21 Fork Type Rock Picker
In need of some minor repairs. Sells as is condition. Seller will load up on buyers trailer buy July 2nd Contact Fritz Sonnenberg for viewing, information and loadout.
This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.
Tillage / Seeding Equipment Unreserved Online Timed Retirement Farm Auction for Fritz & Ryan Sonnenberg – Alberta Beach, AB, Jun 24, 2023
18 (8) 3 Ft Diamond Harrows
19 3 PT Hitch 8 Ft Cultivator
20 CCIL 14 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
22 Flexi-Coil 60 Ft Diamond Harrow Drawbar
23 International Harvester 14 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator
24 John Deere Tandem Disc
25 White 271 18 Ft Tandem Disc
26 International Harverster 4700 Vibra Culitvator
27 International Harvester 10 End Wheel Double Disc