Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction22GB
All Items
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22GB05011-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2588 2007 Ford Expediton 4 Door SUV
512,157 km showing

4 Photos 22GB03002-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2459 TMG Industrial TMG-GAC40 40 Gallon Gasoline Air Compressor (Unused)
Loncin G300FA 9 HP engine, 2-stage air compressor, 175 PSI, skid mounted, horizontal tank

4 Photos 22GB03002-061
Drayton Valley, AB
1906 TMG Industrial TMG-12000GE 12,000 Watt Gasoline Generator (Unused)
459 cc engine, (4) 120V 20A, (1) 120V 30A, (1) 120/240V 50A, electric start

4 Photos 22GB03002-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1907 TMG Industrial TMG-12000GE 12,000 Watt Gasoline Generator (Unused)
459 cc engine, (4) 120V 20A, (1) 120V 30A, (1) 120/240V 50A, electric start

3 Photos 22GB10018-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2507 (2) Pxt 26 X 11R12 Tires and (2) 26 X 8R12 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10041-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1318 DeVilbiss Pro Air Portable 20 Gal Air Compressor
c/w hose

4 Photos 22GB05016-056
Drayton Valley, AB
1799 Miscellaneous Household Items
marble rolling pin, ceramic cups & bowl, antique items

4 Photos 22GB05019-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1164 Qty of Various Shop Items
jerry cans, flashlight, heat lamp, hoses, bolt bin, funnels, oil jug

3 Photos 22GB05019-080
Drayton Valley, AB
1901 Fridge
30.2 inch wide X 27 inch deep X 59 inch tall

3 Photos 22GB05014-264
Drayton Valley, AB
2203 16 Ft Water Slide

2 Photos 22GB10018-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2504 (2) 22 X 10-10 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10008-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1283 (2) Tool Boxes
c/w various tools

3 Photos 22GB03002-036
Drayton Valley, AB
2512 TMG Industrial 10 Ft 20 Drawer Workbench (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10026-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1479 Vintage Wood Door

4 Photos 22GB05019-081
Drayton Valley, AB
1900 Alternator, Assorted Filters, Hand Saw, Torch Hose, Assorted Brackets

3 Photos 22GB05014-265
Drayton Valley, AB
2202 (2) Boxes - Beach Balls

3 Photos 22GB10018-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2506 Bridgestone Dueller 265/70R17 Tires

3 Photos 22GB10008-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1010 (2) 79 X 36 Inch Exterior Doors

3 Photos 22GB03002-037
Drayton Valley, AB
2524 TMG Industrial 10 Ft 20 Drawer Workbench (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-057
Drayton Valley, AB
1798 Household Items
home décor items and signs

4 Photos 22GB05019-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1167 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
hand soap dispensers, paper towel holders, tape, mud flaps, paper rack

4 Photos 22GB05019-082
Drayton Valley, AB
1841 Oxy/Acetelyne Torch with Cart

3 Photos 22GB05014-266
Drayton Valley, AB
2201 Alligator Inflatable & Tire Inflatable

4 Photos 22GB10018-026
Drayton Valley, AB
2591 Shop Built 16 Ft S/A Trailer
Front tool box, spare tire, 235/75R15 tires

4 Photos 22GB10008-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1284 Mop Pails, Wood Organizers and Paper Towel Dispenser

3 Photos 22GB03002-038
Drayton Valley, AB
2511 100 Ton Shop Press (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10026-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2376 Pull Type Cart

2 Photos 22GB05014-267
Drayton Valley, AB
2200 Mega Melon Sprinkler

4 Photos 22GB10018-027
Drayton Valley, AB
2268 John Deere LTR 180 Riding Mower
17 HP engine, hydrostatic transmission, mower deck, rear bagger

4 Photos 22GB10008-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1130 Schumacher Battery Charger
12v, 200amp

4 Photos 22GB03002-039
Drayton Valley, AB
2523 TMG Industrial 3 PT Hitch Wood Chipper (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-058
Drayton Valley, AB
1800 Marble Urn and Signed Japanese Print

4 Photos 22GB05019-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1028 Tie Down Straps, Trailer Hitches and 1 HP Compressor

4 Photos 22GB05019-083
Drayton Valley, AB
1846 Delta Sander, Assorted Lawn Mower Wheels, Trailer Tie Downs Ratchets

2 Photos 22GB05014-268
Drayton Valley, AB
2199 5 Ft Beach Balls

4 Photos 22GB10026-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2368 Qty of Miscellaneous Metal

4 Photos 22GB05019-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1281 Craftex Dust Collector (Unused)
3 HP, single phase, 240v

4 Photos 22GB05019-084
Drayton Valley, AB
1847 Shop Items & Supplies
Radley cordless drill pack, Makita rechargeable 18V battery, GM 25995564 shift control cable, 1/4 gas hose, ceiling fan, (2) gate openers parts only

3 Photos 22GB05014-269
Drayton Valley, AB
2190 Jeep Wrangler (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10022-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2290 (2) Goodyear 425/65R22.5 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10008-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1133 Qty of Various Manuals

2 Photos 22GB03002-040
Drayton Valley, AB
2458 TMG Industrial 3 Inch 1 Kohler Powered Chipper Shredder Vacuum (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10026-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2305 Engine Hoist

3 Photos 22GB05014-270
Drayton Valley, AB
2189 RC Stunt Car

4 Photos 22GB10022-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2294 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 265/70R16 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10008-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1131 Qty of Various Tools
micrometer, temp gun, digital caliper, telescopic gauges

3 Photos 22GB05016-059
Drayton Valley, AB
1724 Miscellaneous Household Items
crystal liquor bottle, glass candle, glass ash trays, glass mirror jewelry box, antique dishes

4 Photos 22GB05019-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1183 Qty of Various Shop Items
tool boxes, jerry cans, trailer hitches, fuel fillers

3 Photos 22GB05019-085
Drayton Valley, AB
1848 Mighty Mule Gate Opener with Vehicle Sensor, Welding Helmet & Rods

3 Photos 22GB05014-271
Drayton Valley, AB
2188 Rc Polics Stunt Car (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10022-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2289 (4) Titan 12-16.5 Tires

4 Photos 22GB05016-060
Drayton Valley, AB
1723 (3) Leather Jackets
(1) Large, (2) Medium

4 Photos 22GB05019-086
Drayton Valley, AB
1850 New Starter 4N-5139, Door Seal Weather Strip For New Holland (8788732), Organizer, Slider Winch Asse

2 Photos 22GB05014-272
Drayton Valley, AB
2187 (2) Wall Cars (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10022-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2440 Raider Vagabond 8 Ft Fibreglass Truck Topper

4 Photos 22GB05016-061
Drayton Valley, AB
1722 (3) New Jackets

4 Photos 22GB05019-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2407 Metal Stair Stringer and Trailer Jacks

2 Photos 22GB05014-273
Drayton Valley, AB
2186 Pin Art

4 Photos 22GB10022-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2441 Raider Vagabond 8 Ft Fibreglass Truck Topper

4 Photos 22GB10008-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1132 Booster Cables and Battery Charger

4 Photos 22GB10038-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2382 Aluminum Tool Boxes

4 Photos 22GB05019-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1874 Qty of Various Shop Items
welding rods, welders helmet, googles, hard hats, safety glasses, knee pads, gloves

3 Photos 22GB05014-274
Drayton Valley, AB
2185 (2) RC Dessert Buggies (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10027-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2547 Cowcrete Concrete Cattle Waterer

2 Photos 22GB03002-041
Drayton Valley, AB
2457 4-7 Ton Q/C Hydraulic Breaker (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10039-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2224 Craftsman Rolling Tool Box

2 Photos 22GB05014-275
Drayton Valley, AB
2184 RC Dumpster Truck (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10027-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2549 (500± Feet) Tech 90 Cable
1000V wire

4 Photos 22GB10008-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1308 Goodyear Hose Display

4 Photos 22GB10039-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1888 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Tools
Black & Decker jig saw, Bosch sander and pipe wrenches

4 Photos 22GB05019-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1159 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
hand sanitizer, u-clamps, floor warming system, plumbing fittings, screws and rivets, scaffolding fittings

4 Photos 22GB05014-276
Drayton Valley, AB
2173 Big Wheels Electric ATV

3 Photos 22GB10027-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2546 Cowcrete Concrete Cattle Waterer

4 Photos 22GB10008-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1514 (4) Cooper 275/60R20 Tires w/ GMC Aluminum Rims

4 Photos 22GB10039-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1720 5 Speed Drill Press

2 Photos 22GB05014-277
Drayton Valley, AB
2172 61 Piece Tool Kit (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10027-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2545 Cowcrete Concrete Cattle Waterer

2 Photos 22GB05016-062
Drayton Valley, AB
1721 (1) Large Carhartt Vest & Overalls

2 Photos 22GB05014-278
Drayton Valley, AB
2171 Tool Box Cabinet (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10027-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2542 Concrete Waterer Base
4 inch x 7 ft 7 ft

4 Photos 22GB04000-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1181 Honda EU3000is Invertor
Electric start

4 Photos 22GB10066-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1898 Helios Uberlux Light On Stand with Battery Packs

2 Photos 22GB05014-279
Drayton Valley, AB
2170 Knife Set

2 Photos 22GB10027-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2543 Concrete Waterer Base
4 inch x 7 ft 7 ft

4 Photos 22GB04000-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1526 Be Gas Pressure Washer
With hose and wand

4 Photos 22GB10066-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1899 Helios Uberlux Light On Adjustable Stand with Battery Packs

4 Photos 22GB05014-061
Drayton Valley, AB
2054 (4) Fan Bulb (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-087
Drayton Valley, AB
1852 Miscellaneous Parts & Shop Fluids
99-2002 Chev Silverado, AW32 hydraulic oil, solvent, SAE 80W-90, heavy duty coolantSae15W-40 oil, RTV silicone, SAE20W-50 oil

3 Photos 22GB05014-280
Drayton Valley, AB
2169 Salon Rolling Stool (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10027-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2548 (50± Feet) of 2 Inch Pipe and Pressure Tank

4 Photos 22GB10008-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1173 Qty of Various Truck Items
filters, gaskets, first aid kits, roadside markers

3 Photos 22GB10066-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1349 (2) 2010 Toyota Siena Second Row Leather Seats

2 Photos 22GB05014-062
Drayton Valley, AB
2053 (4) Fan Bulbs (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05019-088
Drayton Valley, AB
1851 Extension Cords

4 Photos 22GB04002-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1532 Echo TLE-550 Walk Behind Gas Edger

2 Photos 22GB10027-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2550 10 Ft Gate and 12 Ft Gate

4 Photos 22GB04000-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1524 Snapper Rear Bag Lawn Mower

4 Photos 22GB10058-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1171 Qty of Miscellaneous Recreational Items
bikes, portable table, tents

3 Photos 22GB05014-063
Drayton Valley, AB
2052 Rc LED Lighting (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05019-089
Drayton Valley, AB
1854 Ford Hub Caps, Vehicle Ramps, Trays

4 Photos 22GB04002-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1278 Toro PT36 Power Trowel (Unused)
Honda GX160 engine

2 Photos 22GB10027-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2551 (4) 4 Ft X 8 Ft Hog Panels

4 Photos 22GB04000-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1488 Stihl FS45 Curved Shaft Trimmer

1 Photos 22GB10038-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1044 Camp Wood Stove (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10065-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1369 (1) Metal Bolt Bin
34 X 12 X 42

3 Photos 22GB05014-064
Drayton Valley, AB
2051 Rc LED Lighting (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05019-090
Drayton Valley, AB
1853 Camp Chess Double Burner

3 Photos 22GB04000-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1489 Husqvarna 25R Straight Shaft Trimmer

4 Photos 22GB10027-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2538 (11) 4 Inch X 15 Ft Screw Piles

4 Photos 22GB04000-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1486 Toro Straight Shaft Trimmer

2 Photos 22GB10058-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2346 (4) Rolls of 6 Mil Poly

2 Photos 22GB05014-065
Drayton Valley, AB
2050 (2) Sets of Knives (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-091
Drayton Valley, AB
1867 Poly Container

4 Photos 22GB04000-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1212 Briggs & Stratton Gas Pressure Washer
with hose & wand

4 Photos 22GB10027-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2539 (10) 4 Inch X 15 Ft Screw Piles

4 Photos 22GB04000-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1127 Wacker Rotary Hammer

1 Photos 22GB10038-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1041 Camp Wood Stove (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB03002-042
Drayton Valley, AB
2465 TMG Industrial Walk Behind Stump Grinder
Kohler 14 HP engine

3 Photos 22GB10058-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1143 Qty of Various Helmets

4 Photos 22GB05014-066
Drayton Valley, AB
2041 42 Inch LED Light Bar (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04000-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1490 Stihl FS38 Curved Shaft Trimmer

4 Photos 22GB10027-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2540 (10) 4 Inch X 15 Ft Screw Piles

4 Photos 22GB04001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2352 2007 Jetmoto 2WD Quad

1 Photos 22GB10038-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1039 Camp Wood Stove (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10065-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1351 Tote-N-Stor RV Portable Sewer Tank (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-092
Drayton Valley, AB
1868 Miscellaneous Shop Items
portable wash sink, table, water containers, paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser, blue rolling shop cart

3 Photos 22GB04000-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1237 Dodge Caravan Seats

4 Photos 22GB02001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2582 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB10027-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2541 (10) 4 Inch X 15 Ft Screw Piles

4 Photos 22GB04001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2350 2007 Jetmoto 2WD Quad

4 Photos 22GB10038-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1324 Briggs & Stratton Gas Hydraulic Pump, Shop Stool and Hard Case

3 Photos 22GB03002-043
Drayton Valley, AB
2528 TMG Industrial 30 Ft X 80 Ft Peak Ceiling Storage Shelter (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10058-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1350 (5) Wood Chairs and Dining Server

4 Photos 22GB05014-067
Drayton Valley, AB
2040 42 Inch LED Light Bar (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-101
Drayton Valley, AB
1953 4-1/2 Inch Grinding Discs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-001
1276 Exercise Machine

4 Photos 22GB02001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2581 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB04001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2351 2006 Buyang Kids Motor Bike

2 Photos 22GB10038-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1321 Fastorq 0-3-1/2 Inch Hydraulic Enerpac Nut Splitter

3 Photos 22GB10058-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1108 (2) Pairs of Snow Shoes, Skis and Poles

4 Photos 22GB05014-068
Drayton Valley, AB
2039 42 Inch LED Light Bar (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05019-093
Drayton Valley, AB
1733 Hazard Reflection Tape

3 Photos 22GB10076-002
1163 Wheelbarrow, Cat Figure, Rug

4 Photos 22GB02001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2583 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB10040-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2439 Decorative Fire Extinguisher on Wheels

3 Photos 22GB04001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1520 Yardworks Self Propelled Mower

2 Photos 22GB10037-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2329 Qty of Pickup Teeth

4 Photos 22GB10058-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1359 Qty of Miscellaneous
General 235/80R17 tire, DeWalt corded drill, remote starter, antique punch

4 Photos 22GB05014-069
Drayton Valley, AB
2038 32 Inch LED Light Bar (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2254 10 Ft " X 19 Ft " Orange Tarps, Hoses & Wire

4 Photos 22GB02001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2443 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB10040-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2442 Mtc Topper

4 Photos 22GB04001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1379 2007 ZHEJIANG Kids Quad

4 Photos 22GB10037-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2354 Reese Trailer Hitch and Ramps

4 Photos 22GB10058-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1336 (3) Shop Dolly's

4 Photos 22GB05014-070
Drayton Valley, AB
2037 32 Inch LED Light Bar (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05019-094
Drayton Valley, AB
1734 (2) Viatrax Automation Wiring

2 Photos 22GB10076-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2253 (6) Miscellaneous Tarps

3 Photos 22GB02001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2444 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB18002-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1014 Truck Mount Arrow Board with Beacon Lights
in truck controls, 15 lights, 12 LEDS per light, high output LEDS, flash rate 30-40 per min, LED beacon fixed mount 4.5 Inches, class 1 rating, various light sequencing (center, left, right, all lights), Deutsch connections, 60 inches wide X 80 inches height

4 Photos 22GB04001-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1517 Toro Power Clear 180 Snowblower

3 Photos 22GB10037-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2360 Tire Chains, Boomers, Pulley

4 Photos 22GB10058-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1185 Trunk, Shelf and Yolks

3 Photos 22GB05014-071
Drayton Valley, AB
2036 Aluminum Crutches (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-102
Drayton Valley, AB
1952 Spray Paint Gun Kit (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1241 Stihl BR600 Back Pack Blower

4 Photos 22GB02001-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2445 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
300 lbs, 84 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB18002-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1015 Truck Mount Arrow Board with Beacon Lights
in truck controls, 15 lights, 12 LEDS per light, high output LEDS, flash rate 30-40 per min, LED beacon fixed mount 4.5 Inches, class 1 rating, various light sequencing (center, left, right, all lights), Deutsch connection, 60 inches wide X 80 inches height

4 Photos 22GB04001-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2361 (3) Generators for Parts

4 Photos 22GB10058-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1358 Grow Light, Harley Seat and Sub Woofer

4 Photos 22GB05014-072
Drayton Valley, AB
2035 Qty of Miscellaneous Tools (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05019-095
Drayton Valley, AB
1869 Elkhart Tool & Die Ltd Steps

4 Photos 22GB10076-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1240 Stihl BR600 Back Pack Blower

4 Photos 22GB02001-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2580 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
156 lbs, 70 inch x 9 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1206 Glass Desk
39.5 inches long X 14.5 inches wide X 30 inches high

4 Photos 22GB04001-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2375 S/A Garden Trailer
30 inch wide X 72 inch long, 25 x 8-12 tires

4 Photos 22GB10037-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2356 (2) Wash Tubs On Stands

3 Photos 22GB10058-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2509 8 Ft X 12 Ft Shed Trusses

3 Photos 22GB05014-073
Drayton Valley, AB
2034 (8) Glad Hands (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-103
Drayton Valley, AB
1951 24 Cotton Work Gloves (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2400 Hose Reels Car Jacks, Fire Extinguisher Holders, 5 Gallon Jugs

4 Photos 22GB02001-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2446 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
156 lbs, 70 inch x 9 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1112 500 Ml Thermos Bottle (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04002-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1516 (2) Echo Trimmer Power Heads with Attachments & (1) Echo Gas Hand Held Blower
(1) Trimmer grass attachment, (1) chain saw attachment, (1) tiller attachment

4 Photos 22GB10037-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2374 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
lights, bags, metal sign

2 Photos 22GB10058-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2510 8 Ft X 12 Ft Shed Trusses

4 Photos 22GB05019-096
Drayton Valley, AB
1849 Tool Cart with Outlet & Assorted Tools

4 Photos 22GB10076-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1018 Scotts Seed Spreader, Branch Loping Tool, Bissel Steam Cleaner

