Beline seed box

4 Photos 21FB1049-010
473 Cattle Squeeze

4 Photos 21FB1053-001
591 2000 Chevrolet Malibu 4 Door Car
225,950 km showing
gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, cruise, 215/60R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1063-001
529 2000 Dynamic 12 FT Flat Deck Trailer
7' wide, drop down sides, 205/75R14 tires

4 Photos 21FB1063-002
338 Stump Grapple Bucket Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB0566-013
23 1700 Gallon Fibreglass Holding Tank (unused)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
can be used for underground application

1 Photos 21FB0509-014
211 Frontier 3 PT Hitch 74" Box Scraper
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB

4 Photos 21FB0566-019
332 Skid Steer Pallet Forks with Grapple
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0532-025
464 2 Stall Bucking Bull Chute
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
needs some minor repairs

4 Photos 21FB0532-027
425A Sakundiak PTO Grain Auger
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
with hopper

4 Photos 21FB0506-025
765 Off Road Mini Chopper
Team Auction yard in Drayton Valley.
needs battery

4 Photos 21FB0532-034
224 Set of Goodyear Clamp On Duals
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
18.4 x 38, hardware

4 Photos 21FB1016-001
217 1949 Case VA Tractor
4 cylinder gas engine, 6.00-16 front tires, 10-28 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-052
167 Sunrise Manufacturing 9 Ft Truck Deck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
with head board

4 Photos 21FB0566-057
814 10FT Metal Platform
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
triple skid, well made

4 Photos 21FB5502-001
683 International 7200 14 FT Hoe Press Drill
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
drill has been sitting around for a few years so the fertilizer box drives are seized up, will need to be loosened up before using

4 Photos 21FB5502-015
222 Set of 1086 International Duals
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

4 Photos 21FB5502-016
919 Coats 40-40SA Tire Changer
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
just removed from shop

4 Photos 21FB1017-001
763 1961 Peterborough Tempest 15 ft Wooden Boat
West Bend engine, gas tank, paddle, c/w emblems, 185/80R13 tires

3 Photos 21FB1066-002
474 Livestock Alley
Located near Evansburg, AB

4 Photos 21FB1037-016
297 Wacker WP 1550 Tamper
Honda GX 160 engine

4 Photos 21FB0525-006
323 Concrete Cutter Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB1029-002
592 2005 Mercury Grand Marques 4 Door Car
V8 gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, 215/60R16 tires, 235,851 kms

4 Photos 21FB0567-001
308 Tank on Skid Frame

4 Photos 21FB1083-001
532 2007 TCA Tow Dolly Trailer
3000 lb axle, new LED lights, new wiring harness, 205/75D15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0551-001
384 (2) New Holland 855 Round Balers
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
one is in working order, the other is for parts

4 Photos 21FB0551-005
416 Massey Ferguson 510 Western Special Combine
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
V8 gas engine, 3 sieve straw water machine, cab, starts and runs, been stored inside mostly, quick attach header and pickup

4 Photos 21FB0515-002
596 Thompson Gazelle Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
approx 40-50 lbs, speed 40 MPH

4 Photos 21FB0551-008
652 Case 222 Lawn Tractor
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
c/w belly mount mower, mower drive is not complete and needs a few parts, Kohler 12 hp electric start engine, starts and drives well

4 Photos 21FB1056-002
219 Case L Tractor
15 mins northeast of Drayton Valley, AB
gas engine

4 Photos 21FB1027-002
564 2011 Nissan Maxima 4 Door Car
242,092 km showing
leather, DVD player, 245/45R18

4 Photos 21FB1047-004
393 Hesston Stakfeeder 30
w/ spare parts, 1000 pto

4 Photos 21FB1058-001
590 1972 Buick Centurion 2 Door Convertible Car
58,447 mi showing
455 cu gas engine, turbo 400 transmission, 225/75R15 tires, runs & drives

4 Photos 21FB1049-020
680 Coop Implements 16 FT Deep Tillage Cultivator
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
215/70R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1051-002
394 Allis-Chalmers 444 Square Baler
540 pto, extra parts forks & knotters

4 Photos 21FB1072-001
390 New Holland 258 Side Delivery Rake
new gear box bearings and seals (spring 2020), new tires (fall 2020)

4 Photos 21FB6016-001
684 John Deere 6ft Adjustable Angle Disc
greaseable bearings

3 Photos 21FB1073-001
341 6 FT Tilt Blade Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB1019-002
336 Asphalt Grinder Skid Steer Attachment
high flow, 18" drum, can grind stumps

4 Photos 21FB0536-004
623 Yard Machine Lawn Tractor
12.5hp, 38" cutting deck, 18x9.50-8 rear tires, 15x6.00-6 front tires

4 Photos 21FB0804-010
220 Kubota B2781 4 FT 3 Pt Snowblower
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto, manual chute control

4 Photos 21FB0804-014
681 Cockshutt 252 10 Ft Field Disc
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
17" front & 18" rear blades, 7.5" spacing, hydraulic lift cylinder

4 Photos 21FB1019-011
315A 1982 Hot Patch Pete AR6 S/A Asphlat Repair Unit
pintle hitch, Wisconsin Robin gas engine, 215/75B15 tires

4 Photos 21FB6018-001
764 1984 Terry Taurus 21FT T/A Travel Trailer
fridge, stove, bathroom, 205/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0804-021
403 New Holland 455 7 Ft Pull Type Sickle Mower
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto, extra sickle knife and parts, G78-14 tires

4 Photos 21FB0506-003
523 2008 S/A Utility Trailer
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
2" ball hitch, 1,980 lb axle, 4.80x12 tires, rear folding ramp

4 Photos 21FB1108-003
682 International 10 Double Disc End Wheel Seed Drill
Near Strome, AB
tarp, hydraulic lift cylinder

4 Photos 21FB0804-031
526 S/A 9 Ft V Nose Snowmobile Trailer
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
8' wide deck, 185/60R14 tires, spare

