Miscellaneous Auction23IC

Shop / Tools / Equipment

Nisku, AB

2267 Warehouse Cart & Warehouse Wagon

Wagon 30 inch X 60 inch, needs tires repaired, cart 24 inch X 48 inch

Id Number:
Sales Rep:
Curtis Rusnak 780-888-7722
In Nisku Industrial Park, AB
Offsite equipment can be viewed by contacting the listed contact at the phone number provided.
Offsite loadout will be by appointment by calling the listed contact at the phone number provided. Buyer or his transporter will require a paid invoice to have items released.

Call Kayla for more info, viewing and load out appointments. Viewing and load out hrs, weekdays from 9.00 AM to 4 PM.

This item is "Unreserved" and sells "As-Is, Where-Is" to the highest bidder.

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Shop / Tools / Equipment Miscellaneous Auction – Drayton Valley, AB – Sep 11, 2023
