Unreserved Online Timed Miscellaneous Auction - City of Kamloops Surplus Dispersal Sale23ED
Industrial Support
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23ED15001-303
Kamloops, BC
495 Refrideration Tool, Vacuum, Oxy/Acy Set & Chain
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-391
Kamloops, BC
195 St John Ambulance Level 1 First Aid Kit
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

1 Photos 23ED15001-308
Kamloops, BC
475 Large Hose Reel
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-412
Kamloops, BC
481 Scale & (2) Reels of Armoured Cable
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-334
Kamloops, BC
513 (2) Garbage Cans
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-335
Kamloops, BC
512 (2) Concrete Benchs & Ashtray
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-337
Kamloops, BC
524 (3) Wallmount Garbage Cans
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-336
Kamloops, BC
511 (2) Garbage Cans
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-338
Kamloops, BC
514 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-494
Kamloops, BC
154 (4) Kamloops Plaques
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-495
Kamloops, BC
153 Aquarium Supplies
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-339
Kamloops, BC
339 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-340
Kamloops, BC
516 (3) Curved Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-343
Kamloops, BC
519 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-344
Kamloops, BC
522 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-345
Kamloops, BC
521 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-346
Kamloops, BC
520 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-347
Kamloops, BC
523 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-348
Kamloops, BC
525 Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-349
Kamloops, BC
526 Log Park Bench
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

3 Photos 23ED15001-350
Kamloops, BC
298 (2) HD Bike Racks
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-240
Kamloops, BC
197 3M Powered Air Purifying Respirator Unit
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.
(2) blowers with filters (5) masks with bags and chargers

4 Photos 23ED15001-280
Kamloops, BC
503 Qty of Metal Plates
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.

4 Photos 23ED15001-365
Kamloops, BC
237 Honda WB20C 2 Inch Water Pump
Viewing times May 23rd - 27th, 10:00am - 8:00pm, Valleyview arena, 353 Highland Rd.
GX110 motor