Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction22EC

Tractor Attachments

List Grid Name ID Date Lot

5 Photos 22EC10001-018

Drayton Valley, AB

3511 3 PT Hitch Trailer Tow Bar

8 Photos 22EC05014-025

Drayton Valley, AB

2975 Cosmo 500 P-PL 3 PT Hitch Spreader

540 PTO

Off Site

3 Photos 22EC05020-020

Wildwood, AB

3785 7 Ft 3 Point Hitch Blade


Caroline 780-325-2389 Or Barry 587-988-3212


From Wildwood go north on Rge Rd 92 11.3 km to Twp 550 then go west for 10 km to MA 55002-Rge Rd 102, on north side of road

Manual angle

7 Photos 22EC05019-002

Drayton Valley, AB

3870 Muratori 3 PT Hitch Tiller

1000 PTO

7 Photos 22EC05019-003

Drayton Valley, AB

3869 Agri-Ease 6 Ft Rough Cut Mower

540 PTO

3 Photos 22EC10011-042

Drayton Valley, AB

2987 John Deere iMatch 3 PT Hitch Adapter

4 Photos 22EC03001-064

Drayton Valley, AB

3835 TMG Industrial 3 PT Hitch Wood Chipper (Unused)

4 Photos 22EC03001-065

Drayton Valley, AB

3836 TMG Industrial 3 PT Hitch Wood Chipper (Unused)

Off Site

4 Photos 22EC08003-023

Bon Accord, AB

2803 Frontier 3 PT Hitch Bale Unroller


Levi 587-987-1252


15 Minutes north of Bon Accord, AB

Off Site

2 Photos 22EC08003-024

Bon Accord, AB

2804 John Deere Bale Fork


Levi 587-987-1252


15 Minutes north of Bon Accord, AB

Fits 640 or 740 loader

4 Photos 22EC10011-037

Drayton Valley, AB

2979 3 PT Hitch 4 Roll Barbed Wire Fencing Roller

5 Photos 22EC10011-038

Drayton Valley, AB

2978 3 PT Hitch 4 Roll Barbed Wire Roller

4 Photos 22EC10011-039

Drayton Valley, AB

2972 Hydraulic Barbed Wire roller

4 Photos 22EC10012-005

Drayton Valley, AB

2192 Large & Small 3 PT Hitch Top Link

Categories: Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction - May 13, 2022
