Equipment Consignment Auction24KA
Parts - Vehicle
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
4 Photos 24KA31003-002
Fairview, AB
273 Set of Running Boards

5 Photos 24KA07004-062
Fairview, AB
271 Assortment of Misc Automotive Parts and Supplies

4 Photos 24KA07004-083
Fairview, AB
272 Steel Headache Rack with Rails
69 inches wide X 78 inch long

5 Photos 24KA07004-041
Fairview, AB
268 Assortment of Part Box's

4 Photos 24KA07004-053
Fairview, AB
269 (2) Dodge Truck Front Fender Side Panels

5 Photos 24KA07004-060
Fairview, AB
270 Assortment of Misc Automotive Parts

7 Photos 24KA07004-010
chev 1500