Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction21FB
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 21FB0515-015
609 Cougar Full Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB

4 Photos 21FB0515-014
608 Standing Black Bear Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
This black bear is a brown/cinnamon colour phase, standing 7'4" high and 4'6" wide, skull green scored 21 1/4", this mount won an award and was recreated to it's massive posture by World famous taxidermist/artist Ken Walker, was harvested near Wandering River in 2000 <br/>

4 Photos 21FB0515-013
607 Alberta Black Bear Half Wall/Shoulder Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
skull green scored 20 1/4", harvested north of Ft McMurray near the Firebag River in 2005 <br/>

4 Photos 21FB0515-001
595 Greater Kudu Woodland Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
large males can weigh up to 600 lbs.

4 Photos 21FB0515-009
603 Central Barren Ground Caribou Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
generally found in NWT and Nunavut, harvested in 2000 at Desteffany Lake NWT, included DVD of Caribou hunt " Hunting the Barren Ground Caribou", harvesting one now would be a rare opportunity

4 Photos 21FB0515-010
604 Central Barren Ground Caribou Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
generally found in NWT and Nunavut, harvested in 1993 at Desteffany Lake NWT, included DVD of Caribou hunt " Hunting the Barren Ground Caribou", harvesting one now would be a rare opportunity

4 Photos 21FB0515-002
596 Thompson Gazelle Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
approx 40-50 lbs, speed 40 MPH

4 Photos 21FB0515-003
597 Grant's Gazelle Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
speed 50 MPH

4 Photos 21FB0515-004
598 Impala Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
mid sized, top speed 90 km/h, weighing approx 150 lbs

4 Photos 21FB0515-007
601 Red Hartabeest African Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
very ungainly looking with long narrow face with goat like eyes, speed up to 65 km/h with great stamina to out run predators

4 Photos 21FB0515-005
599 Blesbuck Antelope Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
from South Africa weighing about 130 lbs

4 Photos 21FB0515-006
600 Warthog Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
member of pig family, males can weigh over 300 lbs and reach speeds of 35 MPH

4 Photos 21FB0515-008
602 Texas White Tailed Deer Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
commonly known as a Texas 10 pointer, displayed by Pedestal mount

4 Photos 21FB0515-011
605 Rio Grande Turkey Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
this tom turkey was harvested near Brady Texas during spring archery season being attracted to a hen call

3 Photos 21FB0515-016
610 Excellence "King of the Skies" Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB

3 Photos 21FB0515-017
611 Tranquility Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
51 out of 400 produced

2 Photos 21FB0515-018
612 Red Rock Survivors Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB

2 Photos 21FB0515-019
613 Against All Odds Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
Blaine Dabb

2 Photos 21FB0515-020
614 Season Survivors Framed Print
Team Auctions yard in Drayton Valley, AB
Blaine Dabb

4 Photos 21FB0515-012
606 Ptarmigan Mount
4608 - 56 Ave, Stony Plain, AB
this bird was harvested near Yellowknife during the winter season of 1974
this large male cougar was harvested near Niton Junction with archery gear in 2008, the skull scored 14 10/16 P&Y missing the minimum B&C score of 15.