Miscellaneous Auction24LC
Classics / Collectibles / Antiques
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
2 Photos 24LC10020-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2187 Qty of Canadian Silver Coins

7 Photos 24LC10020-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2188 Qty of Canadian Silver Coins

3 Photos 24LC10020-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2190 Qty of King George VI Coins

4 Photos 24LC10020-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2191 Qty of Queen Elizabeth II Coins

10 Photos 24LC10020-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2150 (2) Antique French Clocks

7 Photos 24LC10020-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2189 Qty of Vintage Music Books

10 Photos 24LC10020-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1509 Qty of Silverwares

5 Photos 24LC10020-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1511 (3) Vintage Fur Hats

3 Photos 24LC04100-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1518 Vintage Black & White 12 Volt TV

2 Photos 24LC10003-037
Drayton Valley, AB
2032 1940'S Antique Single Bed Frame 38-3/8 Inch On Wheels

8 Photos 24LC10002-006