4 Photos 22GB02001-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2447 H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
250 lbs, 63 inch x 13 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1113 500 Ml Thermos Bottle (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04002-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1522 Husqvarna 445 Chain Saw

4 Photos 22GB10058-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1377 Skil Drill Press and Delta Planner

4 Photos 22GB05014-074
Drayton Valley, AB
2033 Qty of Miscellaneous Tools (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-104
Drayton Valley, AB
1950 Size 8 Rubber Boots

4 Photos 22GB10076-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1235 Flex Ski's, Lawn Chairs, Bow, Tent

3 Photos 22GB02001-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2449 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1114 500 Ml Thermos Bottle (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04002-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1487 Craftsman Straight Shaft Trimmer

2 Photos 22GB10051-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1886 Qty of Oregon Chain Saw Bars

4 Photos 22GB10065-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1352 3 Inch 6.5 HP Trash Pump
8 Ft. buggy whip w/ LED light

4 Photos 22GB05014-075
Drayton Valley, AB
2022 Sprayer, Tree Pruner and Folding Saw (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1501 (2) 25X 8-12, (2) 25X10-12 Quad Tires with Rims

3 Photos 22GB02001-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2448 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1115 500 Ml Thermos Bottle (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10013-029
Drayton Valley, AB
2332 (1) Roll of Page Wire

4 Photos 22GB10064-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1913 Bombardier Quest 650 4X4 Quad
1,443 mi showing
auto transmission, reverse, winch, 28X8-12 front tires, 28X12X12 rear tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-105
Drayton Valley, AB
1937 Gas Stove (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1504 (2) Motor Bike Tires
(1) Dunlop D427F 130190B16 tire on aluminum rim, (1) Bridgestone 120/70R19 tire

3 Photos 22GB02001-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2450 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1207 Custom Canvas Art
37 Inches Height X 37 Inches width

2 Photos 22GB10013-030
Drayton Valley, AB
2333 (1) Roll of Chicken Wire

4 Photos 22GB10064-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2249 2012 Kubota RTV500 4X4 Tracked Side By Side
Hour Meter:
1139 hours showing
auto transmission, reverse, tracks, dump box, winch

3 Photos 22GB05014-076
Drayton Valley, AB
2021 Fish Net and Hooks (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-097
Drayton Valley, AB
1856 Blue Tool Cart, Hanging Folding Frame, Viatrax Automation, Suction Clamp

4 Photos 22GB10076-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2418 (2) Estate Sprinklers On Cart

3 Photos 22GB02001-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2451 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1121 Titan 0516172 Paint Sprayer Xt 250
120 V / 60 Hz 6.5 amp, quick flow valve, hose, spray gun

4 Photos 22GB10064-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2248 International Cub Lo-Boy 154 Tractor
4 cylinder, 32 HP engine, 540 PTO, 60 inch hydraulic mower, 20X8.00-10 front turf tires, 13.6-16 rear tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-077
Drayton Valley, AB
2020 (3) 2 Way Radios (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-098
Drayton Valley, AB
1855 Radley Cordless Drill, Makita 18V Rechargeable Battery, LED Road Flares, Flares

3 Photos 22GB10076-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1500 (4) 8 Bolt 6 X 16 Inch Rims

3 Photos 22GB02001-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2452 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1120 Wurth 4 Drawer Cabinet (Unused)
Adjustable drawers, heavy duty

4 Photos 22GB10073-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2586 2001 Corsair 32RLS 32 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
(2) slides, fridge, stove, microwave, king bed, bathroom, (2) recliners, built in vacuum, rear hitch, (2) propane tanks, 235/85R16 tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-078
Drayton Valley, AB
2019 Fish Net and Hooks (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-106
Drayton Valley, AB
1938 Holmes Humidifier

3 Photos 22GB10076-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1502 (4) 5 Bolt 5.5 X 14 Inch Rims

3 Photos 22GB02001-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2453 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

4 Photos 22GB18004-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1070 Tool Set with Case (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05017-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2579 Lincoln Ranger 305G Welder
Hour Meter:
3869 hours showing

2 Photos 22GB05019-099
Drayton Valley, AB
1865 (2) Folding Tables

4 Photos 22GB10076-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1211 Rubbermaid Ultra Sound Machine Medical Station

3 Photos 22GB02001-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2454 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

3 Photos 22GB18004-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1094 Replica Soccer Ball (Unused)
Size 5

3 Photos 22GB10053-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2313 (102±) Pieces of Various Sizes of Cedar Siding

4 Photos 22GB05017-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2559 Poly Tank
approximately 2000 gal, suited for box of truck

4 Photos 22GB05014-079
Drayton Valley, AB
2018 Qty of Various Tools (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05019-100
Drayton Valley, AB
1926 Wood Shelf
24 inch wide X 99 inch wide X 72 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB05021-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2589 2004 Porsche AWD SUV (Inoperable)
230,784 km showing
4.5 L, V8, gas, automatic transmission, leather, P/S, P/W, P/L, A/C

3 Photos 22GB02001-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2455 (2) H&H Air Air Filter Humidity Absorption System
30-40 lbs, 21 inch x 6 inch

3 Photos 22GB18004-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1095 Replica Soccer Ball (Unused)
Size 5

4 Photos 22GB10053-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1519 Yard Machines 158 cc Push Mower

4 Photos 22GB03002-044
Drayton Valley, AB
2531 20 Ft X 30 Ft Carport

4 Photos 22GB05017-003
2560 Terex 8Kw Light Plant
Hour Meter:
10985 hours showing
205/75R15 tires

3 Photos 22GB05019-101
Drayton Valley, AB
1925 Wood Shelf
63 inch wide X 16 inch deep X 72 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB10076-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1226 DeWalt 770 10 Inch Radial Arm Saw

4 Photos 22GB05004-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1151 Qty of Straps & Chains W/ Truck Parts
aluminum grate, lights

3 Photos 22GB18004-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1096 Replica Soccer Ball (Unused)
Size 5

4 Photos 22GB10053-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1529 Husqvarna Nova Reel Mower

4 Photos 22GB05017-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2562 2004 Double A TRI/A Gooseneck Trailer
8 ft " ft deck, (3) 7,000 lb axles, spring ride, spare tire, 235/85R16 tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-080
2017 (2) Hatchets (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1236 (2) Coolers, Green Tool Box & B & D Work Bench

4 Photos 22GB05004-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1248 Mobile Hose Reel W/ Pitch Fork & Gopher Traps

4 Photos 22GB18004-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1072 BBQ Cooler Sets (Unused)
Cooler bag, (4) large utensils

3 Photos 22GB10053-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1485 Yardworks Gas Powered Trimmer

4 Photos 22GB05017-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1385 Qty of Various Shop Items
shop vacs, various Dewalt tools, hydraulic oil cooler, jack hammer

3 Photos 22GB05014-081
Drayton Valley, AB
2001 (2) Slider Grill Baskets (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04003-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1879 (6) Oak Dining Room Chairs

3 Photos 22GB05014-107
Drayton Valley, AB
1939 Holmes Humidifier

4 Photos 22GB05004-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1422 Brico 6 Inch Grinder W/ Stand

3 Photos 22GB18004-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1071 BBQ Cooler Sets (Unused)
Cooler bag, (4) large utensils

4 Photos 22GB05016-063
Drayton Valley, AB
1716 Hunting Gear Jackets and Pants

4 Photos 22GB04003-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1834 Black Ottoman
with 4 compartment storage

3 Photos 22GB05014-108
Drayton Valley, AB
1940 Holmes Humidifier

4 Photos 22GB10076-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1238 Lounge Chair, Assorted Gloves, XXXL Snow Suit

4 Photos 22GB05020-001
Mayerthorpe, AB
2599 Room Full of Pottery & Pottery Related Items
15 Minutes west of Mayerthorpe and 2 miles north.
selling as a one large lot, buyer is responsible for packing so bring your own boxes

4 Photos 22GB05004-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1451 Collapsable Picnic Table

4 Photos 22GB18004-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1082 Blue Tooth / Alarm Clock / Radio (Unused)
Mic, DC5V, input, TF

4 Photos 22GB10053-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1137 Bissel Upright Vacuum and Microwave

2 Photos 22GB05014-082
Drayton Valley, AB
2000 Red Dot 100M Scope (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04000-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1826 Stihl MS250 Chain Saw
Needs new chain

4 Photos 22GB05014-109
Drayton Valley, AB
1943 Mason Tower Bee House (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10076-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2411 Black Metal Racking

4 Photos 22GB05022-001
Fort Saskatchewan, AB
2596 45 Ft T/A Storage Van Trailer
4 Miles south of Fort Saskatchewan on west side of highway.
(2) side doors, rear door, shelving, poor tires, not road worthy has been parked for (5) years

4 Photos 22GB05004-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1457 Qty Of Drills W/ Bit Container
Mastercraft 1/2 inch corded impact, Dewalt 18V impact, 20V cordless drill

4 Photos 22GB18004-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1083 Blue Tooth / Alarm Clock / Radio (Unused)
DC5V, input, mic

3 Photos 22GB10053-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1019 (130±) White Chair Covers and (20±) White Table Cloths

2 Photos 22GB05014-083
Drayton Valley, AB
1999 Red Dot Reflex Sight (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB04000-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1825 Titan Sump Pump with Float Switch (Unused)
1/4 HP, 115 volt

4 Photos 22GB05014-110
Drayton Valley, AB
1944 Mason Tower Bee House (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10076-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2364 (3) White Slot Upright Display Racks

4 Photos 22GB05022-002
Fort Saskatchewan, AB
2597 Can Car 48 Ft T/A Van Trailer
4 Miles south of Fort Saskatchewan on west side of highway #21.
(1) side door, shelving, rear door, poor tires, trailer is not road worthy has been parked for five years

4 Photos 22GB05003-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1745 Handcrafted 48 Inch X 13-1/2 X 18 Inch Live Edge Bench

3 Photos 22GB05004-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1453 (3) Roper 8 1/2 Mens Work Boots W/ Lock Box

4 Photos 22GB18004-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1084 Blue Tooth / Alarm Clock / Radio (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB04000-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1827 (3) Detacher Blades, (2) Trimmer Blades & (2) Chain Saw Files & Qty of Lawnboy Fuel Treatment

4 Photos 22GB05014-111
Drayton Valley, AB
1945 Mason Tower Bee House (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10076-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2414 Black Front Bumper Grill

4 Photos 22GB05022-003
Fort Saskatchewan, AB
2598 Ram T/A 48 Ft Storage Van Trailer
4 Miles south of Fort Saskatchewan on west side of highway #21.
no side door, rear door, shelving, poor tires, not road worthy has been parked for (5) years

4 Photos 22GB05003-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1742 Handcrafted 48 Inch X 15 Inch X 18 Inch Live Edge Bench

4 Photos 22GB05005-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1004 33 1/4 Inch x 30 1/2 Inch Frosted Window

4 Photos 22GB18004-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1085 Roadside Kit (Unused)
Booster cables, tools, gloves, carry bag

4 Photos 22GB10023-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1189 International Tool Box, John Deere Manuals and Tool Pouch

2 Photos 22GB05014-084
Drayton Valley, AB
1998 Trail Camera (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10079-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2490 Dominion Water Pump & White Bathroom Sink

4 Photos 22GB05014-112
Drayton Valley, AB
1946 Mason Tower Bee House (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10076-026
Drayton Valley, AB
2378 Tonneau Cover
64.5 inch X 69.75 inch

4 Photos 22GB05003-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1743 Handcrafted 48 Inch X 15 Inch X 18 Inch Live Edge Bench

4 Photos 22GB05005-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1275 Moving Dolly

4 Photos 22GB18004-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1086 Roadside Kit (Unused)
Booster cables, tools, gloves, carry bag

3 Photos 22GB03002-045
Drayton Valley, AB
2517 TMG Industrial Hydraulic Post Pounder (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-085
Drayton Valley, AB
1997 2In1 Barking Collar (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10079-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2492 Fifth Wheel Hitch & Rails

3 Photos 22GB05014-113
Drayton Valley, AB
1947 Tool Box Cabinet (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10076-027
Drayton Valley, AB
2379 Tonneau Cover
63 inch wide X 69.5 inch long

4 Photos 22GB05003-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1744 Handcrafted 48 Inch X 13-1/2 X 18 Inch Live Edge Bench

3 Photos 22GB05005-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1242 Custombuilt Tree Stand

3 Photos 22GB18004-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1087 Wurth 25 Ft 3/8 Inch Ultraflex Air Hose with Ends (Unused)
1/4 Inch MPT, 300 p. S. I, temperature -65 F to +150 F

3 Photos 22GB10023-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1190 Motorcycle Wheel Chock and Hitch w/ Equalizer Bar

3 Photos 22GB03002-046
Drayton Valley, AB
2471 TMG Industrial 6 Inch Wood Chipper (Unused)
14 HP Kohler engine

4 Photos 22GB05014-086
Drayton Valley, AB
1996 2In1 Barking Collar (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10079-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2415 Leg Vise On Stand

3 Photos 22GB05014-114
Drayton Valley, AB
1948 Tool Box Cabinet (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10081-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2585 1979 Fleetwood Prowler 19 Ft Travel Trailer
brand new tires (ST225/75R15) and water pump (receipts on hand). fridge, stove and furnace works well.

4 Photos 22GB05003-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1739 Handcrafted 47 Inch X 26 Inch X 14-1/2 Inch Live Edge Shelf

4 Photos 22GB05005-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1264 Motor Master Power Pack W/ Craftsman Air Tank

3 Photos 22GB18004-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1088 Wurth 25 Ft 3/8 Inch Ultraflex Air Hose with Ends (Unused)
1/4 Inch MPT, 300 p. S. I, temperature -65 F to + 150 F

4 Photos 22GB10023-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1191 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
90 ft of 2 inch lay flat hose, 280 ft of 10/4 500w electrical wire, hand fuel pump w/ nozzle and hose

3 Photos 22GB05014-087
Drayton Valley, AB
1995 (8) 26 Inch Windshield Wipers (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10079-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2416 Hydraulic Ram & Hydraulic Reservoir

2 Photos 22GB05014-115
Drayton Valley, AB
1949 Glass Teapot

2 Photos 22GB10076-028
Drayton Valley, AB
2380 Tonneau Cover
63 inch wide X 70 inch long

4 Photos 22GB05003-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1741 Handcrafted 47 Inch X 14 Inch X 26 Imch Live Edge Shelf

4 Photos 22GB05005-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1507 (4) Goodyear Assurance 225/55R16 Tires

4 Photos 22GB18004-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1073 Camping Lights (Unused)
Removable lights, handle

2 Photos 22GB10023-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1188 (5) Boxes of Landscape Edging

3 Photos 22GB03002-047
Drayton Valley, AB
2516 TMG Industrial 30 Inch Log Grapple (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-088
Drayton Valley, AB
1994 2In1 Barking Collar (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10079-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2372 6 Inch Vise Mounted On Barrel & Chrome Table Stand

4 Photos 22GB05014-116
Drayton Valley, AB
1964 60 Watt RGB Flood Light

2 Photos 22GB10076-029
Drayton Valley, AB
2413 Tonneau Cover
62.5 inch wide X 66.5 inch long

4 Photos 22GB05003-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1738 Handcrafted 47inch x 11 1/2 inch x 42 inch Live Edge Shelf

4 Photos 22GB05005-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1266 Louisiana Wood Pellet BBQ

4 Photos 22GB18004-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1074 Camping Lights (Unused)
Removable lights, handle

3 Photos 22GB03002-048
Drayton Valley, AB
2520 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Rotary Tiller

3 Photos 22GB10079-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2403 Vehicle Tow Hitch

2 Photos 22GB10076-030
Drayton Valley, AB
2412 Tonneau Cover
69.5 inch wide X 71 inch long

4 Photos 22GB05003-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1740 Handcrafted 26 inch x 47 inch x 13 1/2 inch Live Edge Shelf

4 Photos 22GB05005-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2336 Qty of 6 Inch Layflat Hose w/ Chimney Stacks

4 Photos 22GB18004-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1075 Camping Lights (Unused)
Removable lights, handle

3 Photos 22GB10029-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1016 Char-Broil Coal BBQ

3 Photos 22GB03002-049
Drayton Valley, AB
2533 TMG Industrial 30 Ft X 40 Ft Peak Ceiling Storage Shelter (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-089
Drayton Valley, AB
1993 2In1 Barking Collar (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10079-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2419 Heil High Efficiency Furnace

2 Photos 22GB10076-031
Drayton Valley, AB
2472 5TH Wheel Hitch

4 Photos 22GB05003-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1746 Epoxy 43-1/2 Inch X 28 Inch X 29-1/2 Inch Table

4 Photos 22GB05005-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1233 (3) Carpet Tack Strips w/ (2) Wall Lights, Conair Foot Spa, Hockey Sticks

4 Photos 22GB18004-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1076 Camping Lights (Unused)
Removable lights, handle

4 Photos 22GB10029-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1182 Mastercraft 12-1/2 Inch Thickness Planer

1 Photos 22GB03002-050
Drayton Valley, AB
2467 TMG Industrial 19 Inch Self-Propelled Garden Tiller (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-090
Drayton Valley, AB
1992 (2) Hatchets (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10080-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2417 Herd M-96 Hitch Mount Broadcast Seeder

4 Photos 22GB05014-117
Drayton Valley, AB
1965 (2) 110V Motion Yard Light

4 Photos 22GB05012-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2371 Furnace

4 Photos 22GB10007-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2262 400 ± Patio Bricks

4 Photos 22GB05005-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1234 Wooden Crib w/ 42 Inch X 36 Inch Picture Frame

4 Photos 22GB03002-051
Drayton Valley, AB
2518 TMG Industrial 55 Inch 3 PT Hitch Rotary Tiller (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1154 Qty of Shop Items
Winch 2000 lb, (2) brad nailers, Mastercraft socket set, electric cable hoist, (2) Pump suction screens, box of wipes, urinal cakes, Qty of new padlocks, paper towel dispenser, qty of vents

4 Photos 22GB05014-118
Drayton Valley, AB
1966 LED Emergency Light (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10078-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2565 Case IH RB564 Round Baler
1000 PTO, pickup gauge wheels, hydraulic pickup, monitor, kicker, 480/45-17 tires, only baled 5000 bales

4 Photos 22GB10007-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2261 192 ± Patio Bricks

3 Photos 22GB05005-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2271 Qty of Chicken Wire

3 Photos 22GB05006-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1469 Precision Airguns Pellet Gun

3 Photos 22GB03002-052
Drayton Valley, AB
2462 TMG Industrial 6000 lb Portable Mid Rise Scissor Lift (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-091
Drayton Valley, AB
1991 (8) 26 Inch Windshield Wipers (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1153 Qty of Welding Rods, Welding Helmut, Safety Glasses, Gloves

