Unreserved Timed Equipment Auction for Andy & Elly Zeggelaar     22EB


List Grid Name ID Date Lot Price
   Kids Toys

4 Photos 22EB0801-146



Thorhild, AB

15 Kids Toys

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

(2) Poly sand boxes with lids, bike, small garden tools

   (2) Rolls of 25 Ft Poly Puck Board

4 Photos 22EB0801-108



Thorhild, AB

39 (2) Rolls of 25 Ft Poly Puck Board (Unused)

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

48 inch high

   Qty of Poly Flower Pots, Pressure Washer Hose & Wand & Grey Poly Barrel

4 Photos 22EB0801-124



Thorhild, AB

51 Qty of Poly Flower Pots, Pressure Washer Hose & Wand & Grey Poly Barrel

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.
   Qty of Poly Pipe

4 Photos 22EB0801-098



Thorhild, AB

63 Qty of Poly Pipe

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

(1) White 10 inch X 8 ft (1) Blue corrugated 30 inch X 12 ft pipe, miscellaneous ABS pipe

 CFM  Wood Stove

4 Photos 22EB0801-143



Thorhild, AB

66 CFM Wood Stove

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.
2016 Steelcraft  1360 Litre Fuel Tank on Skid

4 Photos 22EB0801-086



Thorhild, AB

69 2016 Steelcraft 1360 Litre Fuel Tank on Skid

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

12V pump, filter, meter, hose, nozzle, battery, Solar panel to charge battery

   1000 Litre Caged Poly Tank

4 Photos 22EB0801-054



Thorhild, AB

70 1000 Litre Caged Poly Tank

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.
   378 Litre Fuel Tank

4 Photos 22EB0801-055



Thorhild, AB

71 378 Litre Fuel Tank

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

Manual pump

   500 Gallon Fuel Tank w/ Stand

4 Photos 22EB0801-027



Thorhild, AB

72 500 Gallon Fuel Tank w/ Stand

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.
 Custombuilt  S/A Water Trailer

4 Photos 22EB0801-001



Thorhild, AB

101 Custombuilt S/A Water Trailer

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

2 inch gas water pump, 20 inch tires

   Harvestor Feed Weigher

4 Photos 22EB0801-106



Thorhild, AB

108 Harvestor Feed Weigher

From Thorhild go 17.6 km east on Hwy 18 & 656 to Rge Road 200 then 1 km south on right side.

Categories: Unreserved Timed Equipment Auction for Andy & Elly Zeggelaar - May 31, 2022
