Unreserved Timed Farm Auction for the Estate of Frank Kreddig and for Lynette Kreddig    21FH


List Grid Name ID Date Lot
   (22±) Bags of Grass Seed

5 Photos 21FH0800-191

137 (22±) Bags of Grass Seed

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

timothy, alfalfa, brome, orchard grass, some pre mixed seed

   (49±)  Joints of Oilfield Pipe

3 Photos 21FH0800-177

88 (49±) Joints of Oilfield Pipe

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

2 7/8", 2 3/8" steel pipe & (3) Fibreglass pipe

   (50±)  2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

2 Photos 21FH0800-178

79 (50±) 2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (50±)  2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

1 Photos 21FH0800-179

80 (50±) 2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (50±)  2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

1 Photos 21FH0800-180

81 (50±) 2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (50±)  2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

1 Photos 21FH0800-181

82 (50±) 2-3/8" Joints of Oilfield Pipe

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   Miscellaneous Pipe & Metal

5 Photos 21FH0800-193

47 Miscellaneous Pipe & Metal

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

2 7/8" & 2 3/8" oilfield pipe, sucker rods, polish rods, 1" pipe, down hole pumps, (2) Hercules 1 1/4" stuffing boxes

   (90±) Sucker Rods

2 Photos 21FH0800-185

86 (90±) Sucker Rods

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (90±) Sucker Rods

2 Photos 21FH0800-184

84 (90±) Sucker Rods

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (80±) Sucker Rods

2 Photos 21FH0800-183

83 (80±) Sucker Rods

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (75±) Sucker Rods

2 Photos 21FH0800-182

87 (75±) Sucker Rods

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (2) Black 27" Black Corrugated Black Pipes

2 Photos 21FH0800-080

72 (2) Black 27" Black Corrugated Black Pipes

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

(1) 12 ft long, (1) 20 ft long

   (2) 11" Pipe Stands

2 Photos 21FH0800-010

89 (2) 11" Pipe Stands

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

constructed with 3.5" pipe

   (4) Pieces of Heavy Metal Screen

3 Photos 21FH0800-056

68 (4) Pieces of Heavy Metal Screen

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   2 ft X 30 ft Metal Staircase

4 Photos 21FH0800-028

78 2 ft X 30 ft Metal Staircase

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

with hand rails

   Crusher Cone

2 Photos 21FH0800-172

13 Crusher Cone

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   Crusher Cone

2 Photos 21FH0800-173

12 Crusher Cone

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (20) +/- Bags of Grass Seed

4 Photos 21FH0800-192

138 (20) +/- Bags of Grass Seed

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

Pickseed Haypro mix & Pickseed Pasture Pro mix

   12" h Iron

3 Photos 21FH0800-201

85 12" h Iron

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

19 ft long

   Metal Stand

3 Photos 21FH0800-168

17 Metal Stand

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

with 12V hydraulic motor, various metal pieces

   Axle with Floatation Tires

4 Photos 21FH0800-170

15 Axle with Floatation Tires

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   Metal 48" X 55" Platform

2 Photos 21FH0800-123

59 Metal 48" X 55" Platform

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

with step, assorted metal pieces

   80 Gallon Poly Tank On Stand

2 Photos 21FH0800-129

56 80 Gallon Poly Tank On Stand

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   Shop Built Clamp

2 Photos 21FH0800-124

60 Shop Built Clamp

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   Light Duty 4 ft Adjustable Pipe Stand

3 Photos 21FH0800-186

90 Light Duty 4 ft Adjustable Pipe Stand

Lynette 780-305-4875
20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km
   (2) Small Pipe Stands

2 Photos 21FH0800-207

44 (2) Small Pipe Stands

20 km east of Whitecourt on Hwy 43 to Sec Hwy 751, then south for 13 km to TWP 574, turn east for 1 km

Categories: Unreserved Timed Farm Auction for the Estate of Frank Kreddig and for Lynette Kreddig - Jun 14, 2021
