Miscellaneous Auction24BE

Parts / Accessories / Shop Supplies

List Grid Name ID Date Lot

11 Photos 24BE05990-351

Drayton Valley, AB

1091 Qty of Makita Grinder Parts and (8) 7 Inch Grinding Discs (Unused)

20 Photos 24BE05990-352

Drayton Valley, AB

1057 Qty of Makita Items (Unused)

Stand for belt sander, flash light, 7-7/8 inch hedge trimmer blade, 36V battery converter, battery holders, sanding shoes, (7) 4-3/8 inch planer blades

19 Photos 24BE05990-353

Drayton Valley, AB

1178 Qty of Makita Parts (Unused)

8 Photos 24BE05990-354

Drayton Valley, AB

1076 Qty of Makita Tool Bags and (2) 18V Power Source with USB Ports and 3/16 Inch Drill Bit (Unused)

8 Photos 24BE05990-355

Drayton Valley, AB

1168 Qty of Zip N Close Peel and Stick Zippers, Quick Shield Roller and Refills (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05989-160

Drayton Valley, AB

1805 Pipe Insulation

6 ft long

8 Photos 24BE05990-356

Drayton Valley, AB

1175 Qty of Face Shields, Visors and 105 Watt Eiko Green Light Bulb (Unused)

Honeywell visors, High Performance face shields

4 Photos 24BE05990-357

Drayton Valley, AB

1973 (2) Xenotec Band Saw Blades (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-100

Drayton Valley, AB

1309 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-101

Drayton Valley, AB

1272 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-102

Drayton Valley, AB

1308 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-103

Drayton Valley, AB

1270 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-104

Drayton Valley, AB

1312 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-105

Drayton Valley, AB

1311 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-106

Drayton Valley, AB

1310 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-107

Drayton Valley, AB

1271 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-358

Drayton Valley, AB

1504 (8) Rolls of Floating Seam Tape (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-108

Drayton Valley, AB

1268 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-109

Drayton Valley, AB

1269 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-110

Drayton Valley, AB

1356 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-359

Drayton Valley, AB

1494 (3) Jugs of Metricide 28 Sterilizing/Disinfecting Solution (Unused)

3.8 L

3 Photos 24BE05990-111

Drayton Valley, AB

1357 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-112

Drayton Valley, AB

1358 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

5 Photos 24BE05990-360

Drayton Valley, AB

1487 Qty of Shop Supplies (Unused)

(2) 3 M Marine Adhesive Sealant, (12) 3 M Adhesive Sealant, (1) soap dispenser

3 Photos 24BE05990-113

Drayton Valley, AB

1359 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-114

Drayton Valley, AB

1360 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-115

Drayton Valley, AB

1361 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-116

Drayton Valley, AB

1414 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-117

Drayton Valley, AB

1415 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-118

Drayton Valley, AB

1411 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-119

Drayton Valley, AB

1412 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

3 Photos 24BE05990-120

Drayton Valley, AB

1413 (4) Boxes of 3/16 Inch X 3/4 Inch X 49 Ft Long Foam Tape (Unused)

(26) rolls in each box

2 Photos 24BE05989-192

Drayton Valley, AB

1691 Wireless Control Switch

3 Photos 24BE05989-194

Drayton Valley, AB

1689 (4) Clamps

4 Photos 24BE10025-038

Drayton Valley, AB

1216 Napa Power Start 12V Battery

4 Photos 24BE10025-039

Drayton Valley, AB

1215 Napa Power Start 12V Battery

4 Photos 24BE05005-001

Drayton Valley, AB

1230 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 Jugs per box

6 Photos 24BE10025-041

Drayton Valley, AB

1209 Qty of Trailer Parts and Misc Items

Hopkins 4pt/7pt trailer plug receiver, 7pt plug ends, Grote backup alarm, thread sealant

