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With scrap metal, valves, dry flows, etc.
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10 ft high
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4-Cylinder gas engine
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110 volt
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8 ft 4 inch wide, pintle hitch, diesel tank on hitch, set up for a generator with power panel, outlets, lights
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New plywood floor, 10 ft high
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1st compartment 7635 L, 2nd compartment 610 L, 3rd compartment 2100 L
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Wired, has plug-ins, explosion proof light fixture
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15 HP electric start gas engine, 30 ft hose and wand
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With crimping dies, 110 volt, single phase
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3500CFM New York Blower fan
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440 3 phase, c/w chain box
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Dual wheels, Off road use only
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11R22.5 inch tires
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Off road use only, selling as one lot
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Spring ride, side door and rear roll up door, 11RX22.5 tires
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Beaver tail ramp, winch, wood sides, 7000 lb axles, 235/85R16 tires
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Spring ride suspension, barn doors, 11R22.5 tires
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72 inch bucket, Q/C, diesel, hand & foot controls, A/C cab, 12-16.5 tires
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72 inch smooth Q/A bucket, 2 speed, 3rd valve, cab, heater, window side screens, beacon light
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hydraulic Q/C pallet forks, 2 speed
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Q/A tooth bucket, engine block heater, aux hydraulics, door missing, good 12-16.5 tires
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Kubota diesel engine, 3 phase, 21 kW, 208V
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Kubota diesel engine
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Kubota diesel engine, 2000 LBB axle, 175/80D13 tires
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4 cylinder Continental gas engine, heated cab, with snowblower, mower and and flail mower
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2011 New Holland 790 pickup header s/n YBS026169, reverser, variable speed reel, fore & aft, auto header height control, rock trap, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, 520/85R42 front, 540/65R30 rear, 2260 separator hrs
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Pickup reel, hydraulic fore & aft, double knife drive, cross auger, factory transport
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Split pickup reel, hydraulic fore & aft, double knife drive, factory transport
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1000 PTO, (4) auger, scale, new mixer drive
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Big 1000 PTO, 10 ft wide pickup, reversable header, all manuals, pallet of miscellaneous parts, hydraulic folding hitch, heavy duty rear hitch
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2011 New Holland 790 pickup header s/n YBS026203, reverser, variable speed reel, fore & aft, auto header height control, rock trap, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, 520/85R42 front, 540/65R30 rear, 2328 separator hrs
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Pickup reel, hydraulic fore & aft, single knife drive, factory transport
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540 PTO, pickup gauge wheels, Auto Cycle twine tie, kicker, approximately 10,000 bales
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Pick up reel, hydraulic fore & aft, double knife drive, cross auger, factory transport
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Hydraulic lift
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540 PTO, pickup gauge wheels, fully automatic, twine tie, 455 bales
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Rubber crimper rollers, 540 PTO
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540 PTO, rubber conditioning rolls
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44 inch wide
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1200± bu, capacity, wood floor
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540 PTO, c/w bale feeder
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540 PTO
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Single phase electric drive motor, 4 X 12 ft feed auger with electric motor
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6 cylinder Isuzu Diesel engine, 16 speed transmission with 3 creeper gears, 11.2 x 24 front tires and 16.9 x 34 rears tires are like new, 3 PT Hitch and triple rear hydraulics, 540 PTO, and only 2653 hrs, with Ezee-On 70 loader with bucket and grapple
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Buhler 2795 Self leveling loader, Q/A bucket, joystick, engine block heater, 15 speed power shift transmission, cab, A/C, heat, 540/1000 PTO, 3 PT hitch, (2) rear hydraulic outlets, 11.00 x 16 front & 18.4 x 38 rear tires
