Unreserved Online Timed Auction for the Estate of Doug Borg    23DM

Building / Building Materials

List Grid Name ID Date Lot
(10) Pressure Treated Power Poles

4 Photos 23DM18001-039

Fort Assiniboine, AB

87 (10) Pressure Treated Power Poles

Tania 780-305-8284
From Fort Assiniboine go 13 kms north on Hwy 661 to RR60, then north for 3.2 kms to TWP RD 634 then east for 3.2 kms to RGE RD 54 go north for .8 km to MA 634043 RR54

±33 ft long

(225 ±) Various Size Sucker Rods, (2) 14 Ft Pipe Stands

6 Photos 23DM18001-073

Fort Assiniboine, AB

76 (225 ±) Various Size Sucker Rods, (2) 14 Ft Pipe Stands

Tania 780-305-8284
From Fort Assiniboine go 13 kms north on Hwy 661 to RR60, then north for 3.2 kms to TWP RD 634 then east for 3.2 kms to RGE RD 54 go north for .8 km to MA 634043 RR54
11 Ft X 30 Ft Cattle Shelter

9 Photos 23DM18001-182

Fort Assiniboine, AB

77 11 Ft X 30 Ft Cattle Shelter

Tania 780-305-8284
From Fort Assiniboine go 13 kms north on Hwy 661 to RR60, then north for 3.2 kms to TWP RD 634 then east for 3.2 kms to RGE RD 54 go north for .8 km to MA 634043 RR54

2-7/8 pipe frame, metal cladding

Qty of Assorted Heavy Wall Pipe & Weld On Elbows

6 Photos 23DM18001-083

Fort Assiniboine, AB

86 Qty of Assorted Heavy Wall Pipe & Weld On Elbows

Tania 780-305-8284
From Fort Assiniboine go 13 kms north on Hwy 661 to RR60, then north for 3.2 kms to TWP RD 634 then east for 3.2 kms to RGE RD 54 go north for .8 km to MA 634043 RR54
Qty of Pressure Treated Posts and Timbers

4 Photos 23DM18001-180

Fort Assiniboine, AB

85 Qty of Pressure Treated Posts and Timbers

Tania 780-305-8284
From Fort Assiniboine go 13 kms north on Hwy 661 to RR60, then north for 3.2 kms to TWP RD 634 then east for 3.2 kms to RGE RD 54 go north for .8 km to MA 634043 RR54

(1) 6-7 ft posts, (1) 6X6X 8 ft (2) 4X6 x 8 ft (3) 4X6 x 12 ft

Categories: Unreserved Online Timed Auction for the Estate of Doug Borg - Apr 24, 2023
