Retirement Auction for Night Star Ranch24FK
Household / Electronics
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24FK36001-088
Grande Prairie, AB
22 Quantity of Storage Totes
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie

4 Photos 24FK36001-085
Grande Prairie, AB
21 Qty of Household/Camping Supplies
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
red solo cups, mosquito nets, outdoor carpets, toaster and much more

4 Photos 24FK36001-222
Grande Prairie, AB
10 (3) Canvas Paintings
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
24 inch X 30 inch<br/>20 inch X 24 inch<br/>24 inch X 30 inch

4 Photos 24FK36001-093
Grande Prairie, AB
24 Thule Stroller w/ Misc Baby Equipment, High Chair, Playpen
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
Thule Jogging stroller, wooden high chair, playpen, crib mattress, toddler play table and cube, baby monitor, bottles and miscellaneous toys

4 Photos 24FK36001-097
Grande Prairie, AB
25 Fender Lap Guitar with Accessories & Yorkville 200 Kb
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie

4 Photos 24FK36001-098
Grande Prairie, AB
26 Cooler w/ Misc Camping Supplies, Blow Up Bed and Pump
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie

4 Photos 24FK36001-104
Grande Prairie, AB
19 Qty of Misc Boots w/ Misc Items
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
Sleeping bag, bed frame

4 Photos 24FK36001-109
Grande Prairie, AB
27 Qty of Misc Buckets & Misc Items
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
Fan, two fenders

4 Photos 24FK36001-192
Grande Prairie, AB
29 York TCGD30S21S1A Air Conditioner
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie
208-230V, 1 ph

4 Photos 24FK36001-074
Grande Prairie, AB
23 Kenmore Washing Machine and (2) Light Fixtures
16201- 92 St Grande Prairie