Unreserved Timed Miscellaneous Auction22EC
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 22EC05020-035
Wildwood, AB
3803 Bluesky 24 Ft T/A Gooseneck Trailer
From Wildwood go north on Rge Rd 92 11.3 km to Twp 550 then go west for 10 km to MA 55002-Rge Rd 102, on north side of road

4 Photos 22EC05021-001
Drayton Valley, AB
3544 2007 K-Z Escalade 38 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer
Four seasons, double fridge, stove, microwave, dinette, (2) rocking chairs, pull out couch, queen bedroom, shower, washer/dryer, 235/85R16 tires
Detachable livestock body with (2) compartments, ramps, pin hitch, fixed suspension, 235/85R16 tires