Equipment Realignment for Millhouse Farms Inc.23KJ

Shop / Tools / Equipment

Cut Knife, SK

19 ESAB Smashweled 180 Mig Welder


230 volt, three phase power

Id Number:
1.6 Kms west and 1.6 Kms north of Cut Knife, SK
Nov 5 - 13 from 9 AM - 6 PM Offsite equipment can be viewed by contacting the listed contact at the phone number provided.
Nov 14 - 19 from 8:30 AM - 5 PM or by appointment. Buyer or his transporter will require a paid invoice to have items released. Call Anthony Dekker at 306-481-4482 for all loadout inquires and appointments. Offsite loadout will be by appointment by calling the listed contact at the phone number provided. Buyer or his transporter will require a paid invoice to have items released.

This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.

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Shop / Tools / Equipment Equipment Realignment for Millhouse Farms Inc. – Cut Knife, SK – Nov 10, 2023