6 Photos 24BE10025-042

Drayton Valley, AB

1210 Qty of Trailer Parts and Misc Items

Hopkins 4pt/7pt trailer, 7pt trailer plug ends, (2) Dr. Grip pens, thread locker, built-in thermostat kits

4 Photos 24BE05005-002

Drayton Valley, AB

1231 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-003

Drayton Valley, AB

1232 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-004

Drayton Valley, AB

1233 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-005

Drayton Valley, AB

1234 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 Jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-006

Drayton Valley, AB

1235 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 Jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE10025-044

Drayton Valley, AB

1040 (5) Golden Rod Fuel Filters and (3) Arctic Diesel-Mate (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05005-007

Drayton Valley, AB

1236 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-008

Drayton Valley, AB

1237 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 Jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE10025-045

Drayton Valley, AB

1046 (5) Golden Rod Fuel Filters and (3) Arctic Diesel-Mate (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05005-009

Drayton Valley, AB

1238 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

6 Photos 24BE10025-046

Drayton Valley, AB

1047 Ez Liner Bed Liner, (10) Rolls of Electrical Tape and Jump N Carry 12V Lithium Jump Starter

4 Photos 24BE05005-010

Drayton Valley, AB

1456 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE10025-047

Drayton Valley, AB

1052 Papco Machine Srews and Nuts

4 Photos 24BE05005-011

Drayton Valley, AB

1457 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-012

Drayton Valley, AB

1458 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-013

Drayton Valley, AB

1459 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE10025-050

Drayton Valley, AB

1078 Milwaukee & Lenox Sawzall Blades, Slime Tire Pressure Gauge and Safety Master Utility Knife (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05005-014

Drayton Valley, AB

1460 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-015

Drayton Valley, AB

1461 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05005-016

Drayton Valley, AB

1462 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE10025-051

Drayton Valley, AB

1160 Qty of Misc Shop Items (Unused)

Energizer head lamps, Channel Lock 9 inch filter pliers, Ben's ultra net head nets

4 Photos 24BE05005-017

Drayton Valley, AB

1463 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

4 Photos 24BE05004-001

Drayton Valley, AB

1435 Qty of Mostly 1/2 Inch Chains and Boomers

4 Photos 24BE10025-052

Drayton Valley, AB

1077 Qty of Sawzall Blades and Procore Wire Cutters (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05005-018

Drayton Valley, AB

1464 (9) Boxes of VW G13 Coolant Antifreeze (Unused)

6 jugs per box

2 Photos 24BE05004-002

Drayton Valley, AB

1436 Qty of Mostly 3/8 Inch Chains and Boomers

11 Photos 24BE10025-053

Drayton Valley, AB

1059 Qty of Misc Items

1/2 inch needle valve, 10x3/4 inch vinyl electrical tape, (2) sets of headlight bulbs, pick & driver set, 4 inch synthetic tow sling, 7 inch snap ring pliers

4 Photos 24BE10025-054

Drayton Valley, AB

1095 Qty of Shop Items

Energizer headlamps, Ben's Ultranet head net, Channel Lock 9.5 inch pliers

7 Photos 24BE10025-081

Drayton Valley, AB

1520 Qty of Misc Parts

heavy duty rear mud flaps, (2) Dexter-axle magnet kits, Tekonsha electric trailer brakes, metal 8x8 inch box

3 Photos 24BE05997-008

Drayton Valley, AB

1650 (2) Maximum 20 Piece 4-1/2 Inch X 3/64 Inch Cut Off Wheels (Unused)

11 Photos 24BE10025-055

Drayton Valley, AB

1058 Qty of Misc Shop Items (Unused)

Rae tube tester, hook knives, box of markers, truck anchors, 7 inch snap ring pliers, rechargeable hand warmer, utility knife

3 Photos 24BE05997-009

Drayton Valley, AB

1651 (2) Maximum 20 Piece 4-1/2 Inch X 3/64 Inch Cut Off Wheels (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE10025-082