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Partial power shift transmission, (2) weights on rear inside wheels, (2) hydraulic outlets, new 18.4-38 rear
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Adjustable mounts to fit almost any loader
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John Deere 148 loader, bucket, Cozy Cab, Bycool cab cooler, engine block heater, 16 speed transmission, 3 PT hitch, 540/1000 PTO, (2) rear hydraulic outlets, 10.00 x 16 front & 18.4 x 38 rear tires
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Euro Global mount
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Cummins engine, 3-rear hydraulics, 18.4 x 38 duals, cab, A/C, heater, engine block heater, Leon’s manual angle dozer blade
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Volkswagen engine, 4 speed transmission, variflow sprayer pump, 3 step boom control, 60 ft boom, 150 gallon tank, foam marker, 20 inch nozzle spacing
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Cab, dual rear hydraulic, 540 PTO, new rear 18.4 x 34 tires, engine block heater, over and under 3 speed shift on the go in each gear, front end loader
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11 inch spacing & 24 inch discs on front, 11 inch spacing & 24.5 inch discs on the back, 9.5 L -15 tires
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Loader w/ 89.5 inch bucket, 8 speed, 540 PTO, cab, 11.00-16 front, 18.4-34 rear
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Gas engine, 3 PT hitch, good tires
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877.31 acres - 14 AUMS
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Sire was a registered paint, Dam was a registered Quarter horse
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Mack MP8-505C engine with engine brake, Mack 18 speed transmission, Wabasto engine heater, mid rise sleeper, air sliding 5th wheel, 12 volt power invertor, Magnum aluminum cabinet headache rack, 2 way hydraulic system, air sliding 5th wheel, beacon lights, front rue bar, air ride suspension, 14,600 front axle, lockers on rear axles, 385R22.5 front & 11R24.5 rear tires all on aluminum rims
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Max Force Engine, Allison automatic transmission, AC, radio, air brakes, air ride suspension, 266 inch WB, 9500 lb front axle, 21,000 lb rear axle, 11R22.5 Tires
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Caterpillar C15 engine, 18 speed transmission, air slide 5th wheel, beacon lights, flat top sleeper, front rue bar, 12,000 lb front axle, 46,000 rears with lockers, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum rims, current CVIP
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Volvo 13 liter engine, 12-speed auto shift transmission, engine heater, dual air ride seats, 12,000 lb front axel, 40,000 lb rears with 3 way locker, air ride suspension, 11RX22.5 tires on aluminum rims, rear tires are good front tires are poor
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Maxforce 13 Litre engine, 13 speed auto shift transmission, 13,200 lb front axle, 40,000 lb rears with 3 way locker, air ride, 11R22.5 tires
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Caterpillar 550 HP single turbo engine (rebuilt) Ser # 5EK93439, 18 speed transmission, 42 inch removable sleeper, 3.56 ratio, 46,000 b rears with full lockers, 11R24.5 tires, current CVIP
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Cummins L10, 300 HP, 6 cylinder, diesel, engine brake, Eaton Fuller RT11613 13 speed, Neway Air ride suspension, 12000 lb front, DS402 40000 lb rears, 3.55 ratio, 235 inch WB, 20 ft ITB Van Body, s/n ITB77499457259, 2000 Saskatoon OTS.020H 20 HP boilder, s/n 4029, 2000 SDMO 9 kW generator, s/n TM011S2 M -01Z/2371275-06, 1 ph, 120/240 v, 3 cylinder, diesel, 3785 litre galvinized water tank, 11R22.5
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Duramax, 6.6 L, V8, diesel, automatic transmission, Palfinger PK 600I knuckle boom, centre mount, hydraulic controls, (4) tool boxes, hidden fifth wheel hitch, wood & metal deck, 8000 lb front, 13500 lb rear, P/L, P/W, 245/70R19.5
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Mack MP8-485C engine with engine brake, Fuller 18 speed transmission, Webasto engine heater, mid rise sleeper, air ride suspension, air sliding 5th wheel, front rue bar, 12,000 lb front axle, 46,000 rears with lockers, 2 way hydraulic system, 11R22.5 tires on aluminum rims
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Caterpillar 3126, 275 HP diesel, Allison automatic, differential lock, Versa Lift VST236, 30 ft boom, 186 inch WB, 14 ft box, ProSine inverter charger, hydraulic outriggers, plumbed for pup, 12,000 lb front, 23,800 lb rear, air ride suspension, 12R22.5 front, 11R22.5 rear
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DT408 International diesel engine, spring suspension, 24 ft van body w/ rear roll up door and side man door, 255/70R22.5
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Mack MP8-415C engine with engine brake, Fuller 13 speed transmission, air ride suspension, flat top sleeper, 2 way hydraulic system, air sliding 5th wheel, 12,000 lb front axle, 40,000 rears with lockers, 11R22.5 tires on aluminum rims, no current CVIP
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Electric over hydraulic hoist, power up and down control switch, roll tarp, holds 2 yards or 6000 lb
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E7-460, 460 HP 6 cylinder diesel, Eaton Fuller RTLO16918B, 18 speed transmission, air ride suspension, locking differential, 12,000 lb front axle, 40,000 lb rears, 4.56 ratio, Qplus brakes, aluminum rims, 11R24.5 tires