3 Photos 22GB05014-119
Drayton Valley, AB
1967 (2) Motion Sensor Light

4 Photos 22GB10078-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2564 John Deere 925 Straight Cut Header with Transport
Shop built transport

4 Photos 22GB10007-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2265 173 ± Patio Bricks

4 Photos 22GB05006-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1303 (3) Childrens Bicycles w/ Miscellaneous Items
Cyclops flashlight, boxing gloves, BMW 528I taillights, precision air gun, scooter

4 Photos 22GB10029-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1124 Powerfist 2,000Lb Winch, Jerry Cans and Air Hose Reel

4 Photos 22GB05016-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1726 Campstove with Cast Iron Grill
c/w cover and legs

2 Photos 22GB05014-092
Drayton Valley, AB
1990 (2) Hatchets (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1388 Qty of Welding Supplies
Welding rods, welding helmet, googles, safety glasses, (2) Honeywell electric heaters 120 volt

4 Photos 22GB10078-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2563 New Holland 495 12 Ft Haybine
540 PTO, rubber rollers

4 Photos 22GB10042-040
2330 Bakers Rack, Display Rack & Assorted Tomato Cages

4 Photos 22GB10007-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2264 350 ± Patio Bricks

4 Photos 22GB05006-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1566 HJC XL Helmet w/ Visor

4 Photos 22GB10029-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1030 Qty of Various Shop Items
Mastercraft 7-1/4 inch saw, flashlight, power pack, Motomaster battery charger

1 Photos 22GB03002-053
2466 TMG Industrial Compactor Plate (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-031
Drayton Valley, AB
1152 Qty of Shop Supplies
qty of gloves, tool belt, ear protectors, qty of harnesses, safety glasses, (2) hard hats, (2) trailer jacks

3 Photos 22GB05014-120
Drayton Valley, AB
1968 (2) Motion Sensor Light

4 Photos 22GB10008-031
Drayton Valley, AB
2481 Hydraulic Oil Reservoir

4 Photos 22GB08002-078
2331 Garden Hose & Reel Cart

4 Photos 22GB05006-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2298 Honda 2500W Gas Generator

3 Photos 22GB08001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1509 (4) 18 Inch GMC 6 Bolt Rims

4 Photos 22GB10029-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1194 Avigo Bmx Bike and Mastercraft Bicycle Lift

4 Photos 22GB05014-093
Drayton Valley, AB
1975 Vacmaster Vacuum (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-032
Drayton Valley, AB
1838 Miscellaneous Shop Items and Supplies
Box of mastic, qty of pipe fittings, qty of rafter & deck ties, hand dryer, (2) socket sets, air staple gun

3 Photos 22GB05014-121
Drayton Valley, AB
1969 (2) Motion Sensor Lights

4 Photos 22GB05019-102
Drayton Valley, AB
2420 Flashing & Fascia

4 Photos 22GB10076-032
2387 Weight Bench/Rack

3 Photos 22GB05006-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2327 Steel Fuel Tank

3 Photos 22GB08001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1525 Lawn Trimmer, Leaf Blower, Trimmer and Auger

4 Photos 22GB10029-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1128 Mastercraft Wire Feed Welder

4 Photos 22GB05016-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2153 Assortment of Miscellaneous Items
Bissel vacuum, 2 sleeping bags, light etc.

4 Photos 22GB05019-033
Drayton Valley, AB
1839 Qty of Shop Items & Supplies
Rotary tool, Tap & Die set, rafter & deck ties, Workforce tool kit, qty of nuts, bolts and assorted hardware

4 Photos 22GB05006-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2307 Aluminum Boat w/ Inoperable Canoe

4 Photos 22GB08001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1049 Qty of Miscellaneous
Rotax exhaust pipe, adult size 7 roller blades, kids size 14 roller blades and assorted rain gear

4 Photos 22GB10029-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1123 DeWalt Tool Set
cordless drill, reciprocating saw and trim saw

2 Photos 22GB03002-054
Drayton Valley, AB
2460 TMG Industrial 18 Ft Driveway Gate (Unused)
(2) 9 ft gates

4 Photos 22GB05014-094
Drayton Valley, AB
1974 Laser Light

4 Photos 22GB05019-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1280 Tool Box with Roll Cabinet
includes contents

4 Photos 22GB05017-006
2388 Power Fist Gas Pressure Washer
with hose and wand, needs carb repair

4 Photos 22GB05007-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2269 1999 Kawasaki Bayou 220 ATV
Manual, reverser, rear seat w/ toolbox, 21 x 8-9 front, 22 x 12.50-10 rear

4 Photos 22GB08001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1503 (2) 25 X 13.510 Tires and (2) 12 X 7.0 Rims
c/w wheel chock

3 Photos 22GB10029-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1020 Auto Storage Shelter and Screen House
shelter 10X10X8 w/ 6 legs, screen house 12X12

3 Photos 22GB05014-095
Drayton Valley, AB
1973 (2) Solar Yard Lights (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1168 Large Qty of Hardware
screws, nuts, bolts, draw bar locks, V belts, etc.

4 Photos 22GB10029-012
2566 500Gal Tank On Stand

4 Photos 22GB05008-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1484 Raja 90 Dirt Bike and Helmet

3 Photos 22GB08001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1505 (2) 205/75R14 Tires on Steel Rims

4 Photos 22GB05016-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2157 Kids Bikes, Stroller, Rocking Horse

3 Photos 22GB05014-096
Drayton Valley, AB
1958 12 Piece Kitchen Knives (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1391 Large Qty of Hardware
screws, nuts, bolts, nails, etc.

3 Photos 22GB05014-122
Drayton Valley, AB
1970 (2) Motion Sensor Lights

4 Photos 22GB10039-005
1381 Chicago Pneumatic 1/2 Drive Impact, Assorted 1/2 Drive Sockets, Mastercraft Socket Set

4 Photos 22GB05008-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1483 Kids 50CC Quad

4 Photos 22GB08001-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1497 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 265/65R18 Tires

2 Photos 22GB10029-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1325 (12) Jugs of DEF Fluid

4 Photos 22GB05016-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1789 Assortment of Electronics
stereo, printer, scanner, DVD player, computer monitor

3 Photos 22GB05019-037
Drayton Valley, AB
1160 Bicycle & Receiver Cargo Rack

3 Photos 22GB05014-123
Drayton Valley, AB
1971 300 LED Security Light

4 Photos 22GB05008-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1494 Sailun 255/70R22.5 Tire

4 Photos 22GB08001-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1493 Goodyear Marathon 215/75R14 and 205/75R15 Trailer Tires

4 Photos 22GB10029-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1326 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
Wilson starter, canine canteen and 2,000 lb electric winch

2 Photos 22GB03002-056
Drayton Valley, AB
1923 TMG Industrial 9 Piece Garage Storage Cabinet Combo Set (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-097
Drayton Valley, AB
1957 (4) Magnetic Motion Sensor Lights (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-038
Drayton Valley, AB
1158 (5) Step Fibre Glass Stepladder & (3) Step Aluminum Ladder

4 Photos 22GB10015-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1430 Gas Can and Bike Cover

4 Photos 22GB10039-006
1380 Husqvarna 240 Chainsaw, Golf Bag Caddy, Dolly

4 Photos 22GB05008-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1429 (2) Pool Ladders and (2) Pumps

3 Photos 22GB08001-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1510 Mudlite XTR 27x9R14 Quad Tire on Rim

4 Photos 22GB05019-039
Drayton Valley, AB
2395 Torch Cart, Poly Bin, (7) Shelf Unit

4 Photos 22GB05008-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1439 Qty of Dewalt Tools
Grinder, drill, batteries and charger

4 Photos 22GB08001-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1513 (4) Hankook 31 X 10.50R15 Tires on Jeep Rims

4 Photos 22GB05003-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1858 Picnic Table W/ (2) Benches

3 Photos 22GB05016-009
2152 (8) Heavy Duty Tubs

3 Photos 22GB05014-098
Drayton Valley, AB
1956 4-1/2 Inch Cutoff Discs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-040
Drayton Valley, AB
1389 Large Qty of Hardware
screws, nuts, bolts, pipe fitting, etc.

3 Photos 22GB05014-124
Drayton Valley, AB
1972 (2) 60 LED Motion Lights

3 Photos 22GB05019-103
1534 (2) Folding Tables

4 Photos 22GB05008-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1449 BBQ Set, Suitcase and Dual Flush Retrofit Kit

3 Photos 22GB08001-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1491 General 225/70R19.5 Tire

4 Photos 22GB05003-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1857 Picnic Table W/ (2) Benches

2 Photos 22GB03002-057
Drayton Valley, AB
1919 TMG Industrial 10 Ft X 10 Ft Outdoor Dog Kennel (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-041
Drayton Valley, AB
1394 Eurostone Vanity Unit with Wash Basin
24 inch wide X 17 inch deep X 33 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB10008-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1052 Hydraulic Flow Tester (Unused)
pump and motors

4 Photos 22GB05012-007
1364 (2) Pails of Assorted Chains, Wooden Box of Pulleys

4 Photos 22GB05008-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1521 (3) Gas Powered Trimmers

3 Photos 22GB08001-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2311 Qty of Miscellaneous
10 ft aluminum ladder (broken), 92 inch aluminum ramps, (3) steel signs

4 Photos 22GB05003-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1056 Makita Air Compressor and Porter Cable Air Compressor

2 Photos 22GB03002-058
Drayton Valley, AB
1920 TMG Industrial 10 Ft X 10 Ft Outdoor Dog Kennel (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10051-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2397 Kids Slide and Trampoline

3 Photos 22GB05014-099
Drayton Valley, AB
1955 (2) Ratchet Rope Tie Downs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-042
Drayton Valley, AB
1395 Eurostone Vanity Unit with Wash Basin
24 inch wide X 17 inch deep X 33 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB05012-008
1363 Weather Guard Aluminum Tool Box Truck Box
55 inch x 16 inch x 13 inch

3 Photos 22GB05008-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1437 (8) Milwaukee Cases (empty)

2 Photos 22GB08001-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2312 (2) Ramps and Trailtech Mud Flaps
39 inch aluminum ramp and 5 ft wood ramp

3 Photos 22GB05003-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1316 Skil Saw On Dewalt Stand

4 Photos 22GB03002-059
Drayton Valley, AB
1916 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Rolling Workbench Cabinet w/ Peg Board (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10051-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2396 Little Tykes Climber

3 Photos 22GB05014-100
Drayton Valley, AB
1954 (2) Utility Knives (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-043
Drayton Valley, AB
1392 Eurostone Vanity Unit with Wash Basin
24 inch wide X 17 inch deep X 33 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB05008-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1231 (2) Aquariums
30 x 12 x 18 inch and 21 x 13 x 5.5 inch

2 Photos 22GB08001-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1528 (3) Shop Dolly's

3 Photos 22GB05003-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1066 Yardworks Leaf Blower and Poulan Chain Saw

4 Photos 22GB03002-060
Drayton Valley, AB
1915 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Rolling Workbench Cabinet w/ Peg Board (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10074-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2484 (6) Pieces of 1/4 Inch 2 Ft X 2 Ft Steel Plates

4 Photos 22GB05019-044
Drayton Valley, AB
1393 Eurostone Vanity Unit with Wash Basin
24 inch wide X 17 inch deep X 33 inch tall

4 Photos 22GB05012-009
1362 Magnum Aluminum Tool Box Truck Box, with Assorted Tools
471.5 inch x 11 inch x 11.5 inch

4 Photos 22GB05008-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1433 Hitachi 14 Inch Chop Saw and Stihl Gas Powered Cutoff Saw

4 Photos 22GB08001-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1263 Yamaha 3000 Generator

4 Photos 22GB05016-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1757 (2) PowerTye Bike Tie Downs

2 Photos 22GB10074-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2485 (6) Pieces of 1/4 Inch 2 Ft X 2 Ft Steel Plates

4 Photos 22GB05019-045
Drayton Valley, AB
1390 Qty of Shop Supplies
bucket, 3 ft X 10 ft plastic truck cover, 1/2 Jet pump 230 volt, (2) Tough Built table legs, (16) Tear off tubes for M box dispensers

4 Photos 22GB05014-125
Drayton Valley, AB
1980 RC Climbing Car (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05012-010
1407 Mastercraft Pneumatic Tool Set

4 Photos 22GB05008-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1481 Agri-Fab 38 Inch Lawn Sweep

3 Photos 22GB08001-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1239 Snap-On 20 Gal Air Compressor

4 Photos 22GB05016-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1756 (4) Bike Heavy Duty Tie Downs in Bag

4 Photos 22GB10070-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1162 Qty of Miscellaneous
LH Leaf Spring (2017-22 Chev Colorado), spare tire panel (2013-17 GMC Equinox), miscellaneous RV parts, outboard prop

4 Photos 22GB05019-046
Drayton Valley, AB
1397 Electrical Panel (New), (9) Bandsaw Blades, (4) Heavy Duty Mud Flaps

2 Photos 22GB05014-126
Drayton Valley, AB
1981 (2) Wall Rallyist Cars (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05012-011
1408 Assorted Wrenches

4 Photos 22GB05008-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1262 Vintage Side Table and Phone Table

3 Photos 22GB08001-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1046 (3) Sledge Hammers and Jack All

4 Photos 22GB05016-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1758 (4) Erickson Tie Downs

4 Photos 22GB10070-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2493 Qtty of Various Hoses

4 Photos 22GB05019-047
Drayton Valley, AB
1396 (2) Folding Tables & (1) Folding Platform

3 Photos 22GB05014-127
Drayton Valley, AB
1982 Checkers & Gun

2 Photos 22GB05012-012
1406 Assorted Wrenches

4 Photos 22GB05008-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1423 Portable 12V Air Compressor and Generator

3 Photos 22GB08001-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2321 Challenger Extreme 16 Inch Snowmobile Track

2 Photos 22GB03002-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1908 TMG Industrial 4 Inch Semi- Trash Water Pump (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10070-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2437 Qty of Various Hoses

4 Photos 22GB05019-048
Drayton Valley, AB
1387 Qty of Hardware
Nuts, bolts, 3 ft X 10 ft truck cover, rubber hoses, sprint pump, metal patio bannister

2 Photos 22GB05014-128
Drayton Valley, AB
1983 Dr. Seuss Learning Cards (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05012-013
1404 Set of Tire Chains

4 Photos 22GB05008-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1482 John Deere 15 Gal Pull Type Sprayer

4 Photos 22GB08001-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1287 Qty of Assorted Recreational Gear
Assorted helmets, snowmobile cover, hydration pack bladders, skidoo windshield

2 Photos 22GB03002-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1909 TMG Industrial 4 Inch Semi- Trash Water Pump (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2155 Ozark Trail 11 Ft X 11 Ft Instant Gazebo

4 Photos 22GB10069-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2590 John Deere L118 Riding Lawn Tractor
Hour Meter:
634 hours showing
Briggs & Stratton 22 HP engine, hyrdostatic transmission

4 Photos 22GB05019-049
Drayton Valley, AB
1531 Shop & Building Items
Wood work bench 30 inch wide X 78 inch long, plastic shingles, T mouldings, window 28 inch X 72.5 inch, band saw blades

2 Photos 22GB05014-129
Drayton Valley, AB
1984 Dr. Seuss Learning Cards (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05012-014
1405 Set of Tire Chains

4 Photos 22GB05008-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1232 Qty of Electronics
computer monitors, 50" tv, answering machine, telephones, entertainment stand

3 Photos 22GB08001-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1304 Qty of Miscellaneous
Popcorn maker, coolers, mop pail and tip-up kit

3 Photos 22GB05016-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1817 Heavy Duty Bolt in Bike Stand

4 Photos 22GB10069-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1912 1989 Honda TRX300 2WD Quad
manual transmission, reverse, 23X8-11 front tires, 25X12-9 rear tires

2 Photos 22GB05014-130
Drayton Valley, AB
1985 Dr. Seuss Learning Cards (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05008-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1431 Qty of Miscellaneous
Mailbox, Bathroom Fan, led motion light, fishing rods, and Bicycle Hoists

4 Photos 22GB08001-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1195 Metal Work Cabinet

3 Photos 22GB05016-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2154 (2) Pop Up Canopy Frames

4 Photos 22GB10069-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1914 1985 Honda Big Red Trike
6,465 showing
manual transmission, 25X12-9 tires

4 Photos 22GB05019-050
Drayton Valley, AB
1837 Qty of Hardware
outdoor wall plates, qty of nylon fittings, qty of tub drains and plumbing supplies, electrical boxes and supplies, box of water heater connectors, screw in water elements, motion light with security camera, lock door wrap around, etc

2 Photos 22GB05014-131
Drayton Valley, AB
1986 Dr. Seuss Learning Cards (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05008-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2276 Hydraulic Cylinder

4 Photos 22GB10009-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2256 Yardworks Riding Lawn Mower
Briggs & Stratton 15.5 HP engine, 42 inch mower deck

2 Photos 22GB03002-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1904 TMG Industrial 2 Post 9500 lb Auto Lift (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10068-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1219 Chevrolet Bumper
fits 2008-13 2500

4 Photos 22GB10072-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1518 Murray Electric Snow Thrower

4 Photos 22GB05019-051
Drayton Valley, AB
1877 Painting Supplies, Rollers, Trays, Silicone Sealant, Brushes, Extension Cords

4 Photos 22GB05014-132
Drayton Valley, AB
1987 (3) VR Goggles

4 Photos 22GB05008-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1444 Qty of Miscellaneous
07/08 GMC mirror extensions and mirror, (2) 18 inch wheel balance rings, winch, caulking guns

4 Photos 22GB10022-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1293 Qty of Shop Miscellaneous
Boomers, tool box w/sockets, grease gun

2 Photos 22GB03002-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1905 TMG Industrial 2 Post 9500 lb Auto Lift (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2156 (2) Coolers w/ 10 X 7 Ft Outdoor Mat

4 Photos 22GB10072-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1527 Craftsman Push Mower
5-1/2 HP, 20 inch deck w/bagger

3 Photos 22GB05014-133
Drayton Valley, AB
1988 RC Truck & Car Carrier (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05008-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1432 (2) Badminton Rackets and Backpack

4 Photos 22GB10022-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1296 Rolling Tool Box w/ Miscellaneous Tools

2 Photos 22GB03002-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2527 TMG Industrial 20 Ft X 20 Ft Carport (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10055-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2383 Stuffer Pickup Wind Guard Kit
fits BR740, BR750, BR770, BR780, RBX452, RBX462, RBX552, RBX562

4 Photos 22GB10072-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2486 2 Stage Air Compressor

4 Photos 22GB05014-134
Drayton Valley, AB
1989 RC Truck & Excavator (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05008-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1230 (2) Tables w/ Tile Tops

3 Photos 22GB10022-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1294 (3) Pails of Cat 0W-40 Oil and (1) Pail of Duron 10W30 Oil