3 Photos 21FB0566-014
24 1700 Gallon Fibreglass Holding Tank (unused)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
can be used for underground application

4 Photos 21FB0566-058
165 Steel 10 FT Truck Deck
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
well built with head rack

4 Photos 21FB1058-002
768 1979 Honda CX500 Motorcycle
28,096 km showing
runs, 113/90V16 rear tire, 32.5H19RB2 front tire, runs and drives

4 Photos 21FB1067-002
223 Woods B-106 3 PT Hitch Brush Mower

4 Photos 21FB0550-001
685 Melroe Gysler 14 FT Chisel Plow

4 Photos 21FB1064-003
766 1985 Honda Fourtrax 250 Quad
manual transmission, reverse, electric start, hitch, 21x7.00-10 front tires, 25x12.00-9 rear tire

4 Photos 21FB5502-017
48 1200 Gal Poly Water Tank
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
crack in top of tank

4 Photos 21FB6016-003
769 Honda 250 Big Red Trike
5 speed, reverse, shaft driven, halogen light, new brakes, electric start

4 Photos 21FB0804-001
907 Magna Force Vertical Shop Air Compressor
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
60 gallon tank, 5 HP 230 volt motor, single phase, two cylinder compressor head

2 Photos 21FB0534-005
65 (24) 2 7/8" Full Length Pipe

4 Photos 21FB6019-001
657 Craftsman Lawn Tractor
Briggs & Stratton 12.5 HP engine, 5 speed transmission, 38" mower deck, c/w rear bagger

4 Photos 21FB0537-006
329 WBM Ripper Shank

4 Photos 21FB0537-007
328 Ripper Shank

4 Photos 21FB0549-001
225 Frontier BB2172 3 PT Hitch Box Blade

4 Photos 21FB0506-017
687 John Deere 100 10 ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
hydraulic lift cylinder

4 Photos 21FB0506-021
382 New Holland 56 Side Delivery Hay Rake
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
rubber mounted teeth

4 Photos 21FB0532-007
420 1978 Versatile 400 18 FT Swather
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
bat reels, Ford 6 cylinder gas engine (exhaust manifold gasket leaking)

4 Photos 21FB0509-012
228 Frontier Quick Attach Pallet Forks
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
fits JD 300CK loader

4 Photos 21FB0532-008
16 One Lot of Scrap
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
includes old car & pickup box, all in one yard

4 Photos 21FB0566-017
541 2017 DK2 MMT-4X6 S/A Utility Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
rear fold down tail gate, one light is broken, lumber sells with trailer

4 Photos 21FB0532-023
463 Home Built Team Drawn Sleigh
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
steel runners, pole, hand crank winch

4 Photos 21FB0503-001
305 Poly West 2000 Gallon Water Tank

4 Photos 21FB0532-039
52 Wooden Wheel Grain Wagon
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
has been inside for many years but needs new floor installed

4 Photos 21FB0566-046
333 Excavator 5 Ft Bucket
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
not sure what it fits

4 Photos 21FB0532-040
174 Cosmo 500 3 PTH Spreader
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
540 PTO

4 Photos 21FB0566-051
26 Free Form Heavy Duty 1250 gal Poly Water Tank
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0566-054
438 Wheatland 402EX14 Feed Hopper Bin
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
bottom unloading auger with electric motor

4 Photos 21FB5502-007
644 Howse C372 3 PT Hitch 72" Finishing Mower
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
540 pto, owner has front half of pto

4 Photos 21FB1049-009
471 Cattle Squeeze

4 Photos 21FB0525-007
324 2012 John Deere 52" Quick Hitch Broom

4 Photos 21FB0525-008
886 Giant Tools ZH-665AF Tire Changer

4 Photos 21FB6008-001
476 Home Built Hoof Trimming & Showing Stall
heavy duty pipe, heavy duty 8"X8" floor

4 Photos 21FB0529-002
540 2012 Barreto S/A Trailer
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB

4 Photos 21FB1026-001
391 1976 Hesston PT10 9 ft Haybine
steel on rubber rolls, 540 PTO, swivel hitch

4 Photos 21FB0515-003
597 Grant's Gazelle Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
speed 50 MPH

4 Photos 21FB1047-003
247B Brandt T/A Field Sprayer
400 gal tank, 540pto, 11L-15

4 Photos 21FB1049-021
688 John Deere C21 16 Ft Field Cultivator
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
3 bar spring tooth mounted harrows, 225/75R15

4 Photos 21FB1051-003
396 Massey Ferguson 1560 Round Baler
540 pto

4 Photos 21FB6011-002
767 TTC Motorsports 5.5hp Kids SxS Gokart
5.5HP gas engine, electric start, also pull start, 2 wheel drive

4 Photos 21FB0526-005
888 Steel Rollers & Misc Steel

4 Photos 21FB0804-008
109 Chevrolet Dually Pickup Box
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
8' long, some damage to right fender

4 Photos 21FB0804-013
689 Leon Rock Picker
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
hydraulic lift cylinder, 15" tires

4 Photos 21FB0804-019
402 Shop Built 24 Ft Round Bale Wagon
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
9' wide, built on older truck chassis with 8.25-20 tires

4 Photos 21FB0518-002
227 Farm King 3 PT Hitch 6 FT Rear Blade
30 minutes southwest of Mayerthorpe, AB

4 Photos 21FB0506-009
686 CCIL 40 ft Harrow Drawbar
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
(13) 3 ft diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FB0525-009
887 Giant Tools SBM99A Wheel Balancer

4 Photos 21FB0804-009
110 Chevrolet Silverado Dually Pickup Box
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
8' long, front truck bumper, 5th wheel rails

4 Photos 21FB0532-029
383 Massey Ferguson 36 Side Delivery Rake
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
ground drive

