Unreserved Timed Real Estate and Equipment Consignment Auction22JB
Construction / Attachments
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22JB05013-043
Slave Lake, AB
251 Lemar Hydraulic Tree Spade - Skid Steer Attachment
Go west on Highway 2 to junction of Highway 33, then south to Sword transport yard on east side of the road

4 Photos 22JB05029-004
Entwistle, AB
268 60 Inch Rotary Mower - Skid Steer Attachment
Town of Entwhistle
Hydraulic drive

4 Photos 22JB03005-002
Drayton Valley, AB
252 Brandt EX0250-BDHD36 36 Inch Dig Bucket
To fit John Deere 250G, 250 series coupler

4 Photos 22JB03005-004
Drayton Valley, AB
253 Brandt EX0250-BDHD36 36 Inch Dig Bucket
To fit John Deere 290G, 250 series coupler

4 Photos 22JB18005-007
Red Water, AB
212 WBM 60 Inch Clean-Up Bucket
4512-48 Ave East

4 Photos 22JB03004-007
Drayton Valley, AB
236 TMG Industrial GB72 72 Inch Grapple Bucket - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB05017-001
Drayton Valley, AB
258 72 Inch Rotary Tiller - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB05024-002
Edson, AB
266 Sure Grip 60 Inch Full Rotation Head Grapple
Edson, AB
Was on a Cat 308 Excavator

4 Photos 22JB05024-003
Edson, AB
267 Log Grapple
Edson, AB
Was on a 30 ton loader

4 Photos 22JB05017-008
Drayton Valley, AB
264 Wolverine Spreader - Skid Steer Attachment
C/W stand

4 Photos 22JB18005-018
Red Water, AB
214 40 Inch Clean Up Bucket - Excavator Attachment
4512-48 Ave east Red Water, AB
Fits Case 210

4 Photos 22JB05034-009
Seba Beach, AB
269 2010 Kinshofer C12VE Grapple Fork
5 min from Seba Beach Alberta on Highway 16
Some bucket teeth

4 Photos 22JB05005-002
Drayton Valley, AB
250 John Deere RL84 84 Inch Roller Leveler - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB05017-002
Drayton Valley, AB
259 Bendall 72 Inch Hydraulic Broom - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB03004-011
Drayton Valley, AB
240 TMG Industrial 86 Inch Dozer Blade -Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-034
Drayton Valley, AB
241 TMG Industrial TMG-SP07/09 84 Inch Snow Pusher - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-040
Drayton Valley, AB
244 TMG Industrial SP-09 108 Inch Snow Pusher - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-045
Drayton Valley, AB
247 TMG Industrial TMG-HB53S Hydraulic Breaker - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-008
Drayton Valley, AB
237 TMG Industrial SN84 84 Inch Snow Bucket - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-044
Drayton Valley, AB
246 TMG Industrial TMG-SP09 108 Inch Skid Steer Snow Pusher (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB05013-047
Slave Lake, AB
254 4 Way Hydraulic Dozer Blade - Skid Steer Attachment
Go west on Highway 2 to junction of Highway 33, then south to Sword transport yard on east side of the road
With rubber cutting edge

4 Photos 22JB03004-009
Drayton Valley, AB
238 TMG Industrial SRG72 72 Inch Road Grader - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)
65 MN cutting edge material, 3 cutting edges

4 Photos 22JB03004-035
Drayton Valley, AB
242 TMG Industrial TMG-SP09 108 Inch Snow Pusher - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-004
Drayton Valley, AB
235 TMG Industrial TMG-MSS10 Skid Steer Spreader (Unused)
30 ft spread, 10 cu ft capacity, working flow 12-20 GPM, working pressure 1450-1885 PSI

4 Photos 22JB03004-010
Drayton Valley, AB
239 TMG Industrial SB72 72 Inch Rock Skeleton Bucket - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB03004-043
Drayton Valley, AB
245 TMG Industrial TMG-SP07 84 Inch Ft Skid Steer Snow Pusher (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB05013-052
Slave Lake, AB
256 JBC 91 Inch Bucket
Go west on Highway 2 to junction of Highway 33, then south to Sword transport yard on east side of the road

4 Photos 22JB05034-010
Seba Beach, AB
270 DK 88 Inch Snow Plow Blade
5 min from Seba Beach Alberta on Highway 16

4 Photos 22JB05013-051
Slave Lake, AB
255 WMB 11 Ft Angle Dozer Blade
Go west on Highway 2 to junction of Highway 33, then south to Sword transport yard on east side of the road

4 Photos 22JB10029-003
Drayton Valley, AB
213 11 Ft Man Basket
Wood floor planking, 1000 lb capacity, fork pockets

4 Photos 22JB05017-007
Drayton Valley, AB
263 Caterpillar Q/A 48 Inch Skid Steer Pallet Forks

4 Photos 22JB05013-054
Slave Lake, AB
257 JCB 14 Inch Frost Digging Bucket and JCB 48 Inch Clean Up Bucket
Go west on Highway 2 to junction of Highway 33, then south to Sword transport yard on east side of the road

4 Photos 22JB05017-003
Drayton Valley, AB
260 84 Inch Leveler - Skid Steer Attachment

1 Photos 22JB03004-062
Drayton Valley, AB
248 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Fork Extensions (Unused)

1 Photos 22JB03004-063
Drayton Valley, AB
249 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Fork Extensions (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB10029-002
Drayton Valley, AB
224 ATI Major 15 Ft Boom Truss

2 Photos 22JB05017-006
Drayton Valley, AB
261 Adaptor Plate - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB05017-009
Drayton Valley, AB
265 94 Inch Snow Bucket - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB05017-010
Drayton Valley, AB
234 Wolverine 72 Inch Brush Mower - Skid Steer Attachment

4 Photos 22JB03004-039
Drayton Valley, AB
243 TMG Industrial TMG-SP07 84 Inch Snow Pusher - Skid Steer Attachment (Unused)

4 Photos 22JB05053-012
Blue Ridge, AB
272 82 Inch Loader Bucket
Blue Ridge, AB
49 inch high

4 Photos 22JB10023-001
Drayton Valley, AB
218A Custombuilt 12 Ft V-Nose Brush Blade

4 Photos 22JB10023-002
Drayton Valley, AB
274 Beales 10-1/2 Ft Brush Rake

4 Photos 22JB05043-012
Carstairs, AB
271 10 Ft Snow Blade - Skid Steer Attachment
Far west Trucking Yard. From Carstairs, Alberta take Highway 580 west t0 RR 30, then go north 1 mile
Cab controls