4 Photos 19D9113
2.4L diesel engine, ft and hand controls, radio, A/C, heat, 1456hrs
4 Photos 19D9254
hand controls, cab with heat and a/c, 2-speed, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic quick coupler, bucket, 466 hrs
4 Photos 19D4000
hydraulic Q/A 78" smooth bucket with bolt on cutting edge, fully enclosed cab, heat, aux hydraulic outlets, 74 HP Kubota engine, like new 12.5-16 rubber, 5543 hrs
4 Photos 19D9000
52 HP, 4 cyl diesel, hand/foot controls, unit comes with 74" bucket, 64" bucket, pallet forks, hour meter not working, hours unable to be verified
4 Photos 19D4015
15 ft wide, pneumatic tires on wings, safety road light package, very good condition
4 Photos 19D4014
4 Photos 19D9004
4 cyl Nissan diesel engine, quarter turn digging arm, cab, (2) buckets, rubber tracks
4 Photos 19D8004
extendahoe, front counter weight, A/C, heater, comes with 2 buckets, 6229 hours
4 Photos 19D8005
4 Photos 19D8003
c/w quick attach bucket and forks, 20.5R25 rubber, 17,403 hrs showing
4 Photos 19D9294
Q/A bucket & pallet forks, CAT 3114 diesel engine, shows 8,900 hrs, tires are very good
4 Photos 19D8007
6 cyl diesel engine, quick attach bucket and AMI pallet forks, 17.5 x 25 real good rubber, shows 3648 hours (not verified)
3 Photos 19D8016
4 cyl Cat diesel engine
4 Photos 19D4007
Cummins 5.9 engine, power shift transmission, front mount scarifier, good rear 14.00R24 TG tires, shows 6975 hours
4 Photos 19D8015
front mount blade, Cummins 5.9 engine, power shift transmission, showing 15,010 hours
4 Photos 19D9048
all terrain tires, heated cab, gas motor, 5108 hrs
4 Photos 19D4001
2 cyl diesel engine, hydraulic drive, smooth 39" wide & 27" diameter drums, water tank & spray bars, 2314 hrs