4 Photos 21FB0515-004
598 Impala Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
mid sized, top speed 90 km/h, weighing approx 150 lbs

4 Photos 21FB0554-002
634 Troy-Bilt Riding Mower
11.5 hp engine, 30" mower deck, rear bagger, 18x5.00-6 front tires, 16x6.50-8 rear tires

4 Photos 21FB0515-007
601 Red Hartabeest African Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
very ungainly looking with long narrow face with goat like eyes, speed up to 65 km/h with great stamina to out run predators

4 Photos 21FB0515-005
599 Blesbuck Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
from South Africa weighing about 130 lbs

3 Photos 21FB6016-002
690 John Deere 3 Bottom Plow
new tires

4 Photos 21FB6002-001
771 12 FT Aluminum Boat
c/w trailer

3 Photos 21FB0566-010
103 Pallet of (30) Galvanized Stair Treads
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0532-018
594 1993 GMC 1500 Pickup (non runner)
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0532-020
439 (19) 2020 Dry Round Hay Bales
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
(14) net wrapped, (5) twine wrap

4 Photos 21FB1108-004
424 Westfield W10-36 6" Grain Auger
Near Strome, AB
spout, Briggs Vanguard 6 HP engine with approx 40 hrs (like new), used for adding grain to feed mixer

3 Photos 21FB0566-011
104 Pallet of (30) Galvanized Stair Treads
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

2 Photos 21FB1032-003
85 Bundle of 3-4" Rails

4 Photos 21FB1001-002
539 Homebuilt Ultra-Lite T/A Quad Trailer
175/80R13 tires

4 Photos 21FB1049-001
251 BF Goodrich 18.4-38 Tire on Rim

4 Photos 21FB1089-001
916 Lincoln Ideal Arc 250 AC/DC Welder
c/w with cables

4 Photos 21FB1099-001
858 Tool Box/Fuel Tank Combo
c/w electric pump

4 Photos 21FB1060-001
774 Boat Lift w/ Tin Roof

4 Photos 21FB0508-010
317 5 FT Skid Steer Tine Bucket
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
c/w grapple fork

4 Photos 21FB0509-003
379 Vicon 6 Wheel Hay Rake
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
hydraulic cylinder

3 Photos 21FB1063-003
339 Post/Tree Puller Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 21FB0532-004
460 HiQual Calf Tipping Squeeze
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB1064-001
772 2008 Crosstrax Sled Deck
80"x76", ramps, new plywood, working lights

4 Photos 21FB0509-009
380 Ford 505 7 Ft Sickle Hay Mower
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
540 pto, hydraulic lift, new tires

4 Photos 21FB0566-016
507 Wholesale Trailer S/A Utility Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Has not been used much needs some light repairs

3 Photos 21FB0532-016
230 Q/A Bale Spear
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
fits JD 260 loader

4 Photos 21FB0532-017
593 1985 Dodge 150 Ram Pickup (non runner)
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0566-025
25 500 Gallon Fibreglass Tank (new)
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
can be used underground

4 Photos 21FB0532-022
458 Home Built Single Horse Trainer Sleigh
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0566-029
503 Single Axle Reel Trailer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
new paint, hitch jack

4 Photos 21FB0532-033
231 Set of Goodyear Clamp On Duals
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
20.8 x 38, hardware, (1) poor tire has a bulge

4 Photos 21FB0532-035
232 Set of Tire Chains
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
18.4 x 38

4 Photos 21FB0532-037
773 ATV Aluminum T/A Trailer
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

3 Photos 21FB0566-045
298 Walk Over Fence Stair Case
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0506-036
445 (6) Hiqual 10 ft Panels
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB1101-001
434 2002 Highline 7000HD Bale Processor
15376 Twp Rd 450, near Strome, AB
1000 PTO, left hand discharge

4 Photos 21FB0566-047
334 Drott Manufactured 953196 Excavator Bucket
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
not sure what it fits

3 Photos 21FB1103-002
691 75 ft Harrow Drawbar
Near Strome, AB
(21) diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FB0506-043
163 Truck Mount Mechanics Tool Box
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

3 Photos 21FB0566-053
813 Pipe Hauling Truck Rack
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB5502-003
424A White 501 18 Ft Pull Type Swather
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
540 pto, pickup reels

4 Photos 21FB5502-010
98 Metal Shed
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
with door, on skids

4 Photos 21FB0566-068
635 Task Rear Tine Tiller
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
new 6 HP engine last year, tines are worn down

3 Photos 21FB0514-003
229 New Holland Tractor Weights

4 Photos 21FB5502-018
49 Heavy Duty 16 FT Work Dock
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
very well built

4 Photos 21FB0535-003
646 Toro Turf Sweeper 4800 Grass Sweep
Hour Meter:
778 hours showing
Kohler gas engine, hydro drive, 18x8.5-8 front & 18x9.5-8 rear

2 Photos 21FB0540-001
809 Pilot Truck Sign with Beacons

2 Photos 21FB0514-004
446 (10) Granular Hay Preservative

4 Photos 21FB0400-004
615 Bear Cat Lawn Vacuum
3 speed self propelled, with hose & bag

4 Photos 21FB1106-004
534 John Deere Farm Wagon
North of Smoky Lake, AB

4 Photos 21FB0529-008
221 International 460 Tractor (non runner)
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
gas engine, sells as is where is for fixer upper

4 Photos 21FB5509-002
233 Shop Built Saw Mandrel
good saw blade and well built frame, flat drive belt

4 Photos 21FB6006-002
401 New Holland 489 9 Ft Haybine (parts)
this haybine is for parts only there are parts missing

4 Photos 21FB0536-021
99 Qty of Treated 6"x6"x8' Square Posts

4 Photos 21FB0515-006
600 Warthog Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
member of pig family, males can weigh over 300 lbs and reach speeds of 35 MPH

