Unreserved Online Timed Dispersal Auction for Ugly Trucks Unlimited - Vehicles and Shop Equipment23DP
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 23DP15001-030
Chilliwack, BC
115 2010 Forest river WPAC8530TA3 30 Ft T/A V-Nose Enclosed Trailer
44270 Yale Road Chilliwack, BC

4 Photos 23DP15001-035
Chilliwack, BC
116 2003 Landoll L2024HD 24 Ft T/A Flat Deck Trailer
44270 Yale Road Chilliwack, BC
102 inch wide deck, 60 inch beaver tails, wood deck, flip over ramps, electric brakes, spring suspension, 9.50R16.5 tires

4 Photos 23DP15001-026
Chilliwack, BC
71 2006 16 Ft T/A BBQ Trailer
44270 Yale Road Chilliwack, BC
Trailer is 80 inch wide X 192 inch long, spring suspension, 125 amps, 120/240V electric hookups, lights, washing station and BBQ, P205/70R14
102 inch interior width, fold down door, torsion suspension, 2-5/16 inch ball, mounts for sway bar, CVIP expired, 48 inch side access door, man door, front mounted winch inside, 5200 lb axles, 225/75R15 tires