Drayton Valley, AB

1527 (12) Cans of Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-010

Drayton Valley, AB

1652 (6) V-Mafa Bug and Tar Remover (Unused)

11 Photos 24BE10025-056

Drayton Valley, AB

1054 Qty of Misc Shop Items

2 inch x 150 ft vehicle marking tape, filter cutter, 9 piece hex key set, hook knives, Sawzall blades, set of 4 speedout tools

4 Photos 24BE10025-083

Drayton Valley, AB

1528 (12) Cans of Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner (Unused)

5 Photos 24BE10025-084

Drayton Valley, AB

1519 Recovery Strap, Cat Ratchet Straps, Clevis

3 Photos 24BE10025-085

Drayton Valley, AB

1507 25 Ft 1 Gauge Booster Cables and Pro-Logix 6/12V Battery Charger

3 Photos 24BE10025-086

Drayton Valley, AB

1524 (10) Cans of WD-40 (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE10030-003

Drayton Valley, AB

1562 (2) 6 Inch Tow Slings

7 Photos 24BE10025-061

Drayton Valley, AB

1541 Qty of Discs and Brushes (Unused)

5 inch grinding discs, zipcut discs, knot-twisted wheel brushes, 3 inch wire wheel brush

6 Photos 24BE10025-062

Drayton Valley, AB

1039 Qty of Discs and Brushes (Unused)

5 inch grinding discs, blending discs, wire wheel brush, 4 inch saucer cup brush

3 Photos 24BE05997-020

Drayton Valley, AB

1662 (2) 350 Piece Nylon Cable Ties (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-021

Drayton Valley, AB

1663 (2) 350 Piece Nylon Cable Ties (Unused)

8 Photos 24BE05990-363

Drayton Valley, AB

1484 (10) 5 Inch Flap Discs and (20) 5 Inch Fibre Discs (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-022

Drayton Valley, AB

1664 (2) 350 Piece Nylon Cable Ties (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-023

Drayton Valley, AB

1665 (2) 350 Piece Nylon Cable Ties (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-024

Drayton Valley, AB

1666 Metric Assorted O-Ring Set (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-025

Drayton Valley, AB

1667 36 Piece Letter and Number Stamping Tool Set (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05997-026

Drayton Valley, AB

1668 36 Piece Letter and Number Stamping Tool Set (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-313

Drayton Valley, AB

1299 (2) Cases of Rocket Science Black Nitrile Gloves (Unused)

Size large, 10 boxes/case

3 Photos 24BE05990-314

Drayton Valley, AB

1298 (2) Cases of Rocket Science Black Nitrile Gloves (Unused)

Size large, 10 boxes/case

9 Photos 24BE10025-072

Drayton Valley, AB

1550 Qty of Tape, Respirators, Chemical Resistant Gloves, Respirator Cartriges

11 Photos 24BE05990-315

Drayton Valley, AB

1273 Qty of Shop Supplies (Unused)

(8) Duckbill Earth Anchor cable assemblies, Dynamic polyester 5 gallon paint strainers with elastic, hex couplers, nipples, reducers, gauges

6 Photos 24BE10027-001

Drayton Valley, AB

1521 Qty of Bruiser Bits, Camlocks and Fittings

10 Photos 24BE10025-073

Drayton Valley, AB

1543 Qty of Tape, Respirators, Chemical Resistant Gloves, Respirator Cartriges

25 Photos 24BE05990-316

Drayton Valley, AB

1305 Qty of Shop Supplies (Unused)

Assorted brass fittings, (2) Morse 4 inch bi-metal hole saw bits, neoprene washers, PVC butt splices, Imperial blades

