Equipment Consignment Auction24KG
Irrigation Equipment
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24KG02003-001
Taber, AB
343 (32) Wheel Move Sections w/ Mover
East of Taber on Hwy 3, 1 mile east of Fincastle on south side of Hwy

4 Photos 24KG02043-001
Taber, AB
344 Reinke 10 Tower Pivot
South of Taber on Hwy 36, east on Hwy 513 3.5 miles to RGE RD 155, north 2 miles and on west side of road
Electrical Panel 6570:
27415 hours showing
10 x 155 ft tower sections. 1710 operational feet, 1250 GPM. 8 inch main inlet. 6 inch tower outlet. 3 Phase irrigation motors max 460 volts. 12 ft to top of sprinklers, 88 inch drop sprinkler kit, 11.2-24 bias ply tires
(32) 42 ft sections, 5 inch diameter pipe, 5 ft wheel diameter. (3) different clamping methods, 4 inch inlet, Honda 6.5 HP GX 200 engine, Assorted bent wheels/pipe.