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V8 gas engine, 16 ft Renn Cupit wooden grain box
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2008 Saskatoon OTS.030H 30 ho boiler, s/n 4483, 3785 poly water tank
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427 V8 engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 2 speed axle, tag axle, 14 ft grain box
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110/220V plugs, hot water tank, hand dryer, compost toilet, heater, plastic bins, (2) side man door to washroom, rear swing doors, Kubota diesel generater 3 phase, KW21, hertz 60, voltage 208, 235/80R16 tires
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7000 axles, electric over hydraulic hoist, wood box extensions, Auto Crane R160 mounted on neck of trailer, 235/80R16 tires
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(2) 7,000 lb axles, rubber floor, divider gate, man door, swing/slide rear door, 235/85R16 tires
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Hot water tank, compost toilet, plastic bins, side man door to washroom, rear swing doors, 235/80R16 tires
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Spare tire, 3500 Lb axles, 205/75R14 tires
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Hot water tank, compost toilet, plastic bins, side man door to washroom, hand dryer, rear swing doors, 235/80R16 tires
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8000 lb axles, (2) divider gates, full swing & sliding rear gate, man door, storage compartment, above neck
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Hot water tank, compost toilet, hand dryer, plastic bins, side man door to washroom, rear swing doors, 235/80R16 tires
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Micheals Electric tarps, 3 auto lift axels, Hardox steel boxes, Hendrickson Tiremaax tire check system, aluminum rims on 11RX22.5 tires. Air ride suspension, LED lights
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Air ride suspension, air scales, Michel's roll tarp, outside aluminum rims, steel sides
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32 ft lead, 28 ft pup, air ride suspension, 2 lift axles on lead & 1 lift axle on pup, aluminum outside rims, 3 bar winches, stake pockets, 11R22.5
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With beaver tail, 8 ft wide deck, spring suspension, 11R24.5
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Roll tarps, air ride suspension, aluminum rims, 11R22.5
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Air ride suspension, tools box, 11R24.5 inch tires on steel rims
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Last year of the 4-Liter in line Jaguar engine, automatic transmission, all leather interior, sun roof, 255/60R16 new tires
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Ecotec gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, 215/60R16 tires
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350-V8 engine with headers, automatic turbo transmission, Mustang clip front end with new disc brakes, dual exhaust, 1980 Chev rear end, new tires
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3.6 L gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, 235/65R18 tires
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2.4 L, gas, automatic transmission, P/W, P/L, A/C, 225/65R17 tires
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Vortec engine, 5 speed manual transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, tonneau cover, 235/75R15 tires
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5.3 L V8 gas engine, automatic transmission, leather interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, 235/50R18 tires
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2.4 L gas engine, automatic transmission, P/L, P/W, A/C, winter tires 215/65R16
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3400 SFI gas, automatic transmission, Pioneer CD player, P/W, P/L, A/C, 235/60R17
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5.4 L V8 Triton gas, automatic transmission, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, tonneau cover, P265/70R17
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Vortec 6000 gas engine, automatic transmission, leather interior, heater front and rear seats, voice command, P/W, P/L, A/C, cruise, CD player, 265/65R17 tires
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5.3 L, V8, gas, automatic transmission, A/C, 255/75R17
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Vortec, automatic transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, 5th hitch & rails, 265/75R16 tires
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3.2 litre V6 engine, automatic transmission, AC, P/L, P/W, sun roof, heated & power leather seats, 205/60R16 tires
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Vortec engine, automatic transmission, cloth interior, box liner, P/W, P/L, A/C, 265/75R16 tires
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3.8 L engine, automatic transmission, leather seats, A/C, P/L, P/W, heated seats, 3 row 7 passenger, 215/65R16 tires
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5.7 L V8 engine, 4 speed automatic transmission overdrive, 2 wheel drive, P/L, P/W, A/C, LT 235/75 R15
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3400 SFI gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth interior, P/W, P/L, A/C, 215/70R16 tires
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Runs, the hoist is good, the box needs work but is still useable.