1 Photos 22GB03002-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2470 TMG Industrial Plucking Machine (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2148 Champion 3000 Generator
4000 starting watts, gas

4 Photos 22GB10072-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2499 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 285/70R17 Tires
8 lug steel rims

4 Photos 22GB05014-135
Drayton Valley, AB
2009 30 Inch 2 Door Dog Cage

3 Photos 22GB05008-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1229 Craftsman 10 Inch Table Saw w/ Rolling Stand

3 Photos 22GB10026-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1492 Firestone 265/75R16 Tire

4 Photos 22GB03002-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2513 TMG Industrial 86 Inch Dozer Blade (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10061-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2345 Johnson 70 HP Outboard Motor
c/w steering gear and throttle control, new starter

4 Photos 22GB10071-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1146 3 Drawer Tool Box W/Tools

4 Photos 22GB05019-052
Drayton Valley, AB
1876 LED Light, 49 Inch Auger, Vent Covers, Elbows, Detroit Diesel Parts

4 Photos 22GB05008-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1220 Wine Making Setup

3 Photos 22GB10026-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1099 (2) Heavy Duty Torque Wrenches and Cooper Hand Pump

4 Photos 22GB03002-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2514 TMG Industrial 86 Inch Dozer Blade (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10067-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1384 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
lamps, Hitachi drill, anchor, stands, records, assorted plumbing, fittings, straps

4 Photos 22GB10071-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1145 Qty of Various Shop Items
5,000lb snatch block, 12 inch pully, assorted sockets, cordless drill and jigsaw w/ batteries and chargers

4 Photos 22GB05019-053
Drayton Valley, AB
1875 Miscellaneous Parts
Rad roller game, bathroom, Tork M box dispenser LED outdoor light wall pack, electrical boxes, Coleman 400W generator, plumbing fittings

3 Photos 22GB05014-136
Drayton Valley, AB
2008 (2) JD Parking Signs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05008-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1228 Craftsman 10 Inch Table Saw

3 Photos 22GB03002-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2463 TMG Industrial Diesel Fuel Transfer Pump w/ Hose Reel (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1760 (3) Large Specialty Prints w/ 3 Prints

4 Photos 22GB05019-054
Drayton Valley, AB
1398 Car Jack, Vim, (2) Life Jackets L & Xl, Eye Wash Station

4 Photos 22GB05008-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1227 Powerfist Sandblasting Cabinet

3 Photos 22GB10028-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1098 2 Piece Luggage Set

4 Photos 22GB10057-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2473 (2) 1 Inch Oil Hose Reels W/Hose

4 Photos 22GB10056-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1218 Qty of Various Truck Parts
assorted brake parts and various gaskets, set of VR googles

3 Photos 22GB05019-055
Drayton Valley, AB
1386 Shower Glass Doors 72 Inch Long

3 Photos 22GB05014-137
Drayton Valley, AB
2010 Army Tank (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05008-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1007 Outsunny 13 X 26 Inch Wedding Tent

4 Photos 22GB10028-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1033 Qty of Household Miscellaneous
Vanity sink, assorted curtain panels, LED night light, shelf braces and record sleeves

4 Photos 22GB10057-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2475 DSP 5TH Wheel Hitch
16,000 lb

3 Photos 22GB05019-056
1141 Tiger Torch, Propane Burner, Fittings

1 Photos 22GB05008-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1008 Outsunny 10 X 20 Party Tent

3 Photos 22GB10028-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1051 Qty of Household Miscellaneous
Warming shoulder wrap, thermostat, 4K HDMI splitter, drawing tablet, dome camera and gaming mouse pad

4 Photos 22GB05016-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1702 (3) Specialty Prints with Frames

4 Photos 22GB10056-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1161 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
(4) semi truck hub caps, yard lights, Johnson 2.75 HP electric motor, miscellaneous hydraulic fittings, bench vise, assorted nuts and bolts

4 Photos 22GB05019-057
Drayton Valley, AB
1873 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Mitre Forma clamps assorted sizes, floor dry, mop heads, box lights, sledge hammer

4 Photos 22GB05014-138
Drayton Valley, AB
2011 RC Excavator (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05010-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2478 8 Ft Heavy Duty Workbench

3 Photos 22GB10028-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1055 Qty of Miscellaneous Household Items
Optical drive, LED light and sound bulb, auto heater fan, phone stand, solar fountains

4 Photos 22GB10057-003
2474 5TH Wheel Hitch with Rails

4 Photos 22GB10056-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1217 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
headlights, Pelican light & jumpstart system, windshield fluid, dump valve, Fisher repair kits

4 Photos 22GB05019-058
Drayton Valley, AB
2480 Steel Work Bench with Vise

2 Photos 22GB05014-139
Drayton Valley, AB
2012 JCB 4CX Backhoe Excavator RC (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05010-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2252 Service Body Air Tank

3 Photos 22GB10028-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1054 Qty of Miscellaneous Household Items
LED desk light, auto converter, IP camera, warming shoulder wrap, portable charger

4 Photos 22GB10057-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2477 106 Kva 3 Phase Generator
120/240v, 733hrs, runs on natural gas or gas

4 Photos 22GB10056-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2430 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
VR headsets, liquid tight connectors, Nerf guns, windshield dash light, die cast cars, windshield fluid

4 Photos 22GB05019-059
Drayton Valley, AB
2479 Steel Work Bench with Vise

4 Photos 22GB05014-140
Drayton Valley, AB
2013 RC Crane (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05010-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2569 (4) 246 Ft Rolls of Geo Fabric

4 Photos 22GB10030-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1199 Hy-Spec 3.5kW Generator

4 Photos 22GB05016-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1703 (4) Animal Prints with Frames

4 Photos 22GB10056-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1216 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
flag stands, 14-16 inch beauty rings, 2007 Tahoe air intake system

4 Photos 22GB05019-060
Drayton Valley, AB
1842 (72) Ucbcl29 Clear Sealant, Tork Dispensers, Soap Dispensers

3 Photos 22GB05014-141
Drayton Valley, AB
2014 RC Excavator (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05010-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2567 (3) 246 Ft Rolls Of Geo Fabric

2 Photos 22GB10031-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2263 (6) Chemical Barrels

3 Photos 22GB05016-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1704 (5) Miscellaneous Prints

4 Photos 22GB10056-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2425 Qty of Various Filters

4 Photos 22GB05019-061
Drayton Valley, AB
1843 Miscellaneous Shop Items and Supplies
1000W Inverter/Charger, 36" pipe wrench, hand towel dispenser, LED lights and switches, cooler bag chair

3 Photos 22GB05014-142
Drayton Valley, AB
2015 RC JCB Backhoe (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05010-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2570 (4) 246 Ft Rolls of Geo Fabric

3 Photos 22GB10031-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2280 Snatch Block

4 Photos 22GB10056-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2423 Qty of Various Filters

4 Photos 22GB05014-143
Drayton Valley, AB
2016 Holmes Tower Fan

3 Photos 22GB05010-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2571 Qty Of Filter Cloth

4 Photos 22GB10032-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2318 Aluminum Checker Plate Truck Tool Box and Poly Ramps

4 Photos 22GB05016-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1816 (1) Trailer Leveling Kit Block, (2) Wheel Box with Miscellaneous Items

4 Photos 22GB10056-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2432 Qty of Various Automotive Parts
2017 Acura support hub bearing, inner & outer tie rod end, 2009 F150 window visors, 2007-14 Chev window visor, Pontiac AC condensor, 2018 GMC running board brackets, skid plate, 6 ft chrome running board, 3rd Gen Ram running board mounts, miscellaneous brackets, Dodge bumper brackets, 2016 Ram left bumper bracket, 2015 Chev Sierra bumper bracket, 2016 Ram right hand bumper bracket, 2003 GMC Serra bracket, miscellaneous brackets & body parts

2 Photos 22GB05014-144
Drayton Valley, AB
2025 60W RC Flood Light

3 Photos 22GB05010-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2568 Qty Of Filter Cloth

3 Photos 22GB10032-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2317 Large Vinyl Truck Tool Box

4 Photos 22GB05016-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1788 (3) Fish Tanks with Accessories

4 Photos 22GB10056-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2431 Qty of Automotive Parts
(1) 2015 Tahoe front LH, 2011-14 front LH, 2014-17 Terrain front left, 2008-10 Ford F350 Super Duty front left, 2011-14 Ford F150 front LH, 2011-14 Ford Fiesta front LH, 2014 Ram rear

3 Photos 22GB05014-145
Drayton Valley, AB
2026 (2) Motion Sensor Light

1 Photos 22GB05010-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2279 2 Sets 11R24.5 Tire Chains (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10032-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2328 Rugged Liner Poly Box Liner

4 Photos 22GB05016-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1732 (5) Breif Cases

4 Photos 22GB10056-012
1574 1 Ton Floor Mounted Overhead Hoist
1 HP motor, 3 phase

4 Photos 22GB05015-015
1941 Antique Scale

2 Photos 22GB05010-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2278 Set Of 14/24 Grader Tire Chains

3 Photos 22GB10033-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1203 Lincoln AC225 Welder

3 Photos 22GB03002-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2469 TMG Industrial Diesel Fuel Transfer Pump w/ Hose Reel (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1719 Qty of Miscellaneous Bags and Purses

4 Photos 22GB05016-064
Drayton Valley, AB
1715 (2) Jackets

3 Photos 22GB05019-062
Drayton Valley, AB
1844 Miscellaneous Shop Items
Ratchet set, knives, staple guns, torque wrench, A/C recharge kit, temperature gauges, heavy duty windshield wipers, sockets

4 Photos 22GB05015-016
1942 Antique Scale

3 Photos 22GB05010-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2277 Unused Tire Chains

3 Photos 22GB10033-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1508 (4) Sailun Ice Blazer Studded 225/45R17 Tires

3 Photos 22GB03002-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2515 TMG Industrial 32 Inch Brush Flail Mower (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05016-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1815 Blue Bag of Ratchet Straps and Tie Downs

4 Photos 22GB05016-065
Drayton Valley, AB
1714 Harley Davidson Boots, Gloves, Vest and Chaps
size 10 boots

4 Photos 22GB10006-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2433 Toyota Corolla (4) Rims From

4 Photos 22GB10033-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1200 Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor

3 Photos 22GB03002-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1835 72 Inch Fork Extensions (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1718 Miscellaneous Items
bird feeder, "Cuisinart" coffee pot, clock, outdoor rugs, wall mount and miscellaneous bins

4 Photos 22GB05016-066
Drayton Valley, AB
1769 (4) Leather Saddle Bags

4 Photos 22GB10029-011
1021 Rustic Wood Bed Frame

4 Photos 22GB10008-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1462 Jockey Box Door Latches and Rods (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10033-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1202 Mr Heater Construction Heater

3 Photos 22GB05016-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1717 Miscellaneous Items
heated car seat, (2) shelves, custom blind window, (2) bags of books

2 Photos 22GB05016-067
Drayton Valley, AB
1729 Motorcycle Cover and Bike Locks with Keys

4 Photos 22GB10008-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1459 Lincoln Air Grease Gun
c/w 2 grease tubes

4 Photos 22GB10033-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1201 Qty of Shop Miscellaneous
Sanders, air drill, soldering gun, meter tape, paint sprayers

3 Photos 22GB03002-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1836 72 Inch Fork Extensions (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1708 Miscellaneous Kitchen Items
2 large containers, tea kettle, kitchen utensils, plates, bowls, storage containers, toaster, mean lean grilling machine, paper towel roll, etc.

4 Photos 22GB05016-068
Drayton Valley, AB
1770 Qty of Motorcycle Items
DOT helmet size med, visors, docking hardware kit, Harley Davidson bike accessories

4 Photos 22GB10008-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1471 Motomaster 800W Power Inverter and Makita Bit Set

3 Photos 22GB10033-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1204 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Item
O-ring kit, 8V cordless driver, Mastercraft tool box w/ various tools

3 Photos 22GB05016-069
Drayton Valley, AB
1727 Qty of Miscellaneous Motorcycle Items
Harley Davidson models, flasks, Vintage bike models, belts

4 Photos 22GB10008-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1258 Qty of Display Racking

4 Photos 22GB10033-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1302 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Inspection camera, heat gun, air powered roofing nail gun

1 Photos 22GB03002-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2468 TMG Industrial 19 Inch Self-Propelled Garden Tiller (Unused)
212cc gas engine

3 Photos 22GB05016-070
Drayton Valley, AB
1728 Harley Davidson Decor and Books

4 Photos 22GB10008-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1463 Heat Gun Kit and Dewalt Sawzall

4 Photos 22GB10033-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1301 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
60 piece tap and die kit, 7 inch angle grinder, impact driver

2 Photos 22GB03002-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1921 TMG Industrial 6 Ft X 8 Ft Metal Shed (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-071
Drayton Valley, AB
1801 Hockey Pictures, Stanley Cup Popcorn Maker

4 Photos 22GB10008-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1460 Qty of Miscellaneous
First aid kits, gloves, safety glasses, fire extinguisher mount, buggy whips adn toolbox

4 Photos 22GB10033-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1298 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
45 piece sae tap and die set, 120V hammer drill, drill bit set, belt sander, magnetic bolt dish

2 Photos 22GB03002-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1922 TMG Industrial 6 Ft X 8 Ft Metal Shed (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-072
Drayton Valley, AB
1730 Qty of Harley Davidson Shirts, Jackets and Vests

1 Photos 22GB10008-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1458 4 Piece Snap on Pry Bar Set

4 Photos 22GB10033-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1299 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Hydraulic auto body repair kit, grinding and blending kit, cutting/grinding kit, sockets, tap and die kit

1 Photos 22GB03002-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1917 8 Ft X 9 Ft Metal Shed (Unused)
w/ skylight

4 Photos 22GB10008-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1249 Hla 51 Inch Bucket Pallet Forks

4 Photos 22GB10036-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1214 Wood Table w/ Chairs
c/w leaf, 68 x 42 inch

1 Photos 22GB03002-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1918 8 Ft X 9 Ft Metal Shed (Unused)
w/ skylight

4 Photos 22GB05016-073
Drayton Valley, AB
1731 Qty of Assorted 2XL Shirts

4 Photos 22GB10008-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1250 50 Cc 2 Stroke Mini Bike

3 Photos 22GB10036-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1225 Wood Table w/ Chairs
c/w leaf, 42 x 42 inch

1 Photos 22GB03002-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2530 TMG Industrial 10 Ft X 20 Ft Metal Garage (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-074
Drayton Valley, AB
1725 Qty of Miscellaneous Harley Davidson Shirts

2 Photos 22GB10008-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1251 (2) Cable/Air Line Protectors

2 Photos 22GB10036-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1213 38 X 24 Inch Mirror

2 Photos 22GB03002-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2534 12 Ft X 20 Ft Livestock Metal Shed (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-075
Drayton Valley, AB
1705 Qty of Various Hockey Jerseys

2 Photos 22GB10008-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1470 Qty of Multimeters

2 Photos 22GB10036-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1290 42 X 42 Inch Wood Table

2 Photos 22GB03002-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2535 TMG Industrial 13 Ft X 20 Ft Metal Garage (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-076
Drayton Valley, AB
1709 Hockey Figurines and Hockey Books

4 Photos 22GB10008-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1257 Lot of Fittings, Air Dryer and Compressor

4 Photos 22GB10036-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1198 Amana Clothes Dryer

3 Photos 22GB03002-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2536 19 Ft X 21 Ft Metal Garage (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05016-077
Drayton Valley, AB
2151 (6) Storages Bins

4 Photos 22GB10008-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1252 (150 Ft ±) 3/4 Inch Cable, Turnbuckles, Snatch Block and Clamps

3 Photos 22GB10036-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2320 Air Tank

1 Photos 22GB03002-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2464 TMG Industrial Pc90 Compactor Plate (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10060-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2489 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 275/65R18 Tires On Rims

4 Photos 22GB10008-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1254 50 Ft of 4000 PSI 3/8 Inch Pressure Washer Hose (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10036-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1277 Forney Welder

2 Photos 22GB03002-026
Drayton Valley, AB
2526 TMG Industrial 26 Inch Portable Sawmill (Unused)
Kohler 14 HP engine

4 Photos 22GB10060-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2500 (2) Pirelli 215/45R18 Tires and (2) General 215/45R18 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10008-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1255 120 Ft of 4000 PSI 3/8 Inch Pressure Washer Hose (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10036-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1570 Hand Crank Pump

2 Photos 22GB03002-027
Drayton Valley, AB
2537 TMG Industrial 26 Inch Portable Sawmill (Unused)
Kohler 14 HP engine

3 Photos 22GB10008-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1256 Drill Bits and Various Chains

3 Photos 22GB10036-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2319 3 Piece Grill w/ Steel Frame

4 Photos 22GB03002-028
Drayton Valley, AB
2521 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Root Rake Grapple (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10008-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1259 Construction String Lights

4 Photos 22GB10034-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2357 Miller Big Blue 402 P CC/DC Welder
Hour Meter:
4962 hours showing

4 Photos 22GB03002-029
Drayton Valley, AB
2519 TMG Industrial 72 Inch Skeleton Grapple Bucket (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10008-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1253 (2) Cable Covers

3 Photos 22GB10035-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2306 Heavy Duty Transmission Jack

2 Photos 22GB03002-030
Drayton Valley, AB
2532 TMG Industrial 20 Ft X 30 Ft Peak Ceiling Storage Shelter (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10008-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1426 Truck Tool Box w/ Traffic Cones and Buggy Whips

3 Photos 22GB10035-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1569 (2) 20 Ton Bottle Jacks and 3 Ton Floor Jack

2 Photos 22GB03002-031
Drayton Valley, AB
2529 TMG Industrial 20 Ft X 40 Ft Container Roof Shelter (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10009-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1005 79 Inch x 36 Inch Exterior Door

4 Photos 22GB10039-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2283 Deutz-Allis 1817 Sigma Riding Lawn Mower
Hour Meter:
559 hours showing
17 HP Kohler engine, hydrostatic drive, poor tires

2 Photos 22GB03002-032
Drayton Valley, AB
2461 TMG Industrial Tilt Back Tire Changer (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10009-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1002 79 Inch x 36 Inch Exterior Door

4 Photos 22GB10041-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1288 (2) Bundles of Spindles, the Nature Co Spotting Scope

1 Photos 22GB03002-033
Drayton Valley, AB
2456 (252) 29 Inch Traffic Cones (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10060-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2501 (5) Assorted Tires
Firestone 195/60R15, Michelin 195/60R15, Michelin 265/70R18 on rim w/ 3 GMC hub caps, (2) Toyo Open Country 265/70R17 tires

4 Photos 22GB05014-146
Drayton Valley, AB
2027 (2) Motion Security Lights

4 Photos 22GB10009-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1003 80 Inch x 36 Inch Interior Door

4 Photos 22GB10041-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1285 Emglo Twin Tank Air Compressor and Makita Cordless Drill

