Equipment Consignment Auction25DE
Tractor Attachments
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
Off Site
11 Photos 25DE07001-036
Fairview, AB
Degelman 10-HD 10 Ft 2 Way Snow Blade
Daniel Davies 780-835-0001
From Fairview, head east on Hwy 2 for 28 km, turn north unto RGE RD 263 and go 6.4 km to TWP 830, turn back east and farm yard is on the left. (261042 TWP 830)

7 Photos 25DE07002-016
Fairview, AB
Farm King Buhler 70 Inch 3 PT Hitch Groomer Mower
540 PTO

4 Photos 25DE07002-003
Fairview, AB
2 Bottom 3 PT Hitch Plow

Off Site
4 Photos 25DE07001-035
Fairview, AB
Quick Attach Bale Forks
Daniel Davies 780-835-0001
From Fairview, head east on Hwy 2 for 28 km, turn north unto RGE RD 263 and go 6.4 km to TWP 830, turn back east and farm yard is on the left. (261042 TWP 830)

5 Photos 25DE07016-004