12 Photos 24BE05990-317

Drayton Valley, AB

1173 Qty of 3M Stickit, Grinding Discs and Sandpaper (Unused)

6 Photos 24BE10027-002

Drayton Valley, AB

1518 Brady Idxpert Handheld Labeler and Sensit HXG-2 Gas Leak Detector

9 Photos 24BE05990-318

Drayton Valley, AB

1172 Qty of Grinding Discs and Sandpaper (Unused)

6 Photos 24BE05990-380

Drayton Valley, AB

1141 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

2 Photos 24BE05990-322

Drayton Valley, AB

1300 Qty of Nitriforce Blue Nitrile Exam Gloves (Unused)

Size medium

4 Photos 24BE10025-078

Drayton Valley, AB

1517 (10) Low Pressure Valves and Polymax 5 Gallon Transfer Pump

6 Photos 24BE05990-381

Drayton Valley, AB

1142 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

2 Photos 24BE05990-382

Drayton Valley, AB

1164 (20) 7 Inch X 1/4 Inch X 7/8 Inch Grinding Discs (Unused)

5 Photos 24BE05990-048

Drayton Valley, AB

1912 (7) 10L Aerosol Bump Gas Cans (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE10025-080

Drayton Valley, AB

1538 (12) 1 Litre Bottles of Kleen-Flo Low Sulphur Diesel Fuel Antigel (Unused)

7 Photos 24BE05990-049

Drayton Valley, AB

1913 Qty of Shop Items (Unused)

120 piece auto fuses, (7) 5/16 inch stubby wrench, (2) 9/16 inch wrench, (5) brass bristle brushes, (2) locking pipe wrenches, (2) metal wire brushes

7 Photos 24BE05990-050

Drayton Valley, AB

1916 Qty of Shop Items (Unused)

120 piece auto fuses, (6) 5/16 inch stubby wrench, (2) 9/16 inch wrench, (4) brass bristle brushes, (2) locking pipe wrenches, (1) metal wire brushes

2 Photos 24BE05990-387

Drayton Valley, AB

1288 (11) Klingspor Grade 320 Polishing Rolls with Cloth Backing (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-388

Drayton Valley, AB

1289 (2) Boxes of Sandflex Mottling Point For Stainless Steel (Unused)

50 mm x 30 mm x 6 mm, grit 60

7 Photos 24BE05990-364

Drayton Valley, AB

1485 (10) 5 Inch Flap Discs and (20) 5 Inch Fibre Discs (Unused)

5 Photos 24BE05990-365

Drayton Valley, AB

1555 (200±) 6 Inch Paper Sanding Discs (Unused)

P1800 grade, tab or hook attach

3 Photos 24BE05990-389

Drayton Valley, AB

1290 Qty of 5 Inch Abrasive Mop Discs (Unused)

Steel or stainless steel

7 Photos 24BE05990-366

Drayton Valley, AB

1488 (200±) 6 Inch Paper Sanding Discs (Unused)

P180 grade

3 Photos 24BE05990-367

Drayton Valley, AB

1469 (100±) 6 Inch Coated Abrasive Discs (Unused)

velcro backed

3 Photos 24BE05990-390

Drayton Valley, AB

1291 Qty of 6 Inch Sanding Discs (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-368

Drayton Valley, AB

1470 (100±) 6 Inch Coated Abrasive Discs (Unused)

velcro backed

6 Photos 24BE05990-391

Drayton Valley, AB

1292 Qty of Abrasive Mops and Sanding Discs (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-392

Drayton Valley, AB

1293 Qty of Sanding Belts and Fibre Discs (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-334

Drayton Valley, AB

1382 Qty of Ramset I-F 3 Inch Insulfast (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05990-393

Drayton Valley, AB

1265 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

4 inch x 132 inch, grit 100

3 Photos 24BE05990-335

Drayton Valley, AB

1381 Qty of Ramset I-F 4 Inch Insulfast (Unused)

Light gauge steel and wood

4 Photos 24BE05990-371

Drayton Valley, AB

1482 (36±) Cubitron II 984F 4 Inch Sanding Belts (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05990-394

