Unreserved Timed Equipment Consignment Auction22IB
Classics / Collectibles / Antiques
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22IB15008-014
Salmon Arm, BC
169 Fordson Major 2WD Tractor
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-010
Salmon Arm, BC
161 Ground Drive Sickle Mower
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

4 Photos 22IB15008-002
Salmon Arm, BC
168 1959 GMC J30 School Bus
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.
19,074 showing
Inline 6 cylinder, non-slip differential

4 Photos 22IB15008-018
Salmon Arm, BC
165 International Harvester McCormick Seed Drill
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.
Grass seed attachment

3 Photos 22IB15008-011
Salmon Arm, BC
162 2 Bottom Plow
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-029
Salmon Arm, BC
156 Wagon Wheel
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-026
Salmon Arm, BC
155 1913 525-T Kerosene Heater Lamp
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-031
Salmon Arm, BC
158 (3) Bicycles
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

4 Photos 22IB15008-019
Salmon Arm, BC
157 Maytag Electric Washing Machine
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-020
Salmon Arm, BC
152 Miscellaneous Signs
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

3 Photos 22IB15009-037
Kamloops, BC
144 Coke Collectables

1 Photos 22IB15009-047
Kamloops, BC
145 Cigarette Tins

1 Photos 22IB15009-048
Kamloops, BC
146 Pepsi Cooler

2 Photos 22IB15009-050
Kamloops, BC
147 Coke Umbrella and Stand

1 Photos 22IB15009-051
Kamloops, BC
148 Qty of Assorted Stone Carvings

4 Photos 22IB15009-054
Kamloops, BC
149 Qty of Hand & Power Tools

1 Photos 22IB15009-055
Kamloops, BC
150 Coke Collectables

2 Photos 22IB15009-058
Kamloops, BC
151 Antique Blanket Box

3 Photos 22IB15008-007
Salmon Arm, BC
160 (3) Ford Jubilee Tractors (Inoperable)
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

3 Photos 22IB15008-032
Salmon Arm, BC
164 Ground Driven Seeder Trailer
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

4 Photos 22IB15008-033
Salmon Arm, BC
166 Horse Drawn Sleigh
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.
with runners

4 Photos 22IB15002-124
Tappen, BC
167 Studebaker Collectable Car Body (Inoperable)
1738 white lake rd
No engine or trans.

4 Photos 22IB15008-006
Salmon Arm, BC
159 Ford Jubilee & 8N Parts
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

2 Photos 22IB15008-012
Salmon Arm, BC
163 Dump Rake
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.

1 Photos 22IB15008-024
Salmon Arm, BC
153 Quaker State Dealer Sign
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.
Double Sided

1 Photos 22IB15008-025
Salmon Arm, BC
154 (2)Milk Jugs
Viewing by appointment contact, Tracy 250-833-8675. Viewing days September 16-18 & 23-26.
Lid included for small jug