4 Photos 21FB1047-006
478 Shop Built Bale Feeder

4 Photos 21FB1034-002
395 Case Model 10 3 PT Hitch Sickle Mower

4 Photos 21FB1049-013
435 Kirchner 3 PT Hitch Round Bale Unroller
East of Tomahawk Alberta.

4 Photos 21FB1055-001
87 Lift of Misc Length 2" X 10" Lumber

4 Photos 21FB1049-017
471A HiQual Calf Tipping Chute
East of Tomahawk Alberta.

4 Photos 21FB1049-018
650 Craftsman LT4000 Lawn Tractor
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
Kohler 14 Hp engine, 6 speed transmission, no mower deck

4 Photos 21FB0554-003
901 L-Tec 225 Wire Feed Welder

4 Photos 21FB1019-010
776 Wind River Fiberglass Canoe
c/w paddle, 3 benches

4 Photos 21FB1057-003
912 7" X 12" Hydraulic Metal Cutting Band Saw

4 Photos 21FB1019-004
850 (2) Rolls of Geo Grid & (1) Roll of Geo Textile

2 Photos 21FB0534-002
388 Pallet of John Deere Baler Belts

4 Photos 21FB0804-006
909 Shop Built Log Splitter
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
Power Fist 13 HP electric start gas engine, 24" stroke, on wheels

4 Photos 21FB0804-012
692 Cockshutt 8 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
hydraulic lift cylinder, 7.00-15 tires

4 Photos 21FB0804-017
775 Evinrude 9.5 Hp Outboard Motor with Tank
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

3 Photos 21FB0534-007
325 Adaptor Attachment & Ripper
fits JD 490 excavator

4 Photos 21FB0804-023
397 Vicon Lely 5 Wheel Hay Rake
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
(2) spare parts wheels

4 Photos 21FB1108-001
475 Cattle Chute
Near Strome, AB

4 Photos 21FB1108-002
397A 5 Wheel Hay Rake
Near Strome, AB

4 Photos 21FB6017-003
360A New Holland 850 Round Baler
540 pto, gauge wheel, apron and floor chain, control box

4 Photos 21FB0804-034
398 4 Wheeled Farm Wagon Chassis
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
8 bolt axles, 215/75R15 tires

4 Photos 21FB1099-002
859 Tool Box/Fuel Tank Combo
c/w electric pump

4 Photos 21FB1060-002
778 Shore Master Boat Lift

3 Photos 21FB0569-003
237 Loader & Bucket

2 Photos 21FB0540-002
810 Pilot Truck Sign with Beacons

2 Photos 21FB0514-005
448 (10) Granular Hay Preservative

4 Photos 21FB1055-002
88 Lift of 2" X 8" Lumber

4 Photos 21FB0569-004
238 Loader & Bucket

2 Photos 21FB0514-006
450 (10) Granular Hay Preservative

4 Photos 21FB1055-003
89 Lift of 2" X 4" Lumber

2 Photos 21FB0514-007
452 (10) Granular Hay Preservative

4 Photos 21FB6008-003
240 Massey Ferguson Loader & Bucket

4 Photos 21FB1055-004
90 Lift of 2" X 4" Lumber

2 Photos 21FB0514-008
454 (9) Granular Hay Preservative

4 Photos 21FB1055-005
91 Lift of Assorted Lumber

4 Photos 21FB1055-006
92 Lift of 1" X 8" Lumber

3 Photos 21FB1055-007
93 Lift of Misc Lumber

4 Photos 21FB0522-002
100 (3) Canadian Rough Rider Batteries (new)
group 31S, 925 cold cranking amps, never hooked up

3 Photos 21FB1032-002
84 (44) Pieces of 12 FT Composite Decking

4 Photos 21FB0523-012
806 Aluminum L Shape Slip Tank
c/w Fill-Rite 20 GPM pump, 450L, 24" tall, bottom 21" long

2 Photos 21FB0508-006
239 Round Bale Spear
Take HWY 627 east of the Keephills powerplant till RGE RD 33, then 1.6 km (1 mile) south on RGE RD 33, yard #51502. Contact: Glen 780-668-3782 (no Sunday calls please)
fits Ezee-On quick attach model 115 loader

3 Photos 21FB0532-002
456 Shop Built Heavy Duty Rubber Belt Bunk Feeder
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

3 Photos 21FB5501-005
118 Aluminum Headache Rack

4 Photos 21FB0525-005
885 Thermal Arc Power-Plus Welder
460V AV 3 phase

4 Photos 21FB0515-008
602 Texas White Tailed Deer Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
commonly known as a Texas 10 pointer, displayed by Pedestal mount

4 Photos 21FB0804-007
636 Stablers INC Rotary Manure Spreader
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
ground drive to rotate basket

3 Photos 21FB0523-007
802 Pilot Truck Sign With Beacons

4 Photos 21FB0506-008
524 4 Wheeled Farm Wagon
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
old wood box, box needs work

4 Photos 21FB0801-003
693 Potato Seeder
works, just seeded 2 acres last year

4 Photos 21FB0529-007
421 Brandt 850 PTO Grain Auger
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB

4 Photos 21FB0804-016
779 Evinrude 4 HP Outboard Motor with Tank
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

4 Photos 21FB1076-001
653 John Deere Rototiller
fits JD 318

4 Photos 21FB0549-003
812 Better Built Heavy Duty 75 Gal Fluid Transfer Tank

4 Photos 21FB0550-002
461A Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

4 Photos 21FB0506-023
386 Malmgren Bale Elevator
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
c/w 110V electric motor

4 Photos 21FB1056-004
696 Older One Way Rake
w/hydraulic lift, 22.5" discs, 8" spacing

3 Photos 21FB0532-003
459 Shop Built Metal Bunk Feeder
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
with cover

4 Photos 21FB1064-002
695 7 FT 3 PT Hitch Cultivator

4 Photos 21FB0532-011
462 (95+/-) Used Fence Posts
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB5501-004
861 400L Tidy Tank
c/w pump