Drayton Valley, AB

1264 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

4 inch x 132 inch, grit 100

3 Photos 24BE05990-336

Drayton Valley, AB

2348 Qty of Ramset I-F 4 Inch Insulfast (Unused)

Light gauge steel and wood

4 Photos 24BE05990-372

Drayton Valley, AB

1467 (750±) White Gold 5 Inch Disc Roll (Unused)


4 Photos 24BE05990-395

Drayton Valley, AB

1263 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

4 inch x 132 inch, grit 100

3 Photos 24BE05990-337

Drayton Valley, AB

1383 Qty of Ramset I-F 6 Inch Insulfast (Unused)

Light gauge steel and wood

6 Photos 24BE05990-373

Drayton Valley, AB

1480 Qty of Sanding Beltings and Sandpaper (Unused)

(10) 6 inch x 265 inch P150, (5) 6 inch x 79 inch P180, (37±) 2-3/8 inch x 42-1/4 inch GR 80, (30) 1-1/8 inch x 24 inch, (10) 6 inch x 100 inch P120 sandpaper

4 Photos 24BE05990-396

Drayton Valley, AB

1262 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

4 inch x 132 inch, grit 100

10 Photos 24BE10027-022

Drayton Valley, AB

1279 Qty of CAT Spark Plugs, Catadyne Flo-Dri Gas Scrubber, Harness and Shackle

8 Photos 24BE05990-374

Drayton Valley, AB

1481 Qty of Sanding Belts (Unused)

(1) 6 inch x 108 inch 60GR, (2) 6 inch x 158 inch 120GR, (74±) 1-1/8 inch x 24 inch 80GR, (30) 2 inch x 42 inch 50GR, (18±) 2 inch x 42 inch 60GR, (10) 4 inch x 21 inch 60GR, (10) 1-1/8 inch x 24 inch abrasive, (25) 3-1/2 inch x 15-1/2 inch abrasive

3 Photos 24BE10027-023

Drayton Valley, AB

1493 (12) Cans of Brakleen (Unused)

6 Photos 24BE05990-399

Drayton Valley, AB

1244 Qty of Sanding Belts, Flap Discs, Carbine Cutter and Rod Anchors (Unused)

8 Photos 24BE05990-375

Drayton Valley, AB

1466 Qty of Misc Shop Items

assorted safety glasses, replacement welding helmet lens, connector assembly, flow control

4 Photos 24BE05990-400

Drayton Valley, AB

1241 Qty of Screw Caps (Unused)

2 Photos 24BE05990-401

Drayton Valley, AB

1242 Qty of Bosch Drill Bits and Attachments (Unused)

5 Photos 24BE10027-027

Drayton Valley, AB

2139 Roll Out Trailer Cover

61" w

10 Photos 24BE05990-402

Drayton Valley, AB

1243 Qty of Senco Parts, Repair Kits and Bosch Items (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-403

Drayton Valley, AB

1261 Qty of Milwaukee Face Masks (Unused)

15 Photos 24BE05990-376

Drayton Valley, AB

1035 Qty of Assorted Sanding Items (Unused)

5-6 inch assorted sanding discs, (75) 4-1/2 inch fibre discs, cloth even run bands, (189±) 2 inch x 1 inch 80GR, (10) 3 inch x 3 inch, (50) 4-1/2 inch x 30 inch 120GR sandpaper, 6 inch bench grinder wheel

4 Photos 24BE05990-404

Drayton Valley, AB

1260 Qty of Sanding Discs (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05990-405

Drayton Valley, AB

1259 Qty of Carborundum Sheets and Sandpaper (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-406

Drayton Valley, AB

1257 Qty of Sanding Discs (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05990-407

Drayton Valley, AB

1258 Qty of Sanding Discs (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-408

Drayton Valley, AB

1500 (10) 54 Inch X 103 Inch P100 Sanding Belts (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-409

Drayton Valley, AB

1256 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

various 15 & 16 gauge

3 Photos 24BE05990-377

Drayton Valley, AB

1037 (3) 3M 18 Inch Polyester Wrap (Unused)

