Unreserved Timed Retirement Auction for Andre & Marie Moizard & Viket Farms21GC
List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
4 Photos 21GC0501-530
150 International 784 MFWD Loader Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
Hour Meter:
3624 hours showing

4 Photos 21GC0500-001
151 1963 Minneapolis-Moline G705 MFWD Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
6 cylinder diesel engine, hand clutch, 5 speed transmission, 540 pto, (2) sets of rear hydraulics, 9.5-24 front & 18.4-34 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-014
162 Massey Ferguson 65 Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder diesel engine, 6 speed transmission, 3 pt hitch, 540 pto, (1) set rear hydraulic outlets, 14.9-28 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0501-501
24 Degleman 3500 Loader Mount 9 Ft Blade
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
(1) 12" extension, skid shoes, Global mounts

4 Photos 21GC0500-002
154 1960 Minneapolis-Moline G VI Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
6 cylinder diesel engine, hand clutch, 5 speed transmission, 540 pto, belt pulley, (2) sets of rear hydraulic outlets, 750-16 front & 18.4-34 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-003
152 Cockshutt 40 Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
6 cylinder gas engine, 6 speed transmission, 540 pto, belt pulley missing, 7.50-16 front & 14.9-38 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-004
153 Minneapolis-Moline U Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, 5 speed transmission, hand clutch, 540 pto, belt pulley, (1) set of rear hydraulic outlets, 7.50-16 front & 16.9-30 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-005
155 Minneapolis-Moline Z Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, 5 speed transmission, 540 pto, belt pulley, 5.50-16 front & 12.4-38 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-006
156 1950 Oliver Standard 77 Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
6 cylinder gas engine, 540 pto, (1) set of rear hydraulic outlets, 7.50-16 front & 14.9/13-26 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0501-505
52 (2) Case IH Magnum 285 Rear Tires with Rims
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
320/105R54, used for field spraying

4 Photos 21GC0501-567
29 Loader Mount 10" Blade
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
Global mounts, manual angle

4 Photos 21GC0500-007
158 Massey Harris Pony Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas , 3 speed transmission, 540 pto, under slung sickle mower

4 Photos 21GC0501-503
53 18.4-38 Clamp-On Duals
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
with mounting hardware

3 Photos 21GC0501-506
51 (2) Case IH Magnum 285 Front Tires with Rims
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
320/85R38, used for field spraying

4 Photos 21GC0500-008
159 1944 Case VA Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, 4 speed transmission, 540 pto, 5.00-15 front & 8.3-24 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-009
160 Allis Chalmers Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, 3 speed transmission, (1) set rear hydraulic outlets, 9.5-24 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0501-517
166 Allis Chalmers B Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine , 3 speed transmission, 540 pto, 7.75-15 front & 9-24 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-011
164 1952 Case DC4 Loader Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
loader, bucket, 4 cylinder gas engine, hand clutch, 4 speed transmission, 3 pt hitch, 540 pto, 7.50-16 front & 13.6-38 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0501-518
165 Case DC4 Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, 4 speed transmission, 540 pto, 3 Pt hitch, 7.50-16 front & 13.6-38 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-012
163 Minneapolis-Moline U Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas engine, hand clutch, 5 speed transmission, 540 pto, belt pulley

4 Photos 21GC0500-075
161 Minneapolis-Moline U Tractor (non runner)
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
4 cylinder gas, hand clutch, 5 speed transmission,6.50-15 front & 16.9-14-30 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0500-047
157 Massey Ferguson 65 2WD Loader Tractor
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
Hour Meter:
7307 hours showing
loader bucket, 4 cylinder gas engine, 6 speed transmission, 3 PT hitch, 540 pto, 6.00-16 front & 14.9-28 rear tires

4 Photos 21GC0501-526
40 2008 Maschio 210 3 PT hitch 7 Ft Flail Mower
54057 RR 223 Strathcona County
hydraulic swing arm, 540 pto
Ezee-On 2250 loader, 6' bucket, 4 cylinder diesel engine, 8 speed transmission, 540/1000 pto, 3 PT hitch, (2) rear set of hydraulic outlets,11.2-24 front & 18.4-30 rear tires