4 Photos 22GB03002-034
Drayton Valley, AB
2522 3 PT Hitch Wood Chipper (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-147
Drayton Valley, AB
2028 (2) Motion Sensor Flood Light

4 Photos 22GB10009-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2335 Qty of Chimney Pipe

3 Photos 22GB10043-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1289 Qty of Miscellaneous Baby Items
Stroller, crib, baby gate, miscellaneous bags

4 Photos 22GB10052-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1924 Antler Chandelier

3 Photos 22GB05014-148
Drayton Valley, AB
2029 (2) Motion Sensor Security Light

3 Photos 22GB10009-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1001 (2) 78 Inch x 11 1/2 Inch Bi Fold Doors

3 Photos 22GB10043-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1286 Wood Table
c/w leaf, 39 x 29 inch

4 Photos 22GB05014-149
Drayton Valley, AB
2030 (2) MSS Lights

4 Photos 22GB10010-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1029 Qty Of Shelving W/ Picks & Hand Saw

3 Photos 22GB10044-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2334 Poly Truck Tool Box

4 Photos 22GB05014-150
Drayton Valley, AB
2031 (2) MSS Lights

4 Photos 22GB10010-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1245 Glass Dining Table W/ 4 Chairs

4 Photos 22GB05014-151
Drayton Valley, AB
2032 (3) Flood Lights

3 Photos 22GB10010-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1243 Glass Round Table

3 Photos 22GB10045-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2284 1000 L Tote

4 Photos 22GB05014-152
Drayton Valley, AB
2046 Cast Iron Pans

3 Photos 22GB10010-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1271 Gaming Chair

3 Photos 22GB10045-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2285 1000 L Tote

4 Photos 22GB05013-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1312 Aries Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB05014-153
Drayton Valley, AB
2047 Big Wheels Electric ATV

4 Photos 22GB10010-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1269 (2) Folding Tables w/ Lamp

3 Photos 22GB10045-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2286 1000 L Tote

3 Photos 22GB05013-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1575 Reese Top Section of 5th Wheel

3 Photos 22GB05014-154
Drayton Valley, AB
2048 Garden Wagon Planter

4 Photos 22GB10010-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1246 6 Ft Wooden Desk

3 Photos 22GB10045-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2287 1000 L Tote

3 Photos 22GB05013-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1315 Bakflip Tonneau Cover

4 Photos 22GB10010-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1244 3 Ft Wooden Bench w/ Rug

2 Photos 22GB10045-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2302 (6) Jack Stands

3 Photos 22GB05013-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1576 RBP Grill Guard

4 Photos 22GB10010-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1270 Composter

3 Photos 22GB10045-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2359 Hitch

4 Photos 22GB05013-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1309 Light Bar Mount

4 Photos 22GB10010-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1247 Moving Dolly w/ Qty of Rope & Chains

4 Photos 22GB10045-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1910 Pallet of Cultivator Shovels

3 Photos 22GB05013-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1310 Undercover Flex Tonneau Cover

3 Photos 22GB05018-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2229 Sawzall Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10010-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1452 Toboggan w/ Practice Putter, Frying Pans & Lamp

4 Photos 22GB10045-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1911 Pallet of Cultivator Shovels

3 Photos 22GB05013-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1311 Solid Fold Tonneau Cover

3 Photos 22GB05018-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2230 Sawzall Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10010-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1272 5th Wheel Hitch Tripod

4 Photos 22GB18004-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1077 Sanding Foam W / Sand Paper (Unused)
Various grits

3 Photos 22GB05013-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1567 Undercover Flex Tonneau Cover

3 Photos 22GB05018-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2231 Sawzall Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10010-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1461 18 Inch Pipe Wrench w/ Snap on Ratchet & Work Light

4 Photos 22GB18004-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1078 Sanding Foam W / Sand Paper (Unused)
Various grits

4 Photos 22GB05013-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1568 Kargo Master Truck Rack

3 Photos 22GB05018-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2232 Sawzall Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10011-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1446 (2) Stools w/ Satellite Tripod, Table Legs & Mop Heads

4 Photos 22GB18004-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1079 Sanding Foam W / Sand Paper (Unused)
Various grits

4 Photos 22GB05013-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1313 Aries Running Boards

2 Photos 22GB05018-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2233 Pro 5 Wireless Headphones (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10078-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2584 1983 Komfort 23T 23 Ft T/A Travel Trailer
fridge, stove, dinette, couches, bathroom, 205/70R15 tires

4 Photos 22GB10011-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1450 Portable BBQ w/ Ice Auger

4 Photos 22GB18004-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1093 3 Tier Shelf (Unused)
13 inch width X 12.25 inch depth X 28.25 inch height, steel frame, chrome finish

3 Photos 22GB05013-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1314 Tuff-Bar Stainless Steel Running Boards

2 Photos 22GB05018-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2234 Pro 5 Wireless Headphones (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10077-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2245 2004 Suzuki Intruder Motorcycle
26,029 showing
805cc engine, 5 speed transmission, saddle bags, 100/90-19 front tire, 140/90-15 rear tire

4 Photos 22GB10011-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1455 Poulan P3416 Gas Chainsaw w/ Case

4 Photos 22GB18004-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1089 3 Tier Shelf (Unused)
14 inch width X 12.25 inch depth X 28.25 inch height, steel frame, chrome finish

2 Photos 22GB05013-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2301 HDX Westin Grill Guard

2 Photos 22GB05018-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2235 Pro 5 Wireless Headphones (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB10064-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2436 (3) 4 Inch 20 Ft Hoses

4 Photos 22GB10011-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1454 Remington Electric Chainsaw

4 Photos 22GB18004-031
Drayton Valley, AB
1090 3 Tier Shelf (Unused)
15 inch width X 12.25 inch depth X 28.25 inch height, steel frame, chrome finish

3 Photos 22GB05013-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2300 The Rancher Grill Guard

2 Photos 22GB05018-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2236 Pro 5 Wireless Headphones (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2496 (6) Plow 29 Inch Shears and (4) Woods 24 Inch Blades

3 Photos 22GB10011-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1441 Electric Heater

4 Photos 22GB18004-032
Drayton Valley, AB
1091 3 Tier Shelf (Unused)
16 inch width X 12.25 inch depth X 28.25 inch height, steel frame, chrome finish

3 Photos 22GB05013-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2309 Pallet of Putco Stainless Steel Rocker Panels

2 Photos 22GB05018-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2237 Pro 5 Wireless Headphones (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2483 Qty of Hydraulic Hoses, Hydraulic Jack and Chain Falls

4 Photos 22GB05014-155
Drayton Valley, AB
2049 Gas Burner Cooker

4 Photos 22GB10011-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1438 (2) Sets Skis w/ Boots & Golf Bag

4 Photos 22GB18004-033
Drayton Valley, AB
1092 3 Tier Shelf (Unused)
17 inch width X 12.25 inch depth X 28.25 inch height, steel frame, chrome finish

3 Photos 22GB05013-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2322 Pallet of Putco Stainless Steel Strom Screen Grilles

3 Photos 22GB05018-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2238 Portable Speaker (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2498 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
26X12.00-12 tires, boomers, turbo, jet pump, hitches

4 Photos 22GB10011-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1447 Qty of Wine Making Supplies

4 Photos 22GB18004-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1080 UVC Ultraviolet Sterilization Box (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05013-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2323 Front and Rear Chev Bumpers

4 Photos 22GB05018-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2239 Portable Car Camcorder (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-008
2497 Bell & Gossett Pump and 18.4X38 Tractor Chains

4 Photos 22GB10011-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1442 (2) Pet Carriers

4 Photos 22GB18004-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1081 Uvc Ultraviolet Sterilization Box (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05013-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2342 6 Ft Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB05018-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2240 Portable Car Camcorder (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2347 Garden Master
20 inch rototiller and Troybuilt rear drive 14 inch tiller

4 Photos 22GB10012-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1443 Miscellaneous Items
Food Slicer, Radio AM/FM, bundle vintage barbies, box of old cameras and lenses

4 Photos 22GB18004-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1118 Charcoal BBQ (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05013-018
Drayton Valley, AB
2344 86 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB05018-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2241 Portable Car Camcorder (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2363 (2) Rolls of Fencing

4 Photos 22GB10012-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1006 (1) Mirror Panels (4)
78 inch l x 25 inch w

4 Photos 22GB18004-037
Drayton Valley, AB
1210 Patio Set
Tempered glass, foldable

4 Photos 22GB05013-019
Drayton Valley, AB
2326 Go Rhino 87 Inch Running Boards

3 Photos 22GB05018-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2242 Bluetooth Headset (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10064-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1833 Yard Machines Lawn Mower
190cc engine, 24" cut

4 Photos 22GB10014-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2310 3 Pt Hitch PTO Drive 15 kW Generator
120/240V, 1 ph, 540 PTO

3 Photos 22GB05013-020
Drayton Valley, AB
2314 87 Inch Running Boards

3 Photos 22GB05018-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2243 Bluetooth Headset (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-156
Drayton Valley, AB
2168 (2) Swivel Bar Stools (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10014-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2282 7 Ft Tractor Bucket

4 Photos 22GB05013-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2325 87 Inch Running Boards

3 Photos 22GB05018-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2244 Bluetooth Headset (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-157
Drayton Valley, AB
2139 15Lb Blanket

4 Photos 22GB10014-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2384 42 Inch Skid Steer Forks

4 Photos 22GB05013-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2324 87 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB10060-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1374 Qty of Various Items
first aid kits, gas alert detector, emergency triangles, hammer wrenches, harness

4 Photos 22GB10064-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2438 (2) Metal Stands

4 Photos 22GB10016-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2281 Skid Steer Pallet Fork Attchment

4 Photos 22GB05013-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2365 87 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB10060-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1418 Lincoln Electric MigPak 140 Welder

4 Photos 22GB10064-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2435 Qty of 2 Inch Suction Hose

4 Photos 22GB10017-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1064 (2) Saddle Bags

3 Photos 22GB05013-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2366 87 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB10064-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1878 Coats 4070 Tire Changer

3 Photos 22GB05014-158
Drayton Valley, AB
2138 Heat Blanket

4 Photos 22GB10017-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1413 Qty of Miscellaneous
Wireless weather station, lawn hydroseeding system and marker bouy rack pack

3 Photos 22GB05013-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2367 86 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB10060-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1375 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Makita drill, Chicago air tool , blinds, Craftsman rotary power tool, Armorall 12v car vacuum

4 Photos 22GB10064-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1383 5 Ft Jet Tub

3 Photos 22GB05014-159
Drayton Valley, AB
2137 15Lb Blanket

3 Photos 22GB10017-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1409 Partital Roll of 3 Core Wire

4 Photos 22GB05013-026
Drayton Valley, AB
2343 80 Inch Running Boards

4 Photos 22GB10060-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1400 Jonsered Chain Saw

4 Photos 22GB05014-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1749 10 Ft Hanging Umbrella w/ Sand Bag Case (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10017-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1065 Qty of Miscellaneous
3 inch recessed lighting kit, lights, boat seat pedestal, Tough Gun

4 Photos 22GB08002-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2308 John Deere 45 Gal Sprayer

4 Photos 22GB10060-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1376 (2) Pipe Vise and Manual Post Hole Auger

3 Photos 22GB05014-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1750 10 Ft Hanging Umbrella w/ Sand Bag Case (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-160
Drayton Valley, AB
2136 15Lb Blanket

2 Photos 22GB10017-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1009 (4) Wire Racks

4 Photos 22GB08002-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2381 12 Ft Aluminum Boat

4 Photos 22GB10062-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1401 Smith-Roles Battery Charger

3 Photos 22GB05014-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1751 10 Ft Hanging Umbrella w/ Sand Bag Case (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-161
Drayton Valley, AB
2135 20Lb Blanket

4 Photos 22GB08002-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2377 Qty of 12 Ft X 42 Inch Steel Racking

4 Photos 22GB10062-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1402 Mastercraft Chop Saw and Powerfist Coil Nailer

4 Photos 22GB05014-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1752 9 Ft Patio Umbrella (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-162
Drayton Valley, AB
2134 15Lb Blanket

4 Photos 22GB08002-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2303 Karrite Galaxy Car Topper

4 Photos 22GB05014-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1753 10 Ft Hanging Umbrella w/ Sand Bag Case (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-163
Drayton Valley, AB
2119 Knives Set & Cast Iron Pans (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2304 8 Ft Ford Truck Box

4 Photos 22GB10062-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1368 Workshop
3 stage filtration unit

4 Photos 22GB05014-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1754 10 Ft Hanging Umbrella w/ Sand Bag Case (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-164
Drayton Valley, AB
2118 Knives Set & Cast Iron Pans

4 Photos 22GB08002-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2147 Antique Kitchen Hoosier and Antique Mirror

3 Photos 22GB10062-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1403 Motomaster Eliminator 3000W Inverter

4 Photos 22GB05014-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1755 9 Ft Patio Umbrella (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-165
Drayton Valley, AB
2117 (2) Man Tent & Tarp

4 Photos 22GB10021-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1419 Toyota Sienna Rear Center Seat

4 Photos 22GB08002-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1297 Wells Metal Bandsaw

4 Photos 22GB10062-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1410 Qty of Various Tools
13 inch tile cutter, electric chain saw sharpener and 7 inch tile saw

2 Photos 22GB05014-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1761 (3) Picnic Tables w/ Condiment Bottles (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-166
Drayton Valley, AB
2116 Bamboo Knife Set

3 Photos 22GB10021-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1420 Peterbuilt Radiator

4 Photos 22GB08002-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2161 Qty of Miscellaneous
Straps, googles, castors, hitch, sway bars

3 Photos 22GB10062-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1367 John Deere Electric Pressure Washer

2 Photos 22GB05014-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1762 (3) Picnic Tables w/ Condiment Bottles (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-167
Drayton Valley, AB
2115 (2) Folding Lawn Chairs

4 Photos 22GB10021-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1533 Floor Jack and Safety Triangles

4 Photos 22GB08002-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2162 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers, gloves, connectors

4 Photos 22GB10062-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1365 Intertherm 57K BTU Furnace

2 Photos 22GB05014-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1763 (3) Picnic Tables w/ Condiment Bottles (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-168
Drayton Valley, AB
2096 Booster Cables (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10025-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2258 Set of Trailer Dolly Legs

4 Photos 22GB08002-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1811 Various Socket Sets

3 Photos 22GB10062-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1366 Acklands 225A Sizzler Welder

2 Photos 22GB05014-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1764 (3) Picnic Tables w/ Condiment Bottles (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-169
Drayton Valley, AB
2095 Drill Bits (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1807 Yamaha Rhino Front Rack (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05012-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1335 Tool Box w/ Various Tools

4 Photos 22GB05014-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1765 Massage Gun and Heat Sealer Machine (Inoperable)

2 Photos 22GB05014-170
Drayton Valley, AB
2094 O Rings (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB18001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2427 Used Doors with Frames and Some Hardware
(8) lefthand swing interior doors, (8) metal frames and some hardware

4 Photos 22GB08002-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1809 Yamaha Rhino Front Rack (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1766 Store Demo Foot Massager

4 Photos 22GB05014-171
Drayton Valley, AB
2093 4-1/2 Inch Grinding Discs

4 Photos 22GB18001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2429 Used Doors with Frames and Some Hardware
(4) lefthand swing interior doors and some hardware

4 Photos 22GB08002-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1806 Yamaha Rhino Front Rack (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05012-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1334 Mastercraft Belt/Disc Sander

4 Photos 22GB05014-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1772 Adjustable Height Stool

3 Photos 22GB05014-172
Drayton Valley, AB
2092 6 Jigsaw Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB18001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2424 Qty of Shower Basins, Glass Doors and Miscellaneous Hardware
Glass 67-3/4 inch x 30 inch x 1/4 inch, basins 60 inch x 34 inch

4 Photos 22GB08002-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1810 Bone Creeper Rough Rider Shop Creeper (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05012-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1355 Qty of Various Shop Tools
bench grinder, DeWalt palm sander, Skil router, Skil drill, 14 inch Dewalt saw

4 Photos 22GB05014-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1773 Cuisinart BBQ and Rooster

3 Photos 22GB05014-173
Drayton Valley, AB
2091 6 Jigsaw Blades (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB18001-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2422 Qty of Shower Basins, Glass Doors and Miscellaneous Hardware
Glass 67-3/4 inch x 30 inch x 1/4 inch, basins 60 inch x 34 inch

4 Photos 22GB08002-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1822 Metal Folding Table and Stainless Steel Framed Mirror

4 Photos 22GB05012-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1356 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Black & Decker 14 inch chop saw, adjustable roller stand, welder helmet, oxy/ace hose and troch, welding wire

4 Photos 22GB05014-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1774 Cereal Dispenser, Water Jug and Ice Cube Tray (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-174
Drayton Valley, AB
2090 4-1/2 Inch Grinding Discs

4 Photos 22GB08002-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1823 Washer Hoses and Dryer Heater Element (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05012-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1354 Qty of Various Shop Tools
air impacts, air compressor, sockets, tool box w/ sockets

4 Photos 22GB05014-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1775 Iron and wall clock

3 Photos 22GB05014-175
Drayton Valley, AB
2089 4-1/2 Inch Grinding Discs

4 Photos 22GB08002-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2164 Qty of Various Hoses and Electrical Cables

4 Photos 22GB10063-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1169 United Power 1300W Generator

3 Photos 22GB05014-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1776 Open Sign

2 Photos 22GB05014-176
Drayton Valley, AB
2222 Screwdriver Set (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-018
Drayton Valley, AB
2163 Qty of Various Shop Items
Clamps, straps, hoses, assorted tools, hinges

4 Photos 22GB10063-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1170 Be 3500W Generator
digital inverter, electric start

4 Photos 22GB05014-019
1777 Headphones, Helmet Headphones and Phone Holder (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-177
Drayton Valley, AB
2221 Drill Bit Set (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-019
Drayton Valley, AB
2165 Greenleaf Spreader

4 Photos 22GB10047-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1184 Qty of Various Shop Items
Skil Circular saw, Makita 1/4 inch drill, hammers, mallet, sledge hammer, pry bar, gear puller, 1/2 inch air impact, short box soft tonneau cover

4 Photos 22GB05014-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1778 Cabbage Cutter

3 Photos 22GB05014-178
Drayton Valley, AB
2220 12 Tactical Knives (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-020
Drayton Valley, AB
2166 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
Wire stretcher, patio cover lifter, single phase motor, 80/100-12 tire

3 Photos 22GB05014-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1779 (4) Picnic Pails

2 Photos 22GB05014-179
Drayton Valley, AB
2219 Knife & Sharpener (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2142 Qty of Various Shop Items
Air intake, oil drain pan, Skil jigsaw, DeWalt drill, racing seat, jack stands, pneumatic palm sander

