Miscellaneous Consignment Auction24HC
Parts / Accessories / Shop Supplies
List Grid Name ID Date Lot
8 Photos 24HC39091-020
Taber, AB
1474 Qty of Misc Shop Supplies

4 Photos 24HC39067-001
Taber, AB
1465 9 Ft 8 Inch X 7 Ft Wooden Spool

6 Photos 24HC39062-001
Taber, AB
1464 Qty of (3) 5Gal Pales of Varsol, (1) Rod Oven

5 Photos 24HC39053-006
Taber, AB
1463 Qty of Load Bars

9 Photos 24HC39091-008
Taber, AB
1472 Qty of Automotive Parts

5 Photos 24HC39023-029
Taber, AB
1461 Qty of Plastic Tool Box w/ Misc Wrenchs, Sockets

8 Photos 24HC39091-013
Taber, AB
1473 Qty of Misc Shop Supplies

8 Photos 24HC39081-001
Taber, AB
1471 Qty of Misc Shop Supplies
shipping container load ramp, (4) chain racks, 200 PSI chem transfer hose

8 Photos 24HC39068-035
Taber, AB
1466 Qty of Fuel Cans

5 Photos 24HC39068-036
Taber, AB
1467 Qty of Fuel Cans

8 Photos 24HC39010-001
Taber, AB
1460 Qty of Castors and Auto Parts (Unused)

7 Photos 24HC39068-037
Taber, AB
1468 Qty of Fuel Cans

9 Photos 24HC39068-051
Taber, AB
1469 Qty of Oil Filters (Unused)

8 Photos 24HC39068-052
Taber, AB
1470 Qty of Oil Filters

6 Photos 24HC39029-020
Taber, AB
1462 Syngard Synthetic Oil
3 55gal drums of 5w-40, 3 5gal pails of 5w-30

8 Photos 24HC10002-009
Taber, AB
1459 Fluid Flusher and Qty of Misc. Truck Parts

8 Photos 24HC39094-005