15 Photos 24BE05990-344

Drayton Valley, AB

1101 Qty of Greenlee Hole Saw Bits (Unused)

4-1/8 inch - 9/16 inch

10 Photos 24BE05990-345

Drayton Valley, AB

1098 Qty of Greenlee Products (Unused)

Tool bag, clamp-on current adaptor, nylon belt pouch, (4) BenderMate dual levels, protractor levels

10 Photos 24BE05990-346

Drayton Valley, AB

1099 Qty of Greenlee Products (Unused)

Lamp tester, temperature adaptor, grabber with hook tip, BenderMate levels

13 Photos 24BE05990-347

Drayton Valley, AB

1093 Qty of Shop Items (Unused)

Greenlee insulated ratchet cable cutter, 100 ft reel fishtape, metal stud bushings

21 Photos 24BE05990-348

Drayton Valley, AB

1092 Qty of Shop Items (Unused)

Bottle sprayers, wood boring cutter heads bits, crimp plugs

12 Photos 24BE10014-001

Drayton Valley, AB

2349 Qty of Shop Items

Grease, hardware, hand tools, angle grinder

15 Photos 24BE05990-349

Drayton Valley, AB

1180 Qty of Shop Items (Unused)

Various conduit punches, Ridgid accessory packs, hack saw blades, rod anchors

5 Photos 24BE05990-350

Drayton Valley, AB

1158 Qty of Milwaukee Face Masks (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE05001-024

Drayton Valley, AB

1530 (12) Cans of Safety Red Spray Paint and (11) 500ml Bottles of Castrol Go! 2 Stroke Motor Oil

5 Photos 24BE10006-019

Drayton Valley, AB

1096 (9) Boxes of Assorted Welding Rod and 0.9 mm Mig Wire

4 Photos 24BE05001-026

Drayton Valley, AB

1540 Fall Protection Harness and 2 Inch Tie Down Strap

9 Photos 24BE10006-020

Drayton Valley, AB

1399 Qty of Shop Items

30 ft chain, ratchet straps, chain boomers, bug fogger

8 Photos 24BE10006-021

Drayton Valley, AB

1094 Coaxial Cable and Qty of Lathe Attachments

5 Photos 24BE05001-028

Drayton Valley, AB

1533 Weller Soldering Gun, Qty of Locks and Tackle Box with Contents

3 Photos 24BE05989-100

Drayton Valley, AB

1800 Garage Door Springs

8 Photos 24BE10006-022

Drayton Valley, AB

1129 Qty of Grinding Discs and Stones

9 Photos 24BE10006-023

Drayton Valley, AB

1389 Wheeled Wooden Box with (2) Cutting Torches, Gauges and Hoses

5 Photos 24BE10023-002

Drayton Valley, AB

1367 (9) 4 Inch Tie Down Straps

2 Photos 24BE05989-113

Drayton Valley, AB

1760 Husky Tool Bag

3 Photos 24BE10032-004

Drayton Valley, AB

1490 (3) 14 Inch Chop Saw Blades (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05990-253

Drayton Valley, AB

1429 Qty of Rocket Science Black Nitrile Disposable Gloves (Unused)

Size large, 50 pairs/box

12 Photos 24BE05990-254

Drayton Valley, AB

1430 Qty of Sanding Spiral Bands and Discs (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE10008-002

Drayton Valley, AB

1402 (6) Handmade Wooden Storage Boxes

27-3/4 inch w x 15 inch d x 12 inch h

6 Photos 24BE05990-255

Drayton Valley, AB

1431 Qty of 3M Sanding Sponges and (36) Rolls of 3M Yellow Masking Tape (Unused)

3 Photos 24BE05003-001

Drayton Valley, AB

1380 (10) 10L Jugs CJADBLUE DEF Fluid (Unused)