3 Photos 22GB10047-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1186 Motomaster Motorcycle Jack

3 Photos 22GB05014-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1780 (4) Picnic Pails

4 Photos 22GB05019-063
Drayton Valley, AB
1845 Miscellaneous Parts & Tools
dolly, HP printer, jack, springs, shelves, Dremel tool

3 Photos 22GB05014-180
Drayton Valley, AB
2218 Booster Cables (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2141 Master MFG 95L ATV Sprayer w/ 12V Pump

4 Photos 22GB10047-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1187 Qty of Various Shop Items
30 inch aluminum snipe, 24 inch aluminum snipe, various hardware, socket set, various pipe wrenches, various wrenches

3 Photos 22GB05014-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1781 (4) Picnic Pails

4 Photos 22GB05014-181
Drayton Valley, AB
2217 Safety Helmet

4 Photos 22GB08002-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2167 Ridgid shop vac, wooden magazine stand and Wood Scribe

3 Photos 22GB10047-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2292 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 255/70R17 Tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1782 (4) Umbrellas and Pair of Crocs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-182
Drayton Valley, AB
2216 Safety Helmet

4 Photos 22GB08002-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2140 Qty of Fiberglass and Fiberglass Materials

4 Photos 22GB10047-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2291 (2) Toyo 225/65R17 Tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1790 (7) Rolls of 1/4 Inch X 131 Ft of Rope (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-183
Drayton Valley, AB
2215 Welding Helmet

4 Photos 22GB08002-025
Drayton Valley, AB
2145 2000 Lb Aluminum Walk-up Ramp

4 Photos 22GB10047-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2288 Solid Fold Tonneau Cover

3 Photos 22GB05014-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1791 (7) Rolls of 1/4 Inch X 131 Ft of Rope (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-184
Drayton Valley, AB
2214 Welding Helmet

4 Photos 22GB08002-026
Drayton Valley, AB
2146 Polished Chrome Tool Box

2 Photos 22GB10047-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2296 Twin Tank Air Compressor w/ Hose

3 Photos 22GB05014-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1792 (7) Rolls of 1/4 Inch X 131 Ft of Rope (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-185
Drayton Valley, AB
2198 Sink

4 Photos 22GB08002-027
Drayton Valley, AB
2144 Warn Winch and Shop Dolly

4 Photos 22GB10047-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2297 Garden Trailer and Wagon

3 Photos 22GB05014-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1793 (7) Rolls of 1/4 Inch X 131 Ft of Rope (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-186
Drayton Valley, AB
2197 Air Purifier

4 Photos 22GB08002-028
Drayton Valley, AB
2143 Hitch and Stabilizer Bars
2-5/16 inch ball

4 Photos 22GB08002-053
Drayton Valley, AB
1737 5 Gal Air Tank, Hose Reel and 1/4 Inch Air Hose

4 Photos 22GB10047-009
1142 (2) 2 Ton Hydraulic Floor Jacks and Stand

4 Photos 22GB05014-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1933 3 Ton Hydraulic Floor Jack

3 Photos 22GB05014-187
Drayton Valley, AB
2196 Oil Pan & Wrench Set (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05009-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2337 (3) Partial Rolls of Barbed Wire

4 Photos 22GB08002-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1927 Qty of Hand Tools and Electric Fencing Posts

4 Photos 22GB08002-054
Drayton Valley, AB
1889 Craftsman Overhead Garage Opener

4 Photos 22GB10047-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1357 12 Ft X 24 Ft Shelter

3 Photos 22GB05014-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1934 10 Ton Press

3 Photos 22GB05014-188
Drayton Valley, AB
2195 (2) 20L Stainless Steel Pails

4 Photos 22GB05009-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2555 Qty of Chain Link Fencing
Assorted sizes

4 Photos 22GB08002-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1928 (3) Pairs of Skis, Fishing Net, Putter and Pole Extensions

4 Photos 22GB08002-055
Drayton Valley, AB
1712 Qty of Various Shop Items
Construction heater, air sander, screws, painting supplies, rope, truck box rails

4 Photos 22GB10047-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2295 Craftsman 32 Inch Lawn Seep

4 Photos 22GB05014-031
Drayton Valley, AB
1935 Transmission Jack

3 Photos 22GB05014-189
Drayton Valley, AB
2194 Planter Pots

2 Photos 22GB05009-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2338 (4) Rolls of Barbed Wire

4 Photos 22GB08002-031
Drayton Valley, AB
1814 Stihl MS170 Chain Saw

4 Photos 22GB08002-056
Drayton Valley, AB
1864 Qty of Miscellaneous
Drywall drill, clamps, tape, wire, screws

4 Photos 22GB08001-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2373 (4) Pieces of Grating

3 Photos 22GB05014-032
Drayton Valley, AB
1936 Transmission Jack

3 Photos 22GB05014-190
Drayton Valley, AB
2183 Sink

4 Photos 22GB08002-032
Drayton Valley, AB
1805 Qty of Various Shop Items
Extension pole, floor polisher, electric pressure washer, extended pressure washer handle

4 Photos 22GB08002-057
Drayton Valley, AB
1735 Motomaster 2 Ton Floor Jack

4 Photos 22GB08001-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2255 Pig Roaster

4 Photos 22GB05014-033
Drayton Valley, AB
1959 Sand Blaster Cabinet

4 Photos 22GB05014-191
Drayton Valley, AB
2182 Air Fryer

3 Photos 22GB05009-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2554 (3) Various Sized Fence Panels

4 Photos 22GB08002-033
Drayton Valley, AB
1813 Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chain Saw

4 Photos 22GB08002-058
Drayton Valley, AB
1892 Qty of Various Shop Items
Framing nailer, angle grinder, drill, skill saw

4 Photos 22GB08001-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2386 Space-Ray Infrared Gas Heater

4 Photos 22GB05014-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1903 Wood and Rope Patio Chase Lounger (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-192
Drayton Valley, AB
2181 Microwave

4 Photos 22GB05009-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2553 (10) Solid Harvester 29 Inch Processor Bars

4 Photos 22GB08002-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1819 Qty of Various Shop Items
Black & Decker sprayer, Pelican Case, Powerfist Case, 7 inch 2 speed polisher, hole saw set, Oo-ring set

4 Photos 22GB08002-059
Drayton Valley, AB
1896 Propane Cooker w/ Cast Iron Pot

4 Photos 22GB08001-024
Drayton Valley, AB
2491 Piece From Homebuilt Log Splitter

4 Photos 22GB05014-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1902 Wood and Rope Patio Chase Lounger (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-193
Drayton Valley, AB
2180 Crock Pot

3 Photos 22GB05009-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2572 Qty of Fence Posts

2 Photos 22GB08002-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1818 Rock Tamers Kit (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-060
Drayton Valley, AB
1894 (2) Boxes of Super Glides and Sled Keeper Snowmobile Dolly

4 Photos 22GB05011-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1498 Various Golf Cart Tires

2 Photos 22GB05014-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1960 (4) Piece Folding Chairs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05019-064
Drayton Valley, AB
1870 Miscellaneous Parts & Shop Items
sink, aluminum steps, wires, moisture meter, 400 W power invertor, 18V battery, 12V impact wrench

3 Photos 22GB05014-194
Drayton Valley, AB
2128 Sz 10 Shoes

3 Photos 22GB05009-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1572 Qty of Various Sizes Tubing

4 Photos 22GB08002-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1812 Ridgid 10 Inch Mitre Saw and DeWalt Belt Sander

4 Photos 22GB08002-061
Drayton Valley, AB
1861 Qty of Miscellaneous
Cattle waterer, electrical items, pot lights, wire

4 Photos 22GB05011-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1320 (3) Generators (Inoperable)
kids bike (needs repair)

2 Photos 22GB05014-037
Drayton Valley, AB
1961 (4) Piece Folding Chairs (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-195
Drayton Valley, AB
2129 Sz 9 SWAT Boots

4 Photos 22GB10013-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2353 Cub Cadet 3 Inch Chipper/Shredder
Briggs & Stratton 1450 series gas engine

4 Photos 22GB08002-037
Drayton Valley, AB
1828 Qty of Various Shop Items
Tool pouches, hardware, nails, screws, drill bits

4 Photos 22GB08002-062
Drayton Valley, AB
1860 Qty of Drywall Mud and Tape

4 Photos 22GB05011-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1179 Qty of Furnace Venting Kits

2 Photos 22GB05014-038
Drayton Valley, AB
1962 (4) Piece Folding Chairs (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-196
Drayton Valley, AB
2130 Sz 11 SWAT Boots

4 Photos 22GB10013-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1480 Wild Outdoors Ice Fishing Tent

4 Photos 22GB08002-038
Drayton Valley, AB
1829 Qty of Various Shop Items
Various small tools, DeWalt radio, cargo net, winch

4 Photos 22GB08002-063
Drayton Valley, AB
1887 Craftsman Brush Guard

4 Photos 22GB05011-005
1177 Qty of Various Saws

4 Photos 22GB05014-039
Drayton Valley, AB
1963 Soft Gun Case (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-197
Drayton Valley, AB
2131 Sz 9 SWAT Boots

4 Photos 22GB08002-039
Drayton Valley, AB
2160 Qty of Recreational Items
Coolers, tent, tarp, Kelly Hanson XL rain coat

4 Photos 22GB08002-064
Drayton Valley, AB
1859 Qty of Miscellaneous
Propane cooker, miscellaneous tools, 300 ft measuring tape, rivets, regulator, heat sealing iron

4 Photos 22GB05011-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1178 Qty of Various Shop Items
Dewalt table saw, jack, Clarke shop vac

2 Photos 22GB05014-040
Drayton Valley, AB
1976 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-198
Drayton Valley, AB
2132 Sz 10 SWAT Boots

4 Photos 22GB10013-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1436 Qty of Fishing Items
Tackle, scoop, bobber cooler

4 Photos 22GB08002-040
Drayton Valley, AB
2159 Qty of Various Jacks

4 Photos 22GB08002-065
Drayton Valley, AB
1713 (4) Spyder Front Hub Covers

4 Photos 22GB05016-033
Drayton Valley, AB
2150 Cast Iron Frying Pans, Pots, Grills Etc.
(2) cast iron frying pans, (1) cast iron pot, cast iron grill, BBQ set, miscellaneous frying pans

2 Photos 22GB05014-041
Drayton Valley, AB
1977 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-199
Drayton Valley, AB
2133 20Lb Blanket

4 Photos 22GB10013-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1435 Spotting Scope, Rocket Launchers and BB Gun

4 Photos 22GB08002-041
Drayton Valley, AB
1831 Aluminum Checker Plate and Boomers
8 ft 4 inch x 4 inch plate

4 Photos 22GB08002-066
Drayton Valley, AB
1863 Johnson 5.5 HP Motor, Fuel Tanks and Manual Fuel Pump

4 Photos 22GB05011-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1180 Qty of Various Shop Items
chain saw, table saw, stale guns, sanders, drills, bench press, saws

2 Photos 22GB05014-042
Drayton Valley, AB
1978 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-200
Drayton Valley, AB
2105 42 Inch LED Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB10013-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1562 Invicta Pro Diver Watch and Snorkel Set

4 Photos 22GB08002-042
Drayton Valley, AB
1820 240V Garage Heater and Work Light

4 Photos 22GB08002-067
Drayton Valley, AB
1710 Qty of Various Shop Items
Bessy clamps, grease gun, cotter pins, hand planer

4 Photos 22GB05011-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1176 Qty of Various Shop Items (Inoperable)
Emglo air compressor (inoperable), Honda motor (inoperable), grill trays

3 Photos 22GB05014-043
Drayton Valley, AB
1979 (2) 20L Stainless Steel Buckets (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-201
Drayton Valley, AB
2106 13 Inch (2) Row Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB10013-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1421 Ram Box Divider and Backup Camera

4 Photos 22GB08002-043
Drayton Valley, AB
2158 Onan Pro Generator and Subaru Generator

4 Photos 22GB08002-068
Drayton Valley, AB
1890 Qty of Various Shop Items
Various paint sprayers, hammers, staple gun, tap and die set, drill bits, claw hammer

4 Photos 22GB05016-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1748 Miscellaneous Acrylic Paints and Filing Cabinet

3 Photos 22GB05014-044
Drayton Valley, AB
2002 Vacmaster Wet/Dry Vacuum (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05014-202
Drayton Valley, AB
2107 13 Inch Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB10013-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1415 (4) Axes and Grill Brick

4 Photos 22GB08002-044
Drayton Valley, AB
1824 Valley 6 Inch Bench Grinder and Makita 1/2 Inch Drill

4 Photos 22GB08002-069
Drayton Valley, AB
1711 Qty of Various Shop Items
Various tools, clamps, sandblasting gun kit, hand planer

4 Photos 22GB05011-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1175 Qty of Miscellaneous
electric weed eater, diesel heater, Stihl chop saw, Kohler auger motor

3 Photos 22GB05014-045
Drayton Valley, AB
2003 Explorer Inflatable Boat (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05014-203
Drayton Valley, AB
2108 13 Inch Light Bar

3 Photos 22GB10013-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1416 (2) Axes, Axe Handle and Grill Brick

4 Photos 22GB08002-045
Drayton Valley, AB
1808 Condor Motorcycle Stand (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-070
Drayton Valley, AB
1893 LED Rope, Model Boat and Construction Heater

3 Photos 22GB05016-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1707 Extension Cord, Flash Light and Cleaners

3 Photos 22GB05014-046
Drayton Valley, AB
2004 Explorer Inflatable Boat (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB05014-204
Drayton Valley, AB
2109 13 Inch Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB10013-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1456 Qty of Miscellaneous
Grill cleaning bricks, smelting pot, dinner triangle, garden hose, brick of lead

4 Photos 22GB08002-046
Drayton Valley, AB
1821 (16) Ratchet Straps (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB08002-071
Drayton Valley, AB
1768 Vintage Military Multi Drawer Organizer

4 Photos 22GB05011-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1174 Qty of Various Shop Items
DeWalt table saw, IMC air compressor, magnetic drill press, DeWalt 1 gal trim compressor, Hotsy washer

4 Photos 22GB05014-047
Drayton Valley, AB
2005 Tire Mounting Tools (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-205
Drayton Valley, AB
2110 (2) Sets Headlight Bulbs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10013-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1417 (2) Antique Knives

3 Photos 22GB08002-047
Drayton Valley, AB
1830 30 Ft X 50 Ft Tarp

4 Photos 22GB08002-072
Drayton Valley, AB
2385 Yokohuma 16 HP Hot Washer Pressure Washer

3 Photos 22GB05016-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1701 Miscellaneous Items
DVD/CD writer, grads frames, off spray, 2 heaters,

4 Photos 22GB05014-048
Drayton Valley, AB
2006 (12) Utility Knives (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-206
Drayton Valley, AB
2111 Oil Filter Wrench (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10013-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1411 Qty of Assorted Knives

2 Photos 22GB08002-048
Drayton Valley, AB
1895 30 Ft X 50 Ft Tarp

4 Photos 22GB08002-073
Drayton Valley, AB
1295 Ducks Unlimited Bike

3 Photos 22GB05011-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1327 Qty of Various Truck Parts
2013 GMC tailgate, Westin truck bumper, stock exhaust pipe

4 Photos 22GB05014-049
Drayton Valley, AB
2007 10 Ft X 20 Ft Poly Tarp (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-207
Drayton Valley, AB
2112 Tire Changing Tool

4 Photos 22GB10013-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1434 Hand Saw and 12 Inch Pulley

4 Photos 22GB08002-049
Drayton Valley, AB
1897 Milwaukee 14 Inch Chop Saw

4 Photos 22GB08002-074
Drayton Valley, AB
1530 Pepsi Vending Machine

4 Photos 22GB05011-012
1017 Qty of Miscellaneous
Shop dolly's, shop cart and 79 inch x 31-3/4 inch exterior door

2 Photos 22GB05014-050
Drayton Valley, AB
2023 Wood Pizza Oven (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-208
Drayton Valley, AB
2113 42 Inch Bolt Cutters (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10013-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1448 Qty of Assorted Vintage Items
Scythe blade, gas can, machete, draw knives

4 Photos 22GB08002-050
Drayton Valley, AB
1736 Qty of Various Shop Items
Work light, heat gun, cargo net, bit set, 2 ton cable puller, hitch, jerry cans

4 Photos 22GB08002-075
Drayton Valley, AB
1192 Omega Contractor 5.5 HP Air Compressor
Honda GX160 engine

4 Photos 22GB05011-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2476 Qty of Various Shop Items (Inoperable)
diesel powered water pump, Vanguard auger motor, air compressor

4 Photos 22GB05014-051
Drayton Valley, AB
2024 Round Metal Fire Pit Ring (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-209
Drayton Valley, AB
2114 42 Inch LED Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB03001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1551 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1063 Skeets w/Chucker, Bows and Slingshot

4 Photos 22GB08002-051
Drayton Valley, AB
1891 Hose Reel and Stihl Leaf Blower

4 Photos 22GB08002-076
Drayton Valley, AB
1307 Patio Heater

4 Photos 22GB05011-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2421 (5) Lawn Push Lawn Mowers (Inoperable)

4 Photos 22GB05014-052
Drayton Valley, AB
2042 Qty of Assorted Bulb (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05014-210
Drayton Valley, AB
2080 42 Inch LED Light Bar

4 Photos 22GB03001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1552 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1425 Mastercraft Bandsaw

4 Photos 22GB08002-052
Drayton Valley, AB
1767 Qty of Miscellaneous
Commercial sprayer, fencing tool, cannon downrigger, tool Case, Fogger

4 Photos 22GB08002-077
Drayton Valley, AB
1022 National Shuffleboard

4 Photos 22GB05011-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1360 Qty of Miscellaneous
(2) 2002 GMC back seats, (4) 305/70R16 Tires on Procomp rims, commercial soda dispenser

4 Photos 22GB05014-053
Drayton Valley, AB
2043 Qty of Assorted Bulb (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-211
Drayton Valley, AB
2081 Laser Level

4 Photos 22GB03001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1553 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1172 Qty of Recreation Items
Camping chairs, bins, snowshoes, dome tent, childrenès life jackets

4 Photos 22GB10021-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1040 Qty of Shop Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous belts, wrenches, bolt cutters, load tester, drill

4 Photos 22GB05003-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2556 3 PT Hitch Cultivator

3 Photos 22GB05014-054
Drayton Valley, AB
2044 Blanquil Weighted Blanket (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-212
Drayton Valley, AB
2082 Jigsaw W/Blades

4 Photos 22GB03001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1554 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1110 Qty of Miscellaneous Housewares
Mixer, shop vac, fish tank, 7 inch digital frame

4 Photos 22GB10021-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1361 Qty of Shop Miscellaneous
Jerry cans, various filters, International washer container, solid wire, Detroit Diesel fuel pump, lights, Napa alternator

