Unreserved Online Timed Equipment Consignment Auction for NBI Feedyards    23FP

Tillage / Seeding Equipment

List Grid Name ID Date Lot
2014 Lemken Rubin 9/600 KUA 20 Ft Disc Harrow

17 Photos 23FP18001-002

Lamont, AB

35 2014 Lemken Rubin 9/600 KUA 20 Ft Disc Harrow

Sheldon Wilcox 780-349-1680
From Hwy 29 & Hwy 831 junction go North 6.43 kms then east 8.04 km turn south on Range RD 185 for 900 meters or From Hwy 29 & 831 junction go East 8.04 kms to Range RD 185 then North for 5.6 km

17 inch smooth front discs, 17 inch smooth rear discs, 9 inch spacing, roller cage packer, 560/60-22.5

Degelman R570P 58 Inch Hydraulic Drive Rock Picker

18 Photos 23FP18001-025

Lamont, AB

38 Degelman R570P 58 Inch Hydraulic Drive Rock Picker

Sheldon Wilcox 780-349-1680
From Hwy 29 & Hwy 831 junction go North 6.43 kms then east 8.04 km turn south on Range RD 185 for 900 meters or From Hwy 29 & 831 junction go East 8.04 kms to Range RD 185 then North for 5.6 km

Hydraulic rock digger, hydraulic dump, 9.5 L- 15SL tires

Ezee-On 1001 8 Ft Offset Disc

14 Photos 23FP18002-018

Off Site

Lamont County, AB

36 Ezee-On 1001 8 Ft Offset Disc

Jordan Stratichuk 780-210-0025
174056 TWP RD 580 Lamont County, AB T0A-3C0

20 inch serrated front discs, 22 inch serrated rear discs, 9 inch spacing, mud scrapers, hydraulic lift cylinder, adjustable hitch angle, 11L15 tires

12 Ft Tandem Disc

7 Photos 23FP18001-061

Lamont, AB

40 12 Ft Tandem Disc

Sheldon Wilcox 780-349-1680
From Hwy 29 & Hwy 831 junction go North 6.43 kms then east 8.04 km turn south on Range RD 185 for 900 meters or From Hwy 29 & 831 junction go East 8.04 kms to Range RD 185 then North for 5.6 km

18 inch smooth discs, 7.5 inch spacing, hydraulic lift cylinder 14 ft tires

John Deere 5 Bottom Plow

14 Photos 23FP18001-071

Lamont, AB

39 John Deere 5 Bottom Plow

Sheldon Wilcox 780-349-1680
From Hwy 29 & Hwy 831 junction go north 6.43 km then east 8.04 km turn south on Range RD 185 for 900 meters or From Hwy 29 & 831 junction go east 8.04 km to Range RD 185THen north for 5.6 km

16 inch bottoms, missing one coulter, 15 inch tires

Sunrise 366 66 Ft Land Roller

24 Photos 23FP18002-006

Off Site

Lamont County, AB

37 Sunrise 366 66 Ft Land Roller

Jordan Stratichuk 780-210-0025
174056 TWP RD 580 Lamont County, AB T0A-3C0

42 inch diameter drums, 12.5-15SL tires

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Equipment Consignment Auction for NBI Feedyards - Jun 3, 2023
