Estate Auction of John Mackenzie for Linda Mackenzie24FH
Parts / Accessories / Shop Supplies
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 24FH08001-234
Drayton Valley, AB
55 Qty of Filters
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

2 Photos 24FH08001-316
Drayton Valley, AB
64 Qty of Jerry Cans Various Sizes
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

2 Photos 24FH08001-235
Drayton Valley, AB
56 Qty of Misc Shop Supplies
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids
Headlights, electrical outlets, oil filters, wire, tools

4 Photos 24FH08001-243
Drayton Valley, AB
57 Various handtools, fasteners, fittings, automotive bulbs
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

2 Photos 24FH08001-245
Drayton Valley, AB
58 Misc Shop Supplies
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids
Qty of small fasteners, screws, bolts, brass fittings, belts

2 Photos 24FH08001-249
Drayton Valley, AB
59 (2) Creepers, Dolly, Vehicle Ramps
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

3 Photos 24FH08001-252
Drayton Valley, AB
60 Various Battery Testers and Chargers
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids
Electric paint sprayer, drill bit sharpener, transfer pump

2 Photos 24FH08001-265
Drayton Valley, AB
61 Manual Grease Pump & (2) Bottle Jacks
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

1 Photos 24FH08001-270
Drayton Valley, AB
62 (11) Various Sized Chain Boomers
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

2 Photos 24FH08001-212
Drayton Valley, AB
54 Fuel Line, Garden Hose, Insect Killer
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids

1 Photos 24FH08001-290
Drayton Valley, AB
63 Portable Hitch Assembly
7329 TWP 494, Rocky Rapids
Oil filters, air filters, bearings, fasteners, paint sprayer, miscellaneous items