4 Photos 22GB05003-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2557 3 PT Hitch Harrows

1 Photos 22GB05016-038
Drayton Valley, AB
1802 4 Boxes of Peel and Stick Tile

3 Photos 22GB05014-055
Drayton Valley, AB
2045 Blanquil Weighted Blanket (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-213
Drayton Valley, AB
2083 Jigsaw W/Blades

4 Photos 22GB03001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1555 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1032 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Tote of assorted tools, trailer stabilizer jacks, jumper cables, lockout kit

4 Photos 22GB10024-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1506 (2) Gallant ST205/75R15 Tires (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05003-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2558 3 PT Hitch Disc
15 inch discs, 7 inch spacing

4 Photos 22GB05011-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2487 Devilbiss Air Compressor

3 Photos 22GB05014-056
Drayton Valley, AB
2058 Native Bee Barn (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-214
Drayton Valley, AB
2084 Jigsaw W/Blades

4 Photos 22GB03001-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1556 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1031 Qty PF Dewalt Radios, Hand Planer, Clamps and Saws

3 Photos 22GB10024-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1013 Mail Box

4 Photos 22GB10056-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2587 2007 Ford F-150 4X4 Crew Cab Pickup
5.7 L, gas, automatic transmission, leather, P/S, P/W, P/L, A/C, DVD player, sunroof, Edge programmer, box liner, 275/65R18 tires

4 Photos 22GB05016-039
Drayton Valley, AB
1759 (2) Wind Readers

2 Photos 22GB05014-057
Drayton Valley, AB
2059 Outdoor Dog Water Fountain (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-215
Drayton Valley, AB
2085 Jigsaw W/Blades

4 Photos 22GB03001-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1557 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1319 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Pipe wrench, anvil, Jack All, impeller, metal box, ball and chain

4 Photos 22GB10024-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1282 Barrel Dolly and Rolling Shop Cart

4 Photos 22GB10042-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1317 Alltrade 5 Gal Air Compressor

4 Photos 22GB05016-040
Drayton Valley, AB
2149 Miscellaneous Tools
Dewalt 18v drill, Stanley tool set, (2) 100 ft. extension cords

2 Photos 22GB05014-058
Drayton Valley, AB
2057 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-216
Drayton Valley, AB
2086 (8) 4 Inch Recessed LED Lighting

4 Photos 22GB03001-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1558 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1157 Rock Guard, Roof Rack, Hitch Mount Carrier

3 Photos 22GB10024-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1515 (2) Wooden Scythe and Aluminum Scythe

4 Photos 22GB10042-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1323 Rockwell Chop Saw

3 Photos 22GB05011-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1337 Dayco Fastman Crimper w/ Dies

2 Photos 22GB05014-059
Drayton Valley, AB
2056 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB05014-217
Drayton Valley, AB
2087 (2) LED Ceiling Lights

4 Photos 22GB03001-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1559 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1499 (4) Goodyear Wrangler 265/70R17 Tires

4 Photos 22GB10024-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1291 Ridgid Tri-stand w/ Pipe Cutter

4 Photos 22GB10042-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1329 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Craftsman 7 Inch Circular Saw, Jobmate Compound Mitre, Skil 7-1/4 inch saw, Delta shop master saw

4 Photos 22GB05011-018
Drayton Valley, AB
2348 Sukup Fan/Heater
230v, single phase

2 Photos 22GB05014-060
Drayton Valley, AB
2055 (2) Hydration Packs (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB05014-218
Drayton Valley, AB
2088 (8) 5 Inch Recessed LED Lighting

4 Photos 22GB03001-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1560 Bundle of 399 Pieces or 2 Inch X 3 Inch 96 Inch Finger Joint Lumber

4 Photos 22GB10013-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1371 Forney Industries F225 Welder
c/w cables, hose, tips

3 Photos 22GB10024-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1353 Ridgid Tri-stand w/ Pipe Cutter

4 Photos 22GB10042-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1322 Rockwell Saw
w/ mitre box

4 Photos 22GB05011-019
Drayton Valley, AB
2349 Vantage 4600 Generator and Yardmachine 24 Inch Snowblower

4 Photos 22GB10075-001
1535 Qty of Card Keyed Entry Locks
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-219
Drayton Valley, AB
2207 (2) Galaxy Lamps

4 Photos 22GB05001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2270 (2) Roadmaster 215/75R17.5 Tires (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10013-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1205 Rolling Compost/Garbage Bin

2 Photos 22GB10024-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1117 (2) 51 Inch Swede Saws and 40 Inch Swede Saw

3 Photos 22GB10042-005
1571 Yardworks Telescopic Tree Pruner

4 Photos 22GB05016-041
Drayton Valley, AB
1803 Surround Sound System

4 Photos 22GB10075-002
1536 Baja Scooter
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-220
Drayton Valley, AB
2208 (2) Galaxy Ceiling Lamps

4 Photos 22GB05001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2482 (4) Continental 225/70R19.5 Tires on Rims
c/w extra 19.5 rim

3 Photos 22GB10013-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1399 Metal Barrel

2 Photos 22GB10024-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1116 51 Inch Swede Saw and 40 Inch Swede Saw

4 Photos 22GB10042-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1330 Hilti Torna 765 Rotary Hammer

2 Photos 22GB05011-020
Drayton Valley, AB
2315 Solid Fold Tonneau Cover
63-3/4 inch

4 Photos 22GB10075-003
1537 Plastic Bucket Seat
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-221
Drayton Valley, AB
2209 Wall Light

4 Photos 22GB05001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2574 (48) Rolls of Barbed Wire (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10013-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1563 1979 Bulova Quartz Watch

1 Photos 22GB10024-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1103 Lincoln 18V Grease Gun

4 Photos 22GB10042-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1348 Qty of Miscellaneous
rodeo pictures, tool boxes w/ various tools

4 Photos 22GB05011-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2340 Hidden Hitch 5TH Wheel Attachment

4 Photos 22GB10075-004
1538 60 Inch X 76 Inch Modified Truck Box
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-222
Drayton Valley, AB
2210 Motion Sensor Yard Light

4 Photos 22GB10001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2299 Wood Stove

4 Photos 22GB10013-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1564 $10 Mint Collectors Set

4 Photos 22GB10024-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1119 Victor Torches, Metal Tool Box and Bundle of Braided Hoses

4 Photos 22GB10042-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1135 Qty of Various Tools
Power Max drill, BernzOMatic torch kit, Craftsman drill

3 Photos 22GB05016-042
Drayton Valley, AB
1795 1 Record Player with 2 Speakers

2 Photos 22GB10075-005
1539 Poly Barrel
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-223
Drayton Valley, AB
2211 Security Light

4 Photos 22GB10001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1573 Over Cab Truck Rack

3 Photos 22GB10013-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1565 $5 Silver Horse Coin and 1999 Oh Canada Uncirculated Coin Set

3 Photos 22GB10024-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1122 Trademaster 10 Inch Compound Mitre Saw

2 Photos 22GB10042-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1136 Karcher Pressure Washer

4 Photos 22GB05011-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2316 Motorcycle Jacks

2 Photos 22GB10075-006
1540 (2) Steel Drums
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-224
Drayton Valley, AB
2212 (2) Motion Sensor Light

4 Photos 22GB10001-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1880 Pallet of Roller Chain

3 Photos 22GB10024-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1208 Qty of Assorted Hand Tools

3 Photos 22GB10042-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1139 Mastercraft Impact Wrench

4 Photos 22GB05011-023
Drayton Valley, AB
2341 Golf Cart Seat and Frame/Bumper

4 Photos 22GB10075-007
1541 (2) Propane Tanks
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-225
Drayton Valley, AB
2213 (2) Solar Security Lights

4 Photos 22GB10001-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1832 Caribie Tanning Bed

3 Photos 22GB10024-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1306 Fire Extinguisher Holders and Survey Transit Stands

4 Photos 22GB10042-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1125 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Skil 8-1/4 inch saw, Mastercraft stand, mitre box

4 Photos 22GB05011-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1370 Bench Grinder On Stand

3 Photos 22GB10075-008
1542 Meat Saw Frame
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-226
Drayton Valley, AB
2193 Wheel Nut Hex Set

4 Photos 22GB10001-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2228 Delta Sander

4 Photos 22GB10015-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1147 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
Fryer pot, air mattress and gas detectors

4 Photos 22GB10024-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1305 (2) Parker Hydraulic Accumulators, Hydraulic Cylinder and Tire Chain Pliers

4 Photos 22GB10042-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1328 Qty of Various Air Tools

3 Photos 22GB05016-043
Drayton Valley, AB
1783 (2) Jack Stands

4 Photos 22GB10075-009
1543 5TH Wheel King Pin Hitch
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-227
Drayton Valley, AB
2192 Safety Helmet

4 Photos 22GB10002-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2251 Pallet of Various Sized Tire Chains, Boomers and Chain Pliers

4 Photos 22GB10015-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1440 Qty of Miscellaneous
Skidoo gas can, tunnel bag w/shovel, Size 10 boots, bike cover, Powerpack

4 Photos 22GB10024-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1292 Kenworth Aux Heater

4 Photos 22GB10042-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1138 Tool Box w/ Welding Tools

4 Photos 22GB05015-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2065 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
quad seat, twine, tree stand, 3 HP chain saw, straps, pick axe, grind stones, roofing nails, spiral nails, poly wrap, harness w/ lanyard

3 Photos 22GB10075-010
1544 Hose Reel
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

4 Photos 22GB05019-065
Drayton Valley, AB
1871 Floor Dry, Spill Absorb, Mouse Traps, Work Lights

2 Photos 22GB05014-228
Drayton Valley, AB
2191 Oil Filter Wrenches (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10002-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2250 Qty of Truck Parts
Wheel chocks, Roadside markers, 2 single line pumps for end dump, tools bag, tractor airline pogo stick

2 Photos 22GB10015-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2393 (8) Rolls of Snake Wrap

3 Photos 22GB10024-016
Drayton Valley, AB
2274 DSP 5th Wheel Hitch

3 Photos 22GB10042-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1134 Professional Floor and Wall Tile Cutter

2 Photos 22GB05016-044
Drayton Valley, AB
1866 Container Full of Vintage LP's - Long Play Records

4 Photos 22GB10075-011
1545 Shoprider Deluxe 4 Wheel Scooter
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley
Battery powered

2 Photos 22GB05014-229
Drayton Valley, AB
2179 Sz 13 Men's Dress Shoes

4 Photos 22GB10002-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2260 Lund Aluminum Truck Tool Box

2 Photos 22GB10015-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2390 49-1/2 Inch X 71 Inch Sled Ramp

3 Photos 22GB10024-017
Drayton Valley, AB
2272 DSP 5th Wheel Hitch

4 Photos 22GB10042-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1140 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Black & Decker reciprocating saw, Makita reciprocating saw, palm sanders

2 Photos 22GB05016-045
Drayton Valley, AB
1706 1 Tub of Vintage LP's - Long Play Records

4 Photos 22GB10075-012
1546 1000 L Poly Tote
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-230
Drayton Valley, AB
2178 Sz 12 Men's Shoes

4 Photos 22GB10002-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2259 Lund Aluminum Truck Tool Box

3 Photos 22GB10015-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2389 44 Inch X 68-1/2 Inch Quad Ramp

1 Photos 22GB10024-018
Drayton Valley, AB
2275 Laminate Roller

4 Photos 22GB10042-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1345 Qty of Miscellaneous Tools
stands, bolt cutters, hand planer

4 Photos 22GB05015-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2064 Shelf Unit w/ Qty of Various Items
pipe fittings, trailer hitches receivers and balls, bolts, mud flap, battery charger, u-bolts, spiral nails

4 Photos 22GB10075-013
1547 1000 L Poly Tote
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-231
Drayton Valley, AB
2177 Sz 5.5 Women's Boots

4 Photos 22GB10003-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2434 Qty of Aluminum Cabinets

2 Photos 22GB10015-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2391 11 Inch X 77 Inch Dirt Bike Ramp

3 Photos 22GB10024-019
Drayton Valley, AB
2273 DSP 5th Wheel Hitch

3 Photos 22GB10042-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1346 Qty of Various Shop Tools
polisher, (2) air ratchets, pipe wrenches and hand planer

3 Photos 22GB05016-046
Drayton Valley, AB
1862 Wooden Plank w/ Map of Vancouver Island and Walking Stick (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10075-014
1548 1000 L Poly Tote
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

3 Photos 22GB05014-232
Drayton Valley, AB
2176 Sz 5.5 Women's Boots

2 Photos 22GB10003-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2339 Qty of Shelving
(1) shelf 25 inch W X 51 inch L x 72 inch H, (1) shelf 19 inch W X 51 inch L x 72 inch H, (1) shelf 25 inch W X 63 inch x L x 84 inch H

3 Photos 22GB10015-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2392 76-1/2 Inch Rock Tamers

3 Photos 22GB10024-020
Drayton Valley, AB
2267 DSP 5th Wheel Hitch

4 Photos 22GB10042-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1347 Qty of Various Shop Tools
hand planers, pipe wrenches and various air tools

4 Photos 22GB05015-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2063 (2) Stands

4 Photos 22GB10075-015
1549 1000 L Poly Tote
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-233
Drayton Valley, AB
2175 Sz 5.5 Women's Boots

4 Photos 22GB10003-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1273 Powerfist Roller Stands

4 Photos 22GB10015-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1495 Outlaw 30 X 14 Tire

4 Photos 22GB10038-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1011 Camping Tent Stove (Unused)

1 Photos 22GB10042-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1057 (2) Oil Lanterns

4 Photos 22GB05015-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2069 Qty of Skis
downhill skis w/ bindings, ski poles and pair of vintage water skis (no bindings)

4 Photos 22GB10075-016
1550 1000 L Poly Tote
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

1 Photos 22GB05014-234
Drayton Valley, AB
2174 Sz 12 Women's Boots

4 Photos 22GB10003-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1274 6 Ft Aluminum Ladder

4 Photos 22GB10015-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1496 Bf Goodrich Rugged Trail 265/70R17 Tire

4 Photos 22GB10038-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1012 Camping Tent Stove (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10042-020
Drayton Valley, AB
1129 Qty of Miscellaneous
Windmere heater, Hobby Shack remote, various remotes, decorative lighted aquarium

4 Photos 22GB05015-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2062 Qty of Various Miscellaneous
antique drink coolers, vinatge ice cream chiller, floor lamp, ice auger, fishing net, 5 ft metal channel, antique log roller, assorted heaters, wooden bat

4 Photos 22GB10075-017
1561 Qty of Fence Posts
Brazeau Recycling Yard, Drayton Valley

2 Photos 22GB05014-235
Drayton Valley, AB
2127 40 Jumbo Markers (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10003-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1424 Drill Press

3 Photos 22GB10015-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1512 (4) 14 Inch Ss Quad Rims

1 Photos 22GB10038-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1053 Makita 1/2 Inch 18V Cordless Drill

4 Photos 22GB10042-021
Drayton Valley, AB
1097 Qty of Miscellaneous
wooden shoes, dolls and foamy

4 Photos 22GB05015-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2061 Qty of Miscellaneous
gas heater, vintage skateboard, vintage light fixtures, bird cage, sink taps, lawn edging, kids bike

3 Photos 22GB10077-002
1027 Bostitch Nailer and (4) Kimpex Atv Tire Chains

2 Photos 22GB05014-236
Drayton Valley, AB
2126 (3) VR Goggles

4 Photos 22GB10003-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2266 38 Inch X 72 Inch Work Bench

4 Photos 22GB10015-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2394 Rock Water Fountain

2 Photos 22GB10038-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1042 7 Inch Sander/Polisher, Hose Reel and Air Impact Gun

4 Photos 22GB10042-022
Drayton Valley, AB
1068 Qty of Cylinder Records

4 Photos 22GB05016-047
Drayton Valley, AB
2223 Full Tool Chest w/ Tools

3 Photos 22GB10077-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1026 (2) Boxes of 2-1/2 Inch Nails and (2) Boxes of 16.5 G Nails

2 Photos 22GB05014-237
Drayton Valley, AB
2125 Knife Set

3 Photos 22GB10004-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1468 Stihl Cement Saw

4 Photos 22GB10015-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1428 (2) Beersby Poles

4 Photos 22GB10038-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1048 Coleman Solar 12V Battery Charger, Booster Cables and Fender Roller

2 Photos 22GB10042-023
Drayton Valley, AB
1067 Qty of Plant Food

4 Photos 22GB05015-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2060 (5) Vintage Vacuums

3 Photos 22GB10077-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2369 389Cc Motor

2 Photos 22GB05014-238
Drayton Valley, AB
2124 Pasta Machine

4 Photos 22GB10004-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1467 Stihl MS390 Chainsaw

4 Photos 22GB10015-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1427 Wood Lathe
With qty of wood

4 Photos 22GB10038-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1043 Qty of Assorted Shop Items
Tiger torches, welding helmet, filters, angle grinders, flashlights, various tools

4 Photos 22GB10042-024
Drayton Valley, AB
1331 Qty of Various Shop Items
Black & Decker Workmate stand, drill sharpener, Superior nails, Samona Nailer

4 Photos 22GB05015-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2066 Qty of Miscellaneous
hand saws, fittings, heater, aluminum tubes, truck mirrors, boiler exhaust

3 Photos 22GB10077-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2355 Powerfist 15 Gal Sprayer

2 Photos 22GB05014-239
Drayton Valley, AB
2123 RC Car (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1466 Stihl MS170 Chainsaw

3 Photos 22GB10015-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1445 (6) Decorative Garden Stones

3 Photos 22GB10038-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1102 Lemmer Paint Sprayer and Rust Cleaner

4 Photos 22GB10042-025
Drayton Valley, AB
1341 Qty of Miscellaneous
scale, mud flaps, animated sprinkler, plastic backing plates, Car wash system, first aid kit, pine shutter

4 Photos 22GB05016-048
Drayton Valley, AB
1747 Qty of Household Miscellaneous Items
stereo w/ stand and 2 speakers, electric fire place, headboard (43-1/2 Inch X 8 X 36-1/2 Inch)

4 Photos 22GB10077-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2362 Loncin 420Cc Stump Grinder

2 Photos 22GB05014-240
Drayton Valley, AB
2122 Knives Set

4 Photos 22GB10004-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1465 Stihl Chainsaw

2 Photos 22GB10038-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1144 (2) Cases of 11 X 17 Printer Paper

4 Photos 22GB10042-026
Drayton Valley, AB
1342 Qty of Various Shop Tools
Primtech floor nailer, Powerline stapler and Spotnails nailer

4 Photos 22GB05015-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2067 Qty of Miscellaneous
compressor, sythe, cable winches, tool boxes, caulking guns, hand drill, shop vac

