Equipment Consignment Auction    24FD

Industrial Support

List Grid Name ID Date Lot
Qty of Co Rod, Sucker Rods & Misc Flat Bar

7 Photos 24FD10004-003

Drayton Valley, AB

137 Qty of Co Rod, Sucker Rods & Misc Flat Bar

Rods are (30±) ft long

Aluminum Vac Skid Unit

10 Photos 24FD10059-001

Drayton Valley, AB

141 Aluminum Vac Skid Unit

Honda GX270 electric start, aluminum tank 42 inch long X 46 inch diameter, pallet fork pockets

(6) 7 Inch X 18-25 Ft Pipe

4 Photos 24FD10030-002

Drayton Valley, AB

140 (6) 7 Inch X 18-25 Ft Pipe

Hale 15BP Firetruck Water Pump

18 Photos 24FD34002-007

Off Site

Glendon, AB

142 Hale 15BP Firetruck Water Pump

Darius 780-787-0372
Near the town of Glendon, AB
(7) 7 Inch X 18-25 Ft Pipe

4 Photos 24FD10030-001

Drayton Valley, AB

139 (7) 7 Inch X 18-25 Ft Pipe

100 +/- Sucker Rods

1 Photos 24FD37015-006

Off Site

Easyford, AB

144 100 +/- Sucker Rods

Alan 780-542-0333
9213 Hwy 621, Brazeau County, AB

various sizes

100 ± Sucker Rods

1 Photos 24FD37015-007

Off Site

Easyford, AB

145 100 ± Sucker Rods

Alan 780-542-0333
9213 Hwy 621, Brazeau County, AB

various sizes

100 ± Sucker Rods

1 Photos 24FD37015-008

Off Site

Easyford, AB

146 100 ± Sucker Rods

Alan 780-542-0333
9213 Hwy 621, Brazeau County, AB

various sizes

100 ± Sucker Rods

1 Photos 24FD37015-009

Off Site

Easyford, AB

147 100 ± Sucker Rods

Alan 780-542-0333
9213 Hwy 621, Brazeau County, AB

various sizes

(5) (30±) Ft 2-3/8 Pipe, (2) (30±) Ft 2-7/8 Pipe

4 Photos 24FD10004-004

Drayton Valley, AB

138 (5) (30±) Ft 2-3/8 Pipe, (2) (30±) Ft 2-7/8 Pipe

IPEX 100 mm Fibertel Orange Hose Pipe

5 Photos 24FD37033-005

Drayton Valley, AB

149 IPEX 100 mm Fibertel Orange Hose Pipe

± 130 meters long

(2) 6 Ft Pipe Racks

5 Photos 24FD10004-001

Drayton Valley, AB

135 (2) 6 Ft Pipe Racks

37 inch high, 2-3/8 tubing

(2) 6 Ft Pipe Racks

5 Photos 24FD10004-002

Drayton Valley, AB

136 (2) 6 Ft Pipe Racks

37 inch high, 2-3/8 tubing

Crown C6C Portable Cement Mixer

7 Photos 24FD05010-015

Off Site

Drayton,Valley, AB

131 Crown C6C Portable Cement Mixer

Glen 780-918-5713
18 min northwest of Drayton valley on Hwy 621.

comes with gas drive engine

Detroit 3-71 Diesel Engine with Rockwell PTO Drive Assembly

9 Photos 24FD05010-018

Off Site

Drayton,Valley, AB

133 Detroit 3-71 Diesel Engine with Rockwell PTO Drive Assembly

Glen 780-918-5713
18 min northwest of Drayton valley on Hwy 621.
Gravel Feed Conveyor

8 Photos 24FD05010-002

Off Site

Drayton,Valley, AB

130 Gravel Feed Conveyor (Unused)

Glen 780-918-5713
18 min northwest of Drayton valley on Hwy 621.

no belt or drive system

Detroit 8-V92 Engine

7 Photos 24FD05010-019

Off Site

Drayton,Valley, AB

134 Detroit 8-V92 Engine

Glen 780-918-5713
18 min northwest of Drayton valley on Hwy 621.

with turbo

Small Westeel Fuel Tank

6 Photos 24FD34006-005


Edmonton, AB

143 Small Westeel Fuel Tank

2 ft x 2 ft x 29 inches tall

Dayco NP-60 Hose Crimper

10 Photos 24FD37028-005

Drayton Valley, AB

148 Dayco NP-60 Hose Crimper

comes with hoses and assorted fittings

Cedar Rapids 24X12 Inch Jaw Crusher Head

8 Photos 24FD05010-017

Off Site

Drayton,Valley, AB

132 Cedar Rapids 24X12 Inch Jaw Crusher Head

Glen 780-918-5713
18 min northwest of Drayton valley on Hwy 621.

Categories: Equipment Consignment Auction - Jun 22, 2024