28 Photos 24BE05990-256

Drayton Valley, AB

1432 Qty of Angle Grinder Sanding Discs, 3M Stikit, Spiral Sand Paper and Deburring Wheels (Unused)

17 Photos 24BE05990-257

Drayton Valley, AB

1433 Qty of Grinder and Sanding Supplies (Unused)

5 Photos 24BE10024-001

Drayton Valley, AB

1005 Dolly and (2) Folding Step Ladders

12 Photos 24BE10008-005

Drayton Valley, AB

1401 Qty of Shop Supplies

Funnels, peg board hooks, hardware, chain, fan

9 Photos 24BE10008-007

Drayton Valley, AB

2073 Simoniz 10 Inch Random Orbital Polisher/Waxer with (6) Covers and Qty of Wax Products

12 Photos 24BE10008-009

Drayton Valley, AB

1404 Qty of Shop Supplies and Hardware

3 Photos 24BE10001-005

Drayton Valley, AB

2347 (60) Tubes of Red Lithium Multipurpose Grease (Unused)

4 Photos 24BE10001-007

Drayton Valley, AB

1472 Bolt Bin with 1001 Piece Assorted Fasteners (Unused)

2 Photos 24BE05990-410

Drayton Valley, AB

1255 Qty of 2 Inch 15 Gauge Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

8 Photos 24BE10024-009

Drayton Valley, AB

1198 Qty of Shop Items

Bionaire 120V heater, safety vest, RV awning hold down straps, axe, tarp, rain gear

5 Photos 24BE10024-010

Drayton Valley, AB

1013 (2) Homebuilt Truck Ramps, (2) Car Ramps and 98 Inch Strip of Aluminum

2 Photos 24BE05990-411

Drayton Valley, AB

1254 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

2 inch 15 ga

6 Photos 24BE10024-011

Drayton Valley, AB

1051 Qty of Shop Fluids

Citra-Power, Loobit, Loctite Natural Blue, AW-32 hydraulic oil, UFA Polar Plus super OW-30 oil

2 Photos 24BE05990-412

Drayton Valley, AB

1253 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

1-1/2 inch 15 ga

5 Photos 24BE10032-015

Drayton Valley, AB

1932 Port and Connector Identification Kit, Folding Shovel and LED Hat (Unused)

2 Photos 24BE05990-413

Drayton Valley, AB

1250 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

1-1/4 inch 15 ga

2 Photos 24BE05990-414

Drayton Valley, AB

1249 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

1-3/4 inch 16 ga

2 Photos 24BE05990-415

Drayton Valley, AB

1251 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

1-1/2 inch 15 ga

3 Photos 24BE05001-017

Drayton Valley, AB

1128 (2) 20 Ft Tow Straps

(1) 6 inch, (1) 4 inch

7 Photos 24BE05001-018

Drayton Valley, AB

1126 (2) Barrel Pumps and (2) Pulaskis

2 Photos 24BE05990-416

Drayton Valley, AB

1252 Qty of Collated Galvanized Nails (Unused)

1-1/2 inch 15 ga

2 Photos 24BE05989-139

Drayton Valley, AB

1730 RV Spare Tire Cover

7 Photos 24BE10007-009

Drayton Valley, AB

1165 Qty of Hand Tools

7 Photos 24BE10007-010

Drayton Valley, AB

1162 Qty of Hardware, Exterior Wall Light, Washers

9 Photos 24BE10007-013

Drayton Valley, AB

1166 Qty of Shop Items

Traffic control signs, 24 inch wrench, (2) slings

5 Photos 24BE10007-014

Drayton Valley, AB

1163 5 Inch Vise and 13 Inch Pump Impeller

3 Photos 24BE10007-015

Drayton Valley, AB

1161 Jobmate Socket Set and Mastercraft Drill Bits

3 Photos 24BE10026-007

Drayton Valley, AB

1124 Bahco 5 Inch Blade and (2) Boxes of Metal Cutting Blades

Categories: Miscellaneous Auction - Feb 24, 2024