4 Photos 21FB0566-018
331 Excavator Digging Bucket
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0532-014
385 (3) Axle Farm Wagon
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
front steer

4 Photos 21FB0532-028
248 (2) 18.4X38 Rear Tractor Tires
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0532-038
808 100 Gal Tidy Tank
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
12 volt Great Plains pump, hose & auto shut off nozzle

4 Photos 21FB0506-044
882 Assortment of Long Aluminum Ladders
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB5502-011
343 Pallet Forks
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
no sure what they fit

4 Photos 21FB5502-013
242 Ferguson 3 PT Hitch 7 FT Cultivator
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

3 Photos 21FB0525-001
319 Cat D8 Draw Bar

4 Photos 21FB0569-005
226 Cockshutt Yard Art Tractor

4 Photos 21FB0529-003
50 (2) Wayne Gas Pumps
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
were used 10 years ago

4 Photos 21FB0529-006
419 Sakundiak HD8-1600 PTO Grain Auger
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
PTO shaft is missing

2 Photos 21FB0510-011
258 (2) Goodyear C751 MSA 315/80R22.5 on Rims

4 Photos 21FB1047-007
422 Advance-Rumely Thrashing Machine
non working

4 Photos 21FB5501-003
860 D8K ROPS Canopy

4 Photos 21FB0400-006
881 Wacker Electric Jack Hammer
cart, (1) chisel, (1) point, 110 volt

3 Photos 21FB1076-002
654 John Deere 52" Mower Deck
fits JD 318

4 Photos 21FB0804-002
908 Shop Hoist/ Engine Stand Combo
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

4 Photos 21FB0804-004
694 18 Ft Harrow Bar
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
with (6) 3' diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FB0804-011
243 Shop Built 3 PT Hitch 12 FT Yard Drag
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
can also be pulled without 3 pt hitch, constructed with (2) 12' pieces of railroad track

4 Photos 21FB0523-003
798 (2) Fuel Tanks

4 Photos 21FB5500-001
116 Ex-Guard After Market Bumper
came of 2018 Kenworth short hood, attaches in front of factory bumper thru frame holes and has 2 tow hooks on front, flips down for hood opening<br/>

4 Photos 21FB0523-008
101 Slip Tank Toolbox Combo

4 Photos 21FB0506-004
241 3 PT Hitch Round Bale Spear
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

3 Photos 21FB6003-002
666A Diamond Harrows w/10 FT Drawbar

4 Photos 21FB6017-002
355A Cockshutt 3 PT Hitch 4 Wheel Hay Rake

4 Photos 21FB0548-001
811 Paragon Hydra Flow Hydraulic Pump

4 Photos 21FB0550-003
462A Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

3 Photos 21FB0506-045
883 Assortment of Short Aluminum Ladders
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

2 Photos 21FB0525-002
320 Cat D8 Draw Bar

3 Photos 21FB0523-004
799 (2) Fuel Tanks

4 Photos 21FB0550-004
463A Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

2 Photos 21FB0525-003
321 Cat D8 Draw Bar

4 Photos 21FB0523-005
800 (2) Fuel Tanks

4 Photos 21FB0550-005
464A Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

3 Photos 21FB0525-004
322 Cat D8 Draw Bar

3 Photos 21FB0523-006
801 (2) Fuel Tanks

4 Photos 21FB0550-006
465A Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

4 Photos 21FB0550-007
466 Poultry Roll Away Egg Box

4 Photos 21FB0804-035
399 4 Wheel Farm Wagon with Deck
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
6' wide X 12' long wood deck, 225/75R15 tires

2 Photos 21FB1032-004
245 Bale Grapple for Tractor Bucket

4 Photos 21FB1032-005
112 Aluminum Delta Fuel Tank/Tool Box Combo

4 Photos 21FB0509-004
698 Antique Single Bottom Breaking Plow
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB

2 Photos 21FB1063-004
340 Kubota Quick Attach Adapter
fits 1153/1154 front end loader

4 Photos 21FB0566-012
902 Home Built Little Yard Wagon
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

3 Photos 21FB0532-013
244 3 Pt Bale Spear
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB1009-002
253 Bridgestone 11R24.5 Tire - New Recap

3 Photos 21FB1018-001
111 Aluminum Bumper
fits Volvo truck

3 Photos 21FB0532-030
468 (2) Sections of Alley Way
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

3 Photos 21FB0506-037
14 350 Imperial Gal Poly Tank
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
slides in pickup truck box

2 Photos 21FB1104-002
115 Holland 5th Wheel
Smoky Lake, AB

4 Photos 21FB5502-004
425 Swath Roller
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

4 Photos 21FB5502-006
918 Red Lion Portable Cement Mixer
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
electric motor drive

3 Photos 21FB5502-012
645 Small ATV Trailer
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

3 Photos 21FB1049-004
777 Honda Quad 48" Snow Blade

1 Photos 21FB1037-011
37 30 ft X 60 ft Tarp - New

4 Photos 21FB0535-004
178 Water Tank & Sprayer
400 Gal Water Tank, 8' Sprayer Bar

4 Photos 21FB0569-006
647 John Deere 68 Ride on Mower
32" cutting deck, 11x4.00-5 tires

2 Photos 21FB0803-003
817 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

4 Photos 21FB0552-009
697 6 FT Coil Packer
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
1 3/4" coil

4 Photos 21FB0552-010
700 6 FT Coil Packer
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
1 3/4" coil

4 Photos 21FB0515-011
605 Rio Grande Turkey Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
this tom turkey was harvested near Brady Texas during spring archery season being attracted to a hen call

4 Photos 21FB0506-046
884 Lincoln Electric Ideal Arc TM300/300 Welder
c/w 75 ft of stinger cable and 50 ft of ground cable, single phase power

4 Photos 21FB1049-015
427 Shop Built Rolling Feed Dispenser
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
24" wide and 60" diameter

