Equipment Auction23ID
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23ID15031-001
Kamloops, BC
244 2015 New Holland T6.175 MFWD Loader Tractor
Hour Meter:
2873 hours showing

4 Photos 23ID08001-003
McBride, BC
243 LS Mtron R4041 MFWD Utility Loader Tractor
Thunder Valley Towing Yard 3030 Westlund Rd, McBride, BC
Hour Meter:
351 hours showing
Ls LL4101 loader, Q/A, 72 inch bucket, Mitsibishi 2.5 L 4 cylinder 45 HP, diesel engine, 16 speed Synchro Shuttle manual transmission, , canvas cab, front hydraulic outlets, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 2 rear hydraulic outlets, 12-16.5 front tires, 17.5X24 rear tires

4 Photos 23ID15016-001
Kamloops, BC
242 1980 Case 1490 MFWD Loader Tractor
Hour Meter:
4956 hours showing
Case 66L loader, 60 inch bucket, 48 inch bale forks,International 3.6 L 4 cylinder 83 HP, diesel engine, 70 PTO HP, 12 speed partial power shift transmission, 8.4 GPM hydraulic pump, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 1 rear hydraulic outlets, 11.2-24 front tires, 16.9-34 rear tires

4 Photos 23ID15039-001
Kamloops, BC
240 1996 New Holland 3930 2WD Utility Tractor W/Brouwer 1560 20 Inch Turf Cutter
1333 hours showing
Ford BB607683 6B29 3.3 L 3 cylinder 60 HP, diesel engine, 45 PTO HP, 8 speed partial synchro transmission, 7.7 GPM hydraulic pump, open station platform, ROPS, rear differential lock, AutoGuidance Steering, 10 front weights, 540 PTO, 11L-15SL front tires, 19.5L-24 rear tires

4 Photos 23ID15016-002
Kamloops, BC
245 1966 International 4100 4WD Tractor
International 7.0 L 6 cylinder 140 HP, diesel engine, 16.5 GPM hydraulic pump, cab, 26 front weights, 1000 PTO, 3 point hitch, 2 rear hydraulic outlets, 23.1-26 tires

4 Photos 23ID29007-001
Kamloops, BC
239 1985 Deutz-Allis D1067/4-S 2WD Utility Tractor
Hour Meter:
3752 hours showing
Deutz F3L913 187 cu in 3 cylinder 60 HP, diesel engine, 8 speed partial synchro transmission, 13.5 GPM hydraulic pump, open station platform, 6 front weights, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 2 rear hydraulic outlets, 16.9-30 rear tires, 10.00-16 tires

4 Photos 23ID15040-001
Kamloops, BC
241 1969 Massey Ferguson 165 2WD Loader Tractor
Hour Meter:
2472 hours showing
Allied 350 loader, 48 inch bucket, Perkins 3.3 L 4 cylinder 58.3 HP, diesel engine, 51 PTO HP, 6 speed manual transmission, 4.5 GPM hydraulic pump, open station platform, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, 2 rear hydraulic outlets, 7.5L-15 front tires, 18.4-26 rear tires

3 Photos 23ID15011-095
Savona, BC
238 Ford 2WD Utility Loader Tractor
Open house for to view items September 16th , 10:00am - 2:00pm 5885 Tranquille Criss Creek Road, follow the Team Auctions signs. Loadout September 23rd & 30th, 10:00am - 2:00pm. Please make an appointment to pick up items.
48 inch bucket, Ford 4 cylinder gas engine, manual transmission, open station platform, 7.00-13 front tires, 10.28 rear tires
New Holland 855TL loader, 96 inch bucket, new holland 1343203 6.7 L 6 cylinder 175 HP, diesel engine, DEF required, 120 PTO HP, 18 speed partial power shift transmission, 29 GPM hydraulic pump, cab, ROPS, left hand reverser, front and rear differential lock, A/C, radio, buddy seat, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point hitch, 3 point hitch exterior control, 4 rear hydraulic outlets, rear wheel weights, 14.9R28 front tires, 18.4R38 rear tires