4 Photos 22GB10077-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2370 Subaru Sgx5000 Generator

4 Photos 22GB05014-241
Drayton Valley, AB
2121 RC Outlet Switch & (3) VR Goggles

4 Photos 22GB10004-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1473 Delta Bandsaw

4 Photos 22GB10018-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1050 Qty of Mixed Rolls of Wire

4 Photos 22GB10038-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1047 Qty of Various Shop Items
Clamps, valves, thread locker, electrical tape, cut resistant gloves, winter hard hat liners

4 Photos 22GB10042-027
Drayton Valley, AB
1340 Qty of Miscellaneous
griddle, iron, large slicer

4 Photos 22GB05015-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1932 Qty of Vintage Golf Items

4 Photos 22GB10077-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1279 CCM Gas Powered Bike

1 Photos 22GB05014-242
Drayton Valley, AB
2120 40 Jumbo Markers (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1474 King Canada 8 1/2 Inch Compound Mitre Saw and Worksmith Bench Grinder

4 Photos 22GB10018-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1038 (4) Spider Wall Hangings and 2003 Hummer H2 Toy Car

4 Photos 22GB10038-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1045 Qty of Various Shop Items
Clamps, valves, thread locker, electrical tape, cut resistant gloves, winter hard hat liners

4 Photos 22GB10042-028
Drayton Valley, AB
1338 Black & Decker Blower and Ryobi Circular Saw

4 Photos 22GB05015-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1931 (2) Golf Bags w/ Carts and Kids Bike

3 Photos 22GB05014-243
Drayton Valley, AB
2104 RC Truck Excavator Carrier (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1464 Craftsman 5 Inch Planer and Bench Grinder

4 Photos 22GB10018-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1024 Qty of Shop Items
Plier set, wrench set, welding tool set, Reese tow power coupler lock, circular saw guide, level, 100 ft measuring tape, pipe bender, work light, water heater

3 Photos 22GB10038-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1109 Qty of Various Shop Items
Clamps, valves, thread locker, electrical tape, cut resistant gloves, winter hard hat liners

4 Photos 22GB10042-029
Drayton Valley, AB
1339 Qty of Various Shop Items
jackall, saw, chain hoist, crawfish trap, shingle shovel, fuel nozzle, jack

3 Photos 22GB05015-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1930 (2) Electrical Conduit Boxes

4 Photos 22GB05019-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2410 Marble Slab Clamp

2 Photos 22GB05014-244
Drayton Valley, AB
2103 RC Farm Tractor (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1268 Sears Twin Cylinder Air Compressor

4 Photos 22GB10018-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1224 Qty of Miscellaneous Household Items
Shoe rack, 3 shelf mobile cart, wire basket, Moen kitchen faucet, lamp, Wireless NVR kit

4 Photos 22GB10046-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2293 (2) Westlake 12 X 16.5 Skid Steer Tires

4 Photos 22GB10042-030
Drayton Valley, AB
1344 Qty of Miscellaneous
gate, buckets, craddle, crock, stool

3 Photos 22GB05016-049
Drayton Valley, AB
1797 Miscellaneous Household Items
welcome sign, brass wine glass, brass wall hanging (birds, sailboats), statues, wall hangings

4 Photos 22GB05019-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2408 2 Inch Trash Pump
Briggs & Stratton 5.5 HP engine

4 Photos 22GB05019-066
Drayton Valley, AB
1872 Vm Series Luminaires, Spill Kit, Light Bars, Light Panel, Paint Trays, Glass Cups

2 Photos 22GB05014-245
Drayton Valley, AB
2102 RC Volvo Rock Truck (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1267 Mastercraft 25 Gal Air Compressor

4 Photos 22GB10018-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1023 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Snap-on air ratchet, tiger torch, pliers storage rack, hand tool organizer, board straightener, trailer warning lights

4 Photos 22GB10048-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1209 Samona 10 Inch Meat Cutting Bandsaw
550W, 120V, 82 inch blade, 3/4 HP

2 Photos 22GB10042-031
1069 Mastercraft Mitre Box

4 Photos 22GB05015-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1929 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
barrel pumps, motor oil, jacks, homebuilt hitch mount bike carrier, small plow

4 Photos 22GB05019-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2402 Creeper, Trailer Jacks and Dolly

4 Photos 22GB10078-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2247 2007 Suzuki VZR 1800 Cruiser Motorcycle
19,594 showing
1783cc engine, electric start, Cobra exhaust pipes, custom paint, 130/70R18 front tires, 240/40VR18 rear tires

2 Photos 22GB05014-246
Drayton Valley, AB
2101 RC Grapple (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB10004-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1477 Milwaukee Heavy Duty Bandsaw

3 Photos 22GB10018-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1511 (4) 18 Inch Toyota Rims
6 x 5.5 bolt pattern

4 Photos 22GB10049-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1193 Miller CP-300 Welder
3 phase, w/feeder

4 Photos 22GB10042-032
Drayton Valley, AB
1058 (2) Antique Telephones

3 Photos 22GB05016-050
Drayton Valley, AB
1796 Miscellaneous Household Items
Tassimo coffee maker, wine hanging lights, flags, diffuser, magnifying glass, hanging lights

4 Photos 22GB05019-004
Drayton Valley, AB
1373 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
(2) Baldor 1/2 HP motors, Briggs & Stratton Engine w/ 2 inch pump, trailer jack

4 Photos 22GB05019-067
Drayton Valley, AB
1104 Lithium-Ion 600W Solar System

2 Photos 22GB05014-247
Drayton Valley, AB
2100 RC 9 Excavator (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1475 Pacer 2 Inch Water Pump

4 Photos 22GB10018-007
Drayton Valley, AB
1111 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Parts cabinet, booster pack, wood working tools, JD grease, miscellaneous windshield wipers

4 Photos 22GB10049-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1523 Toro Recycler Push Mower
Briggs & Stratton 190 cc gas engine

4 Photos 22GB10042-033
Drayton Valley, AB
1343 1/2 Drum of Grease and Bolts

4 Photos 22GB05015-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2068 Qty of Miscellaneous Truck Items
tow mirror, oil filter, cylinder, lights, mud flaps, truck parts

4 Photos 22GB05019-005
Drayton Valley, AB
1372 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Fuel transfer pump, qty of miscellaneous pumps and trailer jack

4 Photos 22GB05019-068
Drayton Valley, AB
1105 Lithium-Ion 600W Solar System

4 Photos 22GB05014-248
Drayton Valley, AB
2099 RC Tractor & Wagon (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1472 Soldering Kit, King Canada Cordless Drill and Welding Helmet

4 Photos 22GB10018-008
Drayton Valley, AB
1037 Qty of Miscellaneous
Multimeter, signs, spotlights, mini pliers, soldering gun, Jet socket set, LED work lights, qty of miscellaneous lights, tool organizer

3 Photos 22GB10049-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2561 1000 Gal Water Tank

4 Photos 22GB10042-034
Drayton Valley, AB
1101 Size 12 Roller Blades and Chaps

4 Photos 22GB05010-011
2575 (70±) Various Sized Fence Posts

4 Photos 22GB05019-006
Drayton Valley, AB
2409 (2) Trailer Jacks

2 Photos 22GB05014-249
Drayton Valley, AB
2098 RC 11 Excavator (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1260 Qty of Shop Miscellaneous
Fuel pump w/ hose and nozzle, bolts, axes, welding helmets and soldering guns

4 Photos 22GB10018-009
Drayton Valley, AB
1036 (2) Boxes of Skeets and Hunting Clothing
Large vest and xl jacket

4 Photos 22GB10050-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2225 Kenway 99 14 Inch Western Saddle
c/w wool saddle pad, saddle blanket, cinch and folding saddle stand

4 Photos 22GB10042-035
Drayton Valley, AB
1333 Qty of Various Tools
palm sander, router, grinders, drills, axes, wire brushes, heat gun

3 Photos 22GB05016-051
Drayton Valley, AB
1771 Ceramic Jugs & (5) Antique Figurines

4 Photos 22GB05019-007
Drayton Valley, AB
2404 (2) Trailer Jacks

4 Photos 22GB05019-069
Drayton Valley, AB
1106 Lithium-Ion 600W Solar System

3 Photos 22GB05014-250
Drayton Valley, AB
2097 RC Toy Carrier (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10004-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1478 Qty of Miscellaneous Corded Tools
Grinders, bench grinder, drills

4 Photos 22GB10018-010
Drayton Valley, AB
1025 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Flashlights, hole punch, sockets, pad locks, vise grips, tire gauge

4 Photos 22GB10042-036
Drayton Valley, AB
1060 Banding Tools

4 Photos 22GB05010-012
Drayton Valley, AB
2573 (70±) Various Sized Fence Posts

2 Photos 22GB05019-008
Drayton Valley, AB
2405 (2) Trailer Jacks

4 Photos 22GB05019-070
Drayton Valley, AB
1107 Lithium-Ion 600W Solar System

3 Photos 22GB05014-251
Drayton Valley, AB
2079 Swimming Pool

4 Photos 22GB10004-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1476 Qty of Miscellaneous Tools
Air 1/2 inch drill and die grinder, c clamps, hydraulic jack

3 Photos 22GB10018-011
Drayton Valley, AB
1215 (12) Plastic Chairs and 10 X 30 Party Tent

4 Photos 22GB10042-037
Drayton Valley, AB
1332 (2) Lanterns and Red Skin Brand Spitoon

4 Photos 22GB05010-013
Drayton Valley, AB
2494 Qty of Construction Signs

3 Photos 22GB05019-009
Drayton Valley, AB
2406 (2) Trailer Jacks

4 Photos 22GB05019-071
Drayton Valley, AB
2226 Spill Kit, Piston Paint Sprayer, (2) Folding Chairs, Grinders Discs, 7 Inch Saw Blades

2 Photos 22GB05014-252
Drayton Valley, AB
2078 Alligator Inflatable

4 Photos 22GB10004-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1261 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
chain, fuel pump, vintage phone, tire changer manual, misc bolts, bottle jack

4 Photos 22GB10018-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1196 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Booster pack, hand tools, tool organizer, work light, Honda recoil starter kit, camera Case, backup sensor kit, wrench set, target nets, IR thermometer

4 Photos 22GB10042-038
Drayton Valley, AB
1100 (3) Tractor Seats, Rope and Antique Water Jug

3 Photos 22GB05010-014
Drayton Valley, AB
2257 Welding Cart w/ Hoses, Cutting Torch and Guages

3 Photos 22GB05019-010
Drayton Valley, AB
2398 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
sign footings, roll of 12" door curtain plastic

4 Photos 22GB10078-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2246 850 Honda Spirit Motorcycle
28,426 showing
110/80-19M front tires, 160/80-15M rear tires

3 Photos 22GB05014-253
Drayton Valley, AB
2077 Unicorn Pool

4 Photos 22GB10004-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1265 Manual Tire Changer and Farmall

3 Photos 22GB10018-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1148 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Chain cutter and riveting tool, folding creeper, trailer light kit, nut driver kit, 16 piece hole saw kit

4 Photos 22GB10042-039
Drayton Valley, AB
1378 (2) End Tables and Plant Stand

4 Photos 22GB05010-015
Drayton Valley, AB
2495 Qty of Miscellaneous Shop Items
Frame straightening porta power equipment

4 Photos 22GB05019-011
Drayton Valley, AB
2399 Qty of Miscellaneous Items
lay flay hose, camlocks and valves, trailer jacks, 2 inch submersible pump, assortment of suction hoses

3 Photos 22GB05019-072
Drayton Valley, AB
2227 (2) Step Ladder, 3/16 Inch Air Riveter, Grinding Discs, Electric Powered Jack

3 Photos 22GB05014-254
Drayton Valley, AB
2076 Unicorn Pool

4 Photos 22GB10005-001
Drayton Valley, AB
1062 Jobmate 55-5901-6 5 Speed Drill Press
120V 5 speed

3 Photos 22GB10018-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1150 (2) Wake Boards and (3) Camping Chairs

4 Photos 22GB10017-006
Drayton Valley, AB
1412 Rubbermaid Tote

4 Photos 22GB10069-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2577 (2) 4 Ft X 14 Ft Gate w/ Hinges

4 Photos 22GB05019-012
Drayton Valley, AB
1126 Parts Cleaner Tank and Qty of Hoses

3 Photos 22GB05014-255
Drayton Valley, AB
2075 Unicorn Pool

4 Photos 22GB10005-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1061 SMK 3000 Lb Winch w/ Remote (Unused)

4 Photos 22GB10018-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1149 Heater, Fire Hose and Miscellaneous Vehicle Items

4 Photos 22GB10059-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2592 Smokercraft 15 Ft Alaskan Aluminum Boat
c/w EZ-Loader trailer, spare tire, 25 HP Suzuki motor, fish finder

4 Photos 22GB10069-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2576 (2) 4 Ft X 8 Ft Heavy Duty and Light Duty Gates w/ Hinges

2 Photos 22GB05019-013
Drayton Valley, AB
1382 Qty of Slings and Straps

1 Photos 22GB05014-256
Drayton Valley, AB
2074 Alligator Inflatable

4 Photos 22GB10005-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1059 Innovative Technology Usb Turntable (Unused)
Record vinyl to MP3 via USB

3 Photos 22GB10018-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1197 (2) Wake Boards and (4) Camping Chairs

4 Photos 22GB10061-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2594 Starcraft 21 Ft Fiberglass Boat
c/w trailer, OMC 225 HP inboard

3 Photos 22GB05016-052
Drayton Valley, AB
1784 Handmade Seal Gloves and Artic Wolf Hat

4 Photos 22GB05019-014
Drayton Valley, AB
1035 Powerfist Pressure Tank and Wheeled Trailer Jacks

4 Photos 22GB05019-073
Drayton Valley, AB
1885 Miscellaneous Parts & Shop Items
Hose reel, Tork dispensers, soap dispensers, mobile climate control motor, blower motor

3 Photos 22GB05014-257
Drayton Valley, AB
2073 Inflatable Rose Mermaid & Ring

4 Photos 22GB18001-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2428 Used Doors with Frames and Some Hardware
Lot contains (10) righthand swing interior doors, (11) metal frames, and assorted hardware

4 Photos 22GB10018-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1300 Industrial Fan, Vintage Telephone and De-icing Kit

4 Photos 22GB10061-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2595 Bayliner Capri Fiberglass Boat
c/w trailer, Volva Pinta motor (not running)

4 Photos 22GB10069-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2578 (5) 5 Ft X 10 Ft Corral Panels

4 Photos 22GB05019-015
Drayton Valley, AB
1034 Easy Roller Car Positioning Unit

3 Photos 22GB05019-074
Drayton Valley, AB
2401 Qty of Chains, Chain Hoist & Pulleys

2 Photos 22GB05014-258
Drayton Valley, AB
2072 (2) 5 Ft Beach Ball

4 Photos 22GB18001-002
Drayton Valley, AB
2426 Used Doors with Frames and Some Hardware
(8) lefthand swing interior doors, (8) metal frames and some hardware

4 Photos 22GB10018-018
Drayton Valley, AB
2358 Knack Job Box w/ Assorted Electrical Supplies

4 Photos 22GB10061-003
Drayton Valley, AB
2593 16 Ft Flat Bottom Aluminum Boat
c/w trailer, Yamaha 9.9 HP motor, fish finder

4 Photos 22GB10069-004
Drayton Valley, AB
2544 3 PT Hitch Bale Fork

4 Photos 22GB05019-016
Drayton Valley, AB
1155 Quad Utility Box, Hitches and Recievers

3 Photos 22GB05019-075
Drayton Valley, AB
1884 Shop Tools & Miscellaneous Parts
B & D 14.4V charger with (2) Batteries, B7 D cordless drill, sander, crowbars, jigsaw, miscellaneous

3 Photos 22GB05014-259
Drayton Valley, AB
2071 Swimming Pool

3 Photos 22GB10018-019
Drayton Valley, AB
2503 (4) Toyo 235/50R18 Winter Tires w/Steel Rims

4 Photos 22GB05016-001
Drayton Valley, AB
2488 1998 Craftsman Lawn Tractor (Inoperable)
comes with deck, wheels, bagger (parts)

4 Photos 22GB10069-005
Drayton Valley, AB
2552 (4) 9.5X24 Tires On Rims
8 bolt, matching sets

4 Photos 22GB05019-017
Drayton Valley, AB
1156 Tool Boxes, Jerry Cans and Funnels

3 Photos 22GB05019-076
Drayton Valley, AB
1883 Assorted Power Tools, Blades, Seat Cover, Cobra Cb Radio

1 Photos 22GB05014-260
Drayton Valley, AB
2070 (4) Folding Chairs

3 Photos 22GB10018-020
Drayton Valley, AB
2508 (2) Mud Bug 26 X 10-12 Tires and (2) Mud Bug 26 X 12 X 12 Tires

4 Photos 22GB05016-002
Drayton Valley, AB
1804 Dolly with Step Ladder

4 Photos 22GB05016-053
Drayton Valley, AB
1786 Wooden Duck Collection

4 Photos 22GB05019-018
Drayton Valley, AB
1165 Qty of Various Shop Items
straps, 1 inch clear water pump, hard hat liners, trailer hitches, trailer jack, security camera box, glass clip glasses

4 Photos 22GB05019-077
Drayton Valley, AB
1882 Shop Tools and Supplies
RED-D-Arc fine current adjustment boxes, regulators, caster wheels, 2 ton metal lifter, oil barrel pump

3 Photos 22GB05014-261
Drayton Valley, AB
2206 Rapid Rider II Inflatable

4 Photos 22GB10018-021
Drayton Valley, AB
2505 (4) Maxxis 21 X 7R10 Tires
2 studded

4 Photos 22GB05016-003
Drayton Valley, AB
1787 Terrarium
c/w various accessories

3 Photos 22GB05016-054
Drayton Valley, AB
1785 (3) Antique Clocks

4 Photos 22GB05019-019
Drayton Valley, AB
1166 Qty of Various Miscellaneous Items
plastic outlet covers, foam paint brushes, light bulbs, light bases w/pull strings, silicone, butcher paper, extension cord ends, utility sink

4 Photos 22GB05019-078
Drayton Valley, AB
1881 Solocarbon Sauna Control Box, Miller Wc-24 Spool Gun Control, Electrical Boxes

2 Photos 22GB05014-262
Drayton Valley, AB
2205 Unicorn Float (Unused)

2 Photos 22GB10018-022
Drayton Valley, AB
2502 (2) Kendra 24 X 9-11 Tires

3 Photos 22GB03002-035
Drayton Valley, AB
2525 TMG Industrial 10 Ft 20 Drawer Workbench Cabinet Combo (Unused)

3 Photos 22GB05016-055
Drayton Valley, AB
1794 Assortment Figurines Décor

2 Photos 22GB05019-079
Drayton Valley, AB
1840 Water Conserving Ceramic Toilet

2 Photos 22GB05014-263
5.4 L engine, automatic transmission, leather interior, P/L, P/W, A/C, heated and cooled seats, 3rd row seats, 275/70R18 tires