4 Photos 21FB6011-003
651 ATV Utility Trailer Dump

4 Photos 21FB1076-003
655 John Deere 46" Snow Blade
fits JD 318

2 Photos 21FB0542-003
780 Polaris 4 ft Blade

4 Photos 21FB5500-005
54 Heritage Collectible Canadian Bank Notes, Don Mills Ontario
$1.00 Collection 1937,1954,1967 (Note: Centennial Year) & 1973 issues, $2.00 Collection 1937, 1954, 1974 & 1986 issues, $5.00 Collection 1937,1954,1979 &1986 issues, $10.00 Collection, 1937, 1954, 1971 & 1989 issues

4 Photos 21FB0804-026
699 Dearborn 2 Bottom 3 Pt Hitch Plow
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
14" bottoms, coulters

3 Photos 21FB0804-029
469 Shop Built Hydraulic Wire Roller
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

1 Photos 21FB1037-012
38 30 ft X 60 ft Tarp - New

2 Photos 21FB0803-004
818 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

2 Photos 21FB0803-005
819 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

2 Photos 21FB0803-006
820 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

2 Photos 21FB0803-007
821 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

2 Photos 21FB0803-008
822 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

2 Photos 21FB0803-033
847 Various Sizes & Lengths of Steel Pipe

4 Photos 21FB5502-014
257 (3) 235/75R15 Tires (new)
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.
(2) match as a set, (1) is different

3 Photos 21FB1032-001
851 Bundle of Orange Marker Pipe

3 Photos 21FB0506-047
371A 1/4 Turn Square Bale Chute & Square Baler Chute Extension
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1 mile), yard #50155 on east side of road.

4 Photos 21FB0506-019
701 12 ft Coil Packer Unit
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB1060-003
781 (2) Older Boat Docks

4 Photos 21FB0509-015
795 300 Gal Diesel Fuel Tank
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
c/w stand

4 Photos 21FB0506-031
443 (2) Extendable Saddle Stands
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB0506-032
617 (2) Bite Shield Propane Operated Mosquito Traps (new)
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
prefect for large outdoor areas

4 Photos 21FB0506-033
62 (2) Pallets of Bricks
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

2 Photos 21FB0506-038
15 185 Imperial Gal Poly Tank
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
slides in pickup truck box

4 Photos 21FB0566-055
906 Shop Built Transfer Cart
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.

4 Photos 21FB5502-002
917 Norco Shop Crane
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

1 Photos 21FB1037-003
29 48 ft X 32 ft Tarp

4 Photos 21FB1048-002
42 (1) Poly Culvert & (1) Metal Culvert

4 Photos 21FB0510-005
796 Hydraulic Lift Cylinder

4 Photos 21FB0529-005
663 Antique Rod Weeder
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB

4 Photos 21FB0529-011
891 Cutting Torch
10 minutes SE of Calmar, AB
in working order

3 Photos 21FB0550-009
631 (4) Wrought Iron Hand Forged Chairs

4 Photos 21FB1027-001
911 ACE Analyzer OSK2455 Series 2

4 Photos 21FB0526-006
102 Pickup Canopy Cover

4 Photos 21FB5500-003
782 Camping Gear
(2) Easycot folding camp cots, (1) Escort Folding lawn chair, (4) RV carpets 6' X 9', comes with storage bags

1 Photos 21FB0803-050
919A Qty of Shelving

4 Photos 21FB6003-004
640A Husqvarna DRT900 17" Rototiller
dual rotating tines

4 Photos 21FB1060-004
783 (2) Older Boat Docks

3 Photos 21FB0506-034
63 (2) Pallets of Blocks
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB1060-005
785 Older Boat Dock & Lift (Parts)

4 Photos 21FB1060-006
787 (2) Older Boat Docks

3 Photos 21FB0533-004
453 Heavy Duty Cattle Oiler (Unused)

3 Photos 21FB0506-048
370A Square 10 Bale Stooker
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1 mile), yard #50155 on east side of road.

3 Photos 21FB1063-005
254 (2) 25X10-12 Tires on Rims
fits Kubota RTV900

4 Photos 21FB0532-009
17 (11) Pieces of Sucker Rod & (17) Pieces of Rebar
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0506-035
444 (3) Various Size Metal Gates (used)
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

4 Photos 21FB0532-042
441 4" X 16' Utility Auger
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
hydraulic drive

1 Photos 21FB1037-001
27 (2) 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarps

3 Photos 21FB0515-016
610 Excellence "King of the Skies" Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB

3 Photos 21FB1051-004
472 Heavy Duty Round Bale Feeder

4 Photos 21FB0804-005
703 18 Ft Harrow Bar
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
with (6) 3' diamond harrows

4 Photos 21FB0804-027
704 Shop Built One Bottom 3 Pt Hitch Plow
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

1 Photos 21FB5500-015
61 Monument Valley National Park, Arizona, The Mittens Framed Print
13" X 37"

1 Photos 21FB1037-002
28 (2) 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarps

3 Photos 21FB0515-017
611 Tranquility Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
51 out of 400 produced

1 Photos 21FB1037-004
30 (1) 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp & (1) 12 ft X 20 ft Insulated Tarp

2 Photos 21FB0515-018
612 Red Rock Survivors Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB

1 Photos 21FB1037-005
31 (1) 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp & (1) 12 ft X 20 ft Insulated Tarp

2 Photos 21FB0515-019
613 Against All Odds Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
Blaine Dabb

1 Photos 21FB1037-006
32 (1) 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp & (1) 12 ft X 20 ft Insulated Tarp

2 Photos 21FB0515-020
614 Season Survivors Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
Blaine Dabb

4 Photos 21FB0509-002
794 Fuel Tank Stand
10 minutes northeast of Mayerthorpe, AB
c/w tow cable

3 Photos 21FB0532-010
18 Miscellaneous Pipe & Steel
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0506-026
442 Poly Livestock Feed Trough
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
may leak water

3 Photos 21FB0532-031
440 (5) Twine Wrapped Hay Bales
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

2 Photos 21FB0532-032
807 500 Gal Diesel Tank with Steel Stand
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

3 Photos 21FB0506-030
13 (2) Hay Tarps
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499

3 Photos 21FB5502-008
47 100 Gal Tidy Tank
From HWY 2 go west on Glen Park Road (TWP 490) to RGE RD 264, then 6.4 km south, gate 48256.