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5.7 L V8 gas engine, auto transmission, cloth interior, 11 ft 8 inch flat deck w/fold down sides, spare tire, 245/75R16
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5.7 L V8 gas, auto transmission, cloth interior, CD player, A/C, tool boxes, 245/70R16
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Good for cattle, bison or horses.
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With headgate, (2) side gates, wood floor, rear gate, can be used for cattle or bison
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One end open
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1 large free standing panel with (2) gates, (3) small panels, (1) large free standing panel
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Metal roof, fully insulated, 2 x 6 walls. 100 amp, all weather windows, loft w/ ladder and carpet, electric fireplace, fan, pot lights, coat hanger, custom Australian oil base, built with J grade material, has lock and key
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600 cc fuel injected clean fire liquid cooled electric start engine, 144 X 15 X 2 inch series 4 track, spare belt, AXYS chain Case, under seat storage bag, 13 inch windshield, reverse
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tin roof, (2) windows, 110 wired, on, skids w/pull bar
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Liberty 550 cc carb electric start engine, 144 x 15 x 1.5 Cobra track, factory 2 up seat, mirrors, 20 inch windshield, reverse
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With electric fire place, 100 amp electric panel, loft with ladder & carpet, coat hanger ceiling fan
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Three passenger seat, automatic transmission, dump box
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Tin roof, wired for 110 v power, barn doors, (2) windows, on, skids w/ pull bar
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Automatic transmission, electric start, heated grips, reverse, backseat w/tool box, manual winch, 24 x 8-12 front tires, 24 x 11-12 rear tires
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163 inch x 3 inch track, ice scratchers, heated handle bars and thumb warmers, pull start, custom vent panels
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Custom built hill climber by Mountain Magic, Linderman motor, Boon Docker box, custom, skis, Digitron engine monitor, 174 inch X 3 inch track
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Power steering, automatic transmission, 1RS suspension, winch, storage box
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Newer Kohler 9 HP gas engine, can be used vertical or horizontal, 12 inch tires, tow hitch
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hand guards, 154 inch track, cover
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V-800 cc liguid cooled four stroke fuel injected 65 HP engine, electric start, hi, lo, reverse transmission, liquid hydraulic front and rear shocks, Easy Ride XWLS suspension, rear tow hitch, rear racking, engine block heater, 156 inch long and 24 inch wide track, 2 piece seat, under seat storage, heated hand grips
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Reverse, storage pouch on seat, thumb and hand warmers, plug for helmet visor defrost, DPM technology
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Electric start, reverse, winch, EFI, front tool box, 26 x 8R12 front & 26 x 11R-12 tires rear
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151 inch x 2.5 inch track, pull start, travel trap, spare belt
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146 inch track, missing wind shield, pull start, handle bar bag, after market can
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Kawasaki gas engine electric start, extended rear axles
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Handle bar warmers, thumb warmer, pull start, runs
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500 CC oil injection, fan cooled, electric start engine. 16-1/2 inch X 124 inch long track, slide suspension
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tin roof
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V8 gas engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, 9.50R16 tires, Vanguard Security 8 ft camper, camper jacks, fridge, stove, sink