3 Photos 21FB0552-007
246 Loader Mount Homebuilt 2 Prong Bale Fork
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB

4 Photos 21FB0803-048
848 Eye Wash Station

4 Photos 21FB0803-010
824 Fuel Hose & Filters

2 Photos 21FB0803-011
825 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

4 Photos 21FB0515-012
606 Ptarmigan Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
this bird was harvested near Yellowknife during the winter season of 1974

3 Photos 21FB0550-010
632 (4) Wrought Iron Hand Forged Chairs

4 Photos 21FB1049-022
441A Westfield 4 IN. X 10 FT utility Auger
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
some miscellaneous parts

4 Photos 21FB1049-023
786 15 Ft Flat Bottom Canoe
East of Tomahawk Alberta.
seats are broken

4 Photos 21FB0542-002
252 (2) Baja Cross 26 X 11.00R12 ATV Tires

3 Photos 21FB0804-018
789 Eska 12 Volt Trolling Motor
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

4 Photos 21FB5500-002
784 (2) Large Duffle Bags (Unused)
one has rollers

3 Photos 21FB5500-004
117 (2) Extension Mirrors & Coleman 2 Watt Solar Panel
mirrors came off 2016 Chev Silverado, charger used for charging batteries

3 Photos 21FB5500-006
55 (2) Collector Plates
3rd Issue, Two On the Sly, Two Watch Nearby, 4th Issue, the Hunter Growls, As the Spirit Growls<br/>comes with authenticity & original box

4 Photos 21FB5500-014
46 Collapsible Child's Stroller

2 Photos 21FB0803-012
826 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

3 Photos 21FB5500-007
56 (2) Collector Plates
7th Issue, Two Cubs Play as Spirits Show The Way, 8th Issue, Young Ones Hold On Tight As Spirits Stay In Sight<br/>comes with authenticity & original box

2 Photos 21FB0803-013
827 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

3 Photos 21FB5500-008
57 (2) Collector Plates
5th Issue, In Moonglow One Drinks, While His Spirit Sinks, 6th Issue, Singers At The Moon, Spirits Sing In Tune<br/>comes with authenticity & original box

2 Photos 21FB0803-014
828 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

3 Photos 21FB5500-010
59 (2) Collector Plates
1st Issue, Two By The Night, Two By The Light, 2nd Issue, Two by the Stream, Two in a Dream<br/>comes with authenticity & original box

2 Photos 21FB0803-015
829 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-016
830 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

1 Photos 21FB5500-011
60 Collector Plate, Kindred Spirits & Book: The Art of Bev Doolittle
plate by Julie Kramer Cole from Bradex, comes with authenticity certificate, original box and brass stand<br/>

2 Photos 21FB0803-017
831 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-018
832 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-019
833 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-020
834 Pallet of Metal Containment Parts

2 Photos 21FB0803-021
835 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-022
836 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-023
837 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-024
838 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-025
839 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-026
840 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-027
841 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-028
842 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-029
843 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

2 Photos 21FB0803-030
844 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

1 Photos 21FB1037-007
33 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp

2 Photos 21FB0803-031
845 Pallet of Flat Metal Containment Pieces

1 Photos 21FB1037-008
34 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp - New

3 Photos 21FB0803-032
846 Pallet of Metal Containment Parts

1 Photos 21FB1037-009
35 12 ft X 20 ft Insulated Tarp - New

1 Photos 21FB1037-010
36 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp - New

3 Photos 21FB0534-008
459A Cattle Oiler

1 Photos 21FB1037-013
39 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp

1 Photos 21FB1037-014
40 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp

1 Photos 21FB1037-015
41 12 ft X 24 ft Insulated Tarp

3 Photos 21FB0506-049
12A (2) Grey Poly Barrels
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1 mile), yard #50155 on east side of road.
with lids

2 Photos 21FB0506-027
10 (2) Grey Poly Barrels
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
with removable tops

3 Photos 21FB0506-028
11 (2) Black Poly Barrels
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
with removable tops

3 Photos 21FB0506-029
12 (1) Black & (1) Grey Poly Barrels
From HWY 2 at Nisku, AB go east on Airport RD to HWY 814, then south 1.6 km (1mile), yard #50155 on east side of road. Contact: Ron Babish 780-980-6499
with removable tops

3 Photos 21FB0569-007
648 Hahn Pow-R-Boy Rotary Tiller

4 Photos 21FB0803-044
105 Misc CAT Filters

3 Photos 21FB0552-006
247 Loader Mount Homebuilt 5 Prong Fork
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB

1 Photos 21FB5500-009
58 (4) Black 2 Tier Collector Plate Holders

4 Photos 21FB5500-013
45 Conair Garment Steamer

4 Photos 21FB0803-045
106 SK7 Pillow Blocks

3 Photos 21FB0803-046
107 Fabco 10" PVC Bends, 10" Duct Flanges, etc

4 Photos 21FB0803-047
108 Misc Valves, Bolt Up Kits, Couplings, etc

1 Photos 21FB1063-006
853 (2) Lights for Light Tower

1 Photos 21FB5500-012
44 Selection of Books

3 Photos 21FB0534-010
66 (74) Pieces of Sucker Rod

3 Photos 21FB0804-037
236 3 Pt Hitch Post Hole Auger
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
540 pto, various bits from 5.5" to 8" diameter

2 Photos 21FB0534-011
67 (12) 2 3/8" Full Length Pipe

3 Photos 21FB0534-012
68 (12) 2 3/8" X 8 FT Pipe

3 Photos 21FB0534-013
69 (11) 2 3/8" X 6-8 FT Pipe

3 Photos 21FB0534-014
70 (16) 2 7/8" X8 FT Pipe

4 Photos 21FB0534-015
71 (7) 2 7/8" X 10 FT Pipe

3 Photos 21FB0534-016
72 (8) 2 3/8" 9-10 FT Pipe

4 Photos 21FB0536-006
792 Powerfist 13 HP Generator

4 Photos 21FB0536-007
894 Generac 300W Alternator

3 Photos 21FB0536-008
624 Snapper 5.5 HP Lawn Mower

4 Photos 21FB0536-009
793 Timberman Tools Log Splitter w/ Stand

4 Photos 21FB0536-010
625 Toro 724 Snowblower

3 Photos 21FB0536-011
895 Kodiak 1500 PSI Pressure Washer

4 Photos 21FB1056-005
641 Hydraulic Grass Seeder

3 Photos 21FB0536-012
896 Westeel-Rosco Air Compressor

3 Photos 21FB0536-013
897 5.5 Gal Air Compressor

3 Photos 21FB0536-014
626 (2) Gas Weed Trimmers

3 Photos 21FB0536-015
627 (2) Gas Weed Trimmers

4 Photos 21FB0536-016
898 Older Gas Rototiller

2 Photos 21FB0536-019
630 AgriFab Lawn Sweep

3 Photos 21FB0536-020
899 Generator Comlete With Panel Board

4 Photos 21FB0532-044
234 John Deere Q/A Pallet forks
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
folding adjustable stinger arm, fits JD 260 loader

4 Photos 21FB0532-045
483 2002 Wilson 32 ft Tri/A Stock Trailer
8000 lb axles, (2) divider gates, full swing and sliding rear gate, storage compartment above neck, 235/85R16<br/>

4 Photos 21FB0566-061
299 Tamper Company 58" Towable Vibrating Sheep Foot Packer
From Seba Beach overpass on Yellowhead Hwy 16, go east to RGE RD 55, then 0.4 km (1/4 mile) north. Yard on west side of road.
Deutz 3 cylinder diesel engine

3 Photos 21FB0803-034
73 (3) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (17FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-035
74 (3) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (15FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-036
75 (3) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (17FT +)

4 Photos 21FB0803-037
76 (3) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (17FT +)

4 Photos 21FB0803-038
77 (2) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (18FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-039
78 (2) 8" Coated Steel Pipe (18FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-040
79 (2) 6" Coated Steel Pipe (16FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-041
80 (2) 6" Coated Steel Pipe (14FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-042
81 (2) 6" Coated Steel Pipe (12FT +)

3 Photos 21FB0803-043
82 (2) 6" Coated Steel Pipe (18FT +)

2 Photos 21FB1049-002
640 Spray Doc Wheelpump Sprayer

1 Photos 21FB1049-003
43 Cable Sling

2 Photos 21FB1049-005
470 Calf Pullers

2 Photos 21FB1049-006
53 (11) Cans of 30W Esso Oil

2 Photos 21FB1049-007
426 (16) Crop Lifters

3 Photos 21FB1049-008
791 Eskimo 8" Gas Powered Ice Auger

3 Photos 21FB1077-002
790 (4) 26X9.00-12 Quad Tires

4 Photos 21FB0569-002
920A Lurfmann Air Compressor
7.5hp, 3 phase power, 6L tank

3 Photos 21FB1077-003
255 (5) 235/75R16 Trailer Tires on Rims

2 Photos 21FB1077-004
256 (2) 11L-14 Implement Tires

2 Photos 21FB1090-001
94 Qty of 8 FT Chainlink Gates

3 Photos 21FB1090-002
95 Qty of Top Posts & Top Railing Chain Links

1 Photos 21FB1090-003
96 (5) 4 FT Chainlink Gates

3 Photos 21FB1090-004
97 Qty of 6 FT Chainlink Fence (Approx 800 FT)

4 Photos 21FB0552-008
235 Homebuilt Blade & Loader Grapple Fork
15 mins NW of Neerlandia, AB
sells together

4 Photos 21FB0532-046
892 Hydraulic Shop Press
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
1 1/2 HP single phase motor, starter box

4 Photos 21FB0532-047
19 Arctic Spa Infared Sauna
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
110 volt, can be disassembled

4 Photos 21FB0532-048
20 (2) Pallets of Miscellaneous Used Steel
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0532-049
656 Dog Kennel
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
(4) panels 8' long, (1) 12' long panel, (1) 12' panel with gate

3 Photos 21FB0532-050
21 Pallet of Scaffold Wheels
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

4 Photos 21FB0532-051
64 (1) Pallet of Rough Lumber & (1) Pallet of Treated Plywood
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

2 Photos 21FB0532-052
893 Poly Used Oil Collection Tote
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700

2 Photos 21FB0532-053
22 (2) 300 Gallon Fuel Tanks
From Wildwood go north on RGE RD 92, then west on TWP 550, then 1.6 km (1 mile) north on RGE RD 91, yard on east side of road. Contact Marvin 780-621-7700
with good wood stand, clean tanks

4 Photos 21FB0801-005
166A Hardware For Roll Off Bin Truck
Hydraulic tank, controls

4 Photos 21FB0804-028
638 (2) Steel Wheels with Wooden Axle
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.

4 Photos 21FB0804-030
705 Shop Built Single Shank 3 Pt Hitch Sub Soiler
20 Minutes SW of Barrhead AB.
powershift, 710 duals, hi-flo hydraulics, positive air shut down, 7 remotes, in cab battery disconnect, rear weights, front and side engine winter front, c/w Degelman 7200-16-1 A/T 16 ft 6 way blade, protective cylinder cover on back